Grade 9-Science Practice Paper 2

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[Time Allowed: 3 Hours)

(Maximum Marks: 80)
GeneralInstructions:Satne as
Practice Paper l.

Select and "Tite one most appropriate 6. A permanent tissue is described as complex
the four options given for each of the option out of tissue when it has
There is no negative mark for incorrectquestions 1—20. (a) one type of cells, performing two or more
response. different functions
I. Heat affects the formation of
(a) Change in temperature solution because (b) more than one type of cells, performing
increases the size different functions
of water particles. (c) one type of cells, performing one function
(b) Change in temperature (d) more than one type of cells, performing
changes the shape
of water molecules. one common function
(c) Change in temperature changes 7. Obtaining fish from natural water resources is
the kinetic
energy of the particles known as
(d) Change in temperature decreases (a) culture fishery (b) fish farming
intermolecular spaces between the particles. (c) capture fishing (d) fresh water fishery
2. The diffusion happens in liquids because 8. Manures are used in sandy soils mainly to
(a) Particles of liquids cannot move (a) provide all essential nutrients to crops
(b) Particles of liquids can move (b) increase the water holding capacity.
(c) Force of attraction is maximumin liquids (c) avoid waterlogging.
(d) Force of attraction is minimum in liquids (d) reduce soil pollution.
9. The site of detoxification in liver cells is
3. The molar mass of MgO and Cuo are different
(a) lysosome (b) RER
because (c) ribosome (d) SER
(a) Atomic Mass of Mg and Cu are same 10. Lysosomes are formed by
(b) Atomic Mass of Mg and Cu are different (Q) RER (b) plasma membrane
(c) Atomic number of Mg and Cu are same (c) SER (d) Golgi apparatus
(d) Atomic number of Mg and Cu are different 11. Work done by which force is always negative?
4. How the subatomic particle like proton is (a) Magnetic force (b) Frictional force
different from neutron and electron? (c) Gravity (d) None of these
(a) An electron is much heavier than proton 12. What is the angle between directions of force
(b) An electron carries more charge than a and displacement if work done is maximum?
proton (a) 00 (b) 30 0 (c) 60 0 (d) 900
(c) A proton can be easily removed from atom 13. The v-t graph showing motion of a body in
but not an electron uniformlyaccelerated motion is
(d) A proton is positively charged, whereas
neutron is neutral, electron is negatively (a)
5. What is electronic configuration of carbon?

(d) 2, 4,4 o
tissue is the simplest
18. Assertion: Epithelial tissue
(b) Reason: It is the protective tissue of the animal
19. Assertion: Blood is a fluid connective tissue
Reason: It flows and connects different parts
of body. It carries oxygen and food to all cells
o and in return collects metabolic wastes.
force exists between
20. Assertion: Gravitational all
they do
objects in a room yet not move towards
each other.
Reason: Gravitation is the weakest force in
o Question No. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions.
21. Classify the following into elements and
i) compounds:
(a) Water (b) Ozone
(c) Sulphur (d) Glucose
22. Differentiate between aqueous and non-
aqueous solution. Give one example of each.
o 23. (a) Name two cell organelles that have their
the weicht of a 60 kg mass is W on moon, own genetic material.
Wis equal to (b) Name the tissue present in the brain.
48 N (b) SON 24. Which type of cell division is required for growth
96 N (d) IOSN and repair of body and which type is involved
in formation of gametes?
thrust on a body does not depend on
25. Name the tissue that makes husk of coconut.
density of liquid
Write two characteristics of this tissue.
volume of body
volume of liquid
acceleration due to gravity (a) Identify the given figures.
u want to double the acceleration of a body
ven mass, you have to
ouble the force applied Pits
ve the force applied
uadruple the force applied
ake the force applied zero
(b) State in brief their structure.
o. 17 to 20 consist of two statements — 26. (a) State Newton's third law of motion.
) and Reason (R). Answer these questions
(b) Explain the recoil of a gun in light of
e appropriate option given below: Newton's third law of motion.
and R are true, and R is the correct Or
ation of A.
A car starts from rest and accelerates uniformly
and R are true, and R is not the correct at 1 m/s2 for 10 s. Find its final velocity and
tion of A. displacement.
e but R is false.
se but R is true. Question No. 27 to 33 are Short answer questions.
n Bronze is mixture and not compound. 27. (a) State the law of conservation of mass.
Bronze is made up copper and tin, not Illustrate the law with the help of an example.
ly combined in the fixed ratio. (b) Name the method to liquify components of
the air and give reason for the method used.
Practice Papers
X and Y
28. (a) Give two differences between evaporation
and boiling. (a) Write the mass number of
(b) What is boiling point of water in respectively.
configuration of the
Kelvin? (h) Write the electronic
29. What will happen if wc put an anitnal cell or clement 'X'.
plant cell into a solution of sugar in water? a X and Y?
(c) Is there any similaritybetween other?
30. Differential between the cell division process How are they related to each functions.
of Illitosis and tneiosis. 35. What is a nervous tissue? Give neuron with a
31. State whether the following ave possible or not. Explainthe structure of a
If yes, give one exanil)le of each situation: diagram.
(a) a body tnoving in a direction with Or
acceleration in petvendicular direction. in transportation
(a) Name the tissuewhich helps various parts of
(b) a body with zero velocity but non-zero of oxygen that we inhale to
acceleration. our body,
similar structure
32. State universal law of gravitation. The (b) Name a group of cells with efficiency of
cravitational force between two objects is and designed to give highest
100 N. How should the distance between the function.
a permanent
objects be changed so that the force between (c) Name the process of taking up
them becomes 50 N? shape, size and function. muscle
33. Explain the following phenomena in the light (d) Name the animal tissue connecting
of your understanding of energy conversions: to bones.
that enclose
(a) How do green plants prepare food? (e) Name the kidney shaped cells
(b) How does air move from place to place? stomata.
(c) How are fossil fuels formed? 36. (a) The given graph shows the
versus time relation for a disturbance
travelling with a velocity of 1500 ms-
»tmat do you mean bywork? What is the work to be
done to increase the velocity of a car from 18 km/h
to 90 knvh if the mass of the car is 2000 kg? 2 4 6 8
1 3 5 7
time (s)
Question No. 34 to 36 are Long answer questions.
34. From the table given below answer the follow- Calculate the
ing questions: (i) Time period (ii) Frequency
Element ABC DE (iii) Wavelength of disturbance.
(b) The velocity of sound in air is 340 m/s.
Mass number 11
5 9 2 11 Compute
Atomic number
(i) its wavelength when the frequency is
(a) How many electrons are present in 'E'? 250 Hz.
(b) Which among the above is an inert gas and (ii) its frequency when the wavelength is
Why? 85 cm.
(c) Which atom will form negatively charged Or
(d) Which element has 12 neutrons? Why?
(a) How does a sound wave propagate?
(e) Which atom will form cation with one (b) What is the audible range of sound for
positive charge? human beings?
(c) It is observed that some animals get
Or disturbed before earthquakes. How?
Composition of the nuclei of two atomic species
'X' and 'Y' are given below, SECTION - E
x Question No. 37 to 39 are case-based/data-based
8 8 questions with 2 to 3 short sub-parts. Internal choice
8 10 is provided in one of these sub-parts.
392 Science—O
37. There are many changes which take place in pea, maize, cotton, green gram and
whereas wheat, black
our surrounding. Sonicsof thenl are physical gram arc kharif crops,are Rabi gram
peas, mustard, linseed crops. In
changes in which no new substances is fortned. India
These changes are reversible. Chenlical changes there has been a four times increase in the
lead to formation of new substance with new production of food grains from 1952to 2010
properties. It cannot be easily tvvctsed. Physical with only 25% increase in the cultivableland
changes involve less energy where as cheniical area. This increase in production been achieved
changes involve more energy. Fortnation of through the practices involved in farming, we
mixture mostly involves physical change where can divide it into three stages. The first is the
as compound is formed by chernical change. choice of seeds for planting. The second is the
(a) NAhichof the following is/are physical nurturing of the crop plants. The third is the
change? protection of the growing and harvested crops
I Melting of wax from loss. Thus, the major groups of activities
Il Heatingof iron for improving crop yields can be classifiedas:
Ill Cookingof food Crop variety improvement
IV Evaporation of water Crop production improvement
(b) Formation of water from hydrogen and Crop protection management.
oxygen in presence of electric spark (a) Name the months which are called Kharif
involves which type of change? season and Rabi season.
(c) (i) Out of O, and N2,whichhas higher (b) What is the increase in production of food
grain since 1952?
boiling point and why?
(ii) What happen when iron filings are (c) What are the three group of activities used
for improving crop yield?
heated with sulphur powder?
(c) (i) Formation of ice from water in a (c) Name two crop each from Kharif and Rabi
refrigerator is reversible or irreversible?
(ii) How is mixture of Fe and sulphur 39. Gases and liquids are fluids because they can flow.
behave in presence of magnet? When density of a fluid is more it exerts a greater
8. Different crops require different climatic buoyant force on the object immersed in it. This
conditions, temperature and photoperiods is in accordance with Archimedes' principle. For
for their growth and completion of their life example,seawater exerts a larger buoyant force
cycle. Photoperiods are related to the duration on a person swimming in it, as compared to fresh
of sunlight. Growth of plants and flowering water. This is because the density of seawater is
are dependent on sunlight. As we all know, greater than that of fresh water.
plants manufacture their food in sunlightby (a) Why does nobody sink in the Dead Sea?
the process of photosynthesis. There are some (b) Give two applications of Archimedes'
crops, which are grown in rainy season, called principle?
the kharif season from the month of June to (c) How are weight and upthrust of a body
October, and some of the crops are grown in related if it (i) floats (ii) sinks in a fluid?
the winter season, called the Rabi season from Or
November to April. Paddy, soyabean, pigeon (c) Why does an iron nail sink while a ship
floats in water?

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