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Assignment Energy Efficiency and Management

Energy Audit


Name: Mathuran Raj A/L Selvarajoo

ID No.: ME0103998

Section: 01

Lecturer: Ts. Dr. Hassan Bin Mohamed



1. Introduction 3

2. Analysis and Discussion 5-19

3. Conclusion 20

4. References 21


To combat the threat of climate change, coordination of activities is needed to cut CO2
emissions and decarbonize the economy. Increasing energy efficiency is the best way to
combat climate change on a budget. Despite the home sector's great potential for energy
efficiency, numerous studies have found untapped possibilities for cost-effective energy
reductions in the industrial sector, particularly in non-energy-heavy enterprises. Low
company absorption capacity, high initial expenses, principal-agent interactions, and
ignorance of the numerous benefits of energy efficiency programmes. As an illustration, a
lack of skill, knowledge, information, and the capacity to implement energy efficiency is
impeding the realisation of this potential. Other initiatives focus especially on the issue of
access to and availability of capital as well as the level of investment spending, even if such
audits may be perceived as attempting to address problems with insufficient data. As a
result, several countries have put in place initiatives meant to lower the high initial
(investment) expenses that enterprises must incur.[1]

An energy audit, a type of energy analysis, may be conducted on a structure or location.

Utility bills, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems, business hours, and
the weather are all examined as part of the audit. One of the key goals of this method is to
figure out how much energy a facility has and how much it uses. It also aids in locating
solutions for energy conservation. An energy audit is a sporadic method that evaluates
energy changes at a particular construction site. In many cases, the energy auditing process
begins with the creation of a dedicated team that concentrates on site selection, tool
accessibility, employee recruitment, and actual inspection and analysis of energy use inside
a specific construction site. Before the auditing process begins, the team is frequently
tasked with defining the resources required for the budget and schedule as well as acquiring
the relevant information. According on the time frame, building complexity, client
requirements, and cost limits, an energy audit may also be performed at three different

The Malaysian government is promoting end-use energy efficiency, which means using less
energy while maintaining the same quality of service, to fight the problem of rising energy
consumption. Either reducing total energy consumption or boosting output per unit of
energy utilised can be employed to achieve this. Increasing energy efficiency, on the other

hand, is crucial for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, efforts are being made by
the government and energy research institutions to create techniques for evaluating energy
efficiency. The findings of this study can be used to develop energy policies that lower GHG
emissions. Numerous different types of machinery and devices, along with their operational
circumstances, use energy in various ways. An energy audit is one approach for figuring out
how much energy is consumed in a place. Numerous research on the outcomes of energy
audits and analysis for various industries have been published. The analysis of the home
energy audit in this study will be based on Tenaga Nasional Berhad, the electricity provider
in Malaysia.[2]

Electricity for July 2022

According to the two figures above, there is a small discrepancy between the TNB-provided
electricity bills and the current energy calculator on the TNB portal. The reason for this is that
the present energy calculator does not account for the 1.6% Renewable Energy Fund, which
will increase bills by about RM 3.65.

Electricity for August 2022

According to the two figures above, there is a small discrepancy between the TNB-provided
electricity bills and the current energy calculator on the TNB portal. The reason for this is that
the present energy calculator does not account for the 1.6% Renewable Energy Fund, which
will increase bills by about RM 3.65.

Electricity for September 2022

According to the two figures above, there is a small discrepancy between the TNB-provided
electricity bills and the current energy calculator on the TNB portal. The reason for this is that
the present energy calculator does not account for the 1.6% Renewable Energy Fund, which
will increase bills by about RM 3.52.

Electricity for October 2022

According to the two figures above, there is a small discrepancy between the TNB-provided
electricity bills and the current energy calculator on the TNB portal. The reason for this is that
the present energy calculator does not account for the 1.6% Renewable Energy Fund, which
will increase bills by about RM 2.03.

Electricity for November 2022

According to the two figures above, there is a small discrepancy between the TNB-provided
electricity bills and the current energy calculator on the TNB portal. The reason for this is that
the present energy calculator does not account for the 1.6% Renewable Energy Fund, which
will increase bills by about RM 3.02.

Electricity for December 2022

According to the two figures above, there is a small discrepancy between the TNB-provided
electricity bills and the current energy calculator on the TNB portal. The reason for this is that
the present energy calculator does not account for the 1.6% Renewable Energy Fund, which
will increase bills by about RM 2.61.

Analysis For my House

The Chosen Residence:

Gross Floor Area

Many nations have implemented the Gross Floor Area Concession Scheme, including
Singapore, Japan, and the United States [3]. Over time, it has proven to be an effective
motivator. Within the next five to ten years, there will likely be a large increase in the total
floor space of public buildings. As a result, certain actions have been made to reduce the
energy use of public buildings. For instance, since 2011, some Chinese cities have initiated
energy efficiency retrofit projects. To control the energy efficiency of physical assets in
buildings, design guidelines for the energy efficiency of public buildings were incorporated
throughout the design process. Energy benchmarking guidelines were used to establish an
energy use cap for buildings at the federal and local levels. If strategies and policies are
designed with a greater understanding of the elements that most significantly influence
energy use, an energy reduction objective can be more easily attained [4].

List of fuels being used:

Electricity for all types of energy end uses and natural gas for cooking

Type Quantity Power Consumption (kW)

Air conditioning 3 20.7
Lamps (LED) 26 0.9
Refrigerator 2 200

Electrical loads must always be satisfied in order to keep the power system stable. This
presents a significant problem to electric companies at times of peak usage, particularly as
industrialization accelerates. The weather and the seasons have an impact on how much gas
and electricity are needed. On the other hand, during the summer, demand for electricity
rises while natural gas loads fall. The energy system can be less stressed by smoothing
demand curves and lowering peak loads, which will enable more efficient utilisation of power

plants and energy resource production capacity. In metropolitan areas, these two energy
forms are among the most significant and widely used energy carriers.

Number of Occupants:

4 People with 4 rooms

The occupancy profile of users also has a significant impact, even if it is still a disregarded
component of the literature on evaluating energy usage in buildings. As a result, developing
energy-saving solutions should be based both on a comprehension of occupant behaviour and
on advanced design, building, and installation technology. As a result of recent additions to
the research in this area, there is currently a growing consensus that the profile and behaviour
of occupants have a major impact on energy consumption variation. Estimating the energy
consumption of buildings has been shown to be highly imprecise due to human contact with
the structure.

The primary electrical equipment with a high energy consumption rate and its star rating:

An air conditioner actively produces cold air inside your home or other enclosed spaces by
aggressively removing heat and humidity. The cooled air is returned to the inside space while
the undesirable heat and humidity are moved outside. A compressor, a condenser coil, and
an evaporator coil are the three main mechanical components of a typical air conditioner or
cooling system. It uses a particular substance known as a refrigerant.These components work
together to facilitate quick transitions between the refrigerant's gas and liquid states. Before
being transported to the condenser coil, where it is converted into a liquid, the compressor
compresses and heats the refrigerant gas. The refrigerant then enters the evaporator coil
upon its return to the structure. Here, the liquid refrigerant condenses through evaporative
evaporation, cooling the internal coil. A fan blows indoor air onto the cold evaporator coil,
which is where heat from the interior of the house is absorbed into the refrigerant. The cooled
air is then circulated around the home as the heated evaporated gas is then transported back
outside to the compressor. The heat is subsequently released into the surrounding air when
the refrigerant changes back to a liquid condition. This cycle is repeated until your home
reaches the desired temperature [5].

The Air Circulation:

Natural ventilation can be used in buildings to increase interior air quality, conserve energy,
and relieve some of the load on mechanical ventilation. Natural ventilation gives greater
ventilation and a higher level of air quality than mechanical ventilation, according to research,
making it frequently a better ventilation method. It is essential to precisely predict the
ventilation rate throughout the design process for a structure to utilise natural wind fully and
effectively. This might be challenging due to the varied incoming turbulent flow
characteristics, the intricate local flow fields created by nearby buildings, and the local
external climatic variables that change the interior environment [6].

Measures performed to increase your home's energy efficiency with calculations:

A hazy foundation for solar and wind energy monitoring systems may hold the key to
increasing a home's energy efficiency. Fuzzy logic has been used to give an intelligent energy
management framework for the optimum photovoltaic/hydrogen-linked battery turbine power
management. In this study, a smart home automation and microgrid management system
that uses solar and wind energy to postpone the use of electricity for different types of loads
was investigated. Grid-connected systems face a number of real-world issues, including as
power quality, islanding, storage, protection issues, and issues with power and voltage
changes. Along with other issues with power quality, harmonics, voltage, and frequency
changes exist [7].


The future lies in energy consumption efficiency, to sum up. Global energy sustainability is
rapidly approaching. At the same time, humanity is attempting to restore its relationship with
nature. Building an energy-efficient home is a personal commitment to renewable energy,
sustainable living, and environmental preservation. Having one of these homes is a smart
investment that might enable homeowners to reduce spending. Additionally, living more
sustainably also translates into being happier, healthier, and more environmentally friendly.
Energy auditing will assist clients in mapping their household energy usage in order to
minimise energy use, maximise energy efficiency, and maximise energy and cost savings.


[1] B. B. P. P. Torben Schubert, "Energy efficiency and the direct and indirect effects of

energy audits and implementation support programmes in Germany,"Energy Policy, vol.

157, p. 112486, 2021.

[2] C. S. J. S. B. C. A. S. M. E. M. S. A. A. Y. A. E.-S. A. A. Salim Ahmed Al Rashdi,"A case

study on the electrical energy auditing and saving techniques in an educational institution
(IMCO, Sohar, Oman)," Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, vol. 31, p. 101820, 2022.

[3] E. H. C. Q. K. Q. Ke Fan, "Transaction costs (TCs) in green building (GB)incentive schemes:

Gross Floor Area (GFA)," Concession Scheme in HongKong, vol. 119, pp. 563- 573, 2018.

[4] Y. D. H. T. L. F. J. L. Xue Liu, "Investigating the effects of key drivers onenergy

consumption of nonresidential buildings: A data-driven approachintegrating regularization
and quantile regression," Energy, vol. 244, p. 122270, 2022.

0heat%20a nd%20humidity%20outside.

[6] H. K. R. O. C. L. B. Z. Hong Hu, "Comprehensive validation of experimental and numerical

natural ventilation predictions based on field measurement with experimental house," Building
and Environment, vol. 207, p. 108433, 2022.

[7] M. Alowaidi, "Fuzzy efficient energy algorithm in smart home environment using Internet
of Things for renewable energy resources," Energy Reports, vol. 8, pp. 2462-2471, 2022.


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