Seatwork CE332

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Republic of the Philippines


Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


Name: ____________________________ Score: ____________________

Course/Year/Section:__________________ Date: ____________________

Directions: Answer the following

1. Two and half centimeters of rain per day over an area of 200 km is equivalent to average
rate of input of how many cubic meters per second of water to that area?
2. A 550-hectare reservoir evaporation was produces a 40 cm by 24 hrs. the increase caused
by heavy rains into the reservoir is at a rate if 50 m3/s. Determine the volume of water
infiltrated in hectare meters in the base of the reservoir on the same day if the water
table remains unchanged.
3. For the given month, a 121-ha lake has 0.43 m3/s of inflow, 0.37 m3/s of outflow, and
total storage increased of 1.97 ha.m. A rain gage next to the lake recorded a total of 3.3
cm precipitation for the lake for the month. Assuming that infiltration loss is
insignificant for the lake, determine the evaporation loss, in cm. over the lake.
4. Estimate the constant rate of withdrawal(m3/s) from a 13,750,000 m2 reservoir in a
month of 30 days during which the reservoir level dropped by 0.75 m in spite of an
average inflow into the reservoir of 500,000 m3/day. During the month, the average
seepage loss from the reservoir was 2.5 m, and the total evaporation was 9.5 m. What
was the precipitation in meter during that month, if the ratio of runoff to precipitation is
Republic of the Philippines
Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines


Name: ____________________________ Score: ____________________

Course/Year/Section:__________________ Date: ____________________

Directions: Answer the following

1. Precipitation station "X" was inoperative for part of a month during which a storm
occurred. The storm totals at three surrounding stations A, B and C were respectively
10.7, 8.9 and 12.2 cm. The normal annual precipitation amounts at stations X, A, B and C
are respectively 97.8, 112, 93.5 and119.9 cm. Estimate the storm precipitation for station
2. The total rainfall recorded at each gage during a storm event is listed. Compute the mean
rainfall for this storm using a.) Arithmetic Method b.) Thiessen’s Polygon Method
(Figure 1)

Gage Station Rainfall

A 81.5 mm
B 73 mm
C 72.25 mm
D 76.25 mm

3. A watershed covering an area consisting of an equilateral triangle ABC and a square

section on the side BC. AB is 1.5 km long. If the storm precipitation depths as measured
on the rain gages at A, B, and C are 75mm, 125mm and 100 mm respectively, Compute
the average precipitation over the watershed using Thiessen’s polygon method shown in
Figure 2.
4. Determine the mean precipitation using Thiessen Polygon Method for the Catchment
(SQUARE) shown in Figure 3.

1 123
2 117
3 131

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