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Almeria Seafarers Learning Center, Inc

Pob., Almeria, Biliran

Quiz in English I

Name: ___________________________________________ Score:____________

Grade and Section: ______________________________ Date : ____________

Teacher: _________________________________________

A. Underline the correct polite expression.

1. ( May I, I will) leave the room, Ms. Marina?

2. (Open, Please open) the door for me.

3. I say (good night, good morning) to my mom before I sleep.

4. (I’m sorry, Hello) I hurt your toes.

5. (Hey, Hello) May I speak to Rex?

B. Write each noun under the correct category in the table.

pen bird tiger

restaurant toy dentist

chair doctor park child

People Places Things Animals

C. Write the plural form of the following nouns.

1. boy -
2. church -
3. box -
4. table -
5. fly -

D. Write P for Proper nouns and C for common nouns.

1. _________ Almeria Seafarers Learning Center, Inc.

2. _________ playground
3. _________ candy
4. _________ Refresh orange juice
5. _________ Talahid Beach Resort

E. Write a or an on the line.

6. _________ chick
7. _________ eaglet
8. _________ piglet
9. _________ infant
10._________ cub

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