Introduction PR2

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In our fast paced tech world, this research explores how users interact with system
updates, aiming to quantify behavior and understand the human side of this dynamic.
We're not just crunching numbers; we want to delve into user awareness, perceived effects,
and influencing factors. It's about bridging the gap between data and the human experience
in the ever changing tech landscape. Software updates are critical to the performance,
compatibility, and security of software systems. While recent studies have highlighted
numerous reasons why users ignore updates, little is known about how prevalent each of
these beliefs is. Gaining a better understanding of the prevalence of each belief may help
software designers better target their efforts in understanding what specific user concerns
to address when developing and deploying software updates. Serge Egelman. et al. (2018)

In the digital era, frequent system updates are a standard practice, introducing new
software and security measures to enhance functionality and safeguard against emerging
threats. However, the level of user compliance with these updates varies widely, with many
individuals neglecting to install them promptly or altogether. Research endeavors to
uncover the factors influencing user awareness of system updates, their perceptions of how
these updates affect their devices, and ultimately, their adherence to the update process. By
quantifying user compliance, the study aims to highlight the significance of keeping
systems up to date and the potential repercussions of non compliance. Given the escalating
threat of cyberattacks, understanding why users may delay or skip updates is essential,
paving the way for strategies to improve overall compliance. Enxhia Sala (2023)

These updates are essential for improving functionality and cybersecurity. However, user
compliance shows significant variability. The study aims to quantify compliance while
comprehending the intricate dynamics of user awareness, perceived effects, and
influencing factors. Its objective is to underscore the importance of staying updated and
suggest strategies for enhancing compliance in the face of the escalating cyber threat
landscape. In today's digital world, information assets have grown in importance,
demanding measures to ensure their protection. Ubiquitously, end-users are having
trouble ensuring the security of their personal information. The human factor is a major
source of vulnerability in the field of information security. Mohammed Bawazir. et al.(2022)

Despite the vital role these updates play in enhancing functionality and cybersecurity, user
compliance varies significantly. The research aims to unravel the factors influencing this
compliance diversity, concentrating on user awareness, perceived effects of updates on
their devices, and the fundamental factors shaping their decisions. By addressing this
research problem, the study endeavors to provide valuable insights into the complexities of
user behavior regarding system updates and propose effective strategies to improve
overall compliance in the dynamic digital landscape. Akon Ekpezu. (2024)

Through unraveling the complexities of user behavior, the research aims to offer in-depth
insights into the diverse reasons affecting compliance. The ultimate goal is to suggest
tailored strategies that enhance overall compliance, thereby contributing to a more secure
and resilient digital landscape within the dynamic realm of technology. Leila R Kalankesh

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