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 A concerto has three movements: fast, slow, and fast. Which of the following is the tempo
mark? for moderately slow? Bonus – it should be minuet
 A kind of Opera developed in the Classical Era that made use of everyday characters and
situations and typically employed spoken dialogues, lengthy arias spiced with sight gags,
naughty humor, and social satire. - Opera Buffa
 A section of the Sonata Allegro form where the themes are introduced. - Exposition
 He was named “Father of the Symphony” because of his over 100 symphonies which
developed into long forms for large orchestras. - Franz Joseph Hadyn
 His music reflects his character and personality: mainly calm, balanced, and serious but with
touches of humor. - Hadyn
 Idomeneo by Mozart is an example of what opera? - Opera Seria
 In Western music, the classical era existed in what period? 1750 – 1820
 It is multi-movement work for orchestra generally in four movements. - Symphony
 mean? - Slow
 Mozart’s (Beethoven) ingenuity and excellence in his symphony were challenged by his
unexpected development of deafness. Despite this, he was still able to finish 9 symphonies
which are still being performed nowadays. Mozart’s (Beethoven) hearing defect started in what
symphony? - Bonus
 Opera Buffa is a work of art by ______. - Mozart
 The “Surprise Harmony” by Hadyn starts in an andante tempo. What does Andante
 The composer was born in the late Classical era and died in the early Romantic Era. Thus, his
music is a fusion of the classical and Romantic styles and forms of music which made him
peculiar in his craft. - Ludwig Van Beethoven
 The following are his works: “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Don Giovanni” and “The Magic of
Flute”. - Ludwig Van Beethoven
 This is the general texture for classical music which describes a melody company by chords. -
 This refers to the multi-movement of a solo instrument such as a keyboard and violin. - Sonata
 What are the three distinct sections of the Sonata Allegro Form? - Exposition, Development,
 Which movement of the Symphony is typically Rondo or Sonata Form? -4th Movement
 Which of the following is not a characteristic of Beethoven’s works? - He used more wind
instruments and dynamics.
 Which of the following is not a characteristic of music in the Classical Period? - There is
extensive use of crescendo and diminuendo
 Which of the following is not a solo instrument used in classical concertos? - tambourine
Readings for Items 1-3.
The Renaissance was a period of economic progress. The period stirred enthusiasm for the study of ancient philosophy
and artistic values. The word renaissance comes from the word, renaitre, which means rebirth. The people of the
Renaissance Period rediscovered the glory of ancient Greece and the grandeur of Rome. Changes in art took place
during the Renaissance, such as the use of perspective, balance, form, and proportion resulting in more realistic artwork.
The three great artists of this period are Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Bounarroti, and Raphael Santi. Italian
Renaissance also influenced art in other countries such as Spain and Germany.

 What is the main idea of the passage? - The Renaissance period is considered a great period of
 The Renaissance period was the revival of __________. - Traditional artworks
 What style of art is applied by the artists during the Renaissance period? - realism
 Baroque is described to be an artistic style that uses exaggerated motion. What does the term
Baroque means: - pearl of irregularly shaped
 Who among the following is NOT a Baroque artist? - Donatello
 Caravaggio’s famous masterpiece was painted in 1601. - Conversion of St. Paul
 A Flemish Baroque painter is known for his painting of mythical and figurative subjects. -
Peter Paul Rubens
 Baroque realists are known as one of the greatest European painters and printmakers. -
Rembrant Harmenszoon
 The first Italian Baroque artist and is also known as the greatest sculptor of his time. - Lorenzo

David - Donatello The Transfiguration - Rapahael The School of Athens

The Last Supper - Michelangelo Pieta – Michelangelo Monalisa – Da Vinci


 In social dancing, a boy leads while a girl follows. What values can be developed in such
training? - Respect
 The following are reasons why fitness is a universal concern expect one : - To be a good
athlete or player in a certain sport
 “May I have this dance? This line implies... - A boy who treats a girl with respect even in
 “It takes two to Tango”. What does this quote mean? - It takes two to make any endeavor
 How would you best use the knowledge and skills learned in social dancing to enhance fitness
in your community? - I will coordinate with community officials in conducting a social
dancing program for the community.
 Social dancing can prevent some diseases caused by a sedentary lifestyle if regularly
performed. Which of the following does not belong to the group? - Weight gain
 Social dances are of two classifications namely, Latin American and Modern Dances. Which of
the following is an example of Modern Standard Dance? - Tango
 Which of the following is a term used to refer to dances primarily intended to get to know
other people on a certain formal or semi-formal occasion? - Social dances
 What will happen if one doesn’t have a physically active lifestyle? - . He/she is prone to
weight gain, obesity which to diabetes, and other cardiovascular diseases.
 Which of the following, aside from fitness, can be developed if one engages in social dancing
activities? - All of them
 The following are dance etiquette that should be considered in a social dancing activity except
one: - Insist in executing difficult dance steps including aerial combinations with your partner.
 How do social dances contribute to one’s fitness and well-being? - They help make one
physically engaged and active in preventing lifestyle diseases.
 Which of the following best describes social dances? - Social dances are dances that improve
social skills and fitness.
 Which of the following attire is appropriate for males in Modern Standard Dances? - Coat and
 What is the general term referring to the Do's and dont’s in social dancing? - Dance etiquette
 A set of guidance that navigates the social dimensions of dancing. - Dance Etiquette
 Any form of social dance that allows you to have a chance to dance or socialize with other
members of the leading group. - Social Dancing
 Which of the following is an example of Latin American Dance? - Mambo
 Which of the following is the attire appropriate for males in Modern Standard Dances? - Coat
and tie
 What do we mean by “No-fault dancing? - Dance to the level of your partner

 According to the Dangerous Drugs Board, these are the three major drugs of abuse in the
Philippines? - Shabu, marijuana, and solvents
 An act that is compulsory; is the drug test for applying for a driver’s license, entrance to
military service, application for a firearms license, and others. - Dangerous Drug Act of 2002
 If depressant drugs slow down a person’s central nervous system, how about stimulant drugs? -
It speeds up a person’s central nervous system
 If methamphetamine hydrochloride is also known as “Shabu”, how about Cannabis sativa? -
 Juan Dela Cruz is experiencing stress due to heavy workloads. What drugs can help him to
lessen his stress? - Stimulants
 Teenagers who engage in early smoking and early drinking have a higher chance of using and
experimenting with dangerous drugs and abuse. What classification of drug is being presented?
- Gateway drugs
 The name hallucinogen came from the word hallucination which means? - To perceive
 What do you call a drug which relieves pain and induce sleepiness? - Narcotics
 What do you call a substance or chemicals which when taken into the body either through
nasal, oral, transdermal intravenous way have psychological, emotional, and behavioral effects
on a person? - Drug
 Which of the following are examples of depressant drugs? - Alcohol, barbiturates, and
 Which of the following are the domains of life which affect drug use and abuse? - Personal,
Family, Peer and Friends, School, and Community
 Which of the following drugs can be found in ordinary household chemical products and
aesthetics? - Inhalants drugs
 Which of the following is a long-term effect of Stimulants? - Kidney damage
 Which of the following is a long-term effect of Tobacco? - Development of Asthma
 Which of the following is a protective factor along Personal domains of life? - Self-control
 Which of the following is a risk factor in Peers’ and Friends’ domains of life? - Association
with peers and friends known to use gateway drugs
 Which of the following is a short-term effect of Alcohol? - Slurred Speech
 Which of the following is an example of inhalants? - Rugby
 Which of the following is the effect of drug use and abuse on the family? - Broken and
unhappy family ties
 Which of the following is the effect of drug use and abuse on the school? - Poor academic

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