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Lab Report # 13 (DENGUE TESTS)

Analyse the following cases.

1. A 5 year old boy has been having fever for 2 days. Dengue IgM and IgG were requested and

IgM = negative

IgG = positive

a. Interpret this result. Explain

- The result shows that the 5 year old boy has a past infection of dengue. There are no IgM antibodies
and the IgG antibodies are present, this happens because IgG appear after IgM and they persist for a
long time.

b. Can you conclude from the result that the patient has dengue? Can you conclude from the result
that the patient does not have dengue at the moment? Explain your answer.

- I can conclude that the patient does not have a dengue, but have a past infection of dengue. The result
shows that the IgM antibodies is present which is an indicator that there is a current infection of

c. What will be your advice to the parents?

- I will advice that they should undergo other tests or consult their doctor and tell the following results
to know what could be the possible illness that the kid has.

2. A 17 year old female has 4 days history of fever. Dengue NS1 Ag was requested and revealed:

Dengue NS1 Ag = positive

a. Interpret this result. Explain

- The result shows that the 17 year old female that has 4 days history of fever is positive to dengue or
have a current dengue virus infection. NS1 tests detect the non-structural protein NS1 of dengue virus
that is why the patient has a current infection.

b. Can you conclude from the result that the patient has active dengue infection? Can you conclude
from the result that the patient does not have dengue at the moment? Explain your answer.

- I can conclude that the 17 year old female has an active dengue infection because dengue virus has a
non-structural protein NS1 and this is secreted to the blood during infection. If this protein is detected in
the test, then it is sure that the patient has a current infection

c. What will be your advice to the patient?

- I advice that she should consult or create an appointment to her doctor and tell the result of NS1 test
to know what will be the proper procedure she will take. I also advice to stay hydrated and take a long

3. A 44 year old male has 7 days history of fever. Dengue rapid tests were requested with the
following results:

Dengue NS1 Ag = negative

Dengue IgM = positive

Dengue IgG = postitive

a. Interpret this result. Explain

- Even though the NS1 result shows negative, the antibodies IgM and IgG is present and this means that
the 44 year old male that has 7 days history of fever has a current infection of dengue.

b. Can you conclude from the result that the patient has active dengue infection? Can you conclude
from the result that the patient does not have dengue at the moment? Explain your answer.

- I can conclude that the patient has an active dengue infection. A negative NS1 result doesn’t mean that
the patient is negative or doesn’t have a dengue infection. The patient should also be tested for the
presence of antibodies, especially IgM to determine possible recent dengue exposure.

c. What will be your advice to the patient?

- I will advise that the patient should see a healthcare provider or contact his doctor and create an
appointment. While waiting, he must rest as much as possible because his fever and to stay hydrated.

4. You volunteered as a nurse in a barrio in the province. A 25 year old female sought consult because
of fever of 5 days duration. Upon interview, you learned that she had an episode of mild gum
bleeding. She also complained of muscle pain and abdominal pain. The nearest laboratory is 10 km
away from your area and there are no available means of transportation.

a. What test should you do to rule out Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever?

- Tourniquet test should be used to rule out Haemorrhagic fever.

b. Explain how to perform this test.

- Tourniquet test is done by counting the petechiae under the antecubital fossa. It assesses and
determines the fragility of capillary walls and is used to identify if there is a reduced platelet count.

c. Explain the positive result for this test.

- The positive result for this test will show that there are 10 or more petechiae per 1 square inch.

d. What are some nursing interventions that you can do for this patient?
- Fist is to perform the tourniquet test. If the result is negative, then contact call for a doctor to
determine the illness that the patient have. If the result is positive, immediately call for a doctor and tell
that the patient is positive in dengue with the use of tourniquet test and due to its familiar symptoms.
With these, the doctor can immediately give certain medicine and give advice to the patient. As a nurse,
I will also advice the patient to stay hydrated and rest for a long period of time for fast recovery and for
her body to be able to endure the symptoms.

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