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Syllabus Class XII (2023-24)


Reading Section- 22 M
1. Comprehension Passage
2. Comprehension Passage
Writing Section- 18 M
3. Short Writing Skills- Notices, Invitations
4. Long Writing Skills- Letter to the Editor, Job application with CV, Report
Writing, Articles
Literature Section- 40 M
5. Poetry- My Mother at Sixty-six, Keeping Quiet, A thing of Beauty, A Roadside
6. Prose
a. FLAMINGO- The Last Lesson, Lost Spring, Deep Water, Indigo, The Rattrap,
Poets & Pancakes
b. VISTAS- Third Level, The Tiger King, Journey to the end of the Earth, The

Total marks- 80

Electrostatics-15 marks
Current Electricity-15 marks
Magnetic Effects of current and Magnetism-20 marks
Emi and AC-20 marks


1. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes-6 marks

2. Alcohol, Phenol and Ether- 6 marks
3. Aldehyde, Ketone and carboxylic acid- 10 marks
4. Amines- 6 marks
5. Solutions 12 marks
6. Electrochemistry 15
7. d and f block elements 15

Total- 70 marks


Plant reproduction. 6 marks

Human reproduction. 6 marks
Reproduction health. 3
Principles of inheritance. 7
Molecular basis of inheritance. 16

Evolution. 7
Human health and diseases. 15
Microbes in Human welfare. 10

Total marks- 70


Ch. 1 Nature and significance of management. 5 marks

Ch.2 Principles of management. 5 marks
Ch.3 Business Environment. 5 marks
Ch.4 Planning. 8 marks
Ch.5 Organising 10 marks
Ch. 6 Staffing. 10 marks
Ch.7 Directing. 12 marks
Ch.8.Controlling. 10 marks
Ch.11 Marketing management. 10 marks
Ch.12 Consumer protection. 5 marks


Book - Indian economic development

Ch. Indian economy on the eve of independence -01
Ch. Indian economy (1950-90) - 05
Ch. Economic reforms - 08
Ch. Human capital formation - 04
Ch. Rural development - 10
Ch. Employment- 06
Ch. Sustainable development - 06
Book - Macro Economics
Ch. National Income - 18
Ch. Money and banking - 10
Ch. Government budget – 12


Fundamentals. 15
G/w &CPSR. 6
Admission. 12
Retirement. 9
Death. 9
Dissolution. 13
Issue of shares. 16


UNIT 1 16
UNIT 2 16
UNIT 3a 12
UNIT 3b 10
UNIT 3c 10
UNIT 4 16


CH 1 10
CH 2 5
CH 3 7
CH 4 10
CH 5 10
CH 6 15
CH 7 15
CH 8 8


Chapter 1: Variations in psychological Attributes -15 marks

Chapter 2: Self and Personality- 20 marks
Chapter3: Meeting Life challenges- 15 marks
Chapter 4: Psychological Disorders- 20 marks
Total marks- 70


अपिठतबोधअं क 15
1 अपिठतग ांश
2 अपिठतका ांश
पाठयपु क 'आरोह' अंक 30
का खंड
पाठ 1 आ प रचय ,एकगीत
पाठ 2 पतं ग
पाठ 3 किवताकेबहाने , बातसीधीथीपर
पाठ 4 कैमरे मबं दअपािहज
पाठ 6 उषा
पाठ 7 बादलराग
पाठ 8 तुलसीदास

ग खंड
पाठ 11 भ&'न
पाठ 12 बाजारदश) न
पाठ 13 कालेमेघापानीदे
पाठ 14 पहलवानकीढोलक
पाठ 17 िशरीषकेफूल
पाठ 18 भीमरावअं बेडकर
पू रकपाठयपु किवतानअंक 14
पाठ 1 िस0रवेिडं ग
पाठ 2 जूझ
पाठयपु क - 3 ( अिभ. औरमा म ) अंक 21
पाठ 3 िविभ2मा3मोंकेिलएलेखन
पाठ 4 प5कारीयलेखन
पाठ 5 िवशेषलेखन
पाठ 11 कहानीकानाटकीय7पांतरण
पाठ 12 रे िडयोनाटक
पाठ 13 अ9:ािशतलेखन


1. End of Bipolarity-10
2. New Centres of Power-8
3. Contemporary South Asia-8
4. International Organisation-6
5. Security-8
6. Challenges of Nation Building-6
7. Party and Party system(2,5) combined-8
8. Planned Development-4
9. Challenges to and Restoration -of Congress system-6
10. Crisis of Democratic order-8
11. Regional Aspirations -8


1. Bricks, Beads and Bones-8

2. kings,Farmers and Towns-8
3. kinship,Caste and class-9
4. thinkers,Beliefs and Buildings-10
5. Through the eyes of travellers-15
6. Bhakti -Sufi traditions-15

7. An Imperial capital-Vijayanagara.-15


Book-1: Fundamentals of Human Geography

Chapter 1Human Geography: Nature and Scope 3 marks
Chapter 4 Primary Activities7marks
Chapter 5 Secondary Activities 10marks
Chapter 6 Tertiary and Quaternary Activities 8 Marks
Chapter 7Transport and communication 10marks
Chapter 8 International Trade 11 Marks

Book- 2:India People and Economy

Chapter 1 Population: Distribution, Density, Growth and composition 3marks
Chapter 8International Trade 5marks
Chapter 9Geographical Perspective on selected issues and problems.3marks

MAPS (10 marks)

Total marks- 70


Unit 1- Planning in Sports- 10 marks

Unit 2- Sports and Nutrition -10 marks
Unit 3- Yoga and Lifestyle - 10 marks
Unit 4 - Physical Education and sports for CWSN - 10 marks
Unit 5- Children and women in sports - 10 marks
Unit 6- Test and measurement in sports - 10 marks
Unit 7- Physiology and injury in sports - 10 marks
Total - 70 marks


1. Revision of class 11- 15 marks

2. User defined function - 13 marks
3. File handling in Python-20 marks
4. Introduction to Networking -15 marks
5. Exceptional Handing 2 marks
6. Stack - 5 marks

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