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Jophiel the Archangel Academy

Noble St., Miagao, Iloilo

Week 5

Date: March 28, 2022

Let’s Warm Up!

What are the proper ways of preserving food?


Are all food can be preserved?


Let’s Learn!

Processing/Preserving Selected Food Items

Simple and basic techniques in food processing can be done at home.
Complex processes would need the use of special tools and equipment.
Food processing companies are equipped with highly specialized tools and
equipment which would need the technical expertise of trained workers.
Nevertheless, the procedure for processing food for preservation remains
the same, whether done manually or mechanically. Learning the basic
techniques is made easier with the use of standardized recipes in food
Jophiel the Archangel Academy
Noble St., Miagao, Iloilo

Food Preservation Terms

Following are the procedures of standardized recipes is made easier
and faster if you learn and master the following terms in preservation:
Pare- cut off the skin with a knife
Peel- pull off the outer skin or rind
Chop- cut into small uneven pieces
Blend- mix two or more foods thoroughly
Blanch- pour or dip food in boiling water
Freeze- keep in the coldest part of the refrigerator
Shred- cut into thin strips
Boil- cook in liquid until bubbles appear
Simmer- cook just below boiling point
Grate- cut into fine pieces by rubbing against a grater
Caramelize- melt sugar in high temperature
Brine- salt and water solution
Syrup- sugar and water solution
Jams, Jellies, Marmalade, and Candied Fruits
Products such as jam, jellies, marmalade, and candy are appropriate
for fruits such as pineapple, santol, mango, guava, strawberry, and
papaya. These fruits can be preserved in sugar. Tamarind or sampaloc,
durian, kamias, and melon can also be made into candies.

Jams are cooked mixture of fruits and sugar in a moderately thick
consistency. The high concentration of sugar used in jam-making prevents
the growth of microorganisms and allows the jams to be preserved for
many months.
Jophiel the Archangel Academy
Noble St., Miagao, Iloilo

Marmalade is made from citrus fruits. Bitter oranges make the best
marmalade. Other citrus fruits are best used in combination with sweet
oranges. Guava, santol, and pineapple may also be made into marmalade.


Jelly is the semi-solid spread made from sugar and fruits. The four
essential ingredients in jelly-making are fruit, pectin, acid, and sugar.
Pectin is a carbohydrate-like substance found in some fruits that form gel
with sugar and acid. Only fruits rich in pectin and acid are ideal for jelly
making. Guava, santol, tamarind, sour oranges, and tart apple are fruits
rich in pectin.

Candied Fruits
Candied fruits are prepared by gradually concentrating fruits in syrup
by repeated boiling until fruit is heavily cooked in syrup. Slightly immature
fruit is best for candying.
Ripe fresh fruits become too soft and cannot stand the repeated
boiling. The length of time of boiling depends on the texture of the fruits.
Remove fruit from final syrup. Drain and place in wire screen and dry at
room temperature. Cool completely before wrapping.
Jophiel the Archangel Academy
Noble St., Miagao, Iloilo

Preservation of Vegetables by Pickling

Vegetables are best preserved by pickling. Pickling is a preservation
process using a combination of salt, sugar, and vinegar. Fruits and
vegetables can become crisp, tangy, sweet, and sour with the process of

Meat Preservation
Preservation of meat by salting is a traditional method. Recently
however, the curing method is done by combining salt, sugar, spices, and
saltpeter (salitre). Saltpeter or potassium nitrate is used to impart the
characteristic bright red color of cured meat products such as tocino and

Fish Preservation
Fish are commonly preserved by drying and fermentation. Drying
makes use mainly of solar heat, or sun drying, which is abundant in our
country. Sun drying prevents growth of molds and maintains the quality of
fish. Dried fish may be stored for months at room temperature. Bisugo,
galunggong, danggit and other large fish are butter-filleted prior to drying.
Smaller fish are dried whole.
Jophiel the Archangel Academy
Noble St., Miagao, Iloilo

Patis and Bagoong

Anchovies or dilis (tiny shrimps called alamang) are ingredients for

patis (fish sauce) and bagoong. Patis and bagoong are fermented products
processed by mixing salt to the ingredients and allowing it to ferment for
Patis is the result of fermentation, a clear liquid formed in the upper
portion of the fermenting mixture after a few months. It is yellow amber to
brown. The fish flakes that settle in the bottom is bagoong, the by-product
of patis. Patis and bagoong are popular sauces in many parts of the

No method of preservation will improve the original quality of a food

product. However, to achieve the best result for every preserved food, one
must use fresh, mature, and ripe ingredients with flavorful food material.

Tell me!

Can we process food at home on our own?

Jophiel the Archangel Academy
Noble St., Miagao, Iloilo

We can process and preserve food on our own if we know the basic
processes in preserving and with the right equipment.

Let's try!

Answer the following questions:

1. Will it be easier if we know the basic skills in preserving food? Why?
2. What will happen if we disregard the proper hygiene in preparing
preserved foods?

Let's answer!
Identify the preservation process listed below. Write your answer on the
space provided before the number.

a. boil b. chop c. freeze

d. brine e. blanch f. caramelized
g. blend h. shred i. peel
j. syrup k. stir
_____ 1. melt sugar in high temperature
_____ 2. salt and water solution
_____ 3. keep in the coldest part of the refrigerator
_____ 4. cut into small, uneven pieces
_____ 5. cook in liquid until bubbles appear
Jophiel the Archangel Academy
Noble St., Miagao, Iloilo

_____ 6. mix two or more food thoroughly

_____ 7. sugar and water solution
_____ 8. cut into thin strips
_____ 9. pour or dip food in boiling water
_____ 10. pull off the outer skin or rind


Prepare a plan for food preservation based on your chosen food below.
Write it on a piece of an intermediate pad paper.

Fruits Veggies Meat Fish and


Pineapple Jam Pickled Homemade Daing na Bangus

singkamas Bacon

Orange Atsarang Papaya Tocino Salted egg


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