The Impact of The Time of Usage of Modern Devices On The General Average of Senior High School Students in Gubat National High School

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The Impact of the Time of Usage of Modern Devices

on the General Average of Senior High School

Students in Gubat National High School


Anton Victor V. Enaje

Andrea Cassandra E. Felismino

Carmie F. Martin

Ronalyn E. Prudente

Regie F. Espineda

Chapter I
The Problem


In today’s technologically advanced era, the integration of technology into people’s

lives has reached unprecedented levels. The widespread availability of high-performance

devices, such as smartphones, has made them an integral part of everyday life. This

technological dependence has had a significant impact on students, who now find

themselves either achieving remarkable academic outcomes or facing disappointing results.

The way students utilize technology, whether for leisure or academic purposes, may be a

determining factor in their educational success.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the amount of time students spend on their

devices and determine whether they primarily use them for studying or engaging in leisurely

activities. Although students are encouraged to utilize devices to enhance their learning

experience and save time, various barriers still hinder their effective use for educational

purposes. One such barrier is the strict implementation of DepEd Order No. 83, s. 2002,

which reiterates the prohibition of cellular phone and pager usage among elementary and

secondary school students during class hours. This ban aims to prevent distractions and

foster a respectful attitude towards teachers. Additionally, the DepEd order emphasizes the

need for teachers and parents to educate students about responsible cell phone usage to

prevent engagement in misguided and immoral activities (References DECS Orders: Nos.

26, s. 2000 and 70, s. 1999).

A survey conducted by Gabriel Pabico Lalu in 2020, as reported in “,”

revealed that approximately 42 percent of school-age Filipinos enrolled in Manila do not use

any distance learning devices. According to the Social Weather Stations (SWS), 58 percent

of students utilize devices such as laptops, tablets, smartphones, television sets, or radios

for their educational needs. The SWS National Social Weather Survey conducted from
November 21-25, 2020, found that these devices were either owned (27%), purchased

(12%), borrowed (10%), received as gifts (9%), or rented (0.3%).

By examining the amount of time students spend on their devices and the purpose

for which they use them, this study aims to provide insights into the impact of technology on

student performance and identify any potential challenges or limitations hindering its

effective use in the educational context. As technology continues to shape the educational

landscape, it is essential to understand the implications of device usage on student

performance and identify the challenges and opportunities associated with its integration.

This study's findings will serve as a foundation for informed decision-making and the

formulation of policies that can maximize the benefits of technology while addressing its

limitations in the years to come.

Statement of the Problem

The study will show the relationship between the time usage of modern devices and

General Weighted Average of Senior high school students in Gubat National High School.

Specifically, the study will seek answers to the questions:

I. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Name (optional)

b. Grade Level & Section

c. Track

II. What is the mean length of time usage of modern devices?

III. What is the academic performance of the respondents?

IV. What is the average screen time per day on studying?

V. What is the average screen time per day on leisurely activities?

VI. Is there a significant relationship between the time and academic performance?

VII. In terms of balancing the academic performance and leisurely activities, what is

the best way to do?

Scope and Delimitations

This study will mainly focus on the students of Gubat National High School with their

time on their modern devices. The time measured will have two categories. One is for the

student’s time on their devices with the intent of using it for educational purposes. The other

is the time spent on their devices to use it for leisure.

This study will be maintained in the school grounds of the forementioned school.

Participants will be of the Senior High School Grade level and the two tracks (Academic

containing STEM, ABM, HUMSS, and GAS. TVL, which contains SMAW, Agriculture,

Cookery, Food and Beverage, CSS, and Dress Making) will be gathered of data.

Significance of the Study

This study will consist data gathered from students that use modern devices. The

data gathered will benefit the persons and institutions reading this study, especially for the

ones who are mentioned in the following:

Students. They can evaluate this paper in order to set their time usage of their

modern device. Students could better understand their capabilities and the effect of their

modern device on their Academic Performance via General Weighted Average.

Parents of Students. Parents can educate themselves from this study so that they

can learn new information to enhance their parenting skill. Parents can measure their child’s
time on their devices depending on the devices purpose and their child’s Academic

Performance via General Weighted Average so they can formulate a proper decision on

what to do with their child.

Teachers. They can benefit from this study so that they could create new or

improved methods of teaching. Teachers could use the information in this study to enhance

their teaching skills and to utilize newer devices for the student’s learning experience.

School. This research can also benefit the school because they could have an idea

on what the students are facing and experiencing. With this study, the school can get data

that will be useful to them in ways that they could change the structure of classes that will be

beneficial to the students who are using modern devices thus increasing learning capability.

Future researchers can utilize this study to better their studies that are related to

ours. Our research can be used in school-related, student-behaviour-related, and other

studies. They could also decide whether or not this study made a meaningful effect toward

our study's goal.

Definition of Terms

Modern Device

- In general, a device can refer to any electronic device, including a laptop, tablet, and

smartphone. (Computer Hope)

- A device that is used by Students that can be utilized for educational activities of leisurely


Time of usage

- Describes the time a particular load is turned on. (Blackridge Research & Consulting)

- A measurement of time of an object being used.


- Free time. (Oxford languages)

- The time where people get freedom to do what they want.


- The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or

university. (Oxford languages)

- It is where people receive certain knowledge from a source.

Senior High School Students

- Senior High School (SHS) refers to Grades 11 and 12, the last two years of the K to 12

Basic Education Program. (DepEd)

- The students of Gubat National High School who are in the 11th and 12th Grade.
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Studies

This study is similar to the present study of Shaibu, Mike, Oyelere & Jarkko (2016),

investigate the impact of mobile devices on learning by looking at how students in Nigerian

institutions connect with their mobile devices. A total of 240 students from higher education

completed a questionnaire provided by the researchers as part of the study. The results of

the study indicate the students use their portable devices to exchange education-related

messages and academic files with classmates, search the internet and library databases for

academic materials, practice online quizzes or tests and hold discussions with classmates

among others. The statistical analyses also result show that there is no significant difference

in the students use of mobile devices based on gender.

According to Siti Marpuah, et al. (2021), the development of modern technology

(gadgets) has led to the widespread use of Internet channels for everyday use among

students at the University. Student engagement in the use of gadgets is usually online

through mobile phones, computers, tablets and laptops. Generally, social media

engagement with modern technology is a new phenomenon experienced by university

students who are seen to have implications for their learning.The significance Today’s youth

have unprecedented access to modern technology and use them in expected and

unexpected ways. Youth spend many hours a day using the technology, and the vast

majority of them have access to Internet, cell phones, smart phone, video games and many

more. Recent evidence raises concern about effects on academic performance. This chapter

provides an overview of the impact of modern technology on the educational attainment of

adolescents. The purpose was to examine the relationship between adolescent usage of

computers and academic performance. Within the qualitative research the case study design
was adopted. Interviews and focus group discussions were the primary tools used to gather

data. The study found out that modern technology impacts learning both positively and

negatively. Recommendations were made for parents, educationists, the media, and policy

makers among others, for ways to increase the benefits and reduce the harm that

technology can have for adolescents.of thier study lies in its exploration of the positive and

negative effects of gadgets on student learning at the university level. By focusing on the

engagement of university students with modern technology, such as mobile phones,

computers, tablets, and laptops, the study aims to understand the impact of these devices

on the learning process. The findings reveal that gadgets have positive effects, such as

facilitating information retrieval and improving the quality of students' work. However, they

also highlight negative effects, including excessive time spent on video games and social

media. The study proposes steps to help students overcome these negative effects,

emphasizing the importance of time management and prioritizing academic tasks over

recreational activities. By examining the implications of modern technology on student

learning, this research provides insights into the challenges and opportunities associated

with the use of gadgets in educational settings.

Magwa Simuforosa (2013) state that today’s youth have unprecedented access to

modern technology and use them in expected and unexpected ways. Youth spend many

hours a day using the technology, and the vast majority of them have access to Internet, cell

phones, smart phone, video games and many more. Recent evidence raises concern about

effects on academic performance. This chapter provides an overview of the impact of

modern technology on the educational attainment of adolescents. The purpose was to

examine the relationship between adolescent usage of computers and academic

performance. The study found out that modern technology impacts learning both positively

and negatively. Recommendations were made for parents, educationists, the media, and

policy makers among others, for ways to increase the benefits and reduce the harm that

technology can have for adolescents. In addition, with the extensive use of technology,
including the Internet, cell phones, smartphones, and video games, concerns arise regarding

its potential effects on academic performance. This study aims to explore the relationship

between adolescent computer usage and academic achievement, providing an overview of

the impact of modern technology on educational attainment.

According to Zuzana Budayová, Martina Pavlíková, Ahmad Samed Al-Adwan,

Kristina Klasnja (2022), the Covid-19 pandemic situation has affected all sectors of our

society that have been in direct or indirect contact with humans. The virtual world, which did

not concern many people until the onset of the pandemic, began to be a major part of the

solutions to everyday situations in life. Modern technologies thus began to play a major role

in solving problem situations, but also in the ordinary contact of people with the school, with

medical facilities, with work, in communication with other close relatives. Besides the studies

likely touch upon the role of modern devices and technology in the lives of individuals, albeit

from different perspectives or contexts.

In study conducted by Jeffrey H. Kuznekoff & Scott Titsworth (2013), In this study

examined the impact of mobile phone usage, during class lecture, on student learning.

Participants in three different study groups (control, low-distraction, and high-distraction)

watched a video lecture, took notes on that lecture, and took two learning assessments after

watching the lecture. Students who were not using their mobile phones wrote down (62%)

more information in their notes, took more detailed notes, were able to recall more detailed

information from the lecture, and scored a full letter grade and a half higher on a multiple

choice test than those students who were actively using their mobile phones. Theoretical

and pedagogical implications are discussed. The findings revealed that students who did not

use their mobile phones during the lecture performed significantly better. Specifically, they

wrote down more information, took more detailed notes, recalled more detailed information

from the lecture, and achieved a higher score on the multiple-choice test compared to those

students who actively used their mobile phones.

Related Literature

Technology has a great impact on education, but it can also have a harmful impact.

Teachers and students should use this to their advantage and reduce the barriers that

prevent many kids and schools from attaining excellence. As a result, it is now time for every

country to implement a more technologically advanced education sector in the future.

(Nagasubramani & Raja, 2018)

Demir and Akpinar (2018) investigated the impact of mobile learning applications on

undergraduate students' academic progress, attitudes toward mobile learning, and degrees

of animation development. The research was conducted using a quasi-experimental method

during the first semester of the 2013-2014 school year. Students from the Buca Faculty of

Education at Dokuz Eylul University in Turkey participated.

The experimental group (n = 15) used a mobile learning technique, whereas the

control group (n = 26) used a lecture-based classroom environment. An attitude scale was

utilized to examine students' attitudes toward mobile learning, and an achievement test was

used to analyze the influence of mobile learning applications on academic accomplishment.

A rubric was also used to evaluate the animations created by the pupils. Interviews with

students were used to do exploratory analysis.

According to the findings, mobile learning may improve students' academic

performance. The experimental and control groups both had considerably positive attitudes

regarding mobile learning. Furthermore, the students reported a favorable opinion of mobile

learning as a method that might significantly boost their motivation. As a result, academics

and practitioners should identify mobile learning's potential to favorably influence academic

achievement, performance, and student motivation.

Shapley, K., Sheehan, D., Maloney, C., & Caranikas-Walker, F. (2011) used

hierarchical linear models to analyze longitudinal survey and achievement data in their

experimental investigation. Their findings demonstrated that technology immersion had a

favorable impact on students' technology skills as well as the frequency of their technology-

based class activities and small-group interactions. Although treatment students had

somewhat lower attendance rates than control students, the authors found a drop in

disciplinary proceedings. Notably, immersion had no statistically significant effect on pupils'

reading or math proficiency. However, favorable benefits developed and were replicated over

multiple student cohorts.

Conceptual Framework

This study’s process is to collect numerical data from the participants who are willing

to respond to the research. The profile of the students is needed in order for the identification

of each participant in each Track. The length of time of students on their modern devices

both with the purpose for leisure and education is obtained in order to be compared to their

Academic Performance (General Weighted Average).


- The data of The
- Profile length of time of
- Length of Time senior high students
spent on Modern - Survery of Gubat National
Device (Leisure) Questionnaires High School spend
- Interviews on their Modern
- Length of time
Devices (Leisure
spent on modern - Statistical
and Education)
device (Education) Treatment of Data
- Used in Education
- Academic - Interpretation and
Performance Analysis
(General Weighted - Used in Time
Average) management
The data inputted from the respondents (Profile, Length of time spent on modern

device, etc.) will be gathered by survey questionnaires and interviews, then will be calculated

statistically, and will be interpreted and analyzed. Once all of the data is organized and

analyzed, it will be outputted on a graph that will be orderly for the purpose of ease of

interpretation and analysis for the readers.

Chapter III

Research Design

This descriptive correlational study aims to determine the relationship between the

time of usage of modern devices on the general average of senior high school students in

Gubat National High School. The study explores the relationship between the duration of

device usage and academic performance among students.

A sample of senior high school students will be selected, and data will be collected

through surveys and academic records. Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis will be

conducted to analyze the data and determine the nature and strength of the relationship

between device usage time and academic performance.

The findings of this study will provide insights into the potential effects of excessive

device usage on students' academic achievements and inform educational stakeholders

about the importance of promoting responsible device usage among students.

The Sample

This study is to come up with numeric results that are eligible for readers, the

process should be correctly applied. The population of the study is approximately 1800. The

sample size will be 10%-20% of the students, or calculated using Slovin's formula if given a

specific Confidence Level. Since this research is dealing with participants that may not

commit to the research, convenience sampling will be used because questionnaires and

surveys are given for students who are convenient enough to respond to them.

A convenience sampling is a non-probability sampling method where students or any

units of the population are selected for inclusion in the sample. With this, there's a possibility

that gathering information from them is an easy way.

The Instrument

Survey Questionnaires and Interviews will be used to gather data from participants

since they are undemanding for further complex actions and responsibilities. After gathering

the data that is necessary, we will be using Slovin’s Formula in order to calculate the sample

size that is necessary using a specific Confidence Level.

Calculating the data that is gathered to be analyzed needs to have an equation, this

is where Pearson’s r comes in. Since there are 2 variables to compare (Time of Usage and

GWA) it is most probable to use equations that only require 2 variables, and Pearson’s

equation, according to Shaun Turney (2022) The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) is the

most common way of measuring a linear correlation. On the X will be the Time of usage of

Modern Devices and Y will be GWA.

Data Gathering Procedure

A letter of request to conduct the study was prepared. The researcher constructed a

questionnaire checklist, validated by the teacher of the subject. Right after attaining the

permission to give out questionnaires and interviews, the researchers will organically roam

the Senior High School division of the school, and every section will be given survey

questionnaires and interviews.

Data Analysis Procedure

After the answered questionnaires are received, the data in it will be inputted in a

table with 2 columns, the first column will be the “Time of Usage” and the second is the

“GWA”. Given these 2 variables can be inputted in a cartesian plane where the Pearson r

can be used in order to measure the correlation between the 2 variables.

5 types of tables and graphs will be made:

- Leisure, Academic

- Leisure, TVL

- Education, Academic

- Education, TVL

- Both leisure and education, Both Academic and TVL

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