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20 Latihan Soal tentang Pronoun dan Jawabannya – Ingin melatih kemampuan grammar

terutama pronoun? Anda bisa menggunakan contoh-contoh soal di bawah ini.

1. In spite of her friends’ complaints, he decided to live with ___ girl friend in Los Angeles.
a. him
b. her
c. his
d. our
e. us

2. If you to see my family next weekend, give ___ my best regards and don’t forget to bring the
a. us
b. them
c. its
d. it
e. we

3. I can’t understand ___ when they speak Spain. They seem weird. They should study more.
a. me
b. his
c. her
d. my
e. them

4. We can find the magazine in the library. is very complete. We can find various books there.
a. my
b. we
c. they
d. she
e. it

Baca juga: 50 Contoh Soal Gerund dan Infinitive Beserta Jawabannya

5. Nana felt worried about the children, so she asked ___ husband not to go abroad for the job.
a. his
b. her
c. their
d. its
e. him

6. We meet ___ friends at the mall yesterday.

a. our
b. your
c. its
d. it
e. me

7. I can’t find ___ pencil. Can I borrow ___ , Diana?

a. my, their
b. me, your
c. my, your
d. my, yours
e. yours, mine

8. Will you lend me your book? I will return tomorrow. I promise.

a. me
b. her
c. him
d. it
e. us

9. This building is so expensive for ___ . We can’t pay such a high rent. We need to think again.
a. them
b. her
c. us
d. it
e. him

10. I have so many plans. I am afraid that I can’t realize ___.

a. us
b. them
c. you
d. me
e. him

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