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Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and evaluated by the
Development and Quality Assurance Teams of SDO TAPAT to assist you in
helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while
overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
As a facilitator, you’re expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learner’s progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you’re expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be
enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of
the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer Let’s Try! before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, don’t
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain a deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it.

Let’s Learn
Learning Competencies:
1. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least
60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out-
of-school (PEH11FH-Ia-t-8).
2. Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and
equipment (PEH11FH-Ia-t-12).
3. Recognizes the value of optimizing one’s health through participation
in physical activity assessments (PEH11FH-Id-t-14).

This module was designed and written to help you understand the cheer
dance for fitness.

After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. discuss the nature of cheer dance as fitness and its basic
2. performed varied activities suited cheer dance for fitness.
3. appreciate the skills (basic hand movement and position) for

Let’s Try
Directions: Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
1. Which of the following is coined from the words cheer and dance?
a. Cheer Dance c. Ballroom dance
b. Cheerleading d. Hip Hop Dance
2. These are the athletes designated to perform the lifting, tossing and
dismounting skills in a cheer dance routine.
a. flyers b. base c. spotter d. cheerleaders
3. What do you call the skills in cheer dancing that involve tosses, lifts
spotting, and other acrobats?
a. coordination c. flexibility
b. strength d. reaction time
4. Which is not an element of cheer dancing?
a. arms motion c. jumps
b. quick step d. leap
5. What is a cheer dance?
a. to cheer and dance c. to cheer and shout
b. to laugh and dance d. to shout and cheer

6. If a stunt falls, the spotter should try to catch ______ ?
a. the flyer’s arm c. the flyer’s head
b. the flyer’s legs d. the flyer’s head, neck, and body
7. In cheerleading, liberty is ______.
a. the name of a stunt c. the freedom of freestyle
b. the way you smile at the crowd d. the name of a jumps
8. It is a type of tumble in which the body moves sideways initiating a
a. round off c. cartwheel
b. spotting d. thigh stand
9. One of the basic types of jumps which legs are straight together and
parallel to the ground.
a. toe touch c. hurdle
b. pike d. tuck jumps
10. It consists of a gradual reduction in activity levels for 5-10 minutes.
a. warm-up/cool down c. stretching
b. conditioning d. high pick


6 Cheer Dance for Fitness

Let’s Recall
Directions: Look at the pictures. Try to identify the following elements of
cheer dance.

__________1. __________2.

__________3. __________4.


Let’s Explore
Directions: Watch the video on the link below. Then, try to do the Cheer
Dance Fitness.

Let’s Elaborate

Pep Squad
Introduction to Cheer Dance for Fitness

Many cheer teams undertake strength training and conditioning

exercises on a regular basis to develop the muscles required to perform
stunt sequences, tumbling passes, and leaps, and these maneuvers will
develop powerful muscles in the lower body, shoulders, and core.

Definition of Cheer Dance for Fitness

Cheer dance is a term that combines the terms "cheer" and "dance."
Cheering entails shouting out words or phrases that might help the team
perform better throughout the game, whereas dancing entails doing such.

Additionally, cheer dance is a relatively new sport and dance form

that first appeared in the early 1990s as part of cheering competitions. It
is one of the International Cheerleading Competition's divisions that
focuses on dancing skills and basic cheerleading aspects. Cheer dancing
is also used for dance fitness, which helps to improve a person's
cardiovascular, flexibility, strength, and power. Tumbling, dancing,
leaps, cheering, and stunts are all included in competitive performances,
which usually last one to three minutes.

Moreover, cheer dance involves cheerleading. It is an activity in which

players, known as cheerleaders, assist their team by cheering them on.
It might include everything from yelling slogans to engaging in strenuous
physical exercise. It can be done to inspire a sports team, entertain an
audience, or compete.

History of Dance

The history of cheerleading is intertwined with the history of sports

in the United States, its sporting facilities, and the evolution of general
fan involvement at numerous sporting events. Its origins, however, may
be traced back to the late 1800s, when British students began to applaud
and chant in unison for their favorite sportsmen during athletic events in
the 1860s. Then it made its way to America, where it had an impact.

The first organized recorded shout was conducted in locomotive style

on an American campus in the late 1880s and was first seen and heard
during a college football game. However, organized all-male cheerleading
began in1884, when Thomas Peebles, a Princeton University graduate,
brought the cry — and football — to the University of Minnesota.

Cheerleading was formally started on November 2, 1898, thanks to the
idea of Johnny Campbell, a University of Minnesota student.

Because the majority of male students were on cheerleading teams

and pep squads, female students were encouraged to join. Women began
to dominate this sport throughout the 1920s, up until World War II, when
most men were conscripted into the war.

Cheerleading Philippines (CPF) is the official regulatory body of

cheerleading and cheer dance in the Philippines, as well as the national
confederation of cheerleading groups. It is a member of the International
Federation of Cheerleading and the Asian Federation of Cheerleading on
a continental level.
Events included are mixed cheer, all female, partner stunts, and
cheer dance, all of which are official events in cheerleading worldwide. It
is under the umbrella of the Gymnastics Association of the Philippines, a
full member of the Federation International Gymnastics (FIG), The
Philippines Olympic Committee (POC) and recognized by the Philippines
Sports Commission (PSC), the Commission of Higher Education (CHED),
and the Department of Education (DepEd). The SPF is mandated to
sponsor and sanction cheerleading and cheer dance national and
international competitions.

Regional Qualifiers are camps and contests held by the National

Cheerleading Championship (NCC) in provinces and cities around the
Philippines. The best teams then compete in the country's largest
cheering competition, known as nationals, against the best. NCC's goal
is to create a world-class cheering program that will allow athletes to
compete on a global level.

Elements of a Cheer Dance

When competing, a cheer dance performance comprises several

planned and ordered motions that are evaluated. In order to receive
points and avoid deductions, the movements must be appropriate and
efficient. Here are some things to think about while developing a cheer
dance routine:

A. Yells/Chants are usually done by performers with pride and


B. Jumps
Types of Jumps
● X Jump spread eagle is simply a swing and jump
with arms doing high “V” figure and legs apart, knees
facing forward but not toward the sky. This jump is
used as a progression to learn more advanced jumps.
● Tuck jumps are done legs in front while knees tucked
to the chest. Closed fist and arms spread forming “T”
or “V” figure.
● Toe touch is one of the most common jumps used in
cheerleading. Legs are straddled, straight and parallel
to the ground forming a “V” figure. Knees face the sky,
toes pointed, arms form “T” position, closed fist and
must not touch the toe despite the name.
● Pike is executed by placing legs straight together and
parallel to the ground. Toes are pointed, arms are
straight, reaching the front, while hands are in closed
● Hurdle is done with one leg straight facing forward
(front hurdle) or facing outward (side hurdle) with arms
forming a “T” figure. The other leg is bent, knees facing
the ground (front hurdle) or facing forward (side

Jumping movement breakdown

1. Starting/Standing position is done with feet
together and arms by the side of the body
2. Preparatory is executed with hands that are clasped,
raised in high “V” position.
3. Dip is bending of knees, swinging of the arms across
the body and in front of the knees.
4. Jump execution needs power to be generated by the
legs muscle
5. Recovery in landing position is when knees are
slightly bent for weight absorption, with arms to the
side of the body.

C. Stunts are done by the flyers (usually female) with base (male
lifter) and spotters. It is essential to know the proper execution
of the stunts to secure the safety of both flyers and lifters.
Basic types of stunt:
- basket toss, prep, full extension, thigh stand, shoulder
sit, spotting

D. Pyramid is a stunt where cheer dancers stack themselves up
above one another forming layers.
How to Build a Pyramid
1. Transition or set-up. Dancers position themselves in a
formation for the pyramid.
2. Loading. The flyers are being lifted to build the pyramid.
3. Hit. This is the time where the flyer, bases, and spotter
execute the final pose of the pyramid.
4. Dismount. Flyers jump off the bases and land on the
ground safety.

E. Tumble is an excellent way to add extreme, thrill, and

excitement in skills in cheer dance. Safety and security must
always be observed to avoid injury, especially tumble skills
involving gravity-defying and intense ground impact.
Types of Tumbling Skills
● Standing – completing a tumble in a stationary position
● Running – completing a tumble from a running start

F. Dance has different themes (e.g. anime, superheroes, animal

culture) inspire most of the choreography of cheer dancing. Hip-
hop, contemporary, and festival type of dances can be applicable
in creating a cheer routine. Synchronization is one of the most
important factors to be considered to create a precise and
entertaining routine.

G. Cheer Motion is made up of hand, arm, and body position.

Although cheer styles may vary according to the cheerleaders’
preferences, all motions originate from the standard basic


Basic Hand Movements in Cheer Dance

Exercise Methods in Improving Cheer Dancing Fitness/Skills

Enduranc Coordina-
Strength Agility Balance
e Flexibility tion
Exercise Exercise Exercise
Exercise Exercise
• press •sprints •one- •jogging •sit and •marking
• push- •change legged •dancing reach •music
ups direction balance •interval •splits and
• planks •twist running •bandings dance
• jumps jumps simulatio
squats •flamingo n
• deadlifts leg

Benefits of Cheer dance for Fitness

Cheer dancing needs special skills that encourage the body to create
a new system, which can have health advantages for participants. Cheer
dancing is also a long-duration physical exercise that requires the body
to maintain adequate energy to perform, resulting in calorie burn. Cheer

dancers have good eating habits since their body weight is tightly
regulated while they are on a squad. Below are some listed benefits of
cheer dance in staying fit.
▪ Maintains a healthy level of fitness
▪ Strength training
▪ Coordination
▪ Flexibility
▪ Improves posture
▪ Develop team building
▪ Improves confidence
▪ Learn to take direction
▪ Set personal Goals
▪ Build relationship with fellow team members

Do’s and Don’ts in Cheerleading

Do’s Don’ts
• Eat the right kind of food and • Take practices for granted.
try various physical activities. • Push yourself too much. If
• Sign up for training camps. hurt or injured, do not push
• Wear proper attire. Use the yourself to attend practice.
right clothes and right shoes
during cheerleading practice
and competition.

Let’s Dig In
Directions: After doing warm up exercises, create your own cheer dance
routine based on the following exercise methods with hand movement.
a. Strength exercise
b. Agility Exercise
c. Balance Exercise
d. Endurance Exercise
e. Flexibility
f. Coordination Exercise

Let’s Remember
Directions: After doing warm up exercises, execute all the basic hand
movements together with the footwork accompanied with music.


Criteria Excellent Good Acceptable Partial Minimal
5pts 4pts 3pts 2pts 1pts
Knowledge of Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Remembers a
Choreography excellent good knowledge knowledge of the some few of the steps
Memory of the routine and knowledge of the of the choreography , knowledge of
execution of the moves choreography choreography , some errors (3-5 choreography,
looks true to the moves that and does it well few errors errors)causing but unsure of
were choreograph however it does brief pause in some
not interfere with performance movements.

Technical skills Dance performed Dance performed Dance performed Only some Although
Great attention to the body with great with attention to with attention to understanding remembers
position and moves are attention to the details of most details of of technical some dances,
executed smoothly quality of techniques, has techniques, but elements(e.g., little attention is
movements, body attained hasn’t attained footwork paid to how
position, proficiency in proficiency in quality of movements are
placement and dance style. dance style. Some movements, done or other
other details of technical errors. body position) details of dance
dance . Also demonstrated .
demonstrates an in performance
understanding of
dance style.
Performance Skills The dancer draws The dancer The dancer The dancer is The dancer is
Projection of eye contact the audience to communicates communicates generally not very
and cheerful facial want to watch with the audience with the audience focused but of focused on
expressions with the them and is able through eye through eye some attempt making eye
audience. The dancer is to engage the contact and facial contact and facial made to grab contact ,
confident with movements audience and body and body attention of the concentrated or
completely expression . Is expression audience with committed to
through their able to engage occasionally loses eye contact and performance.
performance . the audience. focus. good facial
Rhythm/Tempo Shows a Accurate in beat, Generally Shows a basic Attempts to
Staying on count and with complete tempo, rhythms accurate in beat, understanding keep a rhythm,
the beats of the music understanding of of dance tempo, rhythms of tempo and but gets off beat
tempo and beat sequence of dance beat, but falls and speeds up
and stays on throughout the sequence most of behind and/ or falls behind
rhythm dance the time speeds up in often. Doesn’t
throughout the places or makes follow beat in
dance. errors in music

Let's Apply

Directions: Match the terms in column A with column B. Write the

answer on the space provided before the number.

Column A Column B

____ 1. Cheer motion a. It is one of the most common

jumps used in cheerleading
____ 2. Cheer dance b. These are made up of hand,
arm, and body position.
____ 3. Toe touch c. It is the most spectacular event
in one of the biggest collegiate
____ 4. Cheer dance routine sports events in the country.
d. This is crucial to the success of
____ 5. Dip a squad’s performance.
e. It is the bending of knees,
____ 6. UAAP swinging of the arms across
the body and in front of the
____7. Cheerleading Formation knees.
f. It is an activity in which the
____ 8. Cheerleading cheerleaders cheer for their
team as a form of
____ 9. Push up encouragement.
g. It requires a mixture of dance
____10. Cheer Dance Formation and music and some cheer
segments to kick off a routine.
h. It is rooted from cheerleading.
i. It is one of the strength
exercises needed to improve
cheer dancing skills
j. It is a stunt where cheer
dancers stack themselves up
above one another forming a
k. It is set up like a bowling pin.

Let’s Evaluate
Directions: Encircle the letter that best corresponds to your answer in
each statement.
1. What do you call a person lifted in the air in a stunt?
a. base c. flyer
b. spotter d. lifter

2. It is an excellent way to add extreme, thrill, and excitement in
skills in cheer dance.
a. stunt c. tumble
b. dance d. pyramid
3. It is a stunt where cheer dancers stack themselves up above one
another forming layers.
a. stunt c. tumble
b. dance d. pyramid
4. When was the first organized recorded yell done in locomotive
style performed in an American campus dance?
a. late 1980’s c. late 2020’s
b. late 1880’s d. late 1890’s
5. Who initiated that cheerleading officially began on November 2,
a. Johnny Campbell c. John Maxwell
b. Tomas Peebles d. Tomas Campbell
6. This is usually done by performers with pride and confidence.
a. dance c. jump
b. tumble d. yell/chants
7. What is the type of jumps where legs are in front while knees
tucked to the chest, closed fist and arms spread forming “T” or “V”
a. Tuck jumps c. toe touch
b. pike d. hurdle
8. What type of jumps where legs are straight, together, and parallel
to the ground?
a. pike c. tuck jump
b. hurdle d. toe touch
9. The main roles of the base are __________________________________.
a. Sitting and sleeping c. lifting, throwing, and catching
b. Observe and commenting d. lifting observing, throwing
10. All of the following are benefits of cheer dancing EXCEPT _________.
a. improves Posture
b. develop Team Building
c. improves Confident
d. learn to take moves

● Agcaoili, J. K., et al. (n.d.). Dance and Recreation for Health.
● Apato, C., Fernando-Callo, L. & Talaroc-Brebante, R. (n.d.). Physical Education and Health.
● Cheer Dance Cardio Workout. (n.d.). Retrieved from
● Cheer Motion. (n.d.). Retrieved from
● Fitness Drill. (n.d.). Retrieved from
● Fitness Workout Abs and Core. (n.d.). Retrieved from
● National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of
Justice. (1999). Knowing My 8 Rules for Safety [PDF file]. Retrieved from
● West County Transportation Agency. (2008). First Aid Test [PDF file]. Retrieved from

Development Team of the Module


Content Evaluator: DR. RENE H. HERMIDA
Language Evaluator: BERNADETTE S. BALAIS



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