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Analysing CHARACTERS in fiction texts

Normally there is one main character in a short story. Main characters often have several
characteristics – they are round and realistic and often undergo a personal development
through the story. Less important characters are flat, only described through one or a few

When asked for a characterization you should describe:

 Facts about the characters: name, age, gender, looks etc.

 Their personality: clever, gifted, foolish, simple etc.
 Their moral values: optimistic, fearful, relaxed, tense, sensible etc.
 Their relationship with other characters: sociable, easy-going, honest, rude etc.
 Their personal development through the story

Some of these traits we find directly mentioned in the text, while some others we have to
work out from what the characters say and do.

Questions to ask:
1. Who are the characters?
2. How much do we get to know about them? Are they round or flat?
3. What motives do the characters have? What do they want?
4. Does the main character develop throughout the story?
5. If yes, what causes this development or change?

Remember to find some examples in the text to support your characterization, especially if the
character trait is not mentioned directly.

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