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Atomic Number- 6
Atomic Mass- 12.01
Atomic Symbol- C
Element Name- Carbon

2. a) 37
b) 41
c) 24
d) 112
e) 14
f) 8
g) 9

3. a) 266 amu
b) 231.04 amu
c) 39.95 amu
d) 83.70 amu
e) 131.29 amu
f) 222 amu
g) 207.2 amu



6. Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an


7. Electronegativity is a measure of the relative ability an element’s atoms to attract

electrons in a chemical bond.

8 . A group is a vertical column of elements in the periodic table that have similar
chemical properties.

9. A period is a horizontal row of elements in the period table.

10.As you move left to right on the periodic table, the ionization energy increases. As
you move from top to bottom, the ionization energy decreases.

11. As you move left to right on the periodic table, the electronegativity increases. As
you move from top to bottom, the electronegativity decreases. The noble gases
are not included in this trend.
12. As you move from left to right on the periodic table, the size of atoms and their
ions generally decreases. As you move from top to bottom, the size generally

13. A valence electron in an electron in the outermost energy level of an atom. These
are the electrons that participate in chemical reactions.

14. 1A -1 2A- 2 3A -3 4A- 4 5A- 5 6A- 6

7A -7 8A- 8 valence electrons, 0 available for bonding

15. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 4 f. 8 valence electrons, 0 available for

bonding g. 7 h.5 i. 6


17. 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons

18. Protons and neutrons are responsible for most of the mass in an atom.

19. Protons and Neutrons are located in the nucleus.

20. The nucleus of the atom contains almost all of the mass of an atom but it occupies
only about one ten thousandth of the volume.

21. An ionic bond is the bond formed from the electrostatic attraction between
ions(metal and non-metal). The ions are formed through the transfer of electrons
from a metal to a non-metal.

22. A covalent bond is formed by the sharing of electrons between non-metals to

satisfy the octet rule.

23. A metallic bond works through the attraction of positively charged nuclei to a

surrounding sea of negatively charged electrons.

24. Most large biological molecules are covalent because they contain mostly carbon atoms, which bond covalently.
Glucose is a covalent molecule. Picture of glucose on page 781 of text.

25. Sodium chloride crystal is a repeating pattern of positive and negative ions held together because of their
opposite charges. Sodium is positive, chloride is negative.

26. An atom will transfer an electron to an atom of a different element, leaving one element positively charged and
the other negatively charged. Negative atoms surround the positive elements in a 3D pattern, thus forming a crystal


30. Gas

31. Solid

K Ca O Cl Xe S Cs S
32. a. [Ar] 4s1 - 1 valance electron
b. [Ar] 4s2 - 2 valance electrons
2 4 H H
c. [He] 2s 2p – 6 valance electrons
d. [Ne]3s23p5 – 7 valance electrons
e. [Kr]5s24d105p6 – 8 valance electrons
f. 4+6+6 = 16 val. e
g. 1+1+6=8 val. e

33. Balance the following equations

a. __2__KKlO3 Æ __2__ KCl + __3__O2

b. __1__CaC2 + __2__H2OÆ__1__C2H2 +__1__ Ca (OH)2
c. __1__Cu + __2__AgNO3 Æ __1__Cu(NO3)2 + __2__Ag
d. __1__Zn + ___2__HCl Æ __1__ZnCl2 + __1__H2
e. __1__K2CO3+ __2__HCl Æ 2 KCl + __1__H2O __1__ CO2
f. __2__C4H10 + __13__O2 Æ __8__CO2 + __10__HO
g. __3__Zn + __2__H3PO4 Æ __1__Zn3(PO4)2 + __3__H2
h. __1__Hg(NO3)2 + __2__NaI Æ __1__HgI2 + __2__NaNO3
i. __3__Ag + __4__HNO3 Æ __1__NO + __3__AgNO3 + __2__H2O
j. __1__N2H4+ __2__H2O2Æ __1__N2 + __4__H2O
k. __4__NH3+ __7__O2Æ __4__NO2 + __6__H2O
l. __2__Al + __3__Cl2 Æ __2__AlCl3

34. 6.02 x1023 atoms

35. 6.02 x1023 / mol

36. a. 22.99 g/mol + 35.45 g/mol = 58.44 g/mol

b. 2(14.01) + 8(1.01) + 32.07 + 4(16) = 132.17 g/mol
c. 22.99 + 1.01 + 12.01 + 3(16) = 84.01 g/mol

 1mol   1mol 
37. a. 25.5 g   = 0.24mol b. 200 g   = 6.24mol
 107.87 g   32.065 g 

 1mol   1000 g  1mol 

c. 100 g   = 1.53mol d. 1.0kg    = 17mol
 65.409 g   1kg  58.85 g 

 1mol  6.02 x10 23 atoms 

38. a. 45 g    = 5.88 x10 23 atoms
 46.09 g  1mol 

 1mol  6molH  6.02 x10 23 atoms 

b. 45 g     = 3.53 x10 24 atoms
 46.09 g  1molC 2 H 5 OH  1mol 

 1mol  1molO  6.02 x10 23 atoms 

c. 45 g  
   = 5.88 x10 23 atoms
 46.09 g  1molC 2 H 5 OH  1mol 


 1mol 
40. 4 L  = 0.18mol
 22.4 L 

 22.4 L 
41. 2.06mol   = 46.1L
 1mol 
42. a. 2:13 b. 13:8 c. 13:10 d. 2:8 e.2:10

 3mol 
43. 12.00mol   = 18mol
 2mol ) 

 1mol  2mol  74.55 g   1mol  2mol  74.55 g 

44. 2.50 g     = 4.77 g 1.0 g     = 2.10 g
 39.098 g  2mol  1mol   70.9 g  1mol  1mol 
 1mol  2mol  40 g   1mol  1mol  61.98 g 
45. 120 g     = 154.9 g 160 g     = 123.96 g
 61.98 g  1mol  1mol   40 g  2mol  1mol 

 1mol  8mol  55.85 g 

46. 16.0 g     = 27.87 g
 256.52 g  1mol  1mol 

 1mol  8mol  87.92 g 

16.0 g     = 43.87 g
 256.52 g  1mol  1mol 

 3mol  32 g   1mol  2mol  58.44 g 

47. 12.0mol    = 576 g 80.0 g     = 97.4 g
 2mol  1mol   32 g  3mol  1mol 
Chemistry Standards Review Answers

47. 12 mol NaClO3 x 3molO2 / 2molNaClO3 = 576 g of O2

80gO2 X 1molO2/32gO2 x 2molNaCl/3molO2 x 58.5gNaCl/1molNaCl = 97.4 g of NaCl

48. 3.5 mol AgNO3x 1molCu / 2molAgNO3 = 1.75 moles of Cu

89.5gAg x (1molAg / 107.9gAg) x (1molCu / 2molAg) x (63.5gCu / 1molCu) = 26.4 g of Cu

49. 25kgFe2O3 x (1000gFe2O3 / 1 kg) x(1mol Fe2O3 / 159.6g Fe2O3) x (2molFe / 1mol Fe2O3) x
(55.gFe / 1molFe) = 17500g of Fe = 17.5 Kg of Fe

50. 120gC6H12O6 x (1mol C6H12O6 / 180g C6H12O6) x (6molCO2 / 1mol CO2) x (44gCO2 /
1molCO2) = 175.86 g of CO2

51. See section 13.1.

52. Gas consists of small particles with lots of space between them. No attractive or repulsive
forces exist between the particles. The particles are in constant motion. Gas particles move
the most.
53. The perfume gas particles diffuse into the air in the room. According to the Kinetic-
molecular theory gas particles are in constant motion. Particles of different compounds flow
past each other and mix until they are evenly distributed.
54. The Volume of a given amount of gas held at a constant temperature varies inversely with
the pressure.
P1V1 = P2V2

55. The volume of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to its Kelvin temperature at a
constant pressure.
V1 V2
T1 T2

56. The pressure of a given mass of a gas varies directly with Kelvin temperature when the
volume remains constant.
P1 P2
T1 T2

57. Describes the physical behavior of an ideal gas in terms of pressure, volume, temperature,
and number of moles present.
PV = nRT
58. Shows the relationship among pressure, volume and temperature of a fixed amount of gas.

P1V 1 P 2V 2
T1 T2

59. P1V1 = P2V2

a. (40mmHg)(12.3L) = (60mmHg)(V2) V2 = 8.2 L
b. (1.00atm)(3.6L) = (2.50atm)(V2) V2= 1.44 L
c. (1atm)(400CuFt.) = (P2)(3.00CuFt) P2 = 133 atm
d. (1atm)(1.56L) = (3atm)(V2) V2 = 0.52 L

V1 V2
60. =
T1 T2
a. (2.00L / 20.0oC) = (1.00L) / T2 T2 = 10.0 oC
b. (600.0ml / 20oC) = V2 / (60oC) V2 = 1800 mL = 1.8L
c. (900.0ml / 27oC) = V2 / (132oC) V2 = 4400 mL = 4.4L

P1 P2
61. =
T1 T2
a. (1atm / 20.0oC) = P2 / (30oC) P2 = 1.5 atm
b. 0.370 atm / 50.0 oC = P2 / 25 oC P2 =0.185 atm
c. 699.0 mmHg / 40.0 oC = 760 mmHg / T2 T2 = 43.5 ºC
d. 750 mmHg / 323.0K = P2 / 273.15K P2 = 634 mm Hg
62. PV = nRT
a. (750 mmHg) (0.89 L) = n (62.4 L mmHg mol-1 K-1) (294.0 K) n = 0.036 mol
b. (1.09 g H2) (1 mol H2 / 2.02 g H2) = 0.54 mol H2
P (2.00 L) = (0.54 mol) (0.0821 L atm mol-1 K-1) (293 K)
P = 6.49 atm (760 mmHg / 1 atm) = 4936 mmHg P = 4936 mmHg
-1 -1
c. (762,4 mmHg) (V) = (3 mol) (62.4 L mmHg mol K ) (297 K) V = 72.9 L
d. (20.0 g) (1 mol / 39.9 g) = 0.5 mol
(1 atm) (V) = (0.5 mol) (0.821) (273 K) V = 11.2 L
63. P1V1 / T1 = P2V2 / T2
a. (300 torr) (800 mL) / (23 + 273K) = (600 torr) (V) / (227 + 273K) V = 800 mL
b. (700 mmHg) (500 mL) / (473K) = (30 atm * 760 mmHg atm ) (V) / (293K)
V = 9.509 L
c. (760 mmHg) (400mL) / (22 + 273K) = (360 mmHg) (V) / (30+ 273K) V = 867.4 mL
d. (0.25 atm) (300 mL) / (400K) = (2 atm) (V) / (200K) V = 18.750 L
64. 0.0 ºC; 273 K
65. 760 mm Hg; 760 torr; 1 atm; 101.3 kPa; 29.9 in Hg
66. K = 273 + C
a. 67C + 273 = 340K
b. 102C + 273 = 375K
c. 2C + 273 = 275K
d. 0C + 273 = 273K
e. 17.5C + 273 = 448K
67. C = K – 273
a. 375K – 273 = 102C
b. 456K – 273 = 183C
c. 0K – 273 = -273C
d. 216K – 273 = -57C
e. 13K – 273 = -260C
68. No movement (KE = 0) of the particles.
69. Temperature is a measure of the KE of the particles.
At 0 K particles have velocity = 0 so KE = 0.
70. kinetic energy is measured by Kelvin units are used.
71. Acids are proton donors, contains H+ ions, turn litmus paper red, tastes sour, react with metals to
produce hydrogen gas and salt, react with carbonates to form carbon dioxide, water and salts and react
with bases to form water and salt.
72. Bases are proton accepts, contain OH- ions, turn litmus paper blue, tastes bitter and feels slippery,
do not reach with metals or carbonates and neutralize acids.
73. Salts are made of metals and non-metals and held together by ionic bonds… they may be either
aqueous or solid.
74. When an acid and base react, a neutralization reactions results producing water and a salt.

75. When a weak acid is dissolved in water it only partially ionizes. This means that only a few
molecules separate into H+ ions…
76. When a sstrong acid is dissolved in water it completely ionizes. This means that literally all of the
molecules of acid separate into H+ ions.

77. 0 – 6.999999 = acid 78. Lemonade = acid

7 = neutral Cola = acid
7.0000001 – 14 = base Acetic acid = acid
Draino = base
Water = neither (netural)

79. A solute is any material that gets dissolved into a solution.

80. A solvent is any material that does the dissolving and produces a solution.

81. All molecules possess kinetic energy. As a result of this energy, molecules are in constant motion.
The motion is slow in a solid, quicker in a liquid and quite rapid in a gas.

82. When sugar is dissolved in water, the sugar molecules evenly spread out through out the solution.
Since sugar is held together by covalent bonds, it does not dissociate into ions… it remains intact.

83. In order to increase solubility, you would increase the temperature of the water, increase the
pressure if possible (would require a device like a pressure cooker) and stir in order to increase the
contact between the sugar and the water molecules.

84. 47g/.250 L = 188 g/L

85. 24g/124g x 100 = 19.35 % composition
86. 2.7 g/ 58.5 g/mole = .046 mol; .046 mol/.5 L = .0923 mol/L or .0923 M NaCl
87. ppm is reserved for small quantities of solute in the water. Pesticides and minerals dissolved in
water are often expessed in ppm or even ppb (parts per billion)

88. The heat is being transferred from the metal cube to the water. Hence, the metal is losing heat
(exothermic) while the water is gaining heat (endothermic). Therefore the flow of heat is from
the metal cube into the water.

89. Heat from your body is being transferred to the cold metal bench. As the bench absorbs the
heat from your body, you experience the sensation of feeling cold. Therefore your body is
experiencing heat loss, while the bench is being warmed.

90. If it gets hot, it’s losing energy and is therefore an exothermic reaction. The solution is losing
91. Enthalpy is the energy of the products minus the energy of the reactants; therefore
if energy is released from the reaction the enthalpy will be negative.

92. If energy is absorbed during a reaction the enthalpy will be positive.

93. The system is the liquid in the cup; since it freezes the molecules have slowed
down to the point where inter-molecular forces overcome the momentum of the
molecules. If momentum was lost, energy must have been lost from the cream and
gone into the surrounding ice.

94. It’s essentially #93 backwards. Energy went into the crayons.

95. Couldn’t find specific heat for methane? Me neither.

Use methanol from page 502 = 3.77kJ/mol
(mass)(molar mass)(Hfusion)
= (25.7 g )(1 mol / 37 g)(3.77 kJ / mol)
= 2.59 kJ

96. 175 g (1 mol / 17 g) 23.3 kJ / mol

= 240 kJ

97. q = mc∆T
5650 J = m(4.184 J/goC)(46.6 – 20.0oC)
m = (5650 J)/(4.184 J/goC )(26.6oC)
m = 50.77 g of water

98. q = (34.3 g) (2.44 J/goC)(78.8 - 25oC)

q = 4520 J

98-2. First, to melt the copper, you must heat it to its melting point (1083oC) from
25oC). Look up the specific heat (0.3845 J/goC) and solve for q = 7.8 g (0.384
J/goC)(1085 - 25oC) = 3173 J THEN add the heat of fusion for the phase transition
from solid @ 1083oC to liquid at 1083oC)
Like in #95 Æ
qm = 7.8 g (1 mol/63.55 g) 13.38 kJ/mol
= 1.642 kJ or 1643 J

99. Refer to the Phase Diagram on next page

Use q=mc∆t for the heating of the ice, steam, or water

Use q=(mass)(molar mass) (Hvap) (or Hfus if solid to liquid) for the phase
REMEMBER Hfus & Hvap ARE IN kJ/mol; WHILE C IS IN (J/goC)
99. Reaction Rate = change in concentration of a reactant or a product over time
100. Collision Theory = atoms and molecules used to run into one another in
order to react

101. Activation Energy = energy required to form the activated complex

102. Reaction Rate = ∆quantity / ∆Time
103. Reaction rates go up with concentration, as you would expect from
collision theory. More atom means more hits
104. As in #104, if the atoms are moving faster, which is what temperature
measures, more collisions will have sufficient energy to react, and the rate will go

105. Pressure only effects rates when gases are involved. Essentially this is the
same as #104 in that increasing the pressure on a gas forces molecules to hit more
often, as they are in less space. Solids and liquids do not react faster under higher

106. Catalysts lower the activation energy. They are not consumed in the
reaction. This usually increases the rate.
107. Le Chatelier’s principle is that if a stress is applied to a system, the system
will respond to lessen the stress. Although the principle can only be applied to
systems at equilibrium, it helps us figure out how changing conditions will alter a

109. N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) Æ NH3 (g) + HEAT

a. remove NH3, shift right
b. decrease pressure, shift left
c. add N2, shift right
d. increase Temperature, shift left

SO2(g) + O2 Æ 2SO3 + HEAT

e. increase SO2, shift right
f. increase temperature, shift left
g. remove O2, shift left

CO2(g) + C(s) + HEAT Æ 2CO(g) CO2(g)+H2(g) +HEAT Æ CO(g) + H2O

h. increase temperature, shift right q. Decrease pressure, shifts to right
i. increase CO, shift left r. add catalyst, no shift
j. decrease pressure, shift right

H2(g) + Cl2(g) Æ 2HCl(g) + HEAT N2O4(g) + HEAT Æ 2NO2(g)

k. increase H2, shift right g. decrease pressure, shift left
l. increase pressure, no shift t. remove N2O4, shift left.

N2(g) + O2(g) + HEAT Æ 2NO(g)

m. decrease [O2], shift left
n. add catalyst, no shift

PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) Æ PCl5(g) + HEAT

o. increase [Cl2], shift right
p. decrease pressure, shift left
110. Equilibrium is the point at which the rates of the forward and reverse reactions are
the same.

111. See above

112. A polymer is a large molecule composed of many small molecules.

113. A monomer is the small molecules used to make polymers.

114. The monomer of protein is an amino acid.

115. The monomer of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) are nucleotides. Nucleotides are
made up of a sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogen base.
Chemistry Review 115-138

115. Nucleotide

116. Glucose

117. Carbon-carbon bonds are relatively strong, allowing carbon atoms to join together to
form chains of great length. (Few other atoms are able to do so).Carbon forms four
covalent bonds in almost all its stable compounds.

118. 4

119. Compounds which contain only the elements carbon and hydrogen

120. Organic compounds are all carbon containing compounds with the primary
exception of carbon oxides, carbides and carbonates. Inorganic compounds are
everything else.

121. Strong nuclear force

122. 1+; 1.673 x 10-24 g

123. 0; 1.673 x 10-24 g

124. 1-; 9.11 x 10-28 g

125. Nuclear reactions involve a change in an atom’s nucleus; chemical reactions only
involve an atom’s electrons. Protons and neutrons

126. In a nuclear fission reaction the nucleus is split into fragments. (Nuclear power
plants use a fission reaction)

127. In a nuclear fusion reaction atomic nuclei are combined. (The sun is powered by
nuclear fusion reactions. Within the sun hydrogen atoms fuse together to forms helium

128. E=mc2; E = energy; m = mass; c = the speed of light

129. Atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different numbers
of neutrons.

130. The process in which some substances spontaneously emit radiation.

131. Isotopes that are formed by the radioactive decay of some other isotope. In the case
of radium-226, for example, there are 10 successive daughter products, ending in the
stable isotope lead-206.

132. Carbon-14 is an isotope of Carbon. It contains 8 neutrons.

133. Alpha decay is when an element gives off two protons and two neutrons. The
nucleus is reduced by these two protons and neutrons and therefore it changes from one
element to another.

134. In beta decay an electron is given off. Within the nucleus, a neutron is converted to a
proton. Beta particles are represented by the symbol 0-1 β

135. Gamma decay occurs because the nucleus is at too high an energy. The nucleus falls
down to a lower energy state and, in the process, emits a high energy photon known as a
gamma particle. Gamma particles (or rays) have no mass and are represented by the
symbol 00γ
136. Alpha radiation is easily stopped by a thin sheet of paper or the body's outer layer of
skin. Since they do not penetrate the outer (dead) layer of skin, they present little or no
hazard when they are external to the body. However, alpha particles are considered
internal hazards, because when they come into contact with live tissue they cause a large
number of ionizations to occur in small areas, thus causing damage to tissues and cells.

137. Beta radiation, while faster and lighter than alpha radiation, can travel through about
10 feet of air and penetrate very thin layers of materials such as aluminum foil. However,
while clothing will stop most beta particles, they can penetrate the live layers of skin
tissue. Therefore, beta radiation is considered to be both an internal and external (to skin
only) hazard. Thin layers of metals and plastics can be used to shield individuals from
beta radiation.

138. Gamma radiation (or gamma rays), like light, represent energy transmitted in a wave
without the movement of material, just as heat and light from a fire or the sun travels
through space. X-rays and gamma rays are virtually identical except that X-rays are
generally produced artificially rather than coming from the atomic nucleus. Unlike light,
X-rays and gamma rays have great penetrating power and can pass through the human
body. Thick barriers of concrete, lead or water are used as protection from them.

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