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Watch the film and answer the questions.

1. Write the names of the characters below the pictures

Ghost of Christmas Present- Tiny Tim- Ghost of Christmas Past-

Ghost of Christmas Future- Jacob Marley-Bob Cratchit- Ebenezer Scrooge- Fred

2. Now, match the names to the descriptions.

 An old rich man; he is selfish and doesn’t like Christmas

 It shows Scrooge scenes from his past.
 Scrooge’s nephew; he wants his uncle to celebrate Christmas with him and his family
 It shows Scrooge scenes from the present
 He works for Scrooge. He is poor.
 He was Scrooge’s old partner at work. He died 7 years ago.
 It shows Scrooge the future.
 He is Bob’s son. He is very sick; he can’t walk.

3. Part 1, at Scrooge’s Office. Who says?

 “Come, dine with us tomorrow”
 “It’s only once a year, sir”
 “Mr Marley died seven years ago”
 “Humbug!”
 “Merry Christmas, sir”
 “ buy the poor some meat and drink..”
4. Part 2, at Scrooge’s house.
Why does Jacob Marley wear a chain? What message has he got for Scrooge?

5. These are two of the scenes from Scrooge’s past. Write a caption for each one.

6. With the ghost of Christmas Present, Scrooge sees people celebrating Christmas. Put them in order:

- Miners singing a carol

- Bob Cratchit family
- Sailors singing Christmas songs
- Fred’s family

7. What does the ghost say about Tiny Tim?

8. Order the visions Scrooge can see with the ghost of Christmas Future.
- Poor people taking Scrooge’s things
- Bob Cratchit crying because his son died.
- Men laughing and talking about a funeral
- A grave with the name Ebenezer Scrooge
- A bed with someone dead lying on it.

9. How is Scrooge different at the end?

10. What is your opinion of this story? Who is your favourite character and why?

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