Creative Writing Quizzes Seatworks Assignments

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Quiz #1 (For those who did not partake in Quiz Bee)

1. Who are the four main characters? Describe their physical, psychological, social, and mental aspects. 5
points each

2. What are the relationship of the said characters to each other in the past and in the present? (10

3. Who are the other main characters? Briefly describe them (5 points)

4. What happened to the main characters on their trip before their graduation (5 points)

5. Describe the life of the characters after they graduated (5 points)

6. What is the relevance of the plot to societal issues? (5 points)

Quiz #2
1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9


10 8.

12 13 2

15 19 16 17 18



24 25.

1. list of characters in the play-
8. Acting ____ are similar to descriptions, but instead of telling the actors what to do, these tell actors
how to read their lines. They are usually found in brackets within the dialogue of a character.
10. unit of action
12. It is a type of drama intended to interest and amuse the audience rather than make them deeply
concerned about events that happened.
14. Drama first came out from religion, this period has the kind of Drama that is based on Saint's life,
and Old Testament.
15. It is a play that brings laughter for the sake of laughter, usually making use grossly embellished
events and characters. It has very swift movements, has ridiculous situations, and does not stimulate
20. Convention in drama where the character breaks the fourth wall and words are spoken directly to
the audience.
21. A sequence of scenes. A play can have between one and five acts, depending on how the writer
structures the story.
22. Identifies the time and place in which the events occur. It consists of the historical period, the
moment, day and season in which the incidents take place. It also includes the sceneries in the
performance which are usually found in the preliminary descriptions.
23. Represents the characters thinking aloud
24. character’s aspect that discloses the decisions of the characters, either socially acceptable or not,
exposing their intentions, thus projecting what is upright or not.

25. composition in prose form that presents a story entirely told in dialogue and action. It is written with
the intention of its eventual performance before an audience.
2-3 Drama comes from Greek words meaning to (2)___ or to (3)____
4. This type of drama shows the tragic hero, through choice or circumstance, is caught up in a sequence
of events that inevitably results in downfall and disaster.
5. Describes where the scene is taking place and the actions happening. Whatever needs to be on the
stage should be put here.
6. lays out the series of events that form the entirety of the play. It serves as a structural framework
which brings the events to a cohesive form and sense.
7. What among the three-act structure introduces the world of drama, including the characters and their
9. each episode independently comprises a setting, climax, and resolution; therefore, a full story in itself
is formed.
11. This play was represented in the Churches and especially at Christmas time.
13. This play shows the moral value, related with virtues and vices.
16. Framework of a plot that identifies information about the place, such as geographical location,
social, cultural, political background or period when the event took place.
17 chronological sequence of events arrangement where actions continuously take place as an end
result of the previous action
18. It is a type of play that shows events that follow each other rapidly, but seems to be governed
always by chance. The characters are victims in the hands of merciless fate.
19. It is the final stage or period of the Drama. Its main purpose is not to present moral but to represent
human life as it is.

Seatwork #1



Seatwork #2

Instruction: Write a reaction paper on the play, “Ang Huling El Bimbo:The Hit Musical”, include the
following in your essay:

1. Who are the characters in the play?

2. Describe the motivations of each of the characters in the play. 3. What is the plot of the play?

Seatwork #3 Watch a play

Watch the “Ang Huling El Bimbo:The Hit Musical” then write a reflection paper

Assignment #1 (On Gclass): Conceptualize your Fictional Short Story
Instruction: Screenshot of your online meeting with your groupmates
- Answer the following:
- Group name:
- Group members:
- Title of the story:
- Characters and their description:
- Setting (outside place and inside place):
- Theme:
Assignment #2 (On GClass): Write the Draft of Your Fictional Short Story
Instruction: post the screenshot of your accomplished draft on Google Classroom (1 member per group)
Assignment #3 Examine the text by its Sociopolitical Context
Instruction: Read Amador Daguio’s “The Wedding Dance” on SLP 4, Unit III Lesson 1. Examine the text
by answering the questions on the portion, “Some Things to Think About”.
Deadline: January 13, 2024, 12:00 AM

PERFORMANCE TASK 1: Short Fictional Story
Direction: Create a short fictional draft with 4-5 of your classmates. The story must have at least 2,000
words. One member will begin the story, then the second member will continue what the first member
left off. The third member must then continue where the second member left the story. This will be
continued until the last member ends the story. All member has to contribute at least 400 words in
writing. Each member must indicate their “alias” on their part.

Short Story Group Points: 50

Presentation: 20
Individual Points: 50
Total score: 120

SHORT STORY Group points Individual points

Format: 10 10
The first page indicates the title of the story, the group name, and
members with their “alias”. The writer indicates their “alias” before
writing their contribution to the story. The writers use correct grammar
and punctuation marks. The story has at least 2000 words. The text is
Arial size 11, justified, with 1.5 spacing.
Narration: 10 10
The narrative shows usage of consistent points of view, descriptive
language, and cohesive devices. The ideas are comprehensible and
Creativity: 10 20
The writers incorporate symbolism, imagery, appropriate diction, and
figures of speech in writing the whole fictional story.
Elements: 20 10
The story must have the proper order of events in a plot. The three
aspects of the major characters must be thoroughly described. And it
must employ good dialogue and writing techniques.

Total points of students 50 50

Presentation of the Story 20 points
Direction: Narrate your fictional story in class on the first meeting next week. For those who prefer to
send a video rather than presenting your output in class, you may send it on
This is the rubrics for the presentation:
Voice (6 points) The voice is audible from the back of the room. The words are
clear and pronounced correctly
Transition (6 points) The transition from the presenter to another presenter is smooth
and not awkward.
Performance (6 points) The narrator’s emotions and expressions are appropriate to the
flow of the story.
Mastery (2 points) The narrator knows the flow of the story without looking at the

Important note: Gentle reminder that a short story only has up to 2000 to 6000 words.

PERFORMANCE TASK#2: Awakening the Poets Within Us: POETRY RECITAL

Before the quarter ends, recite in class your written poem or your favorite poem by another
poet. Briefly explain your inspiration for the poetry or why the poem you chose deeply resonates with
you. This will be done by volunteering before the start of each discussion, maximum students to present
in class is up to 3. You may choose any kind of poem, it may be spoken poetry, haiku, sonnet, and it can
even be done by pair (conversational/dialogue).

Copy the following on a one whole sheet of paper, then submit before you start your recital:

Your name: Section:

Your poem:


This is the rubrics for the presentation:

Tone and Style (10 points) The voice is audible from the back of the room. The words are
clear and pronounced correctly. Proper diction, rhythm,
intonation, and pronunciation is used in the recital.
Performance and mastery (10 The student’s emotions and expressions are appropriate to the
points) poem. The student only looks at their notes as guide and does not
read it for the whole recital.
Poem/Tula (10 points) If the student wrote the poem, the poem must employ creativity,
originality, and appropriate form based on the type of the poem.
If the student recited a different poem, they must introduce the
writer of the poem, why they chose it, what it means for them,
and how they could relate to it.

Major Performance Task

Create a portfolio of at least 3 of your written works on this subject. Publish your portfolio on any online
platform (Wattpad, Commaful, Writer’, Inkitt, Instagram) then send the link on google
The deadline is until January 20, 2023, 12:00 AM

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