Ch4 The Fisherman

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cThe Fisherman

New words
5. tides
Answer the questions in a few lines.
1.Why does the fisherman go out at dawn?
Answer:The fisherman goes out at dawn to catch fish and earn
his living.
2Why does the poet find the life of a fisherman strange?
Answer:The poet finds the life of the fisherman strange
because he spends half of his time at sea and half on land.His
life is unlike us,as we spend all our time on land.
3.Why has the poet compared the eyes of fisherman to the sea
on foggy days?
Answer:The poet has compared the eyes of fisherman to the
sea on foggy days because,just like the colour of the sea is not
clear on foggy days,the expression in the fisherman’s eyes is
mysterious and vague.They have seen many strange things
4. Do you thing the fisherman is happy doing his job?
Answer: Yes,the fisherman is happy doing his job.We are
assured about this fact from the way he squints his eyes when
the city life tale arise.Although he takes great enthusiasm in
telling his story of sea.
5. Why is the nature utmost important in this poem?
Answer:Nature is given,the utmost important , in this poem
because, the profession of the fisherman is based on nature –
sea and fishing . He is dependent on nature for his livelihood.
II. Read the lines from the poem and answer the questions.
1.The fisherman has curious eyes.
They make you feel so queer,
a. Why has the poet use the word ‘curious’for the fisherman’s
Answer:The poet has used the word ‘curious’ for the
fisherman’s eyes because he finds them strange and unusual.
b.What do you think the fisherman has seen?
Answer:The fisherman has seen different unusual things
which are something wonderful and something scary.
c.Why do the fisherman’s eyes make the poet feel queer?
Answer:The poet finds fisherman’s eyes queer because, they
have a strange look in them, unlike the eyes of people on
2.But when I tell of city things,
He sniffs and shuts one eye!
a.What do the words' sniffs and shuts one’s eyes’ tell us about
the fisherman’s feelings for the city?
Answer:The word sniffs and shuts one eye tells us that the
fisherman confirms that the poet lives in a city.
b.Is the poet a city or a countryside dweller? How can you tell?
Answer:The poet is the city dweller.
c. Are the poet and the fisherman acquainted with each other?
Give a reason for your answer?
Answer: The poet and the fisherman are acquainted with each
other.We come to know from the lines like-
“The fisherman goes out at dawn”
“When I tell of city”
“His life is strange”

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