Muskat Flow of Homogenous Fluids

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Society of Petroleum Engineers

SPE 18061

An Interpretation of the Displacement Behavior of Rich Gas

Drives Using an Equation-of-State Compositional Model
by J. Mansoori and S.P. Gupta, Amoco Production Co.
SPE Members

Copyright 1988, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 63rd Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in
Houston, TX, October 2-5, 1988.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information. contained in an a~stract submit~ed by the
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miscibility, the oil recovery did not increase sig-
ABSTRACT nificantly beyond that achieved at the slim tube ME.
This paper presents the results of a composi- Simulation results for the
tional simulation study to investigate the relation- condensing/vaporizing system were also compared with
ship between the displacement mechanism, the minimum those predicted by a classical condensing mechanism.
enrichment requirement, and the oil recovery effi- These comparisons showed that: a) for a classical
ciency for a rich gas system. The simulation condensing mechanism, the thermodynamic and the slim
results indicated that the displacement mechanism tube methods predicted the same minimum enrichment
over a wide range of solvent enrichment was governed requirement; b) at low dispersion the two mechanisms
by a condensing/vaporizing process; however, the showed similar displacement behavior; and c) higher
relative importance of the condensing or vaporizing values of dispersion had a bigger impact in reducing
mass transfer processes, and their impact on the the displacement efficiency of the
overall displacement efficiency, was a function of condensing/vaporizing mechanism compared with the
the enrichment level. For displacements simulated classical condensing process.
at or above the slim tube minimum enrichment (ME)
level (determined from the recovery breakover point INTRODUCTION
on a recovery versus enrichment plot), recovery was
high and the process behaved very similar to a clas- Hydrocarbon miscible gas flooding has long been
sical condensing mechanism. Displacements simulated recognized as a viable enhanced recovery method by
below the slim tube ME were less efficient; however, the petroleum industry. To improve the economic and
both condensing and vaporizing mass transfer proc- technical success for projects involving rich gas
esses contributed to the overall recovery effi- injection, it is essential to have a good under-
ciency. At enrichment levels considerably above the standing of the displacement mechanism and minimum
slim tube ME, the effect of the condensing mass enrichment requirement for achieving an efficient
transfer process on the displacement became less displacement.
significant and the behavior approached that of a
classical vaporizing mechanism. Traditionally, 1 ' 3 - 6 the displacement mechanism
of rich gas drives has been assumed to be via a con-
The slim tube technique for determining the ME densing process in which the intermediate components
requirement based on simulation results was further of the solvent enriched the reservoir oil toward the
compared with two other computational methods: one point of miscibility. However, the work of Stalkup 7
based on Hutchinson and Braun's multiple contact in 1965 and recent investigations 8 ' 9 have challenged
mixing, 1 and the other based on displacement behav- this traditional concept for some rich gas'displace-
ior at the limit of zero dispersion. 2 For this rich ments. Zick 8 showed that a very efficient oil
gas system, the minimum enrichment level predicted recovery can be achieved through a combined
by these methods was significantly higher than the condensing/vaporizing mass transfer interaction
slim tube ME and corresponded to conditions of ther- between the reservoir fluid and the injected sol-
modynamic miscibility development by a classical vent. His study was based on limited phase behavior
vaporizing mechanism. Despite such a high enrich- experiments and equation of state (EOS) calculations
ment requirement needed to achieve thermodynamic for a rich gas system. Novosad et al., 9 using slim
tube displacements and EOS calculations, claimed
References and illustrations at end of paper. that many Canadian rich gas projects are not con-


miscibility development by a classical condensing

densing drives; high displacement efficiencies are mechanism.
achieved via the extraction (vaporization) of hydro-
carbon components from the oil into the solven~, The oil/rich gas system chosen for this inves-
rather than condensing the solvent components 1nto tigation was reported by Stalkup in 1965. 7 This
the pil phase. In a recent experimental study, fluid system was selected due to extensive vapor-li-
Tiffin et al. 10 conducted displace~ent tests to spe- quid phase equilibria measurements and multiple con-
cifically address the question of .rich gas displace- tact flash experiments. A summary of Stalkup's
ment mechanism. They concluded, based on the experimental results is ~iven in the appendix.
compositional analysis of the core effluents, tha~
most of the oil was recovered by a mass transfer The fluid description developed to match the
process similar to a classical condens~ng ~echa~ism. phase behavior data is based on a version of the
No evidence of the oil component vapor1zat1on s1g- Redlich-Kwong e~uation of state reported previously
nificantly affecting the ultimate oil recovery was by Turek et al. 4 The C7+ fraction of the oil is
detected. represented by seven pseudo-components whose proper-
ties are adjusted to produce an acceptable overall
With respect to the question ~f solvent.minimum match to the experimental data. A comparison
enrichment requirement for the des1gn of a r1~h g~s between the experiments and EOS predic'tions is also
flood, several techniques have been reported 1n ~he presented in the appendix.
literature. Although the method based on the sl1~
tube recovery versus solvent enrichment has been the The simulator used throughout this work is the
preferred approach, other techniques and their generalized compositional model described earlier by
interpretations! such as the use of pseudoternary Young and Stephenson. 15 Recently, Shiralkar and
diagrams 11 ' 12 ' 3 multiple contact mixing calcula- Stephenson 16 incorporated a physical dispersion for-
tions,1'~ and the method based on 1 PV recovery at mulation into the model based on a new numerical
zero dispersion 2 have also been reported by some algorithm which drastically reduced the effects of
investigators. The non~unique~ess of the ~nferred. the numerical dispersion and grid orientation. All
displacement mechanism and enr1chment requ1rement 1n simulations are conducted in 1-D using a constant
some of these techniques has been demonstrated by value of physical dispersion coefficient for a given
Novasad et al. 9 Such in~onsistencies between vari- displacement. To simulate slim tube conditions, a
ous methods proposed to predict solvent enrichme~t Peclet number (Pe) of 800 (equivalent to a disper-
requirement could have significant impact on proJect sivity of 0.05 ft in a 40 ft long slim tube) is
economics. used. Peclet number is a dimensionless parameter
defined here as L/a where L is system length and a
The main objective of this paper is to present is dispersivity. Previous investigators have
computational results addressing the rel~tionship reported Peclet numbers in the range of 1000 to 3000
between the rich gas displacement mechan1sm, the for the slim tube. 17 ' 18 For the simulations pre-
enrichment requirement, and the displacement effi- sented here, increasing the Peclet number above 800
ciency. The role of the condensing a~d vaporizing did not have a significant effect on the displace-
mass transfer processes between the o1l and the sol- ment performance.
vent and the relative effect of each mechanism on
the ~verall displacement efficiency are discussed. DETERMINATION OF THE SOLVENT MINIMUM ENRICHMENT
The minimum enrichment requirements predicted from REQUIREMENT
several techniques are compared for the rich gas
system studied. The re~ationships betwe7n these The concept of miscibility development by a
enrichment levels and d1,splacement behav1or are multiple contact mixing mechanism between the reser-
investigated. Furthermo,re, the simulated perform- voir oil and the injected gas was originally pre-
ance of this rich gas displacemen~ and the related sented by Hutchinson and Braun. 1 A numerical
minimum enrichment calculations is compared with algorithm based on this technique w,as r~cently
those predicted by a cla~sical.condensing m7chanism. developed and reported by Turek et al. The multi-
Finally, the effect of d.1spers1on o.n such d1splace- ple contact path proposed by Hutchinson and Braun 1
ments is addressed. leads to the thermodynamic miscibility development
by one of two mechan~sms. In a class~cal vaporizing
METHOD OF INVESTIGATION mechanism, the original oil is repe,atedly contacted
by a vapor phase whose composition is continuously
The methodology adopted in this work consists changing throughout the process due to the
of the following steps: (1) an equation of state extraction (vaporization) of the intermediate compo-
(EOS)-based fluid description is developed to match nents from the oil phase. Conversely, in a clas-
the experimental first contact and multiple contact sical condensing mechanism, thermodynamic
vapor-liquid phase equilibria.for an ~il(ric~ gas miscibility is developed by repeated contact of the
system; (2) the developed flu1d ?e~cr1pt1~n 1s • fresh solvent with the oil whose composition is
incorporated into a fully compo91t1onal s1mulator, changing due to the condensing of the intermedia~e
the results of 1-D simulations are analyzed to components from the gas phase. The enrichment
determine the mass tranafer mechanism at various level, or pressure, at which thermodynamic miscibil-
enrichment levels and to calculate the slim tube ME ity is first established as a result of the multiple
requirement; (3) multiple contact contact mixing process is here referred to as the
are performed to obtain thermodynam1c m1sc1b1~1ty thermodynamic ME, .or thermodynamic MMP, respec-
criteria for the same system to be compared w1th the tively.
slim tube ME; and (4) the performance of this :ich
gas system is further compared ~ith a hypothet1c~l A second approach for determining the solvent
fluid description tuned to pred1ct a thermodynam1c ME requirement using 1-D simulation results was


recently proposed by Stalkup. 2 The basic principle First, for all the rich gases in Figure 2, thermody-
of this technique 1s derived from the work reported namic miscibility is predicted to be achieved by a
previously by Dumore et al. 20 They ~hawed, using vaporizing mechanism. This is consistent with the
the method of characteristics, that .when a multiple predicted shape of the pressure-composition -(P-X)
contact process develops miscibility in a piston- diagram of Figure A-1 showing a critical point to
like displacement at the limit of zero dispersion, the left hand side of the maximum 2-phase pressure. 9
all the in-place oil should be recovered at exactly Secondly, as the enrichment level is increased,
one pore volume of the fluid injection. Since some thermodynamic miscibility is developed at a lower
level of numerical dispersion is always present in pressure. From Figure 2, the minimum enrichment
the finite difference approximation pf flow levels needed to achieve thermodynamic miscibility
equations, compositional simulators ca.n not exactly at 2500 and 3000 psi are about 68 and 58 mol% C2+,
predict the displacement behavior at zero disper- respectively. Compared with the predicted slim tube
sion. To overcome this numerical shortcoming, as ME's of 55 and 50 mol% C2+ at these pressures, it is
suggested by Stalkup, the simulated recovery at 1 PV observed that this rich gas system requires consid-
is calculated at several dispersion levels, and the erably higher enrichments (13 and 18 mol% higher C2+
results are extrapolated to zero dispersion. The at 2500 and 3000 psi, respectively) to achieve ther-
lowest enrichment level at which 100% oil is recov- modynamic miscibility than that predicted by the
ered after injection of .1 PV of the .displacing fluid slim tube method.
(at the limit of zero dispersion) determines the ME
requirement. The minimum enrichment calculations presented
above were also compared with the method of zero
A third method for determining the minimum dispersion proposed by Stalkup. 2 Figure 3 shows the
enrichment requirement widely used in the industry simulated recovery at 1 PV of solvent injection
is by conducting slim tube displacements for a given plotted against the square root of inverse Peclet
oil/rich gas system at several solvent enrichment number at various enrichment levels for the 2500 psi
levels. In this technique, the oil ~ecovery at displacement. Stalkup originally suggested using a
1.2 HCPVI is plotted versus solvent enrichment, and dimensionless gridblock size to represent dispersiv-
the point where recovery is high and it no longer ity. This was because in his simulations, the
increases significantly with increased enrichment numerical dispersion (governed by the number of
level determines the slim tube ME requirement. The gridblocks rather than the actual dispersion coeffi-
minimum enrichment requirement predicted by these cient which is used here) was used to account for
three methods are compared in this investigation for the effect of dispersion. Based on the extrapolated
the oil/rich gas system reported by Stalkup. 7 Other behavior shown in Figure 3, it is observed that a
empirical methods of determining solvent enrichment minimum enrichment of 68.5 mol% C2+ is required to
requirement, such as Benham I s corre 1 at1on,
• 3 are not
achieve 100% recovery at 1 PV of injection at the
included in this study. limit of zero dispersion. Hence, the criteria for
the development of thermodynamic miscibility based
DISCUSSION OF RESULTS on Hutchinson and Braun's 1 multiple contact mixing
agrees favorably with the method of zero dispersion.
1 - Effect of Gas Enrichment on Displacement Both of these techniques, however, predict ME
Behavior requirements significantly higher than the slim tube
technique. Similar results are expected for the
The compositions of the oil and the rich gas displacement at 3000 psi.
used in slim tube simulations were the same as oil 2
and rich gas 2 of Table 1 in Stalkup's paper. 7 The Although a significant difference exists
gas enrichment level was changed by adding or sub- between various methods of determining ME require-
tracting a 50/50 mixture of c2 and c3 from the base ment, it is noted from Figure 1 that increasing the
gas. Compositional simulations were then conducted solvent enrichment beyond the slim tube ME does not
at two pressures of 2500 and 3000 psi using gas significantly affect the oil recovery performance
enrichments in the range of 43 to 69 mol% C2+. A under slim tube conditions. The slim tube technique
Peclet number of 800 was used for all simulations to gives the smallest estimate of the solvent minimum
mimic slim tube conditions. Figure 1 shows the pre- enrichment requirement to achieve an efficient dis-
dicted oil recovery at 1.2 hydrocarbon pore volume placement for this rich gas system.
injected (HCPVI) at two displacement pressures of
2500 and 3000 psi plotted as a function of the 2 - Comparison With Experimental Data
enrichment level. It is observed that recovery
first increases steeply with enrichment and then Stalkup 7 also reported the results of a limited
levels of£. The intersection of th• two line seg- slim tube tests conducted in a sand-packed tube. At
ments drawn through the low and high recovery seg- 3000 psi, miscibility development was first observed
ments of the curves determines the simulated slim for a rich gas containing 50.5 mol% methane with an
tube ME requirement for each displacement pressure. intermediate distribution similar to the rich gases
From Figure 1, minimum enrichments p£ about 55 and used for other phase behavior studies. 7 No explana-
50 mol% C2+ are required for this rich gas system in tion was provided as to the criteria by which misci-
order to achieve an efficient displacement perform- bility determination was established. Nevertheless,
ance at 2500 and 3000 psi, respectively. comparing with the simulated performance at
3000 psi, it is noted that the experimental ME
These simulated slim tube ME's are now compared agrees favorably with the simulated slim tube ME,
with the thermodynamic ME's calculated from the rather than the thermodynamic ME, or that based on
algorithm of Turek et al. 19 Figure 2 shows the pre- the method of zero dispersion (Figures 1, 2 and 3,
dicted the.rmodynamic MMP versus solvent (C2+) mole respectively).
fraction. Two important observations are made.


The composition of various hydrocarbon frac-

3 - Mass Transfer Mechanism from Simulation Results
tions in the oil and gas phases throughout the
system at 0.52 HCPVI .is shown in Figure 5. The com-
The details of simulation results for the dis-
ponents were lumped to represent four groups of
placement at 2500 psi discussed above was further
light (C 1 , N2, C02), light intermediates (C2-Cs),
analy~ed for three separate enrichment regions : A)
middle intermediates (Cs-C3o) and heavy (C3o+) frac-
displacements between the slim tube ME of
tions. This type of lumping was used by Zick 8 as a
55 mol% C2+ and thermodynamic ME of 68 mol% C2+; B)
suitable tool for interpreting displacement behavior
displacements below the slim tube ME of 55.mol% C2+;
for a condensing/vaporizing system. Figure 5 shows
and C) displacements above the thermodynam1c ME of
different mass transfer regions of the transition
68 mol% c 2+. The mass transfer mechanisms in each
zone separated by a solid vertical line in the
of these three regions are discussed below.
figure. In the region to the right (toward the pro-
ducing end), the mole fraction of the light interme-
To facilitate the interpretation of the dis-
diate components (C2-Cs) in the oil phase increa~es
placement mechanism from sim';llated performa~c7, in
due to the condensing of these components from the
addition to saturation, dens1ty, and compos1t1onal
gas phase. This region is called the condensing
profiles the tie-line length within the 2-phase
region. In the region to the left, the behavior of
region w;s also calculated. At a fixed hydrocarbon
the middle intermediate (Cs-C3o) fractions in the
pore volume of rich g•~ ~nj7ction, the.tie-line
oil and the gas phase indicates some vaporization of
length between the equ1l1br1um phases 1n the 2-phase
these components from the oil into the gas phase;
region was calculated from:
the c2-C5 fractions of the oil as well as the light
and heavy ends (C3o+) (not shown in the figure)
remain unchanged. As a result of this vaporization
N 2
phenomenon, the solvent which was originally without
~ L{x - y )
Cs-C3o fractions reaches a maximum concentration of
TL --=1--=i_ _ i about 5 mol% at the point separating the condensing
.[2 from the vaporizing region •

In summary, the transition zone developed in

where x. and y. denote the mole fraction of compo-
this condensing/vaporizing displacement is made up
nent i in the ail and the gas phases respectively,
of two distinct mass transfer regions. In the con-
and N is the total number of components. Since this
densing region, the dominant mechanism is the trans-
definition uses mole fractions over the entire com-
fer of intermediate components (C2-.Cs) from the
position space, it is independent of the c~m~onent
solvent to the oil phase; in the vaporizing region,
lumping generally used to represent com~os1t1onal
mass transfer is controlled by the vaporization of
trajectories on ternary or quaternary d1agrams. The
(c 6 -c3o) components from the oil into the gas phase.
~2 in the denominator normalizes t~e.tie-li~e
The properties of the oil and gas phases approach
lengths with respect to the comROSltlonal d1stance
each other as these two regions merge to form a
between pure components.
near-critical region within the transition zone. As
shown in Figure 4, the tie-line length which is
A - Displacement Mechanism between the Slim Tube ME
indicative of the degree of compositional difference
and Thermodynamic ME
between the oil and the gas phase reaches a small
value of about 0.01 for this particular displacement
The displacement mechanism in this region, as
simulated between the slim tube ME and thermodynamic
discussed below, showed characteristics very similar
to a classical condensing drive. The effect of com-
ponent vaporization on the overall displacement
The compositional trajectory for this displace-
efficiency was insignificant.
ment is also plotted on a quaternary diagram shown
Consider the simulation at 2500 psi and at the in Figure 6. The .overall comp~sitional path first
enters the 2-phase condensing regio,n, similar to a
enrichment level of 63.5 mol% C2+ which is between
classical condensing mechani'sm, then travels into a
the slim tube ME of 55 mol C2+ and the thermodynamic
2-phase vaporizing region toward the injected sol-
ME of 68 mol% C2+. The oil saturation, phase den-
vent concentration. Sin~e the path is very close to
sity, and tie-line length profiles for this run at
the dew point surface, very little re~idual oil is
0.52 HCPVI are shown in Figure 4. It is observed
left behind (Figure 4).
that phase densities within the transition zone
first converge and then diverge toward the back end
Since the trans~tion zone contains both con-
of the transition zone. The tie-line length and the
densing and vaporizing -;a-ss transfer regions, the
density difference reach their minimum ~t some po~i­
overall displacement efficiency is inherently a
tion within the transition zone. The o1l saturat1on
function of both types of mass transfer processes.
profile changes rapidly as it passes thro';lgh the
The contribution of each type to the overall recov-
constriction point separating the converg1ng and
ery efficiency can be qualitatively evaluated by
diverging regions, le•ving a very small residual oil
calculating the remaining stock tank oil in place
behind. The fact that phase properties tend to con-
(fraction of OOIP) at a fixed time at several grid-
verge somewhere within the transition zone is indic-
blocks within the condensing and vaporizing regions
ative of a condensing/vaporizing me.chanism, as
from the inlet to the o~tlet. The results of the•e
discussed by Zick. 8 In a classical co.ndensing mech-
calculations are sho.wn in Figure 7 at 0. 52 HCPVI.
anism, phase properties approach other at the
For this highly efficient displacement simulated
tail end of the transition zone, whereas in a vapor-
above the slim tube ME, most of the .oil is displaced
izing mechanism, this phenomenon takes place at the
as a result of the mass transfer procesa within the
leading edge oi the transition zone.
condensing region of the transition zone. The


vapor1z1ng region does not contribute a great deal

to the displacement efficiency. Hence, the simu- In summary, it is observed from the quaternary
lated slim tube displacement behavior for solvent diagra~s of Figures 6, 9, and 11 that as the enrich-
enrichments above the slim tube ME acts very similar ment level is increased from a low efficient region
to a classical condensing mechanism. below the slim tube ME to a very efficient displace-
. ment at the simulated slim tube ME and beyond, the
B - Displacement BehaYior Below the Slim Tube ME size of the condensing region is reduced and the
displacement is transformed from a
For this enrichment range, the displacement condensing/vaporizing mechanism to a classical
mechanism is still governed by a vaporizing mechanism at and above the thermodynamic
condensing/vaporizing type process, however, both ME. The displacement efficiency below the slim tube
condensing and vaporizing mass transfer processes ME is controlled by both condensing and vaporizing
affect the oil displacement efficiency. mass transfer effects; those above the slim tube ME
and below the thermodynamic ME behave similar to
Consider a case simulated at 2500 psi and classical condensing gas drive with negligible
43.5 mol% C2+ enrichment which is below the slim vaporization effects; displacements at or above the
tube ME of 55 mol% C2+ (Figure 1). Th~ phase prop- thermodynamic ME are all by a classical vaporizing
erties and the quaternary diagram for this displace- mechanism, leading to contact miscible displacements
ment at 0.39 HCPVI are shown in Figures 8 and 9, at much higher enrichment levels.
respectively. Similar to the previous case, the
displacement behavior is one of
condensing/vaporizing; however, the displacement is 4 - Comparison with a Classical Condensing Mechanism
less efficient due to a much bigger difference
between the fluid properties at the point of transi- To perform a qualitative comparison of slim
tion from condensing to the vaporizing region. tube simulations and minimum enrichment calculations
between the condensing/vaporizing and a classical
The contribution of each mass transfer region condensing mechanism, a second fluid description was
on the overall displacement efficiency at 0.39 HCPVI developed using the same set of experimental data.
is shown in Figure 10. This behavior shows that the An additional restriction was further imposed on
effect of condensing (region to the right of the this fluid description to predict thermodynamic mis-
minimum tie-line) and vaporizing (region to the cibility by a condensing mechanism. As discussed in
left) mass transfer processes on the oil displace- the appendix, with the added miscibility
ment is equally significant for displacements below restriction, it was not possible to match all the
the slim tube ME. This figure also shows that experimental data, most notably the dew-point region
despite a lower cumulative recovery (86% OOIP, of the P-X diagram (see Figure A-1). Nevertheless,
Figure 1) at 1.2 HCPVI, a very small amount of resi- some comparison of the performance of these two dis-
dual oil is predicted over some initial distance placement mechanisms is presented in the following
from the injection point. This phenomenon is purely sections.
a throughput effect caused by many pore volumes of
solvent contacting the reservoir fluid over a short A - Comparison of the Minimum Enrichment Requirement
distance; it is not a good measure of the overall
displacement efficiency which is typically deter- When the displacement behavior is characterized
mined at 1.2 HCPVI. by a classical condensing mechanism, all three meth-
ods of minimum enrichment determination discussed
C - Displacement Behavior Above ~he Th~rmodynamic previously predict the same enrichment requirement.
Miscibility This differs from a condensing/vap,orizing mech.anism
where, as shown before, the slim tube ME was consid-
A displacement at 68.5 mol% C2+ solvent enrich- erably leaner than that predicted by the thermody-
ment (above the thermodynamic ME of 6S mol% C2+) was namic criteria. Figure 12 compares the simulated
also ~imulated by the compositional model. Similar slim tube oil recovery at 1.2 HCPVI versus C2+
to the simulation of a solvent between the slim tube enrichment as predicted by the classical condensing
ME and thermodynamic ME, this displacement is also and the condensing/vaporizing mechanism discussed
very efficient with recovery in excess of 99% OOIP, earlier. Both mechanisms predict a slim tube ME
as shown in Figure 1. Unlike the previous case, (break in recovery) at about 55 mol% C2+ enrichment.
however, the transition zone is completely made up Furthermore, for the classical condensing mechanism,
of a single vaporizing region (Figure 11). The ori- multiple contact calculations of Hutchinson and
ginal reservoir oil remains single phase due to a Braun predicts a minimum enrichment of 55 mol% C2+
high solubility of the rich solvent before entering for ~he development of thermodynamic miscibility at
a vaporizing region over a path very near the dew 2500 psi. In addition, when the simulated oil
point surface. As a result, a very small amount of recovery at 1 PV of injection is plotted ver~us the
residual oil is left behind .the front. This behav- square root of inverse Peclet number (Figure 13),
ior is mechanistically identical to a ~lassical 100% recovery is achieved with a solvent of approxi-
vaporizing mechanism as observed by previous inves- mately 55 mol% C2+ at the limit of zero dispersion.
tigators for gas displacements, such as C02, above In summary, therefore, these observations show that
the minimum miscibility pressure. 6 Further simu- for a classical condensing mechanism, all three
la~ions showed that the condensing region began to methods predict the same minimum enrichment require-
disappear at about 68 mol% C2+ enrichment which is ment for the oil/rich gas system studied.
in excellent agreement with the thermodynamic ME
predicted by either multiple contact method of
Hutchinson and Braun, 1 or that derived based on 100%
recovery at 1 PV at the limit of zero dispersion.


B - Comparison of the Displacement Performance at very efficient and the oil recovery was mainly con-
Low Dispersion trolled by a mass transfer process a
classical condensing mechanism; the effect of vapor-
The two mechanisms show similar behavior for ization was negligible. Displacements below the
displacements at low dispersion. The predicted oil slim tube ME were less efficient; however, both the
recovery performance and the oil saturation profiles condensing and the vaporizing mass transfer proc-
by the two descriptions under slim tube conditions esses influenced the recovery efficiency. Displace-
(Pe = 800) at an enrichment level of 58.5 mol% C2+ ments simulated at enrichment levels much above the
(above the slim tube ME, but below the thermodynamic slim tube ME had characteristics similar to a clas-
ME) are shown in Figure 14. For this low dispersion sical vaporizing mechanism.
simulation, the recoveries are comparable and the
only minor difference is in the residual oil satu- 2 - The slim tube ME predicted by the
ration left behind the front. The condensing/vaporizing mechanism was compared with
condensing/vaporizing process, because of the vapor- that obtained from the thermodynamic miscibility
ization effect, leaves a very small amount of resi- criteria of Hutchinson and Braun. 1 For this rich
dual oil behind, whereas the classical condensing gas system, a considerably higher enrichment was
process displaces 100% of the contacted oil. Over- required to achieve thermodynamic miscibility. The
all, the two mechanisms predict very similar dis- onset of transition from a condensing/vaporizing
placement behavior at low dispersion. mechanism to a classical vaporizing mechanism, as
predicted by the simulator, was in excellent agree-
C - Comparison of Displacement Performance at High ment with the thermodynamic ME.
3 - For the rich gas system studied, the ther-
At higher levels of dispersivity, the recovery modynamic ME agreed favorably with the minimum
efficiency predicted by the condensing/vaporizing enrichment needed to recover 100% of the oil at one
mechanism suffers more dramatically than that of the pore volume of solvent injection at the limit of
classical condensing mechanism. The simulated per- zero dispersion.
formance at 2500 psi and 58.5 mol% C2+ solvent
enrichment is compared in Figure 14 at a dispersion 4 - Despite requ1r1ng a much higher enrichment
level equivalent to Peclet number o£ 24. At this level to achieve thermodynamic miscibility, increas-
higher dispersivity, the oil recovery predicted by ing the solvent enrichment beyond the slim tube ME
the condensing/vaporizing process is somewhat more did not further increase oil displacement efficiency
affected than the classical condensing process. under slim tube conditions.

The differences in the predicted behavior can 5 - For a classical condensing mechanism, the
be explained by observing the shape of the in situ three methods of minimum enrichment determination
oil saturation profiles, as shown in Figure 15. (slim tube, thermodynamic criteria, and 1 PV recov-
Firstly, compared with the low dispersion simu- ery at zero dispersion) predicted the same enrich-
lation, the condensing/vaporizing process predicts a ment requirement.
higher level of ~esidual oil saturation behind the
gas-oil transition zone. In contrast, the classical 6 - Higher dispersion had a greater impact on
condensing mechanism achieves 100% recovery effi- reducing the displacement efficiency of a
ciency. The increase in the residual oil saturation condensing/vaporizing mechanism than that of a clas-
at higher dispersion predicted by the sical condensing mechanism.
condensing/vaporizing mechanism is consistent with
Stalkup observations. 2 A second factor affecting
the level of oil recovery at a given HCPVI for this
rich gas system is the difference in the distrib- REFERENCES
ution and magnitude of the oil saturation within the
transition zone. For the condensing/vaporizing pro- 1. Hutchinson, C. A., Jr., and Braun, P. H.,
cess, the saturation profile is more smeared and, "Phase Relations of Miscible Displacement in
hence, the lower oil phase mobility (due to smaller Oil Recovery," AIChE J. (1961), v. 7, 64.
oil saturation) within the 2-phase region results in
a lower cumulative oil recovery at 1.2 HCPVI. Based 2. Stalkup, F. I., "Displacement Behavior of the
on these observations, therefore, higher dispersiv- Condensing/Vaporizing Gas Drive Process,"
ity has a greater impact on reducing the displace- SPE 16715, presented at the 62nd Annual Techni-
ment efficiency of a condensing/vaporizing process cal Conference and Exhibition of the SPE held
compared with a classical condensing process. in Dallas, TX, September 27-30, 1987.
Whether or not these differences are significant
under actual field condition should be answered by 3. Benham, A. L., Dowden, w. E., and Kunzman,
conducting field scale compositional simulations. W. J., "Miscible Fluid Displacement- Predic-
tion of Miscibility," Pet. Trans. AIME,
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS vol. 219, p. 229-1960.

1 - Simulated slim tube displacements of an 4. Rutherford, W. M., "Miscibility Relationship in

oil/rich gas system exhibited a . the Displacement of Oil by Light Hydrocarbons,"
condensing/vaporizing behavior over a wide range of SPEJ, 340-346, Dec. 1962~
solvent enrichments. The relative importance of the
condensing and vaporizing mass tra~sfer effects was 5. Clark, N. J., Schultz, W. P., and Shearin, H.
a function of the enrichment level. Displacements M. "Condensing Gas Drive, Critical Displace-
at or above the slim tube minimum enrichment were ment Process -- New Injection Method Affords


Total Oil Recovery," Pet. Eng. (Oct., 1956) 28, 18. Renner, T. A.: Amoco Production Company, Pri-
B-45 vate Communication.

6. Stalkup, F. I., Jr., "Miscible Displacement, 19. Turek, E. A., Luks, K. D., and Baker, L. E.,
Monograph Series, vol. 8, SPE of AIME, Dallas, "Calculation of Minimum Miscibility Pressure,"
Texas, 1983. SPE/DOE 14929 presented at the SPE/DOE Fifth
Symposium on Enhanced Oil Recovery held in
7. Stalkup, F. I., "Using Phase Surfaces to Tulsa, OK, April 20-23, 1986.
Describe Condensing - Gas - Drive Experiments,"
SPEJ, September 1965, 184-188. 20. Dumor~, J. M., Hagoort, J., Risseeum, A. S.
"An Ana 1 yt1cal
. Mod~l for One-Dimensional, '
8. Zick, A. A., "A Combined Condensing/Vaporizing Three-Component Condensing and Vaporizing Gas
Mechanism in the Displacement of Oil by Drives," SPEJ, Apr. 1984,
Enriched Gases," SPE 15493, presented at the
61st Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition 21. Turek, E. A.: Amoco Production Company, Private
of the SPE held in New Orleans, LA, Communication.
October S-8, 1986.

9. Novosad, Z. and Costain, T., "New Interpreta- APPENDIX

tion of Recovery Mechanisms in Enriched Gas
Drives, 11 Jour. Cana. Pet. Tech. (March-April Stalkup phase behavior studies
1988) Vol. 27, No 2, 54-60.
The compositions of the two reservoir fluids
10. Tiffin, D. L., Sebastian, H. M., and Bergman, and rich gases (labeled 1 and 2) used in Stalkup's
D. F., "Displacement Mechanism and Water phase behavior study are given in Table 1 of
Shielding Phenomena for a Rich ~as/Crude Oil Stalkup's paper. 7 A comparison of the measured and
System," paper SPE 17374 presented at the calculated P-X diagrams using Stalkup's reservoir
SPE/DOE Enhanced Oil Recovery Symposium held in fluid 2 and rich gas 2 is shown in Figure A-1. As
Tulsa, Oklahoma, April 17-20, 1988. observed, the equation of state which predicts a
condensing/vaporizing displacement mechanism is able
11. Cohen, G. S. and Shirer, J. A., "Prediction of to match the experimental data with reasonable accu-
Conditions Necessary for Multiple-Contact Mis- racy.
cibility, 11 paper SPE 12111 presented at the
58th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition The tuning of the EOS parameters was achieved
of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in by breaking the C7+ fraction into seven pseudocompo-
San Francisco, CA, Oct S-8, 1983. nents •. Critical temperatures, critical pressures,
acentr1c factors, and the interaction parameters
12. Pederson, K. s., Fjellerup, J., Thomassen, P., between the light and the heavy ends were adjusted.
and Fredenslund, A., "Studies of Gas Injection
into Oil Reservoirs by a Cell-to Cell Simu- Additional vapor-liquid phase equilibrium stu-
lation Model," paper SPE 15599 presented at the dies for various mixtures of reservoir fluids and
r~ch gases were also reported by Stalkup. These
61st Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
of the Society of Petroleum Engineers held in m1xtures were analyzed for phase compositions phase
New Orleans, LA, Oct. 5-8, 1986. volume fraction, and saturation pressure meas~re­
ments. Generally good agreement wa~ observed
13. Wu, R. S., Batycky, J. P., Harker, B., and between the experimental data and EOS prediction~.
Rancier, D., "Enriched Gas Displacement: Design A summary of the results of these multiple contact
of Solvent Compositions," Jour. Can. Pet. Tech. studies is discussed in the following.
(1986) Vol. 25 55-59.
1. Rich gas 2 was added to the reservoir fluid 2
14. Turek, E. A., Metcalfe, R. s., Yarborough, L. in an equilibrium cell 7 to obtain a mixture
and Robinson, R. L., "Phase Equilibria in containing 66 mol% rich gas. This mixture
C02-Multicomponent Hydrocarbon Systems : Exper- (labeled 1-1') was then flashed at 3000 psi and
imental Data and an Improved Prediction Tech- phase compositions were measured. Results are
nique," SPEJ (June 1984) 308-324. compared in Table A-1. The agreement between
the experimental and measured compositions are
15. Young, L. C. and Stephenson, R. E., "A General- satisfactory. Experimentally, mixture 1-1 1 had
ized Compositional Approach for Reservoir Simu- a bubble point pressure of 3150 psi which also
lation," SPEJ (Oct. 1983) 727-742. agrees well with the calculated value of
326 7 psi.
16. Shiralkar, G. S. and Stephenson, R. E., "A Gen-
eralized Formulation for Simulating Physical 2. The liquid part of mixture 1-1 1 was further
Dispersion a.nd a New Nine-Point Scheme," paper contacted with additional rich gas 2. This
SPE 16975 presented at the 1987 Annual Techni- mixture, labeled 2-2', indicated an exper-
cal Conferen.ce and Exhibition of the Society of imentally measured dew point pressure of 4300
Petroleum Engineers held in Dallas, psi, and a 3.4 volume percent liquid at
Sept. 27-30. 3000 psi. Based on EOS calculations, the best
overall agreement with the properties of this
17. Gardner, J. W., Orr, F. M., Patel, P. D., "The mixture was achieved by mixing 68 mol% rich gas
Eifect of Phase Behavior on C02 Flood Displa~e­ 2 and 32 mol% reservoir fluid 2. The calcu-
ment Efficiency," JPT (Nov. 1981) 2067-2081. lated volume fraction at 3000 psi was 2.3%


(versus 3.4% experimentally), and a dew point

of 4000 psi (versus 4300 p~i experimentally).
As shown in Table A-2, the measured and calcu-
lated compositions are in a very good agree-

3. A mixture of reservoir fluid 1 and rich gas 1

(Table 1, Stalkup's paper 7 ) was prepared exper-
imentally which had a bubble point of 3050 psi.
To match this bubble point pressure, EOS calcu-
lations indicated that the overall mixture
should contain 60 mol% rich gas 1. This mix.-
ture which had a calculated bubble point pres-
s~re of 3066 psi (versus 3050 psi
experimentally) was then flashed at 3000 psi.
The predicted compositions of the liquid phase
(labeled 4 1 ) is compared with the experimental
data, as shown in ~able A-1. No vapor phase
analysis was reported by Stalkup.

4. The liquid portion from the previous test (mix-

ture 4') was further contacted with rich gas 1.
The overall mixture (labeled 5-5 1 ) exhibited a
dewpoint at 3\00 psi. The best agreement with
the results of this test was achieved by mixing
42 mol% gas with 58 mol% of the reservoir
fluid. This mixture resulted in a calculated
dewpoint pressure of 3357 psi and gave 37%
liquid fraction at 3000 psi, which compares
very well with 35-40% liquid volume fraction
reported experimentally. The composition of
phases is compared in Table A-1.

Fluid Description Predicting Classical Condensing


In this investigation, it was observed that all

fluid descriptions predicting a critical point on
the P-X diagram to the left of the maximum two-phase
pressure also predicted thermodynamic miscibility by
the vaporizing mechanism, according to Hutchinson
and Braun's multiple contact calculations. Since
the experimental P-X diagram had a critical point to
the left of the maximum 2-phase pressure, it soon
became evident that it was not possible to match the
entire range of the experimental data and, at the
same time, obtain a classical condensing mechanism
for this rich gas system. Nevertheless, for a qual-
itative comparison with the condensing/vaporizing
system, a classical condensing system was developed
with a minimal effort by matching some of the exper-
imental data.

In order to develop a description predicting a

classical condensing mechanism using the Redlich-
Kwong equation of state, it was necessary to further
reduce the number of pseudo-components of the C7+
~raction. This procedure is not new and, in fact,
has been applied in the past to generate fluid
descriptions which predict classical condensing
mechanism for miscibility development. 21 The calcu-
la~ed and measured P-X diagram for this system is
compared in Figure A-1. Although the match to the
bubble point region is reasonably well, a very poor
match is achieved for the dew point regie~. No fur-
ther attempts were made to match the vapor-liquid
equilibrium compositional data with this fluid


SPE 18 0 6 1

Comparison of Calculated and Experimental Vapor-Liquid
Equilibrium Phase Compositlons7 ·


Vapor Phase, mol % Liquid Phase, tnol % Vapor Phase, mol % Liquid Phase, mol %
Component ~ EOS ~ EOS Component ~ EOS ~ EOS
N2 0.36 0.24 N2 0.28 0.13
c. 48.11 51.93 37.21 37.71 c, 44.74 44.13 21.14 21.45
C0 2 0.94 0.89 C0 2 1.19 1.29
c2 18.41 19.00 19.68 19.74 c2 26.15 23.79 25.98 25.13
Ca 19.67 17.62 19.77 19.53 Ca 23.24 22.08 24.92 22.40
fc4 3.93 3.52 4.76 4.50 {'c4 3.01 3.17 3.91 3.93
nC 4 nC4
{iC5 1.61 1.36 2.43 1.96 {'C5 0.65 0.81 1.14
nC 5 1.44
nc 5
Cs 0.58 0.59 1.24 0.96 Co 0.07 0.30 0.91 0.50
C7+ 7.69 4.68 14.91 14.47 C7+ 2.14 4.25 21.70 24.03
C7 +MW 147 159 197 194 C7 +MW 156 183 280 288
C7 + Sp. Gr. 0.7963 0.7863 0.8228 0.8289 C7 + Sp.Gr. 0.80 0.8011 1.088


Vapor Phase, mol % Vapor Phase, mol% Liquid Phase, mol%
Component Expl'l EOS Component ~ EOS ~ EOS
N2 N2 0.18 0.13
c, 37.81 38.34 c, 40.68 .44.24 34.50 34.96
C0 2 C02 0.61 0.60
c2 21.91 20.31 c2 24.85 23.68 22.87 24.23
·ca 19.05 18.42 Ca 19.36 20.01 21.79 21.05
{'c4 4.72 4.67 {'c4. 3.93 3.54 4.36 4.09
nC 4 nC 4
{'C5 1.89 2.16 {'C5 2.17 1.29 1.49 1.61
nC 5 nC5
Cs 0.82 0.73 co 0.32 0.38 0.79 0.50
C7+ 13.80 15.37 C7+ 8.69 6.07 14.20 12.83
C7 +MW 190 190 C7 +MW 175 176 202
C7 + Sp.Gr. 0.8277 0.8258 C7 + Sp.Gr. 0.8136 0.8 0.8448

1.02 4000
0 0.98
0 a.
0.94 a.: 3500
0.90 ~

u legend 0
.EaJ 3ooo
:I: 0.86
• 2500 psi displacement c:::::
~ >- 0.82
o 3000 psi displacement
> 0.78 Q; 2500 - ------ - ----- - - -- - -,- --------- -

Q; .c I
0 .....
0 0.74
a: 0.70 2000,_----,-----.------.--~-.-----.---L--,

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70
C2+ Mole Fraction C2+ Mole Fraction
Fig. 1-Siim·tube recovery as a function of solvent enrichment level. Fig. 2-Effect of enrichment level on thermodynamic MMP for a condens-
ing/vaporizing rich gas system.

SPE 18061

a.. 1 ~~~ .--O=iI~S~a~t.-=u~ra::..:t:..:..:io::..:n~ 70

0 £Ol 0.9
0 c
0.96 Q)
0 ....J 0.8 Oil Density

..t MOL% C2+ Q)

50 .......
0.90 c 0.7
> 0
::i 0.6
u 6 53.5 Q) 40
:::c 0.86 i= 0.6
0 0.4 30 >
X 58.5 c
0.80 c
0 63.5
·.;:; 20 c3
0.76 "68.5


0.70 o~-.--.--.--.-~--~~--.--~~o
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
..J17Pe Fractional Distance
Fig. 3-EIIect of Inverse Peele! number (a/L) on oil recovery at1 PV Injection (2,500 psi) lor a condensing/vaporiz- Fig. 4-Displacement behavior at 2,500 psi and 63.5 mol% C 2 + enrichment (be-
Ing rich gas system. tween slim tube ME and thermodynamic ME) at 0.52 HCPVI.

c 1+N z+COz
c 0.66
·.;::; 0.60
CD 0.40
c 0.30
.c 0.26 oil middle intermediates (C6-CJO)
u 0.20 £i!....!jg!!.l...J!!termediat~2-C5L_ _
-o>- 0.16
9.C!.~ _'!!.isi..c!Lr::. }!l_t~!.'!:'.f!.c![g~t:~. {9_6_-:;_f; ;5_0)
:X: 0.10
gas lig_h_t_intermf!_qJgtes (C?-:;~§.2__
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Fractional Distance
Fig. 5-Compositlonal profiles ol various hydrocarbon fractions In a condensing/vaporizing system
at 2,500 psi and 63.5mol% C 2 + enrichment (between slim tube ME and thermodynamic ME) Fig. 6-Quaternary representation olthe displacement behavior at

at 0.52 HCPVI. 2,500 psi and 63.5 mol% C 2 + enrichment (between slim tube
ME and thermodynamic ME).

,__ ______
-'= Oil Saturation
'E> 0.9 ' Remaining OIP .c 70

~ 0.8
....J Q)
....J 0.8
Q) 0.7 +-'
c:: Q)
0.7 50 .......
:.:J 0.6 c ::J
I Vaporizing Condensing ::i 0.6 Oil Density
~ 0.5 Region <1---+-e..;.....r> Region I
Q) 40 ?i
0.4 i=

- - ,\,I
Tie Line / 0

·.;:; --····./,------lie Line
(0 0.2
~ -...._;····---·······-Gas Density 10
+-' 0.1
0~-.-----.----~--~~--.---~~ (0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 04=~--.-----.-~--~~--.---~~o
Fractional Distance 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Fig. 7-Remalnlng ollln place lor a displacement at2,500 psi and 63.5 mol% Fractional Distance
C 2 + enrichment (between slim tube ME and thermodynamic ME) at Fig. a-Displacement behavior at2,500 psi and 43.5 mol% C 2 + enrichment (below
0.52 HCPVI. slim tube ME) at 0.39 HCPVI.

C1+N z+COz

C) 0.9 Remaining OIP
Q) 0.8
Q) 0.7
:.:J 0.6
f Region
c:: 0.3 Tie Line
·;:; 0.2
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Fractional Distance
Fig. 9-Quaternary representation olthe displacement behavior at2,500 Fig. 10-Remainlng oil saturation lor a displacement at2,500 psi and 43.5 mol%
psi and 43.5 mol% C 2 + enrichment (below slim tube ME). C 2 + enrichment (below slim tube ME) at 0.39 HCPVI.
SPE 18 0 6 1

Ct+N z+COz
0 0.9
L.t 0.8

a.. 0.7
Dew Point u LEGEND
Curve • Condensing/Vaporizing Mechanism
Path -
~ -
o Classical Condensing Mechanism

-B~b~~e Point / 0 0.4

__ ---- 0

Curve a: 0.3
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Cz+ Mole Fraction
Fig. 11-Quaternary representation of the displacement behavior at 2,500 Fig. 12-Comparlson of oil recovery vs. enrichment level for a condensing/vaporizing and a classical condensing
psi and 68.5 mol% enrichment (above thermodynamic ME). mechanism at 2,500 psi.

u 0.96 --- ---~ Condensing/Vaporizing Mechanism
L.t --------~ Classical Conden~ Mechanism_
::I: 0.86
3 MOL% C2+
0.9 0.9
a; 0.80 0.8 c 0.8
> o 53.5 (Blow Thermodynamic ME) c 0.7 0 0.7
0 ·.;::;
0 0.76 t, 55 (At Thermodyn6mic ME) ·g 0.6 co
:; 0.6
0 co 0.5 0.5
0 +-'
a: U: 0.4
(/) 0.4

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0 0.3 0.3

a: 0.2 6 0.2
0.1 0.1
Fig. 13-Effect of Inverse Peele! number (all) on oil recovery at 1 PV Injection (2,500 psi) for a classical condens· 0 0 0
lng mechanism.
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
HCPV Rich Gas Injected Fractional Distance
Fig. 14-Comparlson of a classical condensing and a condensing/vaporizing mechanism at low dispersion, 2,500
psi, Pe= BOO, 58.5 mol% C 2 + enrichment (above slim tube ME for the condensing; between the slim tube
ME and thermodynamic ME for the condensing/vaporizing system).

Condensing/Vaporizing Mechanism
Classical Condensing_ Mechanism_
6000 Experimental
P.r.t:~ !~ ~t:.<1.. r; ~ 0.c;i.~.r:.!?!r!9.!XP.I?. ~~!?. ~r:.9..¥~~~.C?.r:.i~ r:!
,--- 4400
Predicted Classical Condensi~echanism_
i5 0.9
0.8 c 0.8 I Ci5
x Critical Point

I a..
u a:
0.5 E
0.5 ( ::::>

(/) 0.4
0.3 I (/)
6 a..
a: 0.2
I 3000

6 0 0 --,
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
HCPV Rich Gas Injected Fractional Distance 2400
Fig. 15-Comparlson of a classical condensing and a condensing/vaporizing mechanism at high dispersion, 2,500
psi, Pe=24, 58.5 mol% C 2 + enrichment (above slim tube ME for the condensing; between the slim tube
ME and thermodynamic ME for the condensing/vaporizing system). 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Fig. A·1-Comparlson of the P·X diagrams.


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