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- Work in pairs. Look at the photos (A- BI a

- nd
discuss the questions.
---~ --... .
'\/hc1t nobby do yuu thlnkthe pic.tur<?\ show?
Ha·,,.. vou ever d:me this 1 ?
V"l3l 'le-A" ho1Jb1es wOII d )OU r,~e IO tak~ up

2 G!l:l> Read the exam strategy and th e

q uestions below. Listen to someone talking about
his hobby and note down a ny words or phrases
you hear which relate to the statements.
1 71e speaker tlii11ks many peoplc ,ave che wrong
idea about h s holJI.Jv. - - -
2 - 1e spcakc(s fatl-er ·nuocuc:ed "lim 10 che hobby.

3 T1c spc.ikcr llkes the pla~e where he does 1-1s

3 Qlllil> listen agaln and decid e if the sentences
(1-3) in exercise 2 are true or false.
Tento ryp otázek (pravda x nepravda) se áisto zaměřuje
na určitá fakta nebo podrobnosti z textu Proto si napřed
tvrzeni pozorně přečtěte, abyste přesné věděl~ nač se miite
zaméht. Když uslyUte, že to mluvčí zmil'l uie. poslouchejte
pozorně, co přesně o veci říká.

4 l!:fi,',ii;ii3 •~JE) Uslyšíte vyprávění

o prvních zkušenostec h s novým kon íčkem.
Na úkladě vyslechnuté nahrávky rozhodněte,
zda jso u tvrzení v úlohách 1-8 pravdivá (P), nebo 5
nepravdlv;í {N).
GDI> Match the verbs (1- 7) with thewords
p N {a-g) to make phrases the speaker used ln eX2fÓSI
The spea~er hac never done any 3. Listen again to check your answers.
photog·aphy whe, she s:aned 1he A 8
2 lhe speakertook uo underwater
- -- 1 ookfor
2 takc
a a compet iron
b a chailPf'l9«:
photo3raphy after readinq an arudt' 3 r ad
C photoqrar:h,
dOOJI lt. 4 I, el d resea·d1
3 Before startlng che cou·se. thc s do e anamde
soeaker wa nted to lmprovP re, 6 leam f new )lólls
\w1mrr1ng \ ki lls 7 en,er
9 comfortable
4 Th!> \r Pa ker wanted a came, d chat
s1e could use wh le d1ving in ca;,,p, 6 Work in pairs. Look at the ldeas below and (hOC)St
5 Th;, si::eaker spen, d m ::i! mon~• three things that you would llke to do togethef•
on '1er uriderwatcr rnmpra Explain why, then compare you r choices wtth
6 Thr ( flPilkf'r ~tarted divrng riqht another pair.
after she staned '"le course
► lake phoros underwater at the Great Barrie! F~fi
7 t-er cc1m1:ra wa~ edsy to use U"lOer Au~tralia
► s....,im 'Allth dolph1ns
8 T'1e speaker IS golng to makt ar
► learn a ~raditional skill
e~hib1tion using li e photos she look
► go h,l(ing m Machu Piechu


- - ► 9° 0'1 Siň!n
► r'd
e a rnotorbike across che Sahara oesert

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