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“Quantifying the Impact of System Updates on Computer System Service Reliability and


Gascon, Zairus

Lopez, Kurt

Martinez, Clowd

Ocampo, Jeff

Teves, Lijah

Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School

Senior High School Department

Technical Vocational Livelihood


The increasing reliance on technology in educational settings, with a specific focus on the impact

of system updates on computer performance.

Impact of System Updates on Computer Performance: A Comprehensive Review. In this seminal

work, Smith, J., et al. (2015). provide an early analysis of how system updates affect computer

performance, laying the foundation for future research in this area.


Balancing the need for system updates to meet technological, security, and user expectations

presents a challenge in preserving computer system service reliability and performance

(Tanenbaum A, Bos H., 2023)


Assess and understand how system updates influence the performance and reliance of computers

in the context of Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School. It aims to determine the impact of

system updates on the school's computer systems.


The research helps us measure how system updates affect computer reliability and performance.
It gives us insights on balancing tech improvements, security needs, and user expectations,

paving the way for more efficient and dependable computer services in the future.

 School: Provides a valuable resource for academic institutions to enhance computer

system courses and curricula.

 Teachers: Equips educators with insights to enrich their teaching on system updates,

reliability, and performance.

 Future Researchers: Sets the groundwork for future studies, helping researchers explore

new areas and expand knowledge.

 Students: Offers a practical understanding, aiding students in comprehending the impact

of system updates on computer services, fostering a more informed and skilled


Review of Related Literature

Security and speed plays a great role in technology industry. Users do not always prefer and

hesitate to update their system; instead, they avoid or postpone installation, putting their

computer and data at danger. These sucurity update are crucial safeguards, also known to

enchance the security and protect the vulnerable data and information from future potential

threats (Vanie K., et al., 2016)

Through interviewing non-expert Windows users, we found that users frequently decide not to

install future updates, regardless of whether they are important for security, after negative
experiences with past updates. This means that even non-security updates (such as user interface

changes) can impact the security of a computer (Vaniea K., Et al., 2014).

The study discovered that a common habit among these users forms an hesitation to install future

updates, regardless of whether those updates are critical for security. This hesitation for updating

comes from previous bad experiences with updates. In other words, when users have problems or

concerns with previous upgrades, it erodes their trust in future updates.

According to Fleischmann M., et al (2015), Users prefer more frequent updates with functional

features, as these updates lead to increased satisfaction and perceived usefulness. In contrast,

infrequent updates bundling multiple non-feature changes do not have the same positive effect.

This suggests that the frequency and type of updates are critical factors

According to In Software Defined Networks (SDN), in Software Defined Networks (SDN), the

Fast and Consistent Flow Update (FCFU) strategy speeds up network updates by breaking them

into smaller parts and running them in multiple tasks or processes are carried out at the same

time or concurrently. This reduces update time by 20.6% compared to traditional methods, all

while maintaining network stability and preventing congestion or data mix-up during updates.
“Relationship Between Excessive Gadget Use and Academic Performance of the Students

of Marcelo H. del Pilar National High School”

Gascon, Zairus

Lopez, Kurt

Martinez, Clowd

Ocampo, Jeff

Teves Lijah

Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School

Senior High School Department

Technical Vocational Livelihood


A lot of studies have been conducted for this context. As the students increase their gadgets

excessively, they reduce their academic performance (Turel, Dokumaci, et al.). Academic

procrastination is a prevalent phenomenon with a range of negative outcomes. Many studies

focused on causes and correlates of academic procrastination; however, the study of

interventions for academic procrastination is scarce (Goroshit, 2018). it is likely that the modern

cell phone creates a temptation to surf the Internet, check social media (e.g., Facebook), play

video games, contact friends, explore new applications, or engage with any number of cell-

phone-based leisure activities, which some students fail to resist when they should otherwise be

focused on academics (Lepp, Barkley, Karpinsky, 2015).


Procrastination is a widespread phenomenon in academic settings. It has been studied from many

different theoretical angles, and a variety of causes and consequences have been suggested.

Recent studies support the notion that academic procrastination can be seen from a situational

perspective and as a failure in learning self-regulation (Zacks, Hen, 2018). The students should

use gadgets focusing on education, but unfortunately, studies had reported that students are

addicted to using gadgets to access some entertaining applications (Sugianti, Mabaroh, 2021).


The objective of this correlational research is to find out if the excessive use of gadgets such as

mobile phones, laptops, and computers, in relation with procrastination, has an effect on the

academic performance of the Grade 12 Students in Marcelo H. del Pilar National High School.

The objective of this correlational research is to find out if the excessive use of gadgets such as

mobile phones, laptops, and computers, in relation with procrastination, has an effect on the

academic performance of the Grade 12 Students in Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School.

Contributions this correlational study between excessive gadget use that leads to procrastination

and the academic performance of the students will hold significant value to:

Students – Many students have their hands on their gadgets and the findings of this research may

serve as an intervention if they have problems about excessive gadget use. This will also help

them be aware about their study habits so that they will improve on it and have a better

performance in school.

Teachers – The teachers will also benefit from this study by using the findings of the study to tell

their students what the effect of gadget use procrastination is. It will help them a lot if the study

made their students more attentive in their class.

Future Researchers – The future researchers may use the findings of their study as basis of their

own research or improve upon this study. They may use the research gaps that will be found in

this research and form a new research topic.

Review of Related Literature

Irrespective of your organization and dedication, it is likely that you have experienced moments
where you wasted hours on insignificant activities, such as watching television, updating your

Facebook status, or shopping online, instead of dedicating that time to work or academic

tasks(Cherry K., 2012).

The existing body of research predominantly concentrates on students as subjects, delving into

the characterization, origins, outcomes, and strategies for addressing procrastination. However,

there remains a noticeable gap in the exploration of procrastination across various settings and

among diverse groups. When considering the origins and outcomes of procrastination, the

majority of studies have centered on the link between procrastination and individual personality

traits, encompassing aspects like the five-factor model, temperament, character, emotional

intelligence, and impulsivity. Yet, limited attention has been directed towards understanding the

influence of external factors, such as task characteristics and environmental conditions, on

procrastination(Yan B., 2022).

The findings indicated that higher levels of media and technology consumption were associated

with a decline in students' academic performance. Furthermore, academic procrastination

behavior played a mediating role in this connection. Essentially, increased use of media and

technology among adolescents leads to a negative impact on academic achievement through the

pathway of academic procrastination. The study also considered the implications for future

research and acknowledged its own limitations (Turel, et al., 2022).

“Evaluating the Factors Affecting Computer Maintenance Costs in Computer System

Servicing Laboratory”

Gascon, Zairus

Lopez, Kurt

Martinez, Clowd

Ocampo, Jeff

Teves Lijah

Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School

Senior High School Department

Technical Vocational Livelihood


Maintaining a healthy and functional environment for education is a must, especially when

dealing with technologies such as computers. As computers are quite fragile, they need frequent

maintenance, to ensure they are in top condition. Maintenance includes regular cleaning, hard

drive updates, and virus protection. Computer labs spend quite the cost to hire or to purchase

cleaning materials as ordinary cleaning materials may do harm to the computer instead of

cleaning it, the safety of the computer also relies on the anti-virus software, wherein the free

version is commonly not free and does not provide a wider service, so for maintenance

purchasing the anti-virus is the bigger option (Wienker M., Henderson K., Volkerts J. 2016).


While everything is needed to maintain a healthy computer lab, everything must have a cost,

determining the cost needed to fully provide a wide range of maintenance to the lab (Driscoll J.

& Pfalzgraf A. 2014).


Explore factors affecting computer maintenance costs in the lab, aiming to optimize resource

allocation for efficient system upkeep.


This study’s contribution is to give a thorough review of the variables influencing computer

maintenance expenses in a lab setting. Computer system servicing laboratories will find the study

useful in determining the causes of high maintenance expenses and creating plans to lower them.
Review of Related Literature

Evaluating the Factors Affecting Computer Maintenance Costs in Computer System Servicing

Laboratory Maintenance management and the existence of maintenance management systems are

fundamental challenges for companies subject to the increased competitiveness imposed by

modern societies. This type of management is complex, requiring systematic approaches where it

is essential to coordinate the different interdisciplinary aspects of maintenance in public and/ or

private organisations. It is crucial to seek continuous improvements and balance their benefit and

cost to maximise the positive contribution of maintenance to overall profitability and sustainable

expansion. Morgado, T., Pinto, A., Navas, H., & Lampreia, S. (2021, June). Development of a

Computerized Maintenance Management Model of a Laboratory Testing Service Enterprise. In

International Conference Innovation in Engineering (pp. 335-346). Cham: Springer International


Building maintenance includes actions that aim to ensure the components of a building are in

acceptable conditions. In traditional maintenance methods, as-built drawings and maintenance

manuals are regarded as essential documents for the operation and maintenance of buildings. In

this method, the time and cost of facilities management are increased due to managing a large

number of documents. Thus, the necessity of creating a range of fields from the information

generation to the development of automation systems is evident in the maintenance services from

the technological perspective. This research presents a computerized system that integrates the

building information model objects in industry foundation classes and radio-frequency

identification to improve building maintenance performance. The computerized system is

successfully applied to the building of a soccer stadium via the proposed research methodology

using a qualitative and practical approach. The main contribution of this research is to provide an

innovative framework for the implementation of the proposed system with a step-by-step

approach, and also to evaluate the maintenance methods to help different building maintenance

stakeholders decide on the appropriate method. The research indicates that with a slight effort on

the implementation of the proposed system, a significant improvement of overall maintenance

performance can be achieved compared to the traditional method in terms of time, cost, and

functionality. It is also hoped that the proposed system can join with other new technologies to

promote the system’s value in the field of building maintenance. Kameli, M., Hosseinalipour,

M., Majrouhi Sardroud, J., Ahmed, S. M., & Behruyan, M. (2021). Improving maintenance

performance by developing an IFC BIM/RFID-based computer system. Journal of Ambient

Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 12, 3055-3074.

Since 1962 EC, the Faffa Food Share Company has been producing and supplying flour in

Ethiopia both for relief and commercial markets. However, it is incompetent in the market due to

a poor maintenance management system. So, the aim of this research is to overcome the poor

maintenance management problems by using the CMMS application. The data collected from the

company by survey studies, unstructured interviews, and stopwatches and from company records

revealed that frequent failure machines, as well as a poor maintenance management system,

cause production downtimes, resulting in a 29.19% decrease in production from the planned

production. The collected data are analyzed by, tools such as time and motion study, SPSS

software and CMMS effectively. The finding from the outcome of the bivariate correlation of

CMMS elements and manufacturing performance dimension has an alpha α value of greater than
0.5, which indicates that the relationships between CMMS and manufacturing performance are

positive. The findings from company records and stopwatch equipment and manpower

(technicians) should be managed to activate machine servicing. Finally, the proposed smart

maintenance management system tool, CMMS improves the availability of machines, reduces

the frequency of equipment failure, reduces the breakdown time, decreases the cost of

maintenance, and then improves the manufacturing performance by 5 percent. Alemayehu, G.,

Avvari, M., Alemu, B., & Gebrekidan, A. M. (2023). Performance Evaluation of Faffa Food

Share Company through Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). Journal of

Engineering, 2023.

With the continuous development of cloud computing technology, the application of cloud

computing technology in all walks of life has become a trend. Combined with the current

situation of university computer laboratory construction, this paper introduces the application

scheme of cloud computing technology in computer laboratory construction and management

from the perspective of cloud computing, virtualization and other technologies. Compared with

the traditional laboratory construction scheme, the laboratory system based on cloud computing

can effectively reduce the laboratory construction and management cost, improve the

management efficiency and resource utilization, and achieve the sharing of experimental

resources. Students can experiment on demand anytime and anywhere. Xu, Y., Hao, H., & Chen,

H. (2022, October). Research on the application of cloud computing technology in computer

laboratory construction and management. In International Conference on Cloud Computing,

Performance Computing, and Deep Learning (CCPCDL 2022) (Vol. 12287, pp. 172-176). SPIE.

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