Do You Want To Drop Out From School

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Do you want to drop out from school?

Imagine this: You’re a high school student scrolling on your phone when you come across a list online
with an intriguing title – “Famous people who are high school dropouts”. You click on the link only for
you to gawk at each and every single person on the list; From famous film producer and actor Robert
Downey Jr. to Microsoft CEO Bill Gates. Then you’re seated wondering, “How did these people
achieve such immense success? Will I become rich and successful if I drop out from high school like
them?” That’s why we’ll find out if being a high school dropout is really worth it or not. Let’s dive in!

There is always a touch of poignancy when we argue on this topic as the situation obviously differs
from one person to the next. Let’s take Bill Gates as an example. He was born in a very wealthy
family; his father a successful lawyer and his mother a businesswoman. He had no problem with
dropping out of high school as his parents would feed him with a silver spoon, building his stairway
of succession with ease. However, Bill Gates didn’t fully depend on his parents as he was an
intelligent teenager who was brilliant in coding and had great mathematical skills, helping him
achieve what he has today.

Robert Downey Jr. on the other hand had a rough childhood; born into a lower middle-class family
with parents who had an addiction to illegal substances. He was introduced to these substances at a
shockingly young age. By the time he went to high school, he immediately dropped out due to
addiction and substance abuse. With no one to support him, he had to work hard; from waiting
tables to washing dishes to being a cashier. Robert was fairly intellectual and through that he was
able to reach the level of success and wealth he has today. He went from starring in unpopular and
poor movies to becoming the infamous character Iron Man.

With intellectuality and wealth kept in mind, we should also know that nothing of this type can be
achieved without a boost of confidence and a powerful ego. Feeling confident within oneself is fairly
hard as you’ll always feel like you’re one step away from failing.

As we all know, going to school is where we all learn the fundamentals in our lives. It helps in
building our pathway and aids us in deciding what we aspire to be in the future. Leaving school is like
not being able to walk; without the basic knowledge that you intake from studying at school, you
won’t survive in life. Yes, there are several famous celebrities and influencers who have made it in life
whilst being a drop out, but that, my dear friend, is called “Being lucky.”

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