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Use the duel back (unless you can do original back) and try and keep them original

art if possible but if not, you pick.

4 Juzam Djinn
4 Black Knight
4 Hypnotic Specter
2 Sengir Vampire
1 Royal Assassin
3 Underworld Dreams
2 Greed
1 Animate Dead
4 Unholy Strength
2 Mind Twist
4 Dark Ritual
8 Swords to Plowshares
2 Howl from Beyond
2 Disrupting Scepter
1 Nevinyrrals Disk
3 Mox Jet
3 Sol Ring
4 Black Lotus
3 Strip Mind
1 Maze of Ith
8 Mishra Factory
1 Urborg
4 Savannah Lions
3 White Knight
2 Thunder Spirit
6 Serra Angel
1 Preacher
4 Land Tax
4 Armageddon
8 Chain Lightning
2 Dust to Dust
1 Wheel of Fortune
1 Balance
8 Lightning Bolt
5 Disenchant
3 Ankh of Mishra
2 Mox Pearl
3 Mox Ruby
2 Black Vise
3 Plateau
1 Clone
2 Old Man of the Sea
1 Time Elemental
1 Vesuvan Doppelganger
4 Birds of Paradise
1 Ley Druid
1 Recall
1 Timetwister
2 Time Walk
2 Regrowth
1 Wrath of God
2 Ancestrall Recall
1 Mana Drain
1 Siren�s Call
1 Howling Mine
2 Icy Manipulator
1 Ivory Tower
1 Mana Vault
2 Meekstone
2 Mox Emerald
2 Mox Sapphire
1 Winter Orb
3 Control Magic
2 Stasis
2 Kismet
1 Library of Alexandria
4 Savannah
8 Tropical Island
4 Tundra
2 Chaos Orb
1 Circle of Protection: Red
1 Copy Artifact
1 Diamond Valley
1 In the Eye of Chaos
1 Floral Spuzzem
2 Karma
1 Magical Hack
1 Power Sink
1 Presence of the Master
1 Reverse Damage
1 Sleight of Hand
1 Winter Blast
3 Artgothian Pixies
4 Kird Ape
2 Whirling Dervish
4 Fireball
1 Channel
1 Demonic Tutor
2 Psionic Blast
2 City of Brass
4 Taiga
2 Bayou
4 Volcanic Island
1 City in a Bottle
3 Disintegrate
1 Flashfires
1 Forcefield
2 Lifeforce
4 Serendib Efreet
2 Tsunami
Plus an additional set of power 9, original art as well

-252 cards

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