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A Simplified 5E Ruleset for Children of All Ages


Starter Edition
Credits Contents
Lead Designer and Writer: DC Bradshaw Introduction .......................................................3
Cover Illustrator: Catarina Eusébio
Heroes 5
Playtesting and Feedback provided by:
Making Your Hero ..............................................5
Big People:
Penny Blake, Nicholas Bradshaw, Kin ......................................................................9
Steph Campbell, Cally Clarke, Thomas Clarke,
Classes .............................................................12
Catarina Eusébio, André Jaenisch, Peter Jung,
Michele Lombardi, Ian M., Lady Christine M.,

Talents ..............................................................20
Leonor Macedo, Richard Oxenham, RubyQuinn,
Rushdin Samie, Amanda Sloan and the Equipment .......................................................23
#TTRPGFamily Twitter community! Spells ...............................................................27

Little People:
Aaron, Andy, Arya, Elisabeth, Hazel, Jamie, Rules 71
Mary, Matilda Rolling Dice .....................................................71

Questing ..........................................................72
For more tabletop roleplaying content, visit Fighting ...........................................................73

Storyteller’s Toolkit 79
e Having Fun ......................................................79

Running a Game ..............................................82

Creatures .........................................................87
Magic Items ...................................................130

License 135
Hero Sheets 137

Version 1.2: October 2022

Little but Fierce is ©2021 DC Bradshaw. All rights reserved.


Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright
holders of that material.

Cover is original artwork by Catarina Eusébio (@aergiasart). Cover also includes stock artwork from
Vecteezy ( White snow texture by Marina Gallud Carbonell. Additional stock artwork
Watercolor Painting Art Wash Watercolor Circles Transparent Background by, licensed under
CC by 4.0.

Interior art includes stock artwork from Pixabay ( Background Scrapbooking Texture by
ractapopulous. Also used are icons from, licensed under CC by 3.0. Icons are creative
commons icons from the Noun Project ( open book by Deemak Daksina,
d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 & d20 by Lonnie Tapscott and leaf by Abdul Wahhab.

Updated experience and encounter creation system inspired by mathematical analysis performed by
Gobelure on Morrus' Unofficial Tabletop RPG News forums. The suggested value of magic items makes
use of the Sane Magical Item Prices list compiled by Saidoro and found on Giant in the Playground
as Jen and the Storyteller pretending to be the
Introduction shopkeeper?
Little but Fierce is a tabletop roleplaying game
Let's try that again…
that allows players to create their own heroes and
explore a fantasy world, completing quests and
You: “I’d like to go to a shop to buy an axe.”
defeating enemies as you do. It’s just a great big
Storyteller: “You walk down a dark and dirty
game of make-believe that uses dice to help
road until you see a small shop with a sign that
decide what happens sometimes!
says ‘Wally’s Weapons’ above the door. Going
inside, it's full of all kinds of weapons. It's warm,
Does that sound like fun? Then keep reading…
it smells a bit of oil and you can almost taste

the metal in the air. There’s an orc standing
Players and the Storyteller behind the counter.”
Most of the people playing the game will be Storyteller (as Wally): “Morning, can I help
players. Each player creates a hero that they will you?”
play each game and they’ll slowly get more

You (as Jen): “Good day, sir. I’m one of heroes
powerful over time. who just defeated the dragon that attacked
your town. But I lost my axe in the fight and
One person will be the Storyteller. Their job need to buy a new one.”
requires a lot planning as they’ll be describing the Storyteller (as Wally): “Then you’ve come to
heroes’ world and controlling every other creature the right place! I sell lots of axes. Some small
the heroes meet along the way. When dice are and some HUGE! What do you fancy?”
rolled, the Storyteller must also be the referee, You (as Jen): “A huge axe does sound fun but
deciding what roll is needed for the heroes to e I’m good with a small one, thanks.”
succeed at something. It can be tough sometimes Storyteller: “He searches through a big
but it’s also a lot of fun! wooden chest and pulls out a shiny new axe
with a fancy gold hilt.”
It’s always important to remember that everyone is Storyteller (as Wally): “This is one of my best
playing this game to have fun. The Storyteller axes! It’ll cost you 5 gold coins. You want it?”
might be controlling the creatures the heroes are You (as Jen): “I just saved your town from a
fighting or deciding where there are a traps in the dragon! Can’t you sell it to me for a bit less?”
dungeon, but that doesn’t mean they’re the Storyteller (as Wally): “Oh, go on then. Let's
enemy! say 3 gold coins.”
You (as Jen): “Deal.”
Roleplaying You: “I shake his hand, hand him the money

We mentioned that this is a “tabletop roleplaying and leave with my shiny new axe.”
game”, so what does this mean? Well, in a lot of
tabletop games you'll move pieces around a board You’ll either be thinking this sounds awesome or
and sometimes you're playing a character with a maybe it sounds a little scary. Well, don’t be
name. In a roleplaying game, you don't just control scared. Your Storyteller will be a friend or family
your hero, you get to pretend to be them. member and they want you to have fun! So if you
What does that look like? Just imagine your hero, want, tell them you want to take it slowly with

Jen, is going into a shop to buy a new axe. It could roleplaying. There's nothing wrong with starting
go something like this: with things a bit more like the first conversation
and slowly, as you get more comfortable, trying to
You: “I’d like to go to a shop to buy an axe.” make it a bit more like the second one. Remember,
Storyteller: “A small axe or a huge axe?” this is a game and games are about everyone
You: “Small please.” having fun!
Storyteller: "That will cost 5 gold coins.”
You: “Great. Thanks.” Did you notice the bit where Jen tried to get the
axe cheaper? The Storyteller might let them have it
That’s perfectly fine but maybe a little boring. for less money just because they asked nicely. Or
Wouldn’t it be more fun to hear a bit more about they might have to roll some dice to see how nice
the world you're in? And wouldn't it be cool to Jen was to Wally. You'll find out more about this
actually play out that conversation with you talking later.


Games and Campaigns This book is in three parts:
• Heroes: This part is for players and walks them
When we talk about a game of Little but Fierce,
step-by-step through how you make your hero.
we’re talking about one session on one day. A
They'll keep going back to this as they gain
game might be an entire quest from start to finish
experience and “level up”.
or it could be one part of a quest that the players
• Rules: This part explains the rules of the game,
will continue next time. We call a series of games
telling you when to roll dice and how things like
with the same heroes a campaign.
fighting work.
• Storyteller’s Toolkit: This part is mostly for
A game can be as long or short as the players and
Storytellers and is filled with useful hints for
Storyteller are happy to play. Just remember to
running games, as well as lots of creatures and
take breaks!

magic items!
In the same way, a campaign can be as long or
You can either read the book yourself or nicely ask
short as you want. Maybe you want to play your
an adult or your Storyteller to read it for you and
heroes all the way from 1st level up to 10th level.

explain what you need to know.
Or maybe a campaign is just one big story, ending
in a fight against the big bad (a bit like a movie or
Remember, it's always okay to ask for help,
a series of a TV show).
especially when you’re starting something new!

In this book, we’ll talk a lot about dice. The first Note for 5th Edition players:
thing to know is that the word “die” just means As you read this book, you will notice that
one dice. It’s a bit like mouse and mice. e Little but Fierce has many similarities to 5th
Edition and that’s because it’s based on that
The other important thing is how we name the framework, using the Open Gaming License.
dice. We always call a die a “d-something” where
“something” is the number of sides it has. So a d6 However, you’ll also notice a lot of
is the six-sided die that comes with most board differences from 5th Edition and these are
games and a d10 is a ten-sided die. intentional. Little but Fierce is designed to be
a more streamlined and accessible version of
that system, so that means there are a lot of
changes to make this a better system for
children of all ages to enjoy.
Most of the dice you roll will be d10s. These are

Maybe this will be their stepping stone to

used for attack rolls, skill tests and resistance rolls.
playing 5th Edition or another system some
Don’t worry, all the rules will be explained as we go
day. Or maybe this will be their only
experience with a tabletop roleplaying game.
Both are absolutely okay, just so long as
Each player should make sure they have at least
everyone’s having fun!
one d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20 (but it never
hurts to have more lying around). The Storyteller

will probably need a lot more…

What Now?
Hopefully that’s explained a little bit about what
Little but Fierce is all about. If you’re still reading
this, we hope you want to play a game! So what do
you do now?


The first part of this book gives you all the To find out more about each of these, please read
information you’ll need for making your hero. the Kin chapter. On your hero sheet, write down
any information about the kin you chose.

Making Your Hero 3. What Do They Do?

To make your hero in Little but Fierce, just follow
Now you need to choose what class your hero is. A
these seven steps. If you ever need help, just ask
hero’s class decides what training and powers they

your Storyteller.
At the end of this book are blank hero sheets for
Choose a class:
you to use, as well as two example ones to look at.
• Druid

• Fighter
1. What Are They Like? • Mage
The most important thing about a hero isn’t their • Thief
powers: it’s who they are as a person. This is really
important as you start to find your hero’s voice To find out more about each of these, please read
when roleplaying conversations with the Storyteller the Classes chapter. On your hero sheet, you will
and other players. write down any information about the class you
So take some time to think about what your hero is
going to be like and write down some notes on Level
your hero sheet. Remember, your hero might not
Your hero has never been on a quest before and
act or feel the same way you do! Here are some
starts at 1st level. As you complete quests, defeat
questions to get you started:
monsters and save the world, your character gets
Right and Wrong:
• Are they nice to strangers?
When you have gained enough experience, your
• Do they normally follow the rules?
Storyteller will tell you that you have “levelled up”
Happy and Sad: and become 2nd level. When this happens,
• What hobbies do they enjoy? everything you do will improve and you might gain

• What really scares them? some new powers. The highest level you can be is
10th Level.
Hopes and Dreams:
• What do they want to do when they eventually To find out more about this, please read the
get old and stop questing? Levelling Up section at the end of this chapter.

Write down your answers on the second page of Health


your hero sheet. Your health is how much damage you can take
before you are knocked out. Your class tells you
how much health you start with, but we can’t quite
2. What Are They?
figure this out until we know what your hero’s
Next you need to choose what kin your hero is.
toughness is, so we'll come back to this later.
This could be a human, like you or me, or a fantasy
kin like an elf or orc.
Choose a kin: There will be some things your hero has always
found easy and other things they have had to
• Birdfolk • Gnome
practice for years to get good at.
• Dragonfolk • Goblin
• Dwarf • Hal ing
When you chose your class, it will have told you
• Elf • Human
about things you have training in. When you roll a
• Faun • Orc


d10 to use most of these things, you get to add 2. Choose one other ability and write +4 next to
your training bonus, which starts at +2 but gets it. You’re pretty good at this too.
better as you level up. 3. Choose another ability and write +1 next to it.
This is the ability you’re pretty bad at…
For skills and resistances you are trained in, look at 4. Write +3 next to the last ability. You’re not
your hero sheet and colour in the circle next to that good or bad at this, just okay.
thing. That will remind us later that you have
training in them and you’ll get your training bonus. Harder Way: Rolling for Abilities
If you’re not playing a thief, don’t worry about the Follow these three steps:
star next to the skills. 1. Roll five d6s and then get rid of the lowest one.
2. Take the numbers on your four dice. These will

For weapons, tools and armour, just write them be your four abilities scores (so a roll of 4
down in the Other Training bit of your hero sheet: means a score of +4).
• Training in weapons lets you add your training 3. Now choose which ability gets each of these
bonus when you attack with them scores. That’s it!

• Training in tools gives you an extra bonus when
you use them Once you have worked out your ability scores
• Training in armour means you know how to safely (either the Easy Way or the Harder Way), choose
use that armour one ability and increase it by 1.

You’ll find out more about all of these later on. Resistances
Sometimes you will be asked to roll a d10 to resist
4. What Are They Good At? enemy magic, poisons or other nasty things.
Different things affect different abilities. Your
Everyone is good at some things and not so good

these with four abilities:

Strength: How fit you are

at others. In Little but Fierce, we keep track of Storyteller will tell you which ability you are using
to protect yourself.

In the Resistances part of your hero sheet, there

are spaces for all four abilities. For each one, you
should write next to it the same number as that
ability score. If you have training in that resistance,
Speed: How quick and sneaky you are
you will have already coloured in that “training
dot” and you should +2 to that resistance.
Smarts: How clever and wise you are

5. What Skills Have They Learned?

While your four abilities will be used a lot during
Smiles: How friendly and fun you are
quests, each ability also has a few special skills that
go with them.
Each of these abilities will have a score given to
them. A score of +3 is normal and it means you’re Strength

okay at something. If your score is higher, like +6, Fitness: Running, wheeling, jumping,
it means you’re really good at it. If your score is swimming and other physical activity
lower, like +1, then it’s a weakness for now, but you
might get better later! Toughness: Staying standing and
focused, even if you get hurt
There are two different ways to work out the scores
for each of your abilities. Your Storyteller will tell
you how you’re going to do it in your game. Speed
Hiding: Moving quietly and making sure
Easy Way: Choose Your Abilities others cannot see you
Just follow these four steps:
1. Choose one of your abilities and write +5 next Stealing: Opening locks and carefully
to it. This is the thing you’re great at! taking things without others seeing


Smarts Health
When you chose your class, you found out how to
Finding: Spotting clues and being aware
work out your starting health. Now you know what
of the world around you
your toughness score is, you can add that on and
fill out that box on your hero sheet. You can never
Knowing: Remembering information that
have more health than this number.
you’ve read or been told about
If you get hurt, you can normally heal in three
Understanding: Knowing how someone
ways: taking a break, sleeping or being healed with
else is feeling
magic. You’ll find out more about these in the
Rules part of this book.

Each time you level up, you become tougher and
Performing: Entertaining others with
your maximum health will also increase. To find out
your talents
more about this, please read the Levelling Up

Talking: Getting someone to do what section.
you want
6. What Stuff Do They Have?
For each of these skills, you should write next to You’ll have seen that your class gives you lots of
them the same number as the ability it belongs to. bits of starting equipment, including weapons,
If you have training in that skill, you will have armour and supplies needed for your quests.
already coloured in that “training dot” and you
should +2 to that skill. e To find out more about each of these, please read
the Equipment chapter of this book. On your hero
sheet, write down any information about the
Example: equipment you’ve been given.
Marmaduke is a thief with a speed of +4.
When he picked his class, he got training in
In the Equipment chapter you will also find a table
hiding. So the score for his hiding skill is +6 of random knick-knacks. Either roll on the table to
but his stealing skill is just +4. or come up with an idea of your own. Write this
down on your hero sheet and spend a few minutes
making up a story about where you found it!
A hero’s movement score tells you how far they Armour and Defence

can move in a “turn”. You may have been given armour as part of your
equipment. Armour helps you avoid getting hit but
Movement = 6 some people are so quick and sneaky that they
don’t need it!

To find out more about movement and turns, When someone tries to attack you, your defence
please read the Fighting chapter in the Rules part score decides whether you get hit or not. When

of this book. you aren’t wearing any armour:

Awareness Defence = 5 + your speed

Your nding skill is important when you’re looking
for something or someone, but people sometimes
spot things without trying. This is your awareness If you are wearing armour, your defence will
and there’s a space for it on your hero sheet. probably be higher than this. The Equipment
chapter tells you how to work out your defence
when wearing different kinds of armour.
Awareness = 5 + your nding
Remember, if you don’t have training in some kind
You’ll find out more about how your awareness is of armour, you can’t wear it!
used in the Rules part of this book.


Weapons Class Powers
There are two types of weapons that your hero Each class improves in different ways when they
might have: close weapons (such as a sword) and level up, so keep checking your section of the
ranged weapons (such as a bow). Classes chapter to find out what will happen next
time you do!
When you attack with a weapon, you roll a d10,
add your training bonus (if you are trained in that Starting Health Increases
weapon) and an ability score: When you level up, your starting health increases.
• Most close weapons use your strength score, but You roll a die (each class uses different dice), add
some very light weapons let you use your speed your toughness score and increase your starting
score instead. health by that much.

• All ranged weapons use your speed score.
Ability and Skill Increases
The rules for fighting are explained in the Rules
Sometimes when you level up, you will also be
part of this book, but all you need to know is: if
allowed to increase an ability score by 1.

your roll plus your bonuses equals their defence
score or higher, you hit! If not, you miss.
Some important things to remember:
• You can never increase any ability to be higher
7. What Are You Waiting For? than +8 (but skills can go higher!).
That’s it! You’ve made your hero. Let’s see what • When you increase an ability by 1, any skills
happens next… related to that ability also increase by 1.
• If your toughness ever increases, your starting
e health will also increase by 1 point per level.

Levelling Up
Over time, your heroes will gain experience. When Example:
they have enough experience, they level up, Beanie is a 3rd-level fighter with a strength of
making them better at everything they do and +6, fitness of +6 and toughness of +8. He
maybe learning some new powers. levels up and is allowed to increase one
ability. He chooses strength, which increases
The table below shows how much experience you to +7. His fitness then increases to +7 and
need to get to each level: toughness to +9.

As his toughness has increased by 1 and he

Level Total Experience Needed
has become 4th level, his starting health

1 0 increases by 4.

2 30

3 70

4 150

5 275

6 425

7 600

8 800

9 1,000

10 1,200


Kin Dragonfolk
Dragonfolk are taller than most humans and are
This chapter tells you about all the different kin covered in colourful scales. They grow quickly and
you can choose for your hero. Each one is unique most are able to walk just a few hours after
and none are better or worse than any other. hatching. As the children of ancient dragons,
dragonfolk are known both for their wisdom and
For each, you’ll find some background information, unstoppable power.
such as what they usually look like and how quickly
they grow up. You will also find information on the As a dragonfolk, you have these traits:
traits they have, which are extra rules that make
your chosen kin special.

Armoured Skin You can +1 to your defence.

Families of Many Kin As a small action on your turn, you

can breathe fire. Choose an enemy
The trait tables in this chapter assume that both of
up to 2 units away. Make an attack
a hero’s parents are of the same kin but that’s not

roll with 1d10 + your strength + your
true for a lot of people. If you want to play a hero Dragon’s
training bonus. If you roll their
who was adopted by other kin or one whose Breath
defence or higher, the target takes
parents are of different kin, you can “mix and 2d8 fire damage. You can’t do this
match” from two or more kin tables! If you do this, again until you have taken a break or
you can get all the languages from your many kin. slept.

You can’t be hurt by fire damage.
Example: Scales
Maisie’s mum is a dwarf and her dad is a
human. So she takes the Darkvision and
Hardy traits from the dwarf table and the
Talented trait from the human table.
e Dragonfolk

Colours of Dragon
You can speak, read and write
Common and Draconic.
At home, her family speak Dwarvish and While red-scaled dragonfolk are the most
Human. She also understands Common. common, there are plenty of other colours of
dragon as well.

You can choose a different colour of dragonfolk if

Birdfolk you want. This changes:
Birdfolk look like a mixture of humans and birds, • The colour of your scales

with giant wings coming out of their backs. They • The damage type your Dragon’s Breath trait
grow up quickly and don’t normally get as old as causes (see the table below)
most humans. They are trusted by wild birds who • The damage type your Dragon’s Scales trait
usually see them as wise grandparents. ignores (again, see the table below)

As a birdfolk, you have these traits: Colour Damage Type


Feathered You can talk with any birds you meet Black Acid
Friends by whistling and chirping.
Blue Lightning
You increase your nding skill by 1.
You get this bonus even if you have Green Poison
training in finding.
White Cold
As a small action on your turn, you
can spread your wings, letting you
use your movement to fly. You can
also fly if you use the Dash action.

Birdfolk You can speak, read and write

Languages Common and Skyspeak.


Dwarf Faun
Dwarves are shorter (and usually a little bit wider) Faun are children of nature, with short horns and
than most humans and can get far older, often as long goat-like legs. They are similar in height to
old as 350. They have a long history of mining for humans and age at about the same speed. They
gems and precious metals, as well as creating are known for their natural magical talents (with
beautiful weapons, armour, jewellery and artwork. some faun choosing to use it for mischief!).

As a dwarf, you have these traits: As a faun, you have these traits:

You can see perfectly in dim light, You can choose a simple helper spell
but not in total darkness. from the druid spell list, which you

Nature’s Gift
can cast at any time. Please read the
Hardy You can’t be hurt by poison damage. Spells chapter for more information.
You increase your toughness skill by If you have to make a resistance roll
Sturdy 1. You get this bonus even if you

against a spell, you can roll with
have training in toughness. Spell
good luck. Please read the Rolling
Dice chapter in the Rules part of this
Dwarf You can speak, read and write
book for more information.
Languages Common and Dwarvish.
Spring in Your When you take the Jump action, you
Step can jump twice the usual distance.

Elf Faun You can speak, read and write

Languages Common and Fey.
Elves are usually slightly shorter and thinner than
most humans and have pointed ears. Unlike
humans, elves can get very old, sometimes as old
as 750, and are only treated as adults when they
turn 100. They are known for their understanding
e Gnome
of nature and fairy magic, as well as their excellent Gnomes are one of the shorter kin, usually
hearing and eyesight. standing taller than halflings but shorter than
dwarves. They can get very old, sometimes as old
As an elf, you have these traits: as 500, and usually spend their lives exploring the
wonder of the world. They are children of magic,
You can see perfectly in dim light, with a natural skill for both using it and resisting
but not in total darkness. enemy spells.

You can’t be charmed or put to As a gnome, you have these traits:

Forest Child
sleep by magic.
You can see perfectly in dim light,
You increase your nding skill by 1. Darkvision
Improved but not in total darkness.
You get this bonus even if you have
training in finding. You can choose a simple helper spell

from the mage spell list, which you

You can speak, read and write Magical Spark
Elf Languages can cast at any time. Please read the
Common and Elvish.
Spells chapter for more information.

If you have to make a resistance roll

against a spell, you can roll with
good luck. Please read the Rolling
Dice chapter in the Rules part of this
book for more information.

Gnome You can speak, read and write

Languages Common and Gnomish.


Goblin Human
Goblins look a bit like small orcs, with grey or Humans in Little but Fierce are the same as
green skin, but they are usually thinner and less humans in the real world: they come in all shapes,
muscly. They grow up quickly with even 12-year- sizes and skin colours.
old goblins treated as adults and 50-year-goblins
thought of as old and wise. Many goblins live As a human, you have these traits:
underground, so they are known for their quick
thinking and skills at avoiding being seen. At the end of working out your
Extra Ability ability scores, you can increase two
As an goblin, you have these traits: Increase different ability scores by 1 (instead
of just one ability score).

You can see perfectly in dim light,
Darkvision Practice You are trained in one extra skill of
but not in total darkness.
Makes Perfect your choice.
When you get a critical hit with a
Sneaky You get a general talent of your

ranged weapon, you can roll one
Shooter Talented choice. Please read the Talents
extra damage die.
chapter for more information.
You increase your hiding skill by 1.
Unspottable You get this bonus even if you have Human You can speak, read and write
training in hiding. Languages Common and Human.

Goblin You can speak, read and write

Languages Common and Goblin.

Hal ing
Halflings are very short, usually half the height of
e Orcs are grey- or green-skinned with powerful
muscles and tusk-like teeth that stick out from their
jaws. Like goblins, they grow up quickly with even
most humans, but can get twice as old. They are 12-year-old orcs treated as adults and 50-year-olds
known as hard workers but also as people who treated with the highest respect because of their
take the time to enjoy life, especially in cooking age. Orcs are known for keeping going in even the
and eating food. toughest situations, even when faced with great
As a halfling, you have these traits:
As an orc, you have these traits:

Brave You can’t be scared by magic.

You can see perfectly in dim light,
Hardy You can’t be hurt by poison damage. Darkvision
but not in total darkness.
If you get a 1 on an attack roll, skill When you get a critical hit with a
test or resistance roll, you can roll Heavy Hitter close weapon, you can roll one extra
the die again. You must keep your damage die.
new roll.

If you’re about to be knocked out,

Hal ing You can speak, read and write you instead stay awake on 1 health.
Languages Common and Halfling. Unstoppable
You can’t do this again until you
have slept.

You can speak, read and write

Orc Languages
Common and Orc.


Classes Druid
A druid has promised to protect the plants and
This chapter tells you about all the different classes animals of the world and so nature has given them
you can choose for your hero. Some are better at powerful magic to do this. They can also turn into
fighting; others at magic. animals, making them very dangerous in a fight.

The information for each class is split into a few Note: Your class table telling you about your
sections: powers and spells is at the top of the next page.

Class Table Health

This table tells which powers you get at each level.

At 1st level:
When you make your hero, you get all the powers
in the 1st level row.
Starting health = 8 + your toughness

This tells you how much health you start with at 1st Each time you level up, you can increase your
level and how much extra health you get each time starting health by 1d8 + your toughness.
you level up.
Training You have training in this equipment:
Here you find out what your hero is trained in. It’s
split into two parts: Armour Light armour, shields
• Equipment: These are all the kinds of armour, e Clubs, daggers, darts, spears, staffs,
weapons and tools you are trained in. Write Weapons
slings, shortswords
these down in the Training part of your hero
sheet. Tools None
• Resistance and Skills: This is the ability you are
better at defending against and the skills you are
trained in. For now, just colour in the “training You also have training in:
dot” on your hero sheet for each of these. The
Resistance Smarts
Making Your Hero chapter will explain how you
work out all the numbers that go with them. Skills Toughness, finding, knowing,
(choose one) understanding

These are all the things your hero starts with. There
may be a few different things you can choose from,
so take the time to think about what your hero You start with this equipment:
might need on their quests. • (a) a shield or (b) one simple weapon of your
• (a) a shortsword or (b) one simple close weapon
Class Powers
of your choice

This large section at the end explains each of the • Leather armour and a magical focus
class powers your hero will get as they level up • Everyday clothes and a travel pack filled with
towards 10th level. everything you need to go questing

Class Powers
As you level up, you get these powers:

You have been taught the secret language only
known by druids. This is a spoken language but
also a way of leaving hidden messages using
patterns of dirt, sticks, flowers and other natural


Simple Spells Slots per Spell Grade
Level Class Powers Known G1 G2 G3 G4 G5

1st Druidic, Spellcasting 2 2 — — — —

2nd Animal Form, Class Talent 2 3 — — — —

3rd — 2 4 2 — — —

4th Ability Increase or General Talent, Animal Form 3 4 3 — — —

5th Improved Training 3 4 3 2 — —

6th Class Talent 3 4 3 3 — —

7th — 3 4 3 3 1 —

8th Ability Increase or General Talent, Animal Form 3 4 3 3 2 —

9th Improved Training 3 4 3 3 3 1

10th Class Talent 4 4 3 3 3 2

Remember to ask your Storyteller about this any on your hero sheet. Then, after your hero has slept,
time you talk to other druids or are trying to find
e you should choose which spells they are going to
something hidden in places they have been… prepare for that day. Colour in the dot next to the
spell on your hero sheet to remind you which ones
Spellcasting are prepared. You can always change which spells
As a druid, you do not use a spellbook but are you have prepared after your next sleep.
given spells each day by nature. Please read the
Spells chapter for the list of druid spells and the Using Spell Slots
Fighting chapter in the Rules part of the book to Each day, a druid can only cast so many spells
find out how you cast spells. before they have to sleep and get back their
magical energy. The amount of magical energy
Simple Spells they have each day is called their spell slots. The
Simple spells can be cast as many times as you like class table above tells you how many spells slots

without using up any of your magical energy. You you have for each spell level. You start with two
start knowing two simple spells and will learn more Grade 1 spell slots, so each day you can cast two
as you level up. See the Simple Spells Known Grade 1 spells.
column in your class table.
As you level up, you’ll get higher level spell slots as
Choice of Spells well. So, at 3rd level, you’ll get your first Grade 2
All spells have a grade, with Grade 1 spells being spell slot. You can use this for casting a Grade 2

the weakest and Grade 5 spells being the most spell or, if you’ve run out of Grade 1 spell slots, you
powerful. could use it for casting a Grade 1 spell instead.
Some weaker spells actually get better when you
Each morning, a druid will choose which spells cast them using higher level spell slots!
they can cast that day. They choose them from the
list of druid spells in the Spells chapter. The Spellcasting Ability
number of spells you can have prepared is your You use your smarts for casting spells, based on
hero’s level + your smarts score. Write down this your wisdom of understanding nature’s gifts.
number in the prepared spells box on your hero The higher your smarts, the more powerful your
sheet. spells are and the harder it is for enemies to ignore
As there a lot of spells, it’s a good idea to write
down the names of the ones you use most often


We keep track of this with two numbers: (which will be the same number it was when you
changed into an animal).
Spell Attack Your training bonus + your smarts • You can’t do anything that doesn’t make sense in
your animal form. For example, you can’t cast
3 + your training bonus
Spell Force spells while you are a tiger because tigers can’t
+ your smarts

Write down both these numbers on your hero If you don’t drop to 0 health in your animal form,
sheet. Remember to keep them up-to-date if your you can stay that way for 1 hour for each level you
training bonus or smarts increase later on. have (for example, a 5th-level druid could stay in
their animal form for five hours). As a small action

Magical Focus on your turn, you can end this power early and
To cast spells, a druid must be holding an object instantly turn back into your normal form.
which is the focus of their power. It could be a
magic acorn, a carved wooden figure or something Class Talent

else that your hero cares about. You can choose a druid talent from the Talents
Animal Form
You can use a big action to turn yourself into an Ability Increase or General Talent
animal you have seen before. After you have done You have a choice:
this twice, you can’t do it again until you have • Increase one of your ability scores by 1, or
taken a break or slept. • Choose a general talent from the Talents chapter

When you first get this power, you can only turn e Improved Training
into simple land animals, which are no more
Your training bonus increases from +2 to +3. This
powerful than Danger Level 2. As you level-up,
means that a few numbers on your hero sheet also
you can turn into more powerful animals:
• Weapon attacks you have training in
Danger Levels
Your Level Other Rules • Your spell attack and spell force
• Skills you have training in
2nd to 3rd 0 to 2 No Flight or Swim trait • Resistances you have training in

4th to 7th 0 to 3 No Flight trait

When you become 9th level, your training bonus
8th to 10th 0 to 4 — increases to +4.

Your Storyteller will show you which animals you

can turn into or you can read the Creatures
chapter in the Storyteller’s Toolkit part of this

When you are in your animal form:


• All your equipment disappears and will return

when you turn back. You use the animal’s attacks
instead of your weapons.
• Your strength, speed, movement and defence
are replaced by the animal’s. If you have training
in any skills that use your strength or speed,
you’ll need to work out what your new skill scores
• If the animal has any traits (including Flight or
Swim) you get those.
• You use the animal’s health instead of your own.
If the animal’s health becomes 0, this power ends
early and you go back to using your own health


Fighter Equipment
You start with this equipment:
When things go bad, a fighter uses their skills in
• (a) chain mail or (b) leather armour and a
battle to save the day. They are trained in many
longbow with arrows
different types of weapon and armour, so are
• (a) one advanced weapon of your choice and a
prepared for anything.
shield or (b) any two advanced weapons
• (a) a light crossbow with bolts or (b) two small
Level Class Powers axes
• Everyday clothes and a travel pack filled with
1st Fighting Style, Quick Recovery
everything you need to go questing
2nd Lightning Speed

3rd Class Talent
Class Powers
As you level up, you get these powers:
4th Ability Increase or General Talent
Fighting Style

5th Extra Attack, Improved Training
You can choose one of these special ways of
6th Ability Increase or General Talent fighting:
7th Class Talent
You get +2 on all attack rolls with
8th Ability Increase or General Talent ranged weapons.

9th Improved Training, Unstoppable When you roll for damage with a
close weapon that needs both
10th Class Talent e Brute hands, you can roll again any 1s or
2s you get. You must keep your new
At 1st level: When you are using a shield, you
can use a small action to give a
friend +2 to their defence until the
Starting health = 10 + your toughness Protector
start of your next turn. This bonus
ends early if one of you moves away
from the other.
Each time you level up, you can increase your
starting health by 1d10 + your toughness. While you are wearing armour, you
get an extra +1 to your defence.

While you are using a close weapon
You have training in this equipment:
in one hand (and no other weapons),
you get +1 to your weapon attack
Armour All armour, shields
All simple weapons,
all advanced weapons
Quick Recovery

Tools None You can use a small action to heal yourself 4 health
per level. For example, if you are 5th level, you
heal 20 health. You can’t do this again until you
You also have training in:
have taken a break or slept.
Resistance Strength
Lightning Speed
Skills Fitness, finding, toughness, When you use this power, you can make an extra
(choose one) understanding small action on your turn. Unlike normal, this extra
small action is allowed to be the same as a small
action you’ve already taken this turn. You can’t do
this again until you have taken a break or slept.


Class Talent Mage
You can choose a fighter talent from the Talents
A mage is a wizard or witch who spends years
studying magic, slowly learning spells and copying
them into their spellbook. While they may seem
Ability Increase or General Talent weak at first, their power will quickly become
You have a choice: unstoppable.
• Increase one of your ability scores by 1, or
• Choose a general talent from the Talents chapter Note: Your class table telling you about your
powers and spells is at the top of the next page.
Improved Training

Your training bonus increases from +2 to +3. This Health
means that a few numbers on your hero sheet also At 1st level:
• Weapon attacks you have training in
Starting health = 6 + your toughness
• Your spell spell attack and spell force (if you can

cast spells)
• Skills you have training in Each time you level up, you can increase your
• Resistances you have training in starting health by 1d6 + your toughness.

When you become 9th level, your training bonus Training

increases to +4.
You have training in this equipment:
Extra Attack e Armour None
When you use a small action to Attack, you can
make two weapon attacks instead of one. You can’t Daggers, darts, slings, staffs,
use this to attack with two spells and it can’t be light crossbows
used again if you Attack with a Second Weapon. Tools None
You also have training in:
If you fail a resistance roll, you can use this power
to roll again. You must keep your new roll. You
Resistance Smarts
can’t do this again until you have slept.
Finding, knowing, understanding
(choose one)

You start with this equipment:
• (a) a staff or (b) a dagger
• A spellbook and a magical focus
• Everyday clothes and a travel pack filled with

everything you need to go questing

Class Powers
As you level up, you get these powers:

As a mage you have a spellbook which contains all
the spells you have been taught. Please read the
Spells chapter for the list of mage spells and the
Fighting chapter in the Rules part of the book to
find out how you cast spells.


Simple Spells Slots per Spell Grade
Level Class Powers Known G1 G2 G3 G4 G5

1st Spellcasting, Magical Recovery 3 2 — — — —

2nd Class Talent 3 3 — — — —

3rd — 3 4 2 — — —

4th Ability Increase or General Talent 4 4 3 — — —

5th Improved Training 4 4 3 2 — —

6th Class Talent 4 4 3 3 — —

7th — 4 4 3 3 1 —

8th Ability Increase or General Talent 4 4 3 3 2 —

9th Improved Training 4 4 3 3 3 1

10th Class Talent 5 4 3 3 3 2

Simple Spells they have each day is called their spell slots. The
Simple spells can be cast as many times as you like class table above tells you how many spells slots
without using up any of your magical energy. You
e you have for each spell level. You start with two
start knowing three simple spells and will learn Grade 1 spell slots, so each day you can cast two
more as you level up. See the Simple Spells Known Grade 1 spells.
column in your class table.
As you level up, you’ll get higher level spell slots as
Spellbook well. So, at 3rd level you’ll get your first Grade 2
All spells have a grade, with Grade 1 spells being spell slot. You can use this for casting a Grade 2
the weakest and Grade 5 spells being the most spell or, if you’ve run out of Grade 1 spell slots, you
powerful. could use it for casting a Grade 1 spell instead.
Some weaker spells actually get better when you
You start with a spellbook with six Grade 1 mage cast them using higher level spell slots!
spells in it. Choose these from the list of mage

spells in the Spells chapter. Spellcasting Ability

You use your smarts for casting spells, as you learn
Each morning, a mage will prepare some of these your spells from years of careful study.
spells so they can cast them later that day. The
number of spells you can have prepared is your The higher your smarts, the more powerful your
hero’s level + your smarts score. Write down this spells are and the harder it is for enemies to ignore
number in the prepared spells box on your hero them. We keep track of this with two numbers:

Spell Attack Your training bonus + your smarts
After your hero has slept, you should choose which 3 + your training bonus
spells they are going to prepare for that day. Spell Force
+ your smarts
Colour in the dot next to the spell on your hero
sheet to remind you which ones are prepared. You
can always change which spells you have prepared Write down both these numbers on your hero
after your next sleep. sheet. Remember to keep them up-to-date if your
training bonus or smarts increase later on.
Using Spell Slots
Each day, a mage can only cast so many spells Magical Focus
before they have to sleep and get back their To cast spells, a mage must be holding an object
magical energy. The amount of magical energy which is the focus of their power. It could be a


gem, a small statue or something else that your
hero cares about.
Thieves are known for sneaking in the shadows;
Learning More Powerful Spells getting things done without being seen. They are
Each time you level up, you can add two mage excellent at fighting but, unlike fighters, most
spells of your choice to your spellbook. These thieves use their skills to dodge attacks instead of
spells must be of a grade that you can cast. trusting that armour will protect them.

You may also find spell scrolls during your quests, Sneak
Level Class Powers
which contain new spells that you can carefully Attack
copy into your spellbook. Each spell takes 2 hours

Expert Skills, Sneak Attack,
to copy. 1st 1d6
Thieves’ Code

Magical Recovery 2nd 1d6 Quick Thinking

Once per day, when you take a break, you can get

3rd 2d6 Class Talent
back some of your magical energy. You can either:
• Get back your highest grade spell slot, or 4th 2d6 Ability Increase or General Talent
• Get back two spell slots of a lower grade
Duck and Dive,
5th 3d6
Improved Training
Class Talent
You can choose a mage talent from the Talents 6th 3d6 Expert Skills
7th 4d6 Sidestep
Ability Increase or General Talent
You have a choice:
• Increase one of your ability scores by 1, or
• Choose a general talent from the Talents chapter




Ability Increase or General Talent

Improved Training, Class Talent

Ability Increase or General Talent

Improved Training
Your training bonus increases from +2 to +3. This Health
means that a few numbers on your hero sheet also At 1st level:
• Weapon attacks you have training in Starting health = 8 + your toughness
• Your spell spell attack and spell force

• Skills you have training in

• Resistances you have training in Each time you level up, you can increase your
starting health by 1d8 + your toughness.
When you become 9th level, your training bonus
increases to +4. Training
You have training in this equipment:

Armour All light armour

All simple weapons, longswords,


Tools Thieves’ tools

You also have training in:

Resistance Speed

Skills Fitness, hiding, finding, stealing,

(choose two) talking, understanding


Equipment Ability Increase or General Talent
You start with this equipment: You have a choice:
• (a) a longsword or (b) a shortsword • Increase one of your ability scores by 1, or
• (a) a shortbow with arrows or (b) a shortsword • Choose a general talent from the Talents chapter
• Leather armour, two daggers and thieves’ tools
• Everyday clothes, a travel pack filled with Duck and Dive
everything you need to go questing and a Once per turn, when an enemy that you can see
burglar’s bag with some extra special supplies hits you with an attack, you can use this power to
only take half that damage (rounding down).
Class Powers
As you level up, you get these powers: Improved Training

Your training bonus increases from +2 to +3. This
Expert Skills means that a few numbers on your hero sheet also
Choose one of your skills you already have training increase:
in and colour in the “expert star” for it on your • Weapon attacks you have training in

hero sheet. Your training bonus is doubled for this • Your spell spell attack and spell force (if you can
skill. cast spells)
• Skills you have training in
When you become 6th level, you can choose an • Resistances you have training in
extra skill to become an expert in.
When you become 9th level, your training bonus
Sneak Attack increases to +4.
Once per turn, you can roll extra damage dice
when you hit with a weapon attack.

You can only use this power if:

• You rolled your attack roll with good luck, or
e Sometimes your Storyteller will ask you for a speed
resistance roll to only take half damage from
something. With this power, a pass on your
resistance roll means you take no damage at all
• The enemy you hit cannot see you, or
• One of your friends is standing next to the and a fail means you only take half the damage
enemy you hit (rounding down).

At 1st level, you cause an extra 1d6 normal

damage. The amount of extra damage dice you
get to roll increases as you level up. Remember to

read the Sneak Attack column in your class table

each time you do.

Thieves’ Code
You have been taught the secret code only known
by thieves. This includes code words, sign
language and marks that are hidden on buildings

to mark secret passages or hidden treasure.

Remember to ask your Storyteller about this any

time you talk to other thieves or are trying to find
something hidden in places they have been…

Quick Thinking
You can now Dash or Hide using a small action
(instead of a big action).

Class Talent
You can choose a thief talent from the Talents


Talents This talent can be picked more than once. Each
time you take it, you can choose another two
This chapter tells you about all the talents you can
things from the lists to get training in.
choose for your hero as they level up. Each one
gives you new powers to help you in fighting,
solving puzzles or completing quests. Natural Luck ●
When you are about to make an attack roll, skill
There are general talents which can taken by any test or resistance roll, you can use this talent to roll
heroes and others are class talents that can only be with good luck (or to make a normal roll if your
taken by heroes of that class. Storyteller says you should be rolling with bad

Some talents can be picked more than once,
getting more powerful each time. The number of You can’t do this again until you have taken a break
dots (●) next to its name will quickly tell you how or slept.
many times you can take it.

Shake It Off ●●●
General Talents When you get hurt, you can decrease the damage
taken by -2. This can mean you take no damage at
These talents can be taken by any hero. all.

Always Watching ● This talent can be picked more than once:

You can increase your awareness by +5. • Second Time: You can decrease the damage
taken by -5.
Also, you can now Search using a small action • Third Time: You can decrease the damage taken
(instead of a big action).

Expert Skills ●●●

Choose one of your skills you already have training
by -10.

Stagger ●●
When you hit an an enemy with a weapon attack,
in and colour in the “expert star” for it on your you can use a small action to slow them down. If
hero sheet. Your training bonus is doubled for this you do, they can only move half their movement
skill. (rounding up) in their next turn.

This talent can be picked more than once. Each This talent can be picked more than once. If you
time you take it, you can choose an extra skill to be take it a second time, the enemy cannot move at
an expert in. all in their next turn when you use this talent.

Extra Training ●●● Weak Spot ●

You get extra training in your choice of skills, When you are about to make an attack roll with a
weapons, armour or tools. Choose any two of weapon or spell, you can choose to -3 from your
these: roll. If you do this and hit, your attack causes +10
• Skills: Any skill damage.

• Weapons: All simple weapons or all advanced

• Armour: All light armour, all heavy armour or
Class Talents
• Tools: A musical instrument or thieves’ tools These talents can only be taken by specific classes.

You can choose one thing from two different lists Druid
(such as the stealing skill and all advanced These class talents can only be taken by druids.
weapons) or two things from the same list (such as
all light armour and all heavy armour) Improved Animal Form ●●●
The Danger Level of any animals you turn into with
Make sure you colour in the “training dot” on your
your Animal Form power can be 1 higher than
hero sheet and change any numbers related to
normal. For example, a 4th-level druid can usually


only choose an animal of Danger Level 0, 1, 2 or 3, Spell-sword ●●●
but with this talent they could also choose an You learn two simple spells of your choice from the
animal of Danger Level 4. mage spell list. You also learn a Grade 1 change,
energy or protect spell.
This talent can be picked more than once:
• Second Time: You can choose an animal with a Just like a mage, you use your smarts for casting
Danger Level that is 2 higher than normal. these spells:
• Third Time: You can choose an animal with a
Danger Level that is 3 higher than normal. Spell Attack Your training bonus + your smarts

3 + your training bonus

Natural Recovery ● Spell Force

+ your smarts
Once per day, when you take a break, you can get
back some of your magical energy. You can either:
• Get back your highest grade spell slot, or This talent can be picked more than once:
• Get back two spell slots of a lower grade • Second Time: You learn another Grade 1 spell

and a Grade 2 spell. Both must be change,
Nature’s Immunity ● energy or protect spells.
You can’t be hurt by poison damage and cannot • Third Time: You learn another Grade 2 spell and
get sick with illnesses. a Grade 3 spell. Both must be change, energy or
protect spells.
Quick Change ●
Every day you only have a small amount of magic
You can now use your Animal Form ability using a
energy. Each of the Grade 1, 2 or 3 spells you learn
small action (instead of a big action) and can turn
from this talent can only be cast once until you
back at any time in your turn (without using an
action at all).

e have slept. After you have slept, you get back your
magical energy and can cast them all again.

These class talents can only be taken by fighters.
These class talents can only be taken by mages.

Champion’s Courage ●●● Boosted Spell ●●●

Choose an ability: speed, smarts or smiles. You get
Choose a spell school: appear, change, control,
training in resistance rolls for that ability. This does
doom, energy, illusion, protect or truth.
not replace your training in strength resistance rolls

that you got when you picked the fighter class.

Any time you cast a spell of this school that causes
damage, you can add your smarts to the total
This talent can be picked more than once. Each
damage caused.
time you take it, you can choose an extra ability to
get training in for those resistance rolls.
This talent can be picked more than once. Each
time you take it, you can choose an extra school of
Extra Fighting Style ●●● magic.

You can choose an extra Fighting Style from the list

in the Fighter class. This does not replace the one Fortune Teller ●
you chose at 1st level.
When you finish sleeping, roll two d10s and write
down the numbers rolled.
This talent can be picked more than once. Each
time you take it, you can choose an extra Fighting
Later that day, when you or a friend you can see
makes an attack roll, skill test or resistance roll you
can use one of the numbers you wrote down
Improved Critical ● instead of their roll. Afterwards, cross out the
When you roll a 9 or 10 on a weapon attack roll, it number you used.
is a critical hit.
Any numbers you don’t use are crossed out when
you next sleep.


Hypnosis ● them (so you might want to aim it in a slightly
As a small action on your turn, you can try to different direction!).
hypnotise someone next to you who can see and
hear you. They must make a smarts resistance roll
against your spell force. If they fail, they are
charmed by you until the end of your next turn. These class talents can only be taken by thieves.
They will not move on their turn or take any
actions. Fast Hands ●
If you use your thieves’ tools with the Use
During your next turn, if you are still next to them, Something action, this is now only a small action
you can use another small action to continue (instead of a big action). To find out more about

hypnotising them without them having to roll using your thieves’ tools, please read the
again. Equipment chapter of this book.

Once the hypnosis ends or if they pass their Master of Surprise ●

resistance roll, you can’t do this again until you If you attack an enemy who has not yet had a turn
have slept. in this fight, you can roll any attack rolls you make
with good luck.
Multi-Spell ●●●
Choose a spell school: appear, change, control, Super Sneaky ●
doom, energy, illusion, protect or truth. If you move no more than half your movement in a
turn, any hiding rolls you make can be rolled with
If you cast a spell of this school that targets only good luck.
one creature, you can now target two creatures

big action (instead of a small action).

instead. If you do this, casting the spell will use a

If the spell lets you target more than one creature

Trickster ●●●
You learn two simple spells of your choice from the
mage spell list. You also learn a Grade 1 control or
at higher levels or using higher grade spell slots, illusion spell.
this talent lets you choose one extra target.
Just like a mage, you use your smarts for casting
This talent can be picked more than once. Each these spells:
time you take it, you can choose an extra target.
Spell Attack Your training bonus + your smarts

Not-So-Simple Spells ● 3 + your training bonus


Spell Force
Many of your simple spells allow your enemy to + your smarts
make a resistance roll and, if they do, they don’t
take any damage from your spell. With this talent, This talent can be picked more than once:
if they pass their resistance roll they still take half • Second Time: You learn another Grade 1 spell
the spell’s damage (rounding down) but no other and a Grade 2 spell. Both must be control or
effects. illusion spells.

• Third Time: You learn another Grade 2 spell and

Safety Bubbles ● a Grade 3 spell. Both must be control or illusion
When you cast a spell that affects everyone in an spells.
area, you can protect a number of friends from
accidentally getting hurt by your spell. Anyone you Every day you only have a small amount of magic
protect won’t take any damage from your spell or energy. Each of the Grade 1, 2 or 3 spells you learn
get any conditions that spell might cause (for from this talent can only be cast once until you
example, falling down or being stopped). have slept. After you have slept, you get back your
magical energy and can cast them all again.
The friends you protect must be creatures you can
see and you can only protect as many of them as
your level. For example, if you are a 3rd-level
mage and four friends might get hit by your
burning hands spell, you can only protect three of


Equipment Weapons
A hero’s choice of weapon says a lot about them.
This chapter tells you about the equipment you Some like to carry the biggest blade they can and
can get to help you on your quests, including others like something smaller and quicker. There
weapons, armour and other useful things. are also people who like to stay back and fire
arrows from a distance.
The information for each weapon is split into a few
In Little but Fierce, there are two sizes of coin:
gold coins (gc) and copper coins (cc) with 1 gold
coin worth the same as 100 copper coins.

Weapons can be described as either close (such as
a sword) or ranged (such as a bow).

Normally, your defence is 5 + your speed (see the They can also be simple or advanced, which just
Making Your Hero chapter). But if you’re wearing describes how tricky they are to use.
armour, your defence will always be better that
that. Together this gives you four types of weapon to
choose from: simple close, simple ranged,
The information for each piece of armour is split advanced close and advanced ranged.
into a few sections:
Type e What this style of weapon is normally called.
There are two types of armour:
• Light Armour, which protects you a bit and still If nothing here fits your character, you could take
lets you move quickly to dodge attacks. the rules for one weapon and use it for something
• Heavy Armour, which is made to just be as else. So you could use the longsword rules for a
tough as possible. big hammer or the darts rules for ninja throwing
There are also shields, which give you a small
bonus to your defence while you’re holding them. Cost
The price to buy a new weapon of this style.
What this style of armour is called. Skill

Different weapons use different skills, which you

Cost add to your attack and damage rolls:
The price to buy a new suit of this armour. • Most close weapons use your strength score, but
some very light weapons let you use your speed
Defence score instead.
This is how you work out your defence while you’re • All ranged weapons use your speed score.

wearing this armour.

Name Cost Defence If you hit with this weapon, this says which dice you
roll to find out how much damage it causes.
Leather 10 gc 6 + your speed
Light All basic weapons cause normal damage. If you
Thick Fur 12 gc 7 + your speed
ever get a magic weapon, it might cause other
Chain Mail 75 gc 14 types of damage, like fire or cold.

Heavy Half Plate 750 gc 15 Features

Full Plate 1,500 gc 16 Some weapons have special features, which are
described below.
Shield Shield 10 gc +2


Name Cost Ability Damage Features

Club 10 cc Strength 1d4

Dagger 2 gc Strength or Speed 1d4 Thrown (12 units)

Huge Club 20 cc Strength 1d8 Both hands

Simple Close
Small Axe 5 gc Strength 1d6 Thrown (24 units)

Spear 1 gc Strength 1d6 Switch (1d8), thrown (12 units)

Staff 20 cc Strength 1d6 Switch (1d8)

Darts 5 cc Speed 1d4 Range (12 units)

Both hands, range (64 units),

Light Crossbow 25 gc Speed 1d8
slow reload
Simple Ranged

Shortbow 25 gc Speed 1d6 Both hands, range (64 units)

Sling 10 cc Speed 1d4 Range (24 units)

Huge Axe 30 gc Strength 1d12 Both hands

Huge Sword 50 gc Strength 2d6 Both hands

Advanced Close
Longsword 15 gc Strength 1d8 Switch (1d10)

Advanced Ranged

Heavy Crossbow
10 gc

50 gc
e Strength or Speed


Both hands, range (80 units),
slow reload
Longbow 50 gc Speed 1d8 Both hands, range (120 units)

Weapon Features Switch

In the weapons table above, you’ll see that some This weapon will normally be held in one hand, but
weapons have special features. if you want, you can hold it in both hands to make
it more powerful when you attack. If you do this,

Both Hands you use the damage dice in the brackets instead.
This weapon can only be used if held in both
hands. These weapons are very powerful but you Thrown
won’t be able to hold a shield or anything else in This close weapon can be thrown as a ranged
your other hand while you use them. weapon (using the same ability as normal) if things
get nasty. Just remember to pick it up afterwards!

Just like ranged weapons, these weapons will say

This is a ranged weapon and so it will say in
the furthest range of that weapon in brackets.
brackets the furthest distance you can fire it.

While ranged weapons need ammo to fire (like

arrows and bolts), this game assumes your hero Tools
always has enough with them, so you never have Most equipment can be used by anyone, but to
to keep track of how many arrows have (because use tools well you have to be trained in them.
that would be boring!).

Name Cost
Slow Reload
These weapons are quite slow to load more ammo Musical instrument of your choice 10 gc
into. Once you have attacked with these weapons,
you must use a small action to reload them. Thieves’ tools 25 gc


Musical Instruments Name Cost
Most heroes who are musicians will bring an
Chest 5 gc
instrument with them, for playing around the
campfire or entertaining strangers. Crowbar 2 gc

When buying a musical instrument (or get training Dried food (supply) 50 cc
in one), you must choose which instrument it is.
Everyday clothes 50 cc

If you have training in a musical instrument, any Fancy clothes 15 gc

performing test you make with it can be rolled with
good luck. First aid kit 5 gc

Fishing rod 1 gc
Thieves’ Tools
A set of thieves’ tools has everything a thief needs Glass bottle 2 gc
for making mischief, including lock picks, a small Grappling hook 2 gc

mirror, a thin set of pliers and other useful tools.
Hammer and climbing spikes (supply) 1 gc
If you have training in thieves’ tools you can roll
Handcuffs 2 gc
with good luck when you:
• Make a stealing test to pick a lock, or Hand mirror 5 gc
• Make a finding test to set or disarm a trap
Hourglass 25 gc

Ladder (2 units long) 10 cc

Useful Supplies
equipment you can buy for your heroes. There
In this section you’ll find all other other pieces of

aren’t strict rules on how you can use them, so try



Magical focus
50 cc

10 gc

10 gc
to think creatively! Don’t forget, it’s always okay to
ask your Storyteller about an idea you’ve got (no Magnifying glass 100 gc
matter how silly you think it is).
Meal kit 20 cc
Where an item says “supply” in brackets, this Paper (supply) 20 cc
means that you get enough of them that you don’t
need to keep track of how many you’ve got left. Pen and ink (supply) 10 gc

Perfume (bottle) 5 gc
Name Cost
Rope (10 units long) 1 gc
Acid (bottle) 25 gc
Shoulder bag 1 cc
Backpack 2 gc
Sledgehammer 2 gc
Bag of small metal beads 1 gc

Spade 2 gc
Ball of string 1 cc
Tent (for one person) 1 gc
Barrel 2 gc
Tinderbox 50 cc
Bedroll 1 gc
Torches (supply) 5 cc
Bell 1 gc
Water flask 20 cc
Blanket 50 cc

Book 25 gc

Candles (supply) 5 cc

Chain (2 units long) 5 gc


Packs see the Creatures chapter in the Storyteller’s
Toolkit part of this book.
Every hero has a travel pack that contains a lot of
useful supplies for questing. Some other classes
Name Movement Cost
also get extra bags filled with things that might be
useful to them. Dog (or other small animal) 8 units 25 gc

Elephant (or other large animal) 8 units 200 gc

Travel Pack
All heroes start with a travel pack, which is a large Horse (or other medium animal) 12 units 65 gc
backpack filled with:
• A comfy bedroll to sleep on
• A supply of dried food to eat on long journeys Land Vehicles

• A meal kit with a plate, a bowl, a cup, a knife, a
Riding an animal is fine for short journeys but it
fork and a spoon
requires you to pay attention at all times. For
• A rope (10 units long) which could be used for
longer journeys, people will often use a land
solving lots of problems

vehicle that is pulled by animals, allowing most of
• A tent (for one person) to sleep outside in
the people inside to rest.
• A tinderbox for lighting camp fires
• A supply of torches which can be lit for travelling
Each land vehicle says the number of people that
at night or exploring dark dungeons
can be carried.
• A full water ask to drink from
There are no strict rules on how many animals are
If you lose this pack, you can replace it for 3 gc.
needed to pull a land vehicle (as it depends on
how many people are inside and what equipment
Burglar’s Bag

• A bag of small metal beads to make enemies

fall over
All thieves start with a burglar’s bag, which is a
small shoulder bag filled with:
they’ve brought with them) but it will usually be at
least two.

Name People Cost

• A ball of string for building traps Cart 1-2 15 gc
• A crowbar to help force open locked doors
• A grappling hook to climb up tall buildings Snow sled 1-2 20 gc
• A hammer and climbing spikes to climb up Wagon 1-6 35 gc

If you lose this pack, you can replace it for 4 gc.

Water Vehicles
To travel by sea, you will need a boat or ship. If
you’re just travelling up a river, a simple rowboat
Animals and Vehicles will be fine but for months of travel over dangerous
Most heroes will be happy to walk around town or waters you’ll need something much bigger.
even to spend a few hours walking to a nearby

place. But to go further you will probably need to Like land vehicles, the table below says the
ride an animal or even buy a vehicle. number of people that can be carried. For
everything bigger than a rowboat, they need a lot
Animals of crew to row or work the sails!
The easiest way for a person to travel on a short
journey is on the back of an animal, usually a Name People Cost
horse. A smaller rider, such as a gnome or goblin,
Long ship 40-60 10,000 gc
may ride on a dog or wolf. If they have a lot of
money, they might ride on something fancier, like Rowboat 1-4 50 gc
an elephant.
Sailing ship 50-100 25,000 gc
The table below says the movement score for each
animal. If you want to see the full rules for them,


Knick-Knacks Spells
When you made your hero, you will have been
asked to choose or roll for a random knick-knack. This chapter tells you about all the different spells
These trinkets aren’t worth a lot but your hero available for classes that can cast magic.
should have a fond memory about where they got
them. Not all spellcasters can cast the same kinds of
spells as each other, so there are lists to let you
Roll a d20 and check the table below: know which spells can be cast by which class.

The information for a spell is split into a few

Roll Random Knick-Knack sections:

1 A small gold statue of an animal
A ripped map to somewhere unknown but A spell is either a simple spell which can be cast as
half of it is missing
many times as you like without using up any of

A pen which seems to make your your magical energy or it has a grade. Grade 1
3 spells are the weakest and Grade 5 spells are the
handwriting a little bit neater
most powerful.
A colourful handkerchief with someone
else’s initials sewn into the corner Type
5 A coin with mysterious writing on the back Each spell is either an attack spell or a helper
spell. Attack spells are cast using the Attack action,
6 A ring that changes colour with your mood e in just the same way you might swing a sword or
A compass that points to somewhere which
fire a bow. Helper spells are cast as their own
7 action.
definitely isn’t north

8 A wooden whistle that scares away birds This means that, on a normal turn, you could use
both your small actions to cast an attack spell and
9 A braid of hair that always smells like spring
a helper spell if you wanted to.
10 A sea-shell that you can hear voices from
You’ll find out more about these in the Rules part
A fancy key that has the word “never” of this book.
carved into it

A mechanical bee that winds-up and flies Magic School


around you Long ago, when magic was first discovered, wise
folk found out that there are eight different types
13 A sealed letter that you’ve never opened of magic, which they call the magic schools. These
14 A mirror in which you always look happy are:
• Appear: these spells are used to create
A receipt for making the best bread you’ve something from nothing or to magically move
ever tasted them from one place to another

• Change: these spells are used to turn one thing

A music box that plays a tune which you
16 into something else
know but you don’t know where it’s from
• Control: these spells are used to make people
17 An ice cube that never melts believe things or act differently
• Doom: these spells try to control the power of
A huge animal tooth that you’re sure is
18 life and death
slowly getting bigger
• Energy: these spells are raw magical power,
A burned diary that is missing half of its which can be used to light up a room or fire an
19 enemy across one
• Illusion: these spells are used for hiding you or
A silver bell that rings on its own each time confusing your enemies by making them see or
you say a special word hear things that aren’t real
• Protect: these spells defend you against enemy


• Truth: these spells tell you things you didn’t spells can use the same ingredients again and
know before, including forgotten secrets and again but others completely use up the ingredients
looking into the future and you will need to buy more.

A spell’s school is normally just used to help

describe it but there are some powers and talents
Spell Lists
that only work with certain schools. This section tells you which spells can be used by
which classes.
Casting Time
Note: Your Storyteller will decide if you can take
Most spells can be cast with just a small action,
the get help spell.
making them very useful when fighting. Other

spells will be more useful when exploring the world
but take a lot longer to cast. Druid Spells
These are the spells that can be cast by druids:
When a spell’s casting time is given in minutes, it

will also say in brackets how many rounds of Simple
fighting this would be. • Barbed Branch • Plant Craft
• Fixing • Poison Gas
Range • Flickering Flame • Stand Firm
The range tells you how far you can cast a spell • Get Help (see above) • Starburst
and will either be: • Guidance
• Caster, meaning the spell only does something
to the person casting it, Grade 1
• Touch, meaning the person casting the spell
must be next to the target and must actually
touch them with a hand, or
• A distance or area, which will be described in
units. Your Storyteller can tell you how far this is

Calm Animal
Cloud of Fireflies
Create or Destroy

Healing Word
See Magic
Spot Sickness
Water • Talk to Animals
in metres or feet if you like.
• Fog Cloud • Tasty Berries
• Fresh Food and Drink • Thick Vines
• Healing Touch • Thunder Blast
The length of a spell tells you how long it lasts and
will either be:
• Instant, meaning the spell happens in a flash and Grade 2
then it’s over, or • Animal Messenger • Heat Metal

• A length of time, which will be described in • Barkskin • Moonbeam

minutes, hours or days. • Boost Ability • Protection from Poison
• Cure • Rolling Flame
Just like casting time, when a spell’s length is given • Darkvision • Sneak in the Shade
in minutes, it will also say in brackets how many • Find Animal or Plant • Spiked Ground
rounds of fighting this would be. • Find Object • Spot Traps

• Flame Blade • Stop Person

During their turn, the person who casts as spell can • Gust of Wind
always choose to end a spell early (without using
any kind of action). Grade 3
• Daylight • Summon Animals
Ingredients • Dispel • Talk to Plants
Most spells are cast using a magical focus: the • Energy Shield • Walk on Water
special object the caster has which helps them • Hide in Stone • Wall of Air
control their power. But some spells are so • Lightning Strike • Water Breathing
powerful that they need special ingredients, which • Sleet Storm • Wildland
are often rare and expensive.

If a spell needs special ingredients, it will tell you

what they are and how much they cost. Some


Grade 4 Grade 2
• Change Shape • Ice Storm • Acid Arrow • Lock
• Confuse • Land of Illusion • Big Bang • Magic Mouth
• Control Water • Stone Shape • Blindness/Deafness • Magic Weapon
• Decay • Stoneskin • Blur • Mirror Image
• Find Creature • Summon Forest Folk • Darkness • Misty Step
• Freedom • Tame Animal • Darkvision • Read Minds
• Giant Bugs • Wall of Fire • Find Object • Rolling Flame
• Float • Rope Trick
Grade 5 • Forever Flame • Scorch
• Good Idea • See Invisibility

• Awaken • Spread Sickness
• Grow/Shrink • Spider Climb
• Biting Bugs • Summon Elemental
• Gust of Wind • Stop Person
• Bubble of Life • Travel by Tree
• Invisibility • Weakness
• Healing Wave • Vision
• Knock • Web
• Improved Cure • Wall of Stone

• Second Chance • Wisdom of the Wild
Grade 3
• Curse • Remove Curse
Mage Spells • Dispel • Sending
These are the spells that can be learned and cast • Energy Shield • Sleet Storm
by mages: • Fear • Slow Down
• Fireball • Speed Up
Simple e • Fly • Spying Eye
• Ghost Rider • Stinking Cloud
• Acid Splash • Helping Hand
• Grand Illusion • Tiny Hut
• Cold Touch • Ice Blast
• Group Hypnosis • Translation
• Dancing Lights • Message
• Lightning Bolt • Triggered Spell
• Fire Bolt • Party Tricks
• Mirror Walk • Turn to Smoke
• Fixing • Poison Gas
• Out of Sight • Vampire Touch
• Get Help (see above) • Shock
• Raise Skeleton • Water Breathing
• Glow • Simple Illusion
• Guided Strike • Starburst
Grade 4
Grade 1 • A Hero’s Best Friend • Land of Illusion
• Banish • Magic Door
• Alarm • Know Object

• Build • Moving Eye

• Burning Hands • Magic Armour
• Change Shape • Safe Zone
• Charm • Magic Missile
• Confuse • Secret Chest
• Colour Cloud • Quick Escape
• Control Water • Stone Shape
• Disguise • Secret Writing
• Decay • Stoneskin
• Feather Fall • See Magic
• Find Creature • Thrashing Tentacles
• Floating Disc • Shield
• Fire Shield • Unbreakable Bubble

• Fog Cloud • Sleep

• Ice Storm • Wall of Fire
• Grease • Summon Minion
• Improved Invisibility • Worst Nightmare
• Handy Helper • Thunder Blast
• Horrible Laugh • Understand
• Jump Languages Grade 5
• Change Memories • Move Things
• Cone of Cold • Stop Creature
• Create Materials • Summon Elemental
• Distract • Teleportation Circle
• Dream • Tunnel
• Improved Charm • Venom Cloud
• Legend • Vision
• Link Minds • Wall of Stone
• Mighty Hand


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