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ELM 262 – Project Assignment.

B29 / All sections

2023 – 2024 – T2

Date: 12/13/2023.
Name: Abdulrahman Sayer Alanazi Id. 2229004 Section: 2
Group: G7
Project Title: Some common of PLC sensor and actuator

Q.1. Write down in maximum 150 words an abstract about your

graduation project.
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are widely used in various industries to control and automate processes,
machines, and systems. PLCs rely on sensors and actuators to monitor and manipulate physical variables, such as
temperature, pressure, flow, speed, position, and force. Sensors and actuators communicate with the PLC through
feedback loops, which enable the PLC to compare the actual state of the system with the desired state and adjust
the output accordingly. In this article, we will explore some common PLC sensor and actuator feedback
applications in different industries and how they benefit from using PLCs. 1.Temperature Control, one of the most
common PLC sensor and actuator feedback applications is temperature control. Temperature control is essential
for many industrial processes, such as chemical reactions, food processing, heating and cooling, and sterilization.
Temperature sensors, such as thermocouples, RTDs, or thermistors, measure the temperature of the process or
the environment and send the signal to the PLC. The PLC then compares the temperature with the setpoint and
controls the actuator, such as a valve, a heater, or a fan, to increase or decrease the temperature accordingly.
Temperature control using PLCs can improve the quality, efficiency, and safety of the process. 2.Position Control,
another common PLC sensor and actuator feedback application is position control. Position control is important
for many industrial machines, such as robots, conveyors, elevators, and CNC machines. Position sensors, such as
encoders, potentiometers, or limit switches, detect the position or the movement of the machine or the object
and send the signal to the PLC. The PLC then compares the position with the target and controls the actuator, such
as a motor, a solenoid, or a cylinder, to move the machine or the object to the desired position. Position control
using PLCs can enhance the accuracy, speed, and flexibility of the machine. 3.Pressure Control, A third common
PLC sensor and actuator feedback application is pressure control. Pressure control is crucial for many
industrial systems, such as pumps, compressors, pipelines, and boilers. Pressure sensors, such as
transducers, gauges, or switches, measure the pressure of the fluid or the gas and send the signal to the
PLC. The PLC then compares the pressure with the setpoint and controls the actuator, such as a valve, a
pump, or a compressor, to increase or decrease the pressure accordingly. Pressure control using PLCs
can optimize the performance, reliability, and safety of the system. 4.Flow Control, A fourth common
PLC sensor and actuator feedback application is flow control. Flow control is vital for many industrial
processes, such as water treatment, oil and gas production, and chemical manufacturing. Flow sensors,
such as flowmeters, orifices, or venturis, measure the flow rate of the fluid or the gas and send the
signal to the PLC. The PLC then compares the flow rate with the setpoint and controls the actuator, such
as a valve, a pump, or a compressor, to increase or decrease the flow rate accordingly. Flow control
using PLCs can improve the efficiency, quality, and consistency of the process. 5.Force Control, A fifth
common PLC sensor and actuator feedback application is force control. Force control is essential for
many industrial applications, such as pressing, stamping, cutting, and welding. Force sensors, such as
load cells, strain gauges, or piezoelectric sensors, measure the force applied by the machine or the
object and send the signal to the PLC. The PLC then compares the force with the target and controls the
actuator, such as a motor, a solenoid, or a cylinder, to apply the required force. Force control using PLCs
can increase the precision, repeatability, and quality of the application.

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