Reviewer For PR2 Q2 2023 2024

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Reviewer for Practical Research 2  Discussion of the data from the table

(Quarter 2)  When you want to show the reader in detail

how your independent and dependent
 The Thematic Analysis is a method of variables interact
analyzing a qualitative data. It is usually  When to Use Data Tables
applied to a set of texts, such as interview or o Tables are not restrained to a specific
transcripts. type of data or measurement.
 The researcher closely examines the data to o Since tables really need to
identify the common themes-topics, ideas, be read, they activate
and patterns of meaning. the verbal system.
 Meaning Unit represents the abstract ideas  Line Graph
within the data. In thematic content analysis, o When you want to illustrate a change
unit are defined thematically which means over a continuous range or time, a
they represent chunks of narrative or story- line graph is your best choice.
like content. o Changes in different groups or
 Condensed Meaning are the information samples over the same range or time
that is being processed based on the meaning can be shown by lines of different
unit or data corpus colors or with different symbols.
 Data corpus is the collection of transcripts  Bar Graph
or texts o It uses bars to compare categories of
 Transcriptions is the process of converting data.
audio recordings of interviews or discussion o It may be drawn vertically or
to text format. horizontally.
 Coding is the process of labelling and  Pie Chart
organizing your qualitative data. The goal is o A pie chart is usually used to show
to identify different themes and the
how parts of a whole compare to
relationship between them.
each other and to the whole.
 Summary includes the introduction, general o The entire circle represents the total
problem, scope and limitation, chapter III
and the parts are proportional to the
(past tense of the verb)
amount of the total they represent.
 Findings are the results of your data
 Conclusion explanation of your findings  GANTT chart
 Recommendation are the facts that the o It is a bar chart popularized in the
researchers wanted to recommend based on early 1900s by Henry Gantt.
the findings and conclusion. o It lets you establish a detailed project
 Data and results of your analysis are the core plan according to when you need
of your study. each task complete.
 As a researcher you need to put your  Purposes of Hypotheses
findings mean into words or illustrations. o They guide you on which aspect of
 In order to create and present an organized the research to focus on
picture of information from a research o they provide opportunities to provide
relationship between variables
 it is important to use certain techniques to o they push for empirical study to
communicate findings and interpretations of
prove the existence of relationship in
research studies into visual form.
 Parts of the table
 Data are pieces of information or facts
o Table number
known by people in this world.
o Title of the table
 technique in collecting quantitative data
o Table o Observation
o Survey
o Experiment
 A Questionnaire is a paper containing
series of questions formulated for an
individual and independent answering by
several respondents. In this type of
quantitative data collection technique
instrument yielded responses in numeral
forms and categories are subjected to
statistical analysis.
 data collection technique for quantitative
o pre-test
o post-test
 A Hypothesis states your predictions about
your research
o Null hypothesis no significant
o Alternative hypothesis significant
 nominal scale categories
 ordinal scale ordered categories
 interval scale differences between
measurements but no true from zero
 ratio scale differences between
 Sample is the group of individuals who will
actually participate in the research
 The Population refers to the entire group or
set of individuals included in the research
 Sampling means selecting the group that
will actually collect data from your research

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