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The Impact of Today’s Women

Our lives begin with our eyes opening, or in the womb of our mothers, either of them you are
free to pick. We humans have all the abilities to communicate, build, to make connections, to discover,
and so much more, but none of those things aren’t possible if you are not born, if you are not alive.
Everyone has a mother, be it a true mother, an adoptive mother, or a biological mother. All of them are
women, they are all the ones who start a life, start a journey for a new human being. We are nothing
without them.

Women have as equal of capabilities as man. Yes, they are not so capable in handling physically
specialized work, but in times where a group needs courage, critical thinking, agility, carefulness,
intellect and all the things what humans evolved to be. Women are the ones who make opportunities
and take care of good work of people while themselves work for the new generation of humankind.

We, man and woman, are equal to one, even if our roles are a bit different, they all cancel out to
become equal with each other. One group relies on the other, we are all important, women are
important. Women are equipped with the skills to make a human act and become what they influence
them. Women are the ones who have power on the ethics of humankind if they are provoked.

We should not fight on who’s better and who should be the submissive one, because at the end
of the day, it doesn’t matter, men still work on construction sites where they risk their lives just to
provide for their family, women still give births and few lost their lives just for them to give a new life,
most of them take great care of the new generation, they are also doing great impacts in the society,
politics, social media, and even our day to day lives.

Women, all of you are important because of what you are all capable of, of what you are able to
impact the whole world. Most of you have beautiful ideas for the future, for the children. We are all
equal, but in this era of mass communication and influence, I think women will be impacting the world
and society more than men. Women are powerful, most of us underestimate them. Women should
know what they’re capable of, because they impact our society more than men.

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