Activity 1

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Name : Jaira C.


Subject : science technology and society

Time/date : 11:00 / 8/25/2023

1. explain the interrelationship of science, technology and society.

 Science provides the knowledge and understanding of the natural world the technologies in turn
shape society by changing the way people to interact with each other. society also influences
science and technology as It sets the priorities and values

2. can science and technology solve all problems faced by the human race? what are these solutions
and to what problem?

 science can not solve all of our probems, while scientific understanding can help battle things
like disease hunger, and proverty when applied properly. it does not do so completely and
automatically furthermore, there are many areas of life where science can have little impact

3. could solutions proposed by science and technology be problematic in themselves? so what are these

 Yes, sulition proposed by science and technology can be problematic in themselves some of the
problems that can arise include .
Example, environmental impact this is the some of the problems in science and technology ,
burning of fossil fuels contributes to climate change and production of certain technologies can
result in amount of pollution. Its important to consider these potential problems when
developing and implementing new technologies and to work toward solution that minimize
negative impact.

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