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Adriano Morales III

BSHM – 29
Week 4 lg

• How does culture impact customer expectations in the hotel and tourism
industry? Provide examples from the article
Culture's Impact on Customer Expectations in the Hotel and Tourism Industry:
Culture significantly influences customer expectations in the hotel and tourism
industry. For instance:

Communication Styles: In some cultures, direct and assertive communication is

valued, while others prefer indirect and polite communication. Hotel staff may
need to adapt their communication style to meet the expectations of guests
from different cultural backgrounds.
Culinary Preferences: Guests from various cultures have distinct culinary
preferences. A hotel catering to international guests may need to offer a diverse
range of food options to satisfy different tastes and dietary requirements.
Hospitality Norms: Expectations of hospitality can vary. In some cultures, guests
may appreciate more personal interaction with staff, while in others, guests may
prefer a more discreet and formal approach.
Time Perception: Cultural differences in time perception can impact
expectations. Some cultures may value punctuality and efficient service, while
others may have a more relaxed attitude towards time.
Cultural Sensitivity: Hotels need to be culturally sensitive in terms of customs,
traditions, and religious practices. Understanding and respecting these aspects
contribute to a positive guest experience.

• List down at least 5 typical behavior of people from north and south America

Typical Behaviors of People from North and South America:

North America
Individualism: North Americans often value individual autonomy and personal
Time-Conscious: Punctuality is generally important in North American culture.
Direct Communication: Communication is often straightforward and explicit.
Service Expectations: Guests may have high expectations for customer service
and amenities.
Tipping Culture: Tipping is a common practice in North America to show
appreciation for services.

South America
Collectivism: South Americans may place a strong emphasis on family and
Relaxed Time Perception: Time is often viewed more flexibly in some South
American cultures.
Warm and Indirect Communication: Communication may involve warmth and
Appreciation for Hospitality: Guests may appreciate a personalized and
hospitable approach.
Cultural Celebrations: Some guests may seek opportunities to engage in local
cultural events and celebrations.

• List down the negative and positive hotel review made by north and south

Hotel Reviews from North and South America:

Positive North American Hotel Review:

"Exceptional service! The staff went above and beyond to ensure a comfortable
stay. The amenities were top-notch, and the hotel's central location made
exploring the city convenient."

Negative North American Hotel Review:

"Disappointed with the cleanliness of the room. Found some issues that were not
promptly addressed by the staff. Expected better attention to detail for the
Positive South American Hotel Review:
"Absolutely loved the cultural immersion at this hotel! The staff was friendly, and
the local traditions were incorporated into the overall experience. Great

Negative South American Hotel Review:

"Service was slow, and communication was a bit challenging. The hotel could
improve in catering to guests from diverse backgrounds. Expected a more
efficient and responsive staff."


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