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NBA Accredited: Chemical | CSE | ECE | EEE | MECH | T&D | E (Robotics)
ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Institution
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Government of Tamil Nadu)
Koneripalli, Hosur - 635 117.


(Common with IVth Sem EEE, ECE & VIth Sem MECH)

SUBJECT CODE : 4020620





PMC Tech Polytechnic College shall emerge as a premier Institute for valued added technical education
coupled with Innovation, Incubation, Ethics and Professional values


1. To foster the professional competence through excellence in teaching and learning.

2. To nurture overall development of students by providing Quality Education & Training.
3. To provide innovative environment to learn, innovate and create new ideas for the betterment of oneself
and society.



To produce dynamic, competent and innovative Electrical and Electronics Engineering diploma holders
to cater the need of the industry.


M1 To promote excellence in teaching and laboratory practices

To have good ambience and infrastructure for Electrical and Electronics Engineering students
suitable for professional career and higher studies
To inculcate ethics, leadership qualities and professional outlook to develop the overall personality
M3 of the students.

M4 To provide opportunities for lifelong skill development and learning for industry and social needs.


Our Diploma students will be able to

Have a strong foundation in the basic sciences, mathematics and engineering, to enable that they
become successful and productive engineers, with emphasis on technical competency, and with
attention to teamwork in the broad range of electrical engineering areas to serve the needs of both
private and public sectors.
To exhibit professionalism, ethical attitude, communication skills, team work in their profession and
adopt to current trends by engaging in lifelong learning.

PEO 3 Actively engage in Quality careers higher Education, Research and Publications.



Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and
engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified standard
Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist
with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and
appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate
technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices
Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or
a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of
technological changes


PSO1 To Design, analyze, test and evaluate the performance of the electrical machines and transformers

Apply knowledge of power system configuration, electrical equipment and protection practices to
PSO2 the design and specification of electrical generation, transmission, distribution and utilization

PSO3 Develop skills in electrical machines and power systems to involve and design systems for socitial
and industrial needs.

On completion of the following units of syllabus contents, the students must be able to:
 To learn the environmental impact and history of Electric Vehicles.
 To understand the concept of Electric Vehicle and its types.
 To study the configurations of Electric Vehicles
 To acquire knowledge about Energy Storages, Charging System, Effects and Impacts
 To appreciate the Electric Mobility Policy Frame work India and EV Policy Tamil Nadu 2019

I Environmental impact and history, Types of Electric vehicles 12 Hrs
II Electric vehicle, Electrical Propulsion System 12 Hrs
III Energy Storages, Charging System, Effects and Impacts 10 Hrs
IV Electric Mobility Policy Frame Work 11 Hrs
V Tamilnadu E-Vehicle Policy 2019 11 Hrs
TOTAL 58 Hrs.



Enlighten the Environmental impact of Conventional Vehicle, R
C4020620.1 C620.1
Evolution of EV and Types of EV.
C4020620.2 C620.2 Examine the configurations of EV and EV Motors. A
C4020620.3 C620.3 Illuminate the Energy Storages, Charging & Effects and U
C4020620.4 C620.4 Expound the Electric Mobility Policy Frame Work. C

C4020620.5 C620.5 Explicate the Tamilnadu E-Vehicle Policy 2019. C











Enlighten the Environmental impact

4020620.1 of Conventional Vehicle, Evolution of 3 - 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2
EV and Types of EV.
Examine the configurations of EV
4020620.2 and EV Motors. 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2

Illuminate the Energy Storages,

4020620.3 Charging & Effects and Impacts. 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Expound the Electric Mobility Policy

4020620.4 Frame Work. 3 - 2 - 3 3 3 2 3 3

Explicate the Tamilnadu E-Vehicle

4020620.5 Policy 2019. 3 - 2 - 3 3 3 3 3 3

4020620 3 1 2 1 2.6 2 2.6 2.4 2 2.4





Environmental impact and history:
Environmental impact of conventional vehicle - Air pollution – Petroleum resources
– History of Electric vehicles & Hybrid Electric Vehicles - Conventionaldrive train
system – Rear Wheel, Front Wheel and All wheel - Parts of Drive trainsystem
Types of Electric Vehicles:
I Introduction to Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) – Definition BEV – Necessity BEV 12
– Different between BEV and Conventional Vehicle - Advantages of BEV - Block
diagram of BEV – Hybrid electric Vehicle (HEV) - Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
(PHEV) – Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) – Description.
Electric Vehicles:
Configurations of Electric Vehicle – Performance of Electric Vehicles – Tractive
Effort in Normal Driving – energy consumption.
Hybrid Electric Vehicles: Concept of Hybrid electric drive trains – Architecture of
Hybrid Electric Drive trains – Series, Parallel and Series & Parallel
II 12
Electric Propulsion Systems:
Types of EV motors - DC motor drives– Permanent Magnetic Brush Less DC Motor
Drives (BLDC) – Principles, Construction and Working – Hub motor Drivesystem –
Merits and Demerits of DC motor drive, BLDC motor drive
Energy Storages:
Electrochemical Batteries – Battery Technologies – Construction and working of
Lead Acid Batteries, Nickel Based Batteries and Lithium Based Batteries - Role of
Battery Management System (BMS)– Battery pack development Technology– Cell
III Series and Parallel connection to develop battery pack. 10
Battery Charging techniques - Constant current and Constant voltage, Trickle
charging – Battery Swapping Techniques – DC charging – Wireless charging –
Maintenance of Battery pack – Latest development in battery chemistry.
Effects and Impacts:
Effects of EV – Impacts on Power grid – Impacts on Environment – Impacts on
Electric Mobility Policy Frame Work
Government of India Electric Mobility Policy Frame work – Global Scenario of EV
adoption – Electric mobility in India – National Electric Mobility Mission Plan2020
– Action led by Original Equipment Manufacturers – Need of EV Policy –
IV 11
Advantage of EV Eco system – Scope and Applicability of EV Policy – ARAI
Standards for Electric Vehicle – AIS 038, AIS 039 &AIS 123 - Key Performance
Indicator - Global impact – Trends and Future Developments
Tamil Nadu E-Vehicle Policy 2019
Tamil Nadu E-vehicle Policy 2019: Vehicle Population in Tamil Nadu – Objectivesof
EV Policy – Policy Measures – Demand side incentives – Supply side incentivesto
promote EV manufacturing – Revision of Transport Regulation of EV – City
V 11
building codes – Capacity Building and Skilling – Charging structure –
implementing agencies – Research & Development and Business Incubation –
Recycling Ecosystem – Battery and EVs


IOT Based Robotics operation in E-Vehicles.


1. Modern Electric, Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles, Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Sebastien
E.Gay, Ali Emadi, CR Press, London, New York.
2. Comparison of Electric and Conventional Vehicles in Indian Market: Total Cost of Ownership,
Consumer Preference and Best Segment for Electric Vehicle (IJSR),Akshat Bansal, Akriti

1. A Comprehensive Study of Key Electric Vehicle (EV) Components, Technologies, Challenges,
Impacts, and Future Direction of Development (MDPI), Fuad Un-Noor, Sanjeevi kumar
Padmanaban,Lucian Mihet-Popa, Mohammad NurunnabiMollah and Eklas Hossain.
2. Electric Vehicles: A future Projection CII October 2020 report.
3. Design and analysis of aluminum/air battery system for electric vehicles, Shaohua Yang, Harold
Knickle, Elsevier.
4. Propelling Electric Vehicles in India, Technical study of Electric Vehicles and Charging
5. Zero Emission Vehicles (Zevs): Towards A Policy Framework – Niti Aayog.
6. Faster Adoption of Electric Vehicles in India: Perspective of Consumers and Industry, The Energy
and Resources Institute, New Delhi.
7. India EV Story: Emerging Opportunities by Innovation Norway.
8. Automotive Industry Standards – AIS 038, AIS 039 & AIS 123 – Manual.



To learn the environmental impact and history of Electric Vehicles.


1.1.1 Environmental impact of conventional vehicle

 The 'conventional vehicles (e.g. conventional cars) are equipped with an engine that runs on energy
generated by burning fossil fuel.
 The environmental effects of conventional vehicle is significant because transport is a major user
of energy and burns most of the world's petroleum.
 This creates air pollution, including nitrous oxides and particulates. It is the significant contributor
to global warming through emission of carbon-dioxide.
The various negative impact that motor vehicles (conventional vehicles) have on the environment
1. Air pollution
2. Climate change (Global warming)
3. Exhausts of automobiles
4. Fenciline community
5. Jaywalking
6. Rapid depletion of earth's petroleum resources, etc.
Some environmental impact of using conventional vehicles.
 Automotive pollutants directly and indirectly have adverse health effects on their discharge into
the atmosphere should be controlled
 Hydrocarbon emissions from the fuel system that emits while the vehicle is in operation.
 Particulate matter in the air alone is responsible for up to 30,000 premature deaths every year.

1.1.2 Air Pollution

 At present all vehicle rely on the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels to drive the energy necessary for
their pollution.
 Combustion is a reaction between the fuel and the air that releases heat and combustion products.
 An engine converts the heat into mechanical power. The combustion products are release into

Causes of air pollution

 The Burning of Fossil Fuels
 Industrial Emission.
 Indoor Air Pollution.
 Wildfires.
 Microbial Decaying Process.
 Transportation.
 Open Burning of Garbage Waste

Hazardous air pollutants are the chemical compounds that are emitted by trunks, cars, gas pumps, and
other related sources.


Sulfur dioxide is another main pollutant that is released into the environment when the sulfur present in
the fuel burns, especially diesel. It possesses a health risk to most children and can even lead to asthma.

Carbon monoxide is formed by the combustion of fuels such as gasoline. It is both colourless and odourless
gas. When carbon monoxide is inhaled, it can block the transport of oxygen to the brain, heart, and other
important organs in the body.

Particulate matter- These possess a serious threat to human health as they penetrate into the human lungs
and can cause serious breathing problems. A type of particulate matter is soot seen in motor vehicles.

Nitrogen oxides- Oxides of nitrogen can cause irritation in the lungs and weaken the body’s defence against
respiratory infections like pneumonia.

Particulate matter - a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air that contribute to
atmospheric haze and can damage your lungs and get into your bloodstream.

Carbon monoxide (CO) - cars emit carbon monoxide when fuel is burned. Breathing air with a high
concentration of CO affects critical organs like your heart and brain. According to the Environmental
Protection Agency, as much as 95 percent of all CO emissions in cities may come from motor vehicle

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) - when fuel burns, nitrogen and oxygen react with each other and form nitrogen
oxides (NOx). Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) forms from emissions from cars, trucks, buses, power plants and
off-road equipment. Breathing air with a high concentration of NO2 can affect the respiratory system.

Un burned HCs
 Unburned HCs are the result of the incomplete combustion of Hydro carbons.
 HC is a chemical compound made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms .
 Unburned HCs may be harmful to living things.
 Sun’s ultraviolet radiation interacts with unburned HCs abd NO to form ozone and other products.
 It is dangerous and poisonous. It attacks membranes of living things causing them to die.

Other pollutants
 Sulfur is the main impurity found in diesel and jet fuel
 Sulfur with oxygen releases sulfur oxides

1.1.3 Petroleum Resources

 Petroleum resources are the estimated quantifies of hydrocarbons naturally occurring on or within
the Earth's crust. It is also reformed as, remaining recoverable hydrocarbons within the earth.
 The proved reserves are "those quantities can be recovered in the future from known reservoirs
under existing economic and operating conditions".
 Therefore, they do not constitute an indicator of the Earth's total reserves. The proved reserves, as
they are given in the British Petroleum 2001 estimate, are given in billion tons in Table.
 The R/P ratio is the number of years that the proved reserves would last if the production were to
continue at its current level. This ratio is also given in Table for each region.

SL Region Proved reserves in 200 in billion Tons R/P Ratio

1 North America 8.5 13.8
2 South & Central America 13.6 39.0
3 Europe 2.5 7.7
4 Africa 10 26.8


5 Middle East 92.5 83.6
6 Former USSR 9.0 22.7
7 Asia Pacific 3.0 15.9
8 Total World 142.1 39.9
Table: Proved Petroleum Resources in 2000


IN 1881
 First electric vehicle was built by French man Gustave Trouvae
 it is a Tricycle powered by 0.1 HP DC motor
 it is fed by lead acid battery

IN 1883
 British professor built similar vehicle as same as above
 It is run at a speed of 15 Km/h
 Its speed is very low compared to horse carriages

IN 1894
 Paris to Rouen race
 The e-vehicle crosses 1135 Km in 48 hours at a speed of 23.3 KM/h
 This speed was superior compared to horse carriages
In the next 20 years E- vehicle compete with petrol and diesel engines

IN 1894
 First commercial E- vehicle “ Electroboat-II” was launched in new York city
 This vehicle was powered by two 1.5 HP motors
 It is operated as a taxi in New York city

IN 1945
 BHEL lab invented transistors and high current switching devices
 Battery and inverter combination allow the use of induction motor in EV

IN 1966
 General motor built “ Electro van”
 It is powered by induction motor
 And it is fed by inverters

 The most significant electric vehicle of that era was Lunar Roving vehicle
 During 1990s the electric automobiles could never compete with automobiles for range and performance
 Because of the weakest battery technology, the development of e vehicle is very low.
 Great effort is put into battery development to meet the requirements
 Thus, in recent year’s research has turned to hybrid electric vehicle as well as fuel cell vehicles.


A hybrid electric vehicle is a type of vehicle that combines a ICE system and electric system

IN 1899
 First hybrid electric vehicle was built by
1. Pieper establishments of Liege by Venovelli
2. Proestly electric carriage company
 It is parallel hybrid with a small air cooled gasoline engine using electric motor and lead acid batteries
 Here batteries were charged by the engine when the vehicle was at standstill


 It is the first electric vehicle that has an electric starter

IN 1899
 First series hybrid vehicle was introduced by Vendovelli and Priestly company
 It is a tricycle with two rear wheels powered by independent motors
 An additional engine also coupled to a generator
 This design is used to extend the range of the vehicle

IN 1903
 Parallel hybrid vehicle was built by French man Camile Jenatzy
 This vehicle combined a 6 hp engine with a 14 hp electric motor
 It can either charge the batteries from the engine or assist them

In 1899-1914
 Both parallel and series type hybrid vehicles were built this period
 Electric braking is used in this period
 Power electronic devices are unavailable until 1960s. so motors are controlled by mechanical
switches and resistors

IN 1975
 Built parallel hybrid vehicle called “ Buick skylark”
 It was assisted by a 15hp DC machine
 Eight 12 V batteries were used for storage

IN 1980
 Briggs and Stratton Corporation built a parallel hybrid vehicle

IN 1982
 Electric Auto Corporation built a parallel hybrid vehicle

IN 1990
 The Ford Motor Corporation initiated Ford Hybrid vehicle
 The Ford Prodigy and GM develop parallel hybrid vehicle in this period

IN 1997
 Toyota released the Prius sedan in Japan
 Honda released it Civic hybrid vehicle


 The drivetrain system is the group of components of a motor vehicle that deliver power to the vehicles.
It connects the vehicle to the wheel.


 It is a mechanical device
 It is used to transfer and cut the engines power to the driveline.
 It is placed between the engine and gear box
 It is used to change the gears softly

(i) Transmission
 It transfer power from the engine to the wheels
 Gear shifting also done as per driver needs

(ii) Driveshaft
 It is a long tube of steel
 It transfer the mechanical power from transmission to other parts of the vehicle

(iii) CV joints
 Constant velocity (CV) joints are parts of the drive shaft.
 These can be bend to any direction at a constant velocity

(iv) U- joint
 The Universal joint is called U –joint
 It transmits power at different angles

(v) Differential
 Vehicle wheels rotate at different speeds when the vehicle is turning
 If all the wheels were at same speed the vehicle was skitted
 The front wheels travel at a different distance than the rear wheels
 So differential is a gear train to transmit the power from engine to rotate at different speed

(vi) Axle shaft

 They are single rotating shaft on either side of the differential
 It deliver power to the wheels


1.1.6 Working Principle of Drivetrain System (Types of Transmission System)
The Transmission System is classified based on engine location

1. Front Wheel Drive (FWD)

 FWD means the power from the engine is delivered to the front wheel of the vehicle
 The front wheels pulling the car
Parts: 1. Transmission 2. Differential 3.CV joints and Drive wheel
Working: The engine generates power and transferred to the clutch.
 The power is forward to the transaxle. Transaxle is a mechanical device which combines transmission and
 The differential transfers the power to the wheels

1. Cheap
2. Food road grip
3. High engine cooling
4. Good control

1. High maintenance cost
2. Increases the turning circle of front wheel

This drive system is employed in
1. Sports
2. Industrial truck

2. Rear wheel Drive (RWD) – Oct23

 RWD means that the power from engine is delivered to the rear wheels.
 The rear wheels pull the car
 The front wheels so not receive any power
Parts: It consists of 1. Transmission 2.U joints 3. Differential 4. Driven wheel

 The engine generates power and it is transferred to clutch


 The power is forward to the transmission through U joint
 Then the speed is connected to differential
 The differential transfers the power to the wheel

1. Better balance of weight
2. Lower maintenance
3. Engine cooling is good

1. Not well during rain or snow
2. Limit the space for passengers
3. Consumes more fuel

3. Four wheel Drive (4WD)

Four wheel drive means the power from engine is delivered to all 4 wheels
 IT operate in RWD format
 It allows left and right wheels to move at different speeds.
 This will prevent wheel skit

1. Pulling power is more
2. Good for any weather condition
3. More noise and vibration
4. Complicate design

1. Cost is high
2. Maintenance cost is high
This drive system is employed in
1. Cars, Jeeps, Buses
2. Lorry

4. All-wheel Drive (AWD) – Oct23

 A drive train that employs front, rear, and center differential to give power to all four wheels is called
Parts: It consists of 1. Transmission 2. Transfer case 3.front differential 4. Ear differential 5.properller shaft 6. CV
joint and driven wheel


 The engine generates power and transfers to clutch Advantages
 The power is forwarded to transmission
 This power is splited to both front and rear differentials
 The differential transfers the power to the wheels

1. Maximum grip
2. Adjusts to road condition

1. More fuel
2. Higher cost
This drive system is employed in
1. Jeeps
2. Military truck

1.1.7 Compare conventional vehicle and BEV

SL Conventional vehicle BEV
1 Emits greenhouse gases No emissions
2 High power density Low power density
3 Fuel weight is very less Batteries are heavy
4 Travels >300 miles /fill Travels < 200 miles/ charge
5 Filling time is short Charging time is long
6 High maintenance cost Less maintenance cost
7 Needs more gear One gear
8 High running cost Low running cost


1. Battery EV (BEV)
2. Hybrid EV (HEV)
3. Plug-in Hybrid EV (PHEV)
4. Fuel Cell EV (FCEV)

Definition of BEV
 The Pure electric, or Battery-powered electric vehicle, gets all its power from its batteries and
electric motors.
 It contains No ICE (Internal Combustion Engine).
 Its electric Motor uses batteries that are recharged by plugging into an electric power source.

Necessity of BEV
 Cheaper to run
 Cheaper to maintain
 Cheaper to register
 Less pollution
 Renewable energy
 Better for health


 Better for network
 Better for our energy security
 Reduced dependence on fossil fuels
 Environment Friendly
 Energy efficient


Block Diagram of BV
 A battery electric vehicle (BEV) is a vehicle that is powered only by electrical energy
 It consists of Battery charger, Battery pack, Mechanical transmission, and Electric motor, Differential and
power converter.

(i) Battery charger

 Ac charger supplies on-board charger
 Ac power is converted to DC
 A DC fast charger supplying power directly to the electric vehicle battery

(ii) Battery pack

The battery pack fives power to the BEVs.
 It consists of individual battery cells. A cell is the smallest unit of battery
 Battery pack deliver energy to the motor for driving the wheels
 It also supply energy to lighting system, air conditioning, power steering, horns, wiper etc.
 A lithium ion battery is used in BEV

(iii) Mechanical Transmission

 It is used for transferring motor power to the wheel
 Change in Speed and torque depend upon load and speed conditions

(iv) Electric Motor

 BEVs have an electric motor instead of ICE
 The motors used are DC series motor, Brushless DC motor, permanent magnet synchronous motor and
induction motor

(v) Differential
 Vehicle wheels rotate at different speeds when the vehicle is turning
 If all the wheels were at same speed the vehicle was skitted
 The front wheels travel at a different distance than the rear wheels
 So differential is a gear train to transmit the power from engine to rotate at different.

(vi) Power converter

 DC-DC converter is used in electric power train by boosting or chopping the voltage


Battery Electric Vehicle

 Electric vehicles uses only batteries to provide power is known as BEVs

 The range depends upon the battery capacity
 They can cover 100km-200km on one charge
 The range depends upon driving condition, climate, vehicle type, and age
 The battery generates power and it is transferred to motor and converters
 The electric motor may be either induction motor or DC motor
✓ In induction motor converter acts as inverter and converts ac to dc
✓ In Dc motor converter acts DC to DC converter
 The torque generated by the motor is transferred to wheels through transmission and differential
 Transmission consists of gear box for various speed
 Differential enable the wheels at different speed in turning

1. Better energy
2. No GHS and noise
3. Cheaper to run
4. Cheaper to maintain
5. Less maintenance
6. Safety

1. Not well for long distance
2. Limited battery range
3. No charging in travel

1.2.2 Hybrid Electric vehicle (HEV)

 Hybrid Electric vehicle has both engine and electrical power to power the vehicle While starting the
vehicle the engine run the motor as a generator to give power to the battery,
 In passing the engine and motor both drives the power train
 In braking the motor runs as generator to charge the battery


 In cruising the engine runs both the vehicle and motor as generator to charge the battery
 The power flow stopped once the vehicle stops

System Layout

1. Environmental friendly
2. Smaller engines
3. Good braking system
4. Less fuel
5. Less dependence on Fossil Fuels

1. Less power
2. Expensive
3. Higher maintenance cost
4. Accident from high voltage batteries


 PHEV uses both ICE and electrical power train like HEV
 But the difference is PHEV directly connected to electrical grid for charging the batteries

 Main driving source is electric power

 The different modes of operation of PHEV are
Battery alone mode: Only Battery provides the power
Engine alone mode: Only IC engine propels the vehicle
Combined mode: Both ECE and battery provide the power
Power split mode: ICE power is split to drive the vehicle and charge the battery
 Energy from ICE goes to torque coupler through clutch and transmission
 Energy from battery regulated by DC-DC converter and converted to AC by inverter
 The inverter drive the motor
 PHEV start in: Battery alone mode” and runs on electricity
 When the battery charge is low, it calls the ICE to charge the battery
 IT has a charging unit to charge the battery by connecting them to the grid


Schematic Layout

1. Low emissions
2. Less cost
3. Travel larger distance
4. Less fuel
1. Less safety
2. More weight
3. More maintenance
4. Take more time to charge


 Fuel cell is an electrochemical device that converts chemical reaction to electrical energy, the
vehicle uses fuel cell.
 It consists of fuel tank, fuel controller, fuel cell, DC-DC converter, motor inverter, electric motor
and transmission.
 In a plug-in fuel cell has larger battery and small fuel cell.
 If hydrogen for such vehicles can be made from renewable energy sources to run the fuel cell and
energy to charge the battery comes from green sources. This will be of future vehicles.
 Hydrogen is the fuel used in FCEV
 FCEV carry hydrogen in special high pressure tank
 Oxygen from air also used for power generating process
 Electricity generated from the fuel cells goes to electric motor
 Electric motor drives the wheels.
 Excess Energy is stored in batteries
 FCEV produce water as a byproduct, it is drain out through tail pipes.


Key Components
 Battery (auxiliary) Advantages
 Battery pack 1. No emission of carbon
 DC/DC converter 2. Refilling time is less
 Electric traction motor (FCEV) 3. High efficiency
 Fuel cell stack
 Fuel filler Disadvantages
 Fuel tank (hydrogen) 1. High fuel cost
 Power electronics controller (FCEV) 2. Lack of availability of fuel
 Thermal system (cooling) - (FCEV) 3. Higher operating cost
 Transmission (electric) 4. Developing technology

1.2.5 Compare BEV, HEV and FCEV.

Enlighten the Environmental impact of Conventional Vehicle, Evolution of EV and Types of EV.

1. Define environment impact
Environmental impact is defined as any change to the environment whether good or bad, resulting from a
facility activity, product or services. It is the effect that people’s actions have on environment. The negative
impact that motor vehicles causes are 1. Air pollution warming 3. Decreasing of natural resources
like petroleum

2. Define air pollution

Air pollution is the presence of substances in the atmosphere that are harmful to the health of humans and
other living beings. When the fuels used in automobile vehicles combusted it releases toxic products like
nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides and unburned HCs. These are toxic to human health.


3. State the four types of Drivetrain
1. Front Wheel drive (FWD) 3. Four wheel drive (4WD)
2. Rear Wheel drive (RWD) 4. All-wheel drive (AWD)

4. Write notes on various types of electric vehicle

1. Battery Electric vehicle (BEV) 2. Hybrid Electric vehicle (HEV)
3. Plug – in Hybrid Electric vehicle (PHEV) 4. Fuel cell Electric vehicle (FCEV)

5. Write the necessity of BEV

a. Cheaper to run b. cheaper to maintain c. cheaper to register d. less pollution
e. renewable energy f. better for health g. better for network

6. Write the advantages of BEV

1. Mass distribution 2. Energy conservation 3. Charging stations 4. More convenient 5. No fuel or gas 6. Cheaper to
operate 7. No emissions 8.environmental friendly 9. More space 10. Wide range of speed 11.more efficient 12. Less
battery cost

7. What is front wheel drive?

 FWD means the power from the engine is delivered to the front wheel of the vehicle
 The front wheels pulling the car
Parts: 1. Transmission 2. Differential 3.CV joints and Drive wheel
Working: The engine generates power and transferred to the clutch.
 The power is forward to the transaxle. Transaxle is a mechanical device which combines transmission and
 The differential transfers the power to the wheels

8. What is Rear wheel Drive? Oct23

 RWD means that the power from engine is delivered to the rear wheels.
 The rear wheels pull the car
 The front wheels so not receive any power
It consists of 1. Transmission 2.U joints 3. Differential 4. Driven wheel
 The engine generates power and it is transferred to clutch
 The power is forward to the transmission through U joint
 Then the speed is connected to differential
 The differential transfers the power to the wheel

9. What is AWD (All wheel Drive?)

 A drive train that employs front, rear, and center differential to give power to all four wheels is called
 It consists of 1. Transmission 2. Transfer case 3.front differential 4. Ear differential 5.properller shaft 6. CV
joint and driven wheel
 The engine generates power and transfers to clutch Advantages
 The power is forwarded to transmission 1. Maximum grip
 This power is splited to both front and rear differentials 2. Adjusts to road condition
 The differential transfers the power to the wheels

10. What is 4WD (four wheel Drive)

 Four wheel drive means the power from engine is delivered to all 4 wheels
 IT operate in RWD format
 It allows left and right wheels to move at different speeds.
 This will prevent wheel skit


11. Write about the FCEV? Oct23
 The Fuel Cell (FC) is an electrochemical device that converts electrochemical reaction into electrical
 The Electric vehicle that uses fuel cell as the primary energy source to drive the vehicle is known as
Fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV).
 FC generates electrical energy as long as a fuel supply is maintained in the fuel cell, it won't stores the
energy like batteries.

1. Draw the diagram and explain the operation of conventional drive train system. Nov-22
2. (i) Explain the various types of wheel drives with diagram. (ii) Explain in detail about air pollution.
3. Explain the necessity of BEV.
4. Explain in detail about drive train of RWD and FWD. Oct23
5. (i) Explain battery electric vehicle with diagram. (ii) Explain Fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) with a
diagram. Nov-22
6. Briefly explain the history of electric vehicle & Hybrid electric vehicle (HEVS) Apr-22
7. Explain Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) with a diagram. Apr-22, Oct23



To understand the concept of Electric Vehicle and its types

2.1 ELECTRIC VEHICLES – Introduction

 An electric vehicle (EV) is one that operates on an electric motor, instead of an internal-combustion engine
that generates power by burning a mix of fuel and gases.
 Therefore, such as vehicle is seen as a possible replacement for current-generation automobile, in order to
address the issue of rising pollution, global warming, depleting natural resources, etc.
 Though the concept of electric vehicles has been around for a long time, it has drawn a considerable amount
of interest in the past decade amid a rising carbon footprint and other environmental impacts of fuel-based


 In an EV motor is the only one moving part
 This motor is controlled by different control arrangements
 The motor is powered from energy sources

EV consisting of three major sub systems
1. Electric propulsion sub system
a. Electronic controller
b. Power converter
c. Electric motor
d. Mechanical transmission
e. Driving wheels
2. Energy source sub system


a. Energy source
b. Energy management unit
c. Energy refueling unit
3. Auxiliary sub system
a. Power steering unit
b. Temperature control unit
c. Auxiliary power supply
 Electronic controller receives the input from brake and accelerator pedals
 It sends signals to energy management unit
 It regulates the power flow between motor and battery
 Electric motors are connected mechanically to the transmission.
 Electric motor drives the wheels.
 The backward power flow is due to regenerative breaking
 Energy is stored in energy source
 The energy management unit controls the regenerative braking
 It also controls refueling and monitor the energy source.
 The auxiliary power supply provides power to all auxiliaries such as temperature control and power steering


Based on the electric propulsion characteristics and energy sources there are variety of EV configurations


➢ ICE is replaced by an electric motor
➢ It consists of motor, clutch, gear box, and differential
➢ Torque generated by motor and transferred to wheels through differential
➢ Differential is a mechanical device to drive the vehicles at different speed

➢ Gear box is replaced with fixed gear. So clutch is removed
➢ Weight and size of the vehicle is reduced
➢ It consists of electric motor, fixed gear and differential

➢ The electric motor, fixed gearing and differential are placed in single assembly
➢ Modern electric vehicle are in this design

Fig (D)
➢ Two electric motor operated at different speed

➢ Here two electric motors with fixed gearing arrangements placed with in a wheel
➢ Electric motor is placed within the wheel
➢ Fixed gear is used to reduce the speed

➢ Gear is removed by a low-speed motor on the wheel rim
➢ Speed control of the motor is equivalent to wheel speed that is vehicle speed.

2.1.3 Performance of Electric Vehicle

A Vehicle's driving performance is evaluated by its,
1. Acceleration time,
2. Maximum speed,
3. Gradeability,
4. Fuel consumption,
5. Braking performance, etc.,

In EV drive train design, the following parameters are to be primarily considered to meet the performance
1. Proper motor power rating,
2. Transmission. etc.
 The various design of all the above parameters depends mostly on Torque characteristics (speed-power
characteristics) of the traction motor.
 The fig shows the Torque characteristics of the traction motor 60 kW motor at full load.
 The electric motor starts from the zero speed, increases to its base speed, the voltage increases to its rated
value, while flux remains constant. Beyond the base speed, the voltage remains constant and the flux is
 So, the result is constant output power while the torque declines hyperbolically with speed.
 It is clear that with a long constant power region, the maximum torque of the motor can be significantly
increased, and hence vehicle acceleration and gradeability performance can be improved and the
transmission can be simplified.


2.1.4 Tractive effort in normal driving environment?
 In normal driving, the maximum capabilities are rarely used, (during the operation time). The power train
operates with partial load.
 The actual tractive effort (power) and vehicle speed vary widely with various operating conditions, like,
1. Acceleration (or) deceleration,
2. Up hill (or) down hill motion.
3. Traffic environment,
4. Type of vehicles and load involved.

 The tractive effort (power) and vehicle speed variations in various traffic environments are unable to
describe easily.

2.1.5 Energy Consumption

 The energy consumption for the EV is evaluated in the unit kWh/km. The battery energy capacity is usually
measured on kWh and the driving range per battery charge are easily calculated.
 Energy consumption is an integration of the power output at the battery terminals.
 For propelling, battery power output is equal to resistance power and power losses in the transmission and
motor drive, including power losses in electronics.


Power output = Resistance power + power loss in transmission + Power loss in motor dive + Power loss in electronics

The net energy consumption from the batteries is expressed as,

Eout = ∫𝑇𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑃𝑏 − 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑑𝑡 + ∫𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑃𝑏 − 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑡

Eout =Energy consumption from batteries,
Pb-out =Battery power Output,
Pb-in = Regenerative braking power at battery terminals.

 The fig shows the typical electric motor efficiency characteristics.

 When net battery energy consumption reaches the total energy in the batteries, measured at their terminal,
the batteries are empty and need to be charged.
 The "travelling distance" between two charges (effective travel range) is determined by total energy carried
1. The batteries,
2. Resistance power,
3. Effectiveness of regenerative braking


 Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) overcomes the disadvantages of conventional vehicles and electric vehicles
(battery powered) and has advantages of both conventional and electrical vehicles.
 The HEV uses, two power sources,
1. Primary power sources,
2. Secondary power source.
 HEVs can also be built to use the series configuration at low speeds and the parallel configuration for
highway driving and acceleration.

Definition of HEV
 A Hybrid Electric Vehicle is a type of vehicle that uses a combination of an Internal Combustion (IC) engine
and an electric propulsion system.
 The electric powertrain may enhance fuel efficiency, increase performance, or independently propel the
vehicle on pure electric power, depending on the type of hybrid system.

Concept of Hybrid Electric Drive Trains

Power Train 1 = Liquid Fuel – IC Engine & Power Train 2 = Battery – Electric Machine


 Basically, any vehicle power train is required to
(1) Develop sufficient power to meet the demands of vehicle performance,
(2) Carry sufficient energy on board to support vehicle in the given range,
(3) Demonstrate high efficiency, and
(4) Emit few environmental pollutants.
 Broadly, a vehicle may have more than one energy source and energy converter (power source), such as a
gasoline (or diesel) heat engine system, hydrogen-fuel cell-electric motor system, chemical battery-electric
motor system, etc.
 A vehicle that has two or more energy sources and energy converters is called a hybrid vehicle.
 A hybrid vehicle with an electrical power train (energy source energy converters) is called an HEV.
 Hybrid drive trains supply the required power by an adapted power train.
 There are many available patterns of combining the power flows to meet load requirements as described

1. Power train 1 alone delivers power to the load

2. Power train 2 alone delivers power to the load
3. Both power train 1 and 2 deliver power to load at the same time
4. Power train 2 obtains power from load (regenerative braking)
5. Power train 2 obtains power from power train 1
6. Power train 2 obtains power from power train 1 and load at the same time
7. Power train 1 delivers power to load and to power train 2 at the same time
8. Power train 1 delivers power to power train 2, and power train 2 delivers power to load
9. Power train 1 delivers power to load, and load delivers power to power train 2.

2.1 7. Architecture of Hybrid Electric Drive trains

 The architecture of a hybrid vehicle is loosely defined as the connection between the components that define
the energy flow routes and control ports.

Key components of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle

 As mentioned before, an HEV combines a conventional engine and electric powertrain. Hence, you can find
engine-related and electric powertrain components in an HEV. Below are the key components of a Hybrid
Electric Vehicle.
1. Internal combustion engine
 The primary power source of an HEV is a conventional engine. Hence, it is the main component
responsible for propelling the vehicle. An HEV cannot run alone on an electric powertrain without an

2. Electric motor
 The secondary power source of an HEV is the electric motor. It assists the engine during initial
acceleration to improve performance and fuel economy.


 It runs on electrical energy stored in the battery pack. It can also charge the battery when the vehicle is
braking or coasting via the regenerative braking system.

3. Battery pack
 A battery pack powers the electric motor. Basically, it acts as a fuel tank for the battery, wherein it stores
the electrical energy via regenerative braking and the generator driven by the IC engine.
 The battery pack can also power auxiliary electrical components such as lights

4. Generator
 It is an essential component found in the series hybrid vehicle. We will touch upon what series hybrid is
in the upcoming sections.
 A generator draws power from the IC engine to power the electric motor and charge the battery, pack.
In simple words, a generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

5. Transmission
 Typically, hybrid vehicles use conventional transmissions similar to petrol or diesel cars.
 It transmits the power produced by the IC engine to the drive shaft.
 The basic working principle of transmission remains the same, even in an HEV.
 It is one of the crucial components required to propel the vehicle.

6. Fuel tank
 Similar to a conventional car, hybrid electric vehicles also have a fuel tank to store the conventional fuel.
 With the electric powertrain involved in a hybrid car, the fuel consumption will be comparatively less
than a vehicle purely relying on an IC engine.

Advantages of HEV
 Low toxic exhaust emission.
 Distance covered by HEV is high. It has different modes of operation.

Disadvantages of HEV
 Need efficient energy management system to optimize the energy sources. Types of Hybrid Electric Vehicles

There are three types of HEVS based on power deliver and distribution.
1. Series hybrid
2. Parallel hybrid
3. Series-parallel hybrid
4. Complex hybrid

1. Series hybrid Electric drive train

 A series hybrid drive train is a drive train where two power sources feed a single powerplant (electric motor)


that propels the vehicle.
 The most commonly found series hybrid drive train is the series hybrid electric drive train shown in Figure.
 The unidirectional energy source is a fuel tank and the unidirectional energy converter is an engine coupled
to an electric generator.
 The output of the electric generator is connected to an electric power bus through an electronic converter
 The bidirectional energy source is an electrochemical battery pack, connected to the bus by means of a power
electronics converter (DC/DC converter).
 The electric power bus is also connected to the controller of the electric traction motor.
 The traction motor can be controlled either as a motor or a generator, or in forward or reverse motion.
 This drive train may need a battery charger to charge the batteries by a wall plug-in from the power network.

Series hybrid electric drive trains potentially have the following operation modes:
1. Pure electric mode: The engine is turned off and the vehicle is propelled only by the batteries.

2. Pure engine mode: The vehicle traction power only comes from the engine-generator, while the batteries
neither supply nor draw any power from the drive train. The electric machines serve as an electric
transmission from the engine toto the driven wheels.

3. Hybrid mode: The traction power is drawn from both the engine generator and the batteries.

4. Engine traction and battery charging mode: The engine generator supplies power to charge the batteries
and to propel the vehicle.

5. Regenerative braking mode: The engine-generator is turned off and the traction motor is operated as a
generator. The power generated is used to charge the batteries.

6. Battery charging mode: The traction motor receives no power and the engine-generator charges the

7. Hybrid battery charging mode: Both the engine-generator and the traction motor operate as generators
to charge the batteries.

 It can be operated on any point in the speed - torque characteristics map.
 Capable of attaining zero emission
 Long life time.
 Fast response.
 It does not require multigear transmission.

 The generator adds additional weight and cost.
 The traction motor must be sized to meet maximum requirements.

2. Parallel hybrid Electric drive train

 A parallel hybrid drive train is a drive train in which the engine supplies its power mechanically to the wheels
like in a conventional ICE-powered vehicle.
 It is assisted by an electric motor that is mechanically coupled to the transmission.
 The powers of the engine and electric motor are coupled together by mechanical coupling, as shown in


 The ICE converts the combustion of fuel in engine into mechanical energy. The mechanical energy is
transferred into the wheels through mechanical coupling, mechanical transmission, final drive and
 It is a bidirectional energy source. The battery is connected to the electric motor through motor controller.
 The electric motor is connected to the final drive and differential through mechanical coupling and

 The mechanical combination of the engine and electric motor power leaves room for several different
configurations. In this system, both the engine and electric motor work parallel to propel the vehicle.
 The engine and the electric motor deliver optimum power for the efficient functioning of the vehicle.
 The battery pack gets charged via regenerative braking.
 Regenerative braking is a process of utilizing the kinetic energy produced while slowing the vehicle down
to charge the battery pack.

 Smaller ICE are required.
 More flexibility.
 Capable of attaining zero emission. Disadvantages
 It is expensive.
 It has more complex to control.

 Expensive
 Complex Control
 Requirements of Proper algorithms
 Need of high voltage to ensure efficiency

3. Series-parallel hybrid Electric drive train

 The series parallel system incorporates the features of both the series and parallel HEV. It is having an
additional mechanical link compared with series hybrid and additional generator compared to the parallel
hybrid vehicle.
 The power delivery or the power distribution helps the vehicle achieve maximum efficiency in terms of power
output or fuel-efficiency.
 The block diagram and configuration diagram of the series - parallel hybrid electric drive train is shown in


 It uses a planetary gear unit to connect the engine, motor and transmission unit.
 The planetary gear unit is a speed summing unit that adds the speed produced by the IC.

 As it combines the features of series - parallel hybrid systems, the operation modes are classified into two
♦ Internal combustion engine dominated mode ♦ Electric motor dominated mode
 In startup condition electric motor provides the traction power and the internal combustion engine remains
in the off state. At full throttle condition both the ICE and EM share the required traction power.

 The vehicle is in normal driving the required traction is provided by the ICE only and the EM remains in the
off state when it is in ICE dominated mode, while in EM dominated mode both ICE and EM provides the
traction Power
 When applying the break, the EM act as a generator to charge the battery. ICE delivers the required traction
power and also charge the battery through generator and charge battery during driving.

 It has the both the advantages of series - Parallel hybrid vehicles.
 It can be operated at any point of the speed – torque characteristics map.
 Long life time.
 Rapid response.
 It has More flexibility.

 Initial cost is high.
 It requires more maintenance.
 More complicated drive train system.

4. Complex hybrid Electric Drive System

 we will discuss the most versatile motorization typology on the market: the mixed or complex hybrid. It is
so called because it can be neither considered as a series nor a parallel architecture.


 The main feature of a complex hybrid is its composition: one heat engine and more than two electric

 We can identify several operating modes also for the mixed hybrid:
 start and low speed, in which the ICE is off and the traction power entirely depends on the battery. This is
the pattern: normal traction: the heat engine, via the PSD, supplies power directly to the wheels and the MG1.
 Then this one powers the MG2 that provides, through the silent chain (look at the second picture above),
additional power to the wheels. So the functioning is simultaneously in series and in parallel:

 Achieve a greater efficiency

 The presence of several electrical machines makes the electronic control of the entire powertrain more
 These vehicles cannot in general be recharged from the grid.

2.1.8 Electric Propulsion Systems

 Vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric
vehicles (HEVS). They consist of
Electric propulsion systems are at the
heart of electric motors, power
converters, and electronic
 The electric motor converts the
electric energy into mechanical
energy to propel the vehicle, or, vice
versa, to enable regenerative braking
and/or to generate electricity for the
purpose of charging the on-board
energy storage.
 The power converter is used to
supply the electric motor with proper
voltage and current.
 The controller commands the power
converter by providing control signals to it, and then controls the operation of the electric motor to produce
proper torque and speed, according to the command from the drive.
 The electronic controller can be further divided into three functional units sensor, interface circuitry, and
processor. The sensor is used to translate measurable quantities such as current, voltage, temperature.



 The motors used in EVS and HEVS usually require frequent starts and stops, high rates of acceleration/
deceleration, high torque and low-speed hill climbing, low torque and high-speed cruising, and a very wide
speed range of operation.
 The motor drives for EVS and HEVS can be classified into two main groups, namely the commutator motors
and commutator less motors as illustrated in Figure.
 Commutator motors mainly are the traditional DC motors, which include series excited, shunt excited,
compound excited, separately excited, and permanent magnet (PM) excited motors.
 DC motors need commutators and brushes to feed current into the armature, thus making them less reliable
and unsuitable for maintenance-free operation and high speed.
 In addition, winding excited DC motors have low specific power density. Nevertheless, because of their
mature technology and simple control, DC motor drives have been prominent in electric propulsion systems.


DC motor drives are widely used in various applications where it is requires as below,
1. Adjustable speed
2. Good speed regulation
3. Frequent starting
4. Frequent braking
5. Frequent reversing, etc.,
It is widely used in electric traction applications

Construction and Working Principle of DC Motors

 A DC motor is an electromechanical energy conversion device,
which converts electrical energy input into the mechanical
energy output.
 The operation of the DC motor is based on the principle that
when a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic
field, a mechanical force acts on the conductor.
 The magnitude of the force is given by, F=BIlNewtons
The direction of this is given by the Fleming’s left hand rule.


Working of DC Motor
 Consider a two pole DC motor as shown in the figure. When the DC motor is
connected to an external source of DC supply, the field coils are excited
developing alternate N and S poles and a current flows through the armature
 All the armature conductors under N pole carry current in one direction
(say into the plane of the paper), whereas all the conductors under S pole
carry current in the opposite direction (say out of the plane of the paper).
 As each conductor carrying a current and is placed in a magnetic field, hence
a mechanical force acts on it.

DC Motor Drives with Thyristor

 For motors up to a few kilowatts the armature converter draws power from either a single-phase or 3-phase
utility supply. For larger motors 3-phase is preferred because the waveforms are much smoother, although
traction uses single-phase with a series inductor to smooth the current.
 A separate thyristor or diode rectifier is used to supply the field of the motor: the power is much lower than
the armature power, the inductance is much higher, and so the supply is often single-phase.
 The arrangement shown in Figure is typical of most D.C. drives and provides for closed-loop speed control.

 DC motor drives have been widely used in applications requiring adjustable speed, good speed regulation,
and frequent starting, braking and reversing.
 Various DC motor drives have been widely applied to different electric traction applications because of their
technological maturity and control simplicity.

Merits of DC motor Drive

 Simple installation and easy maintenance.
 More efficient
 Better use of input energy
 High startup power
 High starting torque.
 Available in several standard voltages.
 Wide range of speed control, above and below the rated speed.

Demerits of DC motor drive

 High initial cost
 Due to the presence of commutator and brush gear,
 operation cost and maintenance cost is very high.
 Risk in commutation failure because due to the sparking occurs at brush so it cannot be operated in
explosive and hazard conditions.


 Poor speed control and regulation
 Always need a load before running.

2.1.11 Permanent Magnetic Brush Less DC Motor Drives (BLDC) – Oct23

 BLDC – Brush Less Dc Motor Drive. It consists of a rotor in the form of Permanent magnet and stator in the
form of polyphase armature windings.
 It differs from the conventional DC motor. It does not have brushes.


 It can be constructed in different physical configurations. Depending on the stator windings these can be
configured as 1Ø, 2Ø or 3Ø motors.
 This motor has stator and rotor parts as like all other motors.
 The stator is made up of stacked steel laminations to carry the windings. these windings can be arrange in
either star or delta.

 It consists of brushless DC machine, DSP Base controller and power electronics-based power converter.
 The position sensors H1, H2 and H3 sense the position of the machine rotor.
 The rotor position information is fed to the DSP based controller.
 It supplies acting signals to the power converter by turning ON and OFF the proper stator pole windings of
the machine

 The current carrying conductor is stationary while the permanent rotor moves.
 When the stator coils are electrically switched by a supply source, it becomes electromagnet and starts


producing the uniform field in the airgap.
 With the switching of windings as high and low signals, corresponding windings is energized as north pole
an south pole
 The permanent rotor with north and south poles align with stator poles a using motor to rotate.
 The motor produces torque because of the development of attraction forces and repulsion forces.
 The motor continuous rotation depends on the switching around the coils.

 High efficiency
 High level control is needed
 Long life

 High cost
 Operates at low speed
 Requires complex drive circuitry

2.1.12 Hub Motor Drive System

 This is the most common type of motor. It is placed in electric-bikes.
 This motor is integrated into the front or rear wheel of the vehicle. Normally, the hub motor drive directly
applies torque to the wheel, operating independently of bike gears.
 There are two types of hub motors. They are geared hub motors and the gearless hub motors.
 The geared hub motors have internal planetary gears, which can be used to reduce the speed of higher rpm
 Similarly the gearless hub motors have no gears directly connects the lower rpm motor stators able to the
 It converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. It produces a rotating magnetic field by using an electric
coil act on the rotor squirrel cage type closed aluminum frame to form a magneto electric rotating torque.
 Most electric powered vehicles, use on board batteries, and a single ordinary electric motor to power either
two or four wheels.
 Hub motors are typically brushless motor. It replaces the commutator and brushes with half a dozen or more
separate coils and an electric circuit.
 In a normal motor, the inner coil is rotating and the outer magnet to stay static. But in this motor, the inner
part with the coils is static and the magnet spins around it.
 The electrical circuit sends power to the round copper coils, making the outer spins around the copper coils.
 The outer case is a magnet, split into the number of sections, bent round into a circle.


 Simple to install
 Readily available
 Fairly reliable
 Easy to upgrade
 Have few moving parts, so silent operation

 Not efficient as a non-hub
 Expensive
 Efficiency is too low
 Heavy in weight
Used in Electric Vehicle like a E-bike and E-Bicycle

Examine the configurations of EV and EV Motors.

1. Define electric motor and electric motor drive
A motor is the mechanical or electrical device that generates the rotational or linear force to power a
machine A drive is the electronic device that controls the electrical energy sent to the motor

2. State the various types of EV configuration

1. series hybrid 2. Parallel hybrid 3. Series-parallel hybrid 4. complex hybrid

3. State the main reason for fuel economy in hybrid electric vehicle
 The engine fuel economy characteristics are mismatched with real operation
 wasting of vehicle kinetic energy during braking
 Low efficiency during stop –and-go driving patten

4. State the requirements of vehicle powertrain

 To develop sufficient power
 To carry sufficient energy
 To give high efficiency
 Emit few environmental pollution


5. Specify the various operation modes of series hybrid electric drivetrain
 Pure electric mode
 Pure engine mode
 Hybrid mode
 Engine traction and battery charging mode
 Regenerative mode
 Battery charging mode

6. Define BLDC motor?

A brushless DC motor is an electronically commutated DC motor with no brushes. It has permanent magnet
in rotor. In DC motor commutation takes place mechanically through commutator and brushes In BLDC
motor commutation is done by electronic means.

7. State the use of Hall effect sensor in BLDC motor(or) what do you mean by electronic commutation?
 To rotate the motor the winding of stator must be energized in sequence. For that exact position of rotor is
required. So, Hall effect sensors are used to determine the position of the rotor. These sensors generated low
and high signals whenever to rotor pass near to it.

8. What is meant by traction motor

Traction motor is the primary motor that drives the wheels of electric vehicle

9. Mention the parameters to determine the performance of EV.

The driving performance of electric vehicle is usually evaluated by Acceleration time, maximum speed and

10. Write the uses of BLDC motor drive.

 Computer hard drives and DVD/CD players.
 Electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and electric bicycles.
 Industrial robots CNC machine tools.
 Fans, pumps and blowers

11. What is meant by hybrid electric vehicle?

 HEV – Hybrid Electric Vehicle
 It employs both an ICE and electrical power train to power the vehicle.
 It uses the electric propulsion system when the power demand is low.
 This feature also reduces GHG.
 When higher power in needed the HEV switches to the ICE.

12. State the various types of EV configuration.

 EV configuration with clutch, gear box & differential
 EV configuration without clutch, gear box
 EV configuration with clutch, fixed gear & differential
 EV configuration with 2 electric motor & fixed gear

13. Define electric vehicle & performance of electric vehicle.

 Electric vehicle is a vehicle that uses one or more electric motors for propulsion.
 Electric vehicles use an electric motor for traction and chemical batteries, fuel cells, ultracapacitor
and flywheels for their corresponding energy sources.
 The driving performance of electric vehicle is usually evaluated by Acceleration time, maximum
speed and gradeability.


14. State the requirements of vehicle power train
 To develop sufficient power to meet the demands of vehicle performance.
 To carry sufficient energy on board to support vehicle driving in the given range
 To demonstrate high efficiency.
 Emit few environmental pollutants.

15. Write the merits & demerits of BLDC? Oct23



16. Define Hub motor. Write the merits and demerits

 It is the most common type of motor.
 It is placed in electric-bikes.
 This motor is integrated into the front or rear wheel of the vehicle.
Demerits -hub.

17. Write about the tractive vehicle? Oct23

In normal driving condition the power train operated with partial load in most of the time. The
vehicle speed and tractive effort (power) vary widely with operating conditions such as
• Acceleration or de-acceleration
• Uphill or downhill motion
• City and high way traffic

PART B ( 14 Marks)
1. Explain about the concept of hybrid electric drive. Nov22
2. Explain with a neat sketch of Hub motor. Write the merits and demerits. Nov22
3. Explain with a neat sketch of BLDC motor. Write the merits and demerits Oct23
4. Explain with a neat sketch of DC motor. Write the merits and demerits.
5. Explain the architecture of A) series hybrid electric drive B) parallel electric drive train.
6. Explain the architecture of series-parallel hybrid electric drive train
7. Explain the configuration of electric vehicle.
8. Explain the tractive effort in normal driving environment? Oct23


Course Objective
To acquire knowledge about Energy Storages, Charging System, Effects and Impacts

3.1 Energy Storages

Energy storages are defined as the devices that 1. Store energy 2. Deliver Energy outside (Discharge) and 3. Accept
energy from outside (charge).
(The various types of energy storages are (for EV & EHV)
1. Chemical Batteries.
2. Ultra capacitors (or) Supercapacitors.
3. Ultra-high-speed flywheels.

The various factors influencing the energy storage are:

 Specific Energy.
 Specific Power.
 Efficiency.
 Maintenance requirement.
 Management.
 Cost.
 Environmental Adaptation.
 Friendliness.
 Safety, etc.,

3.1.1 Electrochemical Batteries

 Electrochemical batteries (Referred as 'Batteries') are electrochemical devices that convert electrical energy
into potential chemical energy during charging and convert chemical energy into electric energy during
 A battery is composed of several cells stacked together.
 A cell is an independent and complete unit that possesses all the electrochemical properties.
 Basically, a battery cell consists of three primary elements: two electrodes (positive and negative) immersed
into an electrolyte as shown in Figure.
 Battery manufacturers usually specify the battery with coulometric capacity (amp-hours), which is defined
as the number of amp-hours gained when discharging the battery from a fully charged state until the terminal
voltage drops to its cut-off voltage, as shown in Figure.
 It should be noted that the same battery usually has a different number of amp-hours at different discharging
current rates. Generally, the capacity will become smaller with a large discharge current rate, as shown in
 Battery manufacturers usually specify a battery with a number of amp -hours along with a current rate. The
important parameter of a battery is the state-of-charge (SOC).
 SOC is defined as the ratio of the remaining capacity to the fully charged capacity.


Fig. Electrochemical batteries

3.1.2 Battery Technologies

The battery technology for EV and HEV are
1. Lead-acid battery.
2. Nickel based battery.
a. Nickel Iron Battery.
b. Nickel - Cadmium Battery.
c. Nickel - Metal hydride battery.
d. Nickel - Zinc., etc.,
3. Lithium based battery.
a. Lithium Polymer.
b. Lithium-ion batteries LEAD ACID CELL/BATTERY

 The various parts of the lead acid battery are shown below. The container and the plates are the main
part of the lead acid battery. The container stores chemical energy which is converted into electrical
energy by the help of the plates.

1. Container
 The container of the lead acid battery is made of glass, lead lined wood, ebonite, the hard rubber of
bituminous compound, ceramic materials or moulded plastics and are seated at the top to avoid the
discharge of electrolyte.
 At the bottom of the container, there are four ribs, on two of them rest the positive plate and the others
support the negative plates.
2. Plate
 The plate of the lead-acid cell is of diverse design and they all consist some form of a grid which is
made up of lead and the active material.
 The grid is essential for conducting the electric current and for distributing the current equally on the
active material. If the current is not uniformly distributed, then the active material will loosen and fall

3. Active Material
 The material in a cell which takes active participation in a chemical reaction (absorption or evolution of
electrical energy) during charging or discharging is called the active material of the cell.
 The active elements of the lead acid are
1. Lead peroxide (PbO2) – It forms the positive active material. The PbO2 are dark chocolate broom
in colour.


2. Sponge lead – Its form the negative active material. It is grey in colour.
3. Dilute Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) – It is used as an electrolyte. It contains 31% of sulfuric acid.

3. Separators
 The separators are thin sheets of non-conducting material made up of chemically treated leadwood,
porous rubbers, or mats of glass fibre and are placed between the positive and negative to insulate them
from each other.
 Separators are grooved vertically on one side and are smooth on the other side.

4. Battery Terminals
 A battery has two terminals the positive and the negative.
 The positive terminal with a diameter of 17.5 mm at the top is slightly larger than the negative terminal
which is 16 mm in diameter.

5. Cell connectors-
 Cell connectors are used to connect the individual cells in series to achieve the desired voltage.

Chemical Action during Discharge

 When a lead-acid battery is discharged, the electrolyte divides into H2 and SO4 combine with some
of the oxygen that is formed on the positive plate to produce water (H2O), and thereby reduces the
amount of acid in the electrolyte.
 The sulphate (SO4) combines with the lead (Pb) of both plates, forming lead sulphate (PbSO4), as
shown in Equation.

Chemical Action during Charging

 As a lead-acid battery is charged in the reverse direction, the action described in the discharge is
reversed. The lead sulphate (PbSO4) is driven out and back into the electrolyte (H2SO4).
 The return of acid to the electrolyte will reduce the sulphate in the plates and increase the specific
 This will continue to happen until all of the acid is driven from the plates and back into the
electrolyte, as shown in below Equation.


Physical Reaction during discharging
 Both the plates are transformed into lead sulphate (PbSO4).
 Sulphuric acid is consumed and water is formed which reduces the specific gravity of electrolyte from
1.28 to 1.18.
 The terminal voltage of each battery cell falls to 1.8V.
 Chemical energy is converted into electrical energy which is delivered to load.
 Applications of Lead Acid Battery

Physical Reaction during charging

 The anode is transformed into lead peroxide (PbO2) and cathode into the spongy lead (Pb).
 Water is consumed and sulphuric acid is formed which increases the specific gravity of electrolyte
from 1.18 to 1.28.
 The terminal voltage of each battery cell increases to 2.2 to 2.5V.
 Electrical energy is converted into chemical energy which is stored in the cell.

Application of Lead Acid Battery

1. These cells are used in care, buses, trucks and railway trains for lighting purpose.
2. These cells are used in automobiles for automatic starting.
3. These cells can be used for compensating the voltage drop in operation of high-tension switch gears.
4. These cells are used in central station for supplying the whole load during the period of light load.
5. These cells are used for compensating the voltage drop in feeders during the periods of peak load. Nickel Based Batteries

Nickel is a lighter metal than lead and has very good electrochemical properties desirable for battery applications.
There are four different nickel-based battery technologies,
1. Nickel-Iron battery
2. Nickel-Zinc battery
3. Nickel-Cadmium battery
4. Nickel-Metal Hydride battery


 In this battery, a nickel (III) hydroxy-oxide (NiOOH) acts as positive electrode and a metallic iron acts as
negative electrode.
 The electrolyte is a concentrated solution of potassium hydroxide containing lithium hydroxide.
 Its nominal open circuit voltage is 1.37V.
 The chemical reaction done during charging and discharging is shown below.


2NIOOH + 2H2O + Fe 2 Ni (OH)2 + Zn(OH)2
Charging Discharging

 Nickel-iron batteries suffer from gassing, corrosion and self-discharge problems.

 These problems have been solved in prototypes.
 These batteries are complex due to maintain the water level and the safe disposal of hydrogen and oxygen
released during the discharge process.
 The cost of nickel is higher than that of lead.
 It has high power density compared with lead acid batteries.
 It is mechanically strong
 Lighter
 Longer life.
 High rate of charging.
 During idle the rate of discharge is very low.

 1nitial cost is high.
 The voltage of each cell is only 1.2 V which is less compared to lead acid battery (2 V). Hence more
number of cells required for the same capacity of lead acid battery. Relatively less efficient.

2. Nickel-Cadmium battery
 This battery also uses a nickel (III) hydroxy-oxide
(NIOOH) as positive electrode and the combination
with metallic cadmium as negative electrode.
 A concentrated solution of potassium hydroxide
containing lithium hydroxide acts as electrolyte.
 Its chemical reaction during charging and discharging
is shown below.

2NiOOH + H2O + Cd 2 Ni (OH)2 + Cd (OH)2

Charging Discharging
 High specific power
 Long cycle life
 High tolerance of electrical and mechanical abuse
 Fast charging capability
 Wide operating temperature


 Low self-discharge rate
 Long term storage
 Variety size of availability.

 High initial cost
 Low cell voltage
 Environmental hazard of cadmium.

3. Nickel-metal hydride battery

` Nickel-metal battery (Nickel metal hydride battery) is similar to Nickel-cadmium battery. The difference is,
1. Case of hydrogen,
2. Absorption in metal hydride,
3. Active negative electrode etc., (in place of cadmium)

The overall chemical reaction during charging and discharging is

shown below.
MH + NiOOH M+ Ni (OH)2
Charging Discharging

 When the battery is discharged, the metal hydride in the negative

electrode is oxidized to form metal alloy and nickel oxyhydroxide
in the positive electrode is reduced to nickel hydroxide. During
charging the reverse action occurs.
 At present Ni-MH battery technology has a nominal voltage of
1.2V, specific energy of 65 Wh/kg and specific power of 200W/Kg.
The Ni-MH battery has been considered as an important near-term choice for EV and HEV applications.

4. Nickel-zinc battery
 The Nickel-zinc battery is a type of rechargeable
battery similar to Nickel-cadmium battery, but with
a higher voltage.
 In the Ni–Zn battery, the positive electrode is made
of nickel oxide and the negative electrode is zinc
 This type of battery exhibits a higher energy density
(by about 25%) than Ni–Cd batteries.
 Ni–Zn batteries have a higher energy-to-mass ratio
and power-to-mass ratio than conventional lead
 As a result, Ni–Zn battery systems have good
potential for utilization in renewable energy systems,
in part for environmental reasons.
Advantages Disadvantages
 Higher voltage  Increased self-discharge rate,
 High drain applications  Do not hold charge for long time.
 Higher energy to mass ratio  Heavy and bulky.
 Higher power-to-mass ratio  Low energy density.
 Cheaper  Limited life cycle.
 May be used as a substitute for Nickel-
cadmium battery Applications
 High-rate capability  Traction
 Electric bicycles
 Scooter & Lawn movers


 Lithium is the lightest of all metals and presents very interesting characteristics.
 It allows a very high thermodynamic voltage, which results in a very high specific energy and specific power.
 The major technologies (types) of lithium-based batteries, are,
1. Lithium-polymer battery.
2. Lithium-ion battery.
 Lithium batteries are primary batteries that have metallic lithium and anode, also referred as "lithium-metal
batteries". It is a rechargeable battery.

 High charge density
 Long life
 Smaller in size
 Portable
 Available in many sizes and shapes

 High cost per unit

 Portable consumer electronic devices,
 Pacemakers
 Implantable electronic medical devices,

1. Lithium polymer battery:

 Lithium polymer battery(or) lithium-ion polymer battery, is a rechargeable battery.
 It uses polymer as electrolyte.
 Lithium polymer battery, works on the principle of intercalation and deintercalation of lithium ions from a
positive electrode material and a negative electrode material, with the liquid electrolyte providing a
conductive medium.
 To prevent the electrodes from touching each other directly, a micro porous separator is in between, which
allows only the ions and not the electrode particles to migrate from one side to the other.

 During discharging, lithium ions formed at the negative electrode migrate through the electrolyte and are
inserted into the crystal structure at the positive electrode.
 During charging, lithium ions at the positive electrode migrate through the electrolyte and are collected at
the negative electrode.


xLi MyOZ LixMyOz

 Highest specific energy.
 Highest specific power,
 Solid polymers
 A Great safety
 Any size.
 Any shape,
 Good cycle
 Good calendar life., etc.,

 Operating range is between 80 to 120°C.

2. Lithium-ion Battery
 Lithium-ion cell is a type of rechargeable cell. It is, made up of an anode, cathode, separator, electrolyte, and
two current collectors (positive and negative).

 The anode and cathode store the lithium.
 The electrolyte carries positively charged lithium ions from the anode to the cathode and vice versa through
the separator Lithium ions move from the anode to the cathode during discharge.
 The ions move in reverse direction during charging.
 The separator blocks the flow of electrons inside the battery. Depending on the design and chemical
compounds used, lithium cells can produce voltages from 1.5 V to about 4.2 V.

Lix C + Li1-x MyOz C + LiMyOz

 High energy density, twice of NIMH
 Light weight
 Good performance at high temperature
 Recyclable
 Rate of self-discharge is less.
 High specific power & energy.
 Long battery life, around 1000 cycles
High-cost Recharging time is high Avoid over charging and discharging.


 Used in electrical equipment.
 Used in E - Vehicles as a primary energy source.
 Used in aerospace equipment's

3.2 Battery Management System (BMS) – Oct23

 The battery management system (BMS) consists of a set of voltage, current and temperature measurements
to calculate essential battery parameters and determine charge/discharge power limits at a given time.
 It is the Brain of a battery pack.
 A Battery management system (BMS) is an electronic system that manage a rechargeable battery (cell (or)
battery pack), by
1. Protecting the battery form operating outside its safe operating area
2 Monitoring its state
3. Calculating secondary data
4. Reporting that data
5. Controlling its environment
6. Authenticating it and/or balancing it.

Need/functions / uses of BMS:

1) To monitor cells
2) To protect the battery cells from overcharging(or) over-discharging
3) To calculate remaining charge
4) To monitor battery's temperature
5) To check battery's health
6) To check loose connections
7) To check internal shorts
8) To balance the charge across the cells (battery balancing).
9) To keep each cell functioning at maximum capacity.
10) To communicate the data and control the pack

Features of BMS:
1) Charge/Discharge control
2) State-of-charge (SOC) determination
3) State-of-health (SOH) determination
4) Cell balancing
5) Temperature control


6) Powered from battery itself
7) Less idle power
8) Galvanic isolation
9) Data lagging
10) Accuracy
11) Processing speed, etc

3.3 Battery pack development technology

 A battery pack (bank) is a group of batteries connected together using series or parallel wiring. This allows
more power to be stored than using a single battery.
 By connecting batteries, the voltage or amperage can be increased, or both.
 The battery management systems, SOC measurement techniques, cell balancing methods and battery
charging methods should be in advanced level for battery pack development technology.
 To deliver the desired voltage, capacity or power density.
 Battery pack may be configured as,
1. Series,
2 Parallel,
3. Mixture of series & parallel.

 The battery pack includes the following components

1. Individual batteries or cells,
2. Interconnects for electrical connectivity,
3. Temperature sensor, etc.

Applications of battery pack:

1. Cordless tools,
2. Radio-controlled hobby toys,
3. Battery electric vehicles.

Cell series and parallel connection to develop battery pack

 Batteries achieve the desired operating voltage by connecting several cells in series. Each cell adds its voltage
potential to derive at the total terminal voltage.
 Parallel connection attains higher capacity by adding up the total ampere - hour (Ah). The description of
various connections is given below.

(A) Series connection

 Connecting the batteries in series is to increase the overall voltage of the battery system.
 This connection does not increase the capacity.

 To configure the batteries with a series connection, each battery must have a same voltage and capacity
rating, otherwise the batteries may be damaged.
 To connect the group of batteries in series, we connect the positive terminal of one battery to the negative
terminal of another battery and so on until all batteries are connected.
 The series connection of batteries is illustrated in the figure.


 For example, if we connect three 6V, 100 Ah batteries, we got the total capacity of the battery as 18V,
100Ah. The amount of voltage is only increased, but the total capacity of the battery is not varied.
 The negative terminal of the first battery and the positive terminal of the last battery acts as the lead
terminals of the battery pack.

(B) Parallel Connection

 Connecting the batteries in parallel is to connect two or more batteries together to increase the amp -
hour capacity in this connection the amp - hour capacity is only increased however the battery voltage
will remain same.
 When connecting batteries in parallel, the positive terminal of one battery is connected to the positive
terminals of all batteries, and the negative terminal of first battery is also connected to the negative
terminals of all batteries.

 The positive and negative terminals of any one battery acts as the lead terminals of the battery pack.
 The battery parallel connection is illustrated in the fig.
 For example, if we connect three 6V, 100 Ah batteries, we got the total capacity as 6V, 300 Ah.

(C) Series Parallel Connection

 The series parallel connection increases both the voltage and amp hour capacity of battery system. In this
connection we have to connect 4 or more batteries in both series and parallel for increasing the system
capacity and voltage.

 The combination of series and parallel connection of batteries is illustrated in the fig.3.8. Here six
batteries are totally connected. The batteries 1 and 4, 2 and 5, and 3 and 6 are individually connected in
 The combinations of 1 and 4, 2 and 5 and 3 and 6 are connected in parallel.
 For example, if we will connect six numbers of 6V, 100 Ah batteries together as shown in the figure, we
got the total capacity of battery as, 12V. 300 Ah.

3.4 Battery Charging techniques – Oct23

 A battery charger is a device used to put energy into a cell or (rechargeable) battery by forcing an electric
current through it.
 A charger connected to AC supply should convert the AC to DC using rectifier circuit and use the DC for
charging the batteries.
 The different methods used for charging the battery are,


1. Constant current method
2. Constant voltage method
3. Trickle charging method

1. Constant Current Method

 For constant current method of charging the batteries to be charged are connected in series as shown in
 The charging current is maintained constant throughout the charging process by adjusting the series
 The specified value of current is maintained constant till the cells are gassing. Normally the cells starts
gassing the charging current is reduced.

2. Constant voltage Method

 In this method of charging, the batteries to be charged are connected in parallel across the supply as
shown in fig.
 The charging voltage is maintained constant throughout the charging process. The charging current is
high in the beginning and it is gradually reduced as the battery picks up charge resulting in increased
back e.m.f.
 Since the batteries are charged quickly, this method is mostly used in battery charging shops. Due to
high initial charging current the life of the battery is reduced.

3. Trickle Charging
 Trickle charge is a continuous charge at a low rate, to maintain the battery in a fully charged condition.
 The normal charging current in trickle charge is one ampere.
 The battery is permanently connected across the trickle charger circuit.
 Trickle charging is not suitable for charging completely discharged batteries.


3.4 Battery swapping techniques:
 Battery swapping (switching) technique, is a technique, to refuel the energy source of EV's, mechanically
swapping the discharged batteries with fully charged batteries.
 The discharged batteries will either be charged at the service station or centrally collected charged at the
swapping station.
 Simply, swapping refers to exchange of two or more things.
 The various types of battery swapping techniques are given below.

(a) Sideways swapping

 It is mostly employed in case of vans and other vehicles where the sideways position is the most

(b) Rear swapping

 This technique is utilized for vehicles in which the battery is placed in backwards.

(e) Bottom swapping

 This technique is used for the vehicles whose battery is placed at the bottom of the vehicle.
 The swapping station is built in the manner such that the vehicle is placed on an elevated platform
and the batteries are swapped from the bottom using a robotic arm.

(d) Top swapping

 This is most commonly used for the electric buses wherein the batteries are placed at the top.
 When the bus is arrived, the top roof opens and the batteries are swapped by means of robotic
1. Eliminates long refueling time
2. Automation

1. More complex
2. Costly

3.5 DC Charging
 DC charging is the method of charging the DC current directly into the battery. The DC charging or so called
fast charging is done using a DC charging station, which can charge the alternating current (ac) to direct
current (dc).
 It then 'bypass' the on-board charger of the electric car and send this dc (direct current) via battery
management system (BMS) to the battery.
 A charging station using DC power is much faster than an AC charging station as there is less resistance for
the current to flow.

 Fast charging.
 Solar charging is possible

 Expensive to install than an AC charging station.

3.6 Wireless charging

 The wireless charging (or) Inductive charging (or) cordless charging, is a type of wireless power transfer. It
uses EM induction to provide electricity to portable devices.


 It has two main components namely charging pad and receiver.
 The charging pad is fixed in the ground above where the car is parked.
 The receiver is fixed in the chassis.
 It transfers energy through inductive coupling.
 First, ac passes through an induction coil in the charging station or pad.
 The moving electric charge creates a magnetic field, which fluctuates in strength, because the electric
current's amplitude is fluctuating.
 This changing magnetic field creates an alternating electric current in the portable device's induction coil,
which in turn passes through a rectifier to convert it to direct current.
 Finally, the dc charges a battery or provides operating power.

1. Protected connections
2. No corrosion
3. No cables or plugs
4. Intermittent recharging
5. Low infection risk
6. Durability
7. Increase convenience
8. Aesthetic quality
9. Automated high power inductive charging
10. Automatic operation

1. Slower charging
2. More expensive
3. Less efficient.

1. Smart phones.
2. Smart watchs.
3. Tablets
4. EVS.

3.7 Maintenance of battery packs

1. Maintenance of battery in a correct manner is just as essential for extending the life span of our battery
and protecting our vehicles.
2. Do not allow battery to drop below 20 % power before charging.
3. Allow battery to charge full power uninterrupted. A battery's lifespan is often proportional to the number
of charges.
4. Deliver equalizer charge when necessary. During the process of equalizer charge, the batteries will charge
for a long period of time. This may lead to overheating, so the batteries should be monitored during this
5. After fully charging, the battery must cool before being placed back into service or it may overheat,
potentially damaging both the battery and the electrical circuits.
6. Clean battery with a neutralizing detergent solution on a regular basis.
7. Avoid using fast charging During the fast charging so much current into the battery in a short period, which
strains the battery and wanes them faster.
8. The batteries may be degraded when EVS are parked with an empty or full battery.
9. Use partial discharge cycles Using only 20% or 30 % of battery capacity before recharging will extend life


10. Avoid charging to 100 % capacity 10. Select correct charge termination method Selecting a charger that
uses minimum charge current termination can also extend battery life.
11. Limit the battery temperature Limiting battery temperature extremes extends battery life.
12. Avoid high charge and discharge currents High charge and discharge currents reduce life cycle. High
currents place excessive stress on the battery.
13. Avoid very deep discharges Very deep discharges will quickly, permanently damage a battery.
14. Charging the battery only to 80 % of its maximum charge level.
15. Avoid for parking the vehicle with battery for long period of time.
16. Avoid for exposing the battery to extreme heat or cold.
17. Braking to aggressively should be avoided.
18. Driving the vehicle over rough terrain should be avoided, which can cause vibrations that deactivate the
battery's electrical system.
19. Charging the battery in direct sunlight should be avoided, which can be heating the battery management
20. Do not consuming battery power with multiple in vehicle devices.
21. Avoid quick charging frequently, the quick charging can diminish battery life span.

3.8. Latest development in battery chemistry

 A battery is a device that stores chemical energy and converts into electricity.
 This is known as electrochemistry The system that underpins a battery is called an electrochemical cell.
 A battery can be made up of one or several electrochemical cells. The battery must be sufficient for the
intended application.
 This means that it must be able to produce the right current with right voltage. It must have sufficient
capacity, energy and power.
 In general, the electric vehicles use four different types of batteries.
 They are Lithium ion (Li-Ion), Molten salt (Na - NiCl2), Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) and Lithium Sulphur (Li-
 All of them having the same electric energy storage capacity. The new battery technologies are discussed
(a) Nano Bolt Lithium Tungsten batteries
 In these batteries tungsten and carbon multilayered nano tubes that bonds to be copper anode
substrate and build up a web like nano structure.
 This forms a huge surface for more ions to attach to during recharge and discharge cycles. This makes
fast recharge and also it stores more energy.
(b) Zinc Manganese Oxide batteries
 An unexpected chemical conversion is found in a zinc manganese oxide battery.
 If that process can be controlled, it can Increase energy density in conventional batteries, without
increasing cost.
 It is used for large scale energy storage.
(c) Organosilicon electrolyte batteries
 The Lithium batteries are danger because the electrolyte catching fire or exploding.
 Searching for something safer than the carbonate based solvent system in Li-ion batteries Organosilicon
compounds can be used as electrolyte for Lithium-ion batteries because they are nontoxic,
nonflammable as well as have lower transition temperature, lower vapors pressure and high flash point
than commercial alkyl carbonate.
 These compounds can improve the electrochemical performances and safety.
(d) Gold nanowire gel electrolyte batteries
 Gold is a better electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries, which are not combustible as liquids.
 The gold nano wire is coated with manganese dioxide, and covering them with gel. While nanowires
are usually too delicate to use in batteries.


(e) Tank Two String cell batteries
 A barrier to the use of electric vehicle is the slow recharging process. This battery contains a collection
of small independent self-organizing cells.
 Each string cell consist of plastic enclosure, covered with a conductive material that allows it to quickly
and easily form contact with others.

3.09 Effects and Impacts

3.09.1 Effects of EV
 Social benefits of EVs include national security benefits, better air quality and health, domestic economic
development and environmental benefits.
 The basic purpose of electric vehicle is for transportation, but the EV creates an impact in other areas like
power grid, environment and economy.

 Effects of EV Electric vehicles are not just the wave of the future, they are saving the lives today. The various
effects of EV are,
1. Least partially powered by electricity.
2. Saving the climate.
3. Saving the lives.
4. Has only smaller carbon footprint.
5. Better for the climate. 6. Can be charged anywhere.
7. Truly clean vehicle.
8. Zero-emission vehicle.
9. Less environmental pollution


 The impact of EV can be understood from the flow diagram shown in figure
 It is broadly grouped into three major categories
1. Impact on power grid
2. Impact on environment
3. Impact on economy Impacts on Power Grid

 EVS are considered to be high power loads and they affect the power distribution system directly. Mostly
it affects the distribution transformers, cables and fuses.
 The power grid is a network for delivering electricity to customers. The power grid includes generating
stations, transmission lines, and distribution lines.
 The detrimental impact of EV (Negative Impact) charging station loads on the electricity distribution
network cannot be neglected.
 The high charging loads of the fast-charging stations results in
1 Increased peak load demand,
2. Reduced reserve margins
3. Voltage instability and
4. Reliability problems.
 The penetration of EV on the Indian grid and its positive impact can be seen if the EV's are co-ordinated.
 The co-ordinate charging and discharging of EV's can improve the voltage profile and the power
transmission loss.

Negative Impacts
 EVS are considered to be high power loads.
 They affect the power distribution system directly.
 The distribution transformer, cables and fuses are affected. A Nissan Leaf with a 24KWh battery pack can
consume power similar to a single European household.
 A 3.3KW charger in a 220V, 15A system can raise the current demand by 17% to 25%.
 The situation gets quite alarming if charging is done during peak hours.
 This may overload the system, damage the system equipment, tripping of protection relays and
subsequently the infrastructure cost may be increased.

Positive Impacts
 EVS can prove to be quite useful to the power system in a number of ways, discussed below.
(a) Smart Grid
 In the smart grid system, intelligent communication and decision making is incorporated with the
grid structure.
 Smart grid is highly regarded future of power
 It offers a vast array of advantages to offer
reliable power supply and advanced control.
 The integration of EVs and smart grid can
facilitate opportunities like V2G and better
integration of renewable energy.
(b) V2G
 V2G or Vehicle to Grid is a method where the
EV can provide power to the grid. In this
system, the vehicles act as loads when they
are drawing energy and it can become
dynamic energy storage by feeding back the
energy to the grid.

56 | P a g e PMCTECH POLYTECHNIC- HOSUR Impacts on environment
 The EV's are better for the environment. They emit fewer greenhouse gas and air pollutants. The major
benefits are.
1. Improves air quality.
2. No tailpipe emissions.
3 No CO2 emission.
4. Reduces air pollution.
5. Clean environment.
6. Better for pedestrians and cyclists.
7. Save an average of 1.5 million grams of Co₂ with one EV.
8. Reduced carbon emissions.
9. Reduced noise pollution.
10. Reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Impacts on Economy

 EV's provide economic benefits to the state by
a. Reducing fuel costs.
b. Shifting consumption away from imported oil to more locally produced electricity sources.
 This fuel saving become additional disposable income that will be spent mostly in the local economy,
creating additional facilities and jobs in the state.
 While the upfront cost of EV's is higher, their operating cost is significantly lower.

Advantages of EV's in the point of economy are,

1. Operating cost is lower.
2. TCO (Total cost of ownership) is lower.
3. TCO is close to breakeven.
4. Better economy by using e-2 wheelers.

Disadvantages of EV's in the point of economy are,

1. Battery cost is higher
2. Investment cost is higher
3. Expensive, etc.
 The adoption of EV's in India will help to revive the economy.
 The government has a target of 30% EV penetration by 2030 with incentives to make in country by
manufacturing the components of E vehicle economically viable.

Illuminate the Energy Storages, Charging & Effects and Impacts.

1. Define battery pack?
Battery cells come in fixed voltages and capacities. If we need more voltage, we can deal with multiples of
the cell voltages. -Cd cells are 1.2 volts nominal; lead acid is 2 volts nominal and various lithium
technologies are about 3.6 volts per cell.

2. Define constant current & constant voltage charging?

Constant current charging – it varies the voltage applied to the battery and also maintain a constant current
flow. Switching off the battery when the voltage reaches the level of fuel charge.
Constant voltage charging – it allows the full current of the charger to flow into the battery until the power
supply reaches its preset voltages the current will then taper down to a minimum value one that voltage level
is reached.


3. Mention the types of battery? Oct23
Lead acid battery
Nickel based battery
Lithium based battery

4. What is meant by V2G?

V2G – Voltage to Grid
It is a method where the EV can provide power to the grid in this system the vehicles at as loads when they
are energy an it can become dynamic energy storage by feeding back the energy to the grid.

5. Explain the series connection of batteries?

Connecting the batteries in series is to increase the overall voltage of the battery system and this connection
does not increase the capacity.
To configure the batteries with a series connection each battery must have a voltage and capacity rating
otherwise the batteries may be damaged.

6. Write the effects of electric vehicle (EV). Oct23

Vehicles may serve the purpose of transportation but they affect a lot of other areas. Therefore, the vehicle
the benefits they
promise in all areas.

7. Write a short note on voltage sag?

 A decrease in there RMS value of voltage for half a cycle or 1 min is denote as voltage sag.
 It can be cause by overload or during the starting of electric machines.

8. Compare the different types of wireless charging system.

 Inductive power transfer
 Capacitive power transfer
 Permanent magnet coupling power transfer
 On-
9. Define SoC & SoH.?
SoC – State of Charge is defined as the ratio of remaining capacity to the fully charged capacity
SoH – State of Health is the important indicator of life of the battery

10. Specify the chemical reaction of lead acid batteries during charging.

11. List out the types and requirements for energy storage
Types of energy storage devices
i. Chemical batteries
ii. Ultra capacitors or super capacitors
iii. Ultra-high-speed wheels
 Specific energy
 Specific power
 Efficiency
 Maintenance requirement
 Management
 Cost
 Environmental adaptation
 Friendliness
 Safety


12. List out the various specifications for batteries
1. Columbic capacity (Amp- Hours)
2. State — of — charge (SOC)
3. Ener gy Capacity
4. Specific Ener gy
5. Thermodynamic voltage
6. Specific Power
7. Energy efficiency
8. Dischar ge rate
9. Terminal voltage
13. Describe electrometric capacity
Number of ampere hours gained when discharging the battery from fully charged state

14. Describe energy capacity

It is measure in terms of battery capacity and discharge voltage

15. Describe specific energy

energy capacity per unit weight

16. Describe thermo dynamic voltage

Energy released by the battery cell reaction is given by the change in Gibbs free energy expressed in per mole

17. Describe specific power

Maximum power per unit battery weight that the battery can produce in short period
18. Describe energy efficiency
Ratio of cell operating voltage to the thermodynamic voltage

19. List out the various battery technologies

1. Lead - acid battery
2. Nickel based batteries
Nickel-Iron battery
Nickel - Cadmium battery
Nickel - metal hydride battery
Nickel - Zinc battery
3. Lithium based
batteries Lithium
Polymer battery
Lithium - ion

20. What is BMS? List out its necessity

 BMS is an electronic system that manages rechargeable battery to operates it safely and efficiently.
 BMS manages a rechargeable battery by monitoring
1. Its state
2. Calculating the data
3. Reporting the data
4. Protecting the battery
5. Controlling the environment and balancing it


21. List out the features of BMS
1. Chare and discharge control
2. State of health determination
3. Temperature control
4. less idle power
5. Accuracy
6. State Of charge determination
7. Cell balancing
8. Power from battery itself
9. Data lagging
10. Processing speed

22. Brief notes on battery pack development technology?

 Battery pack is a group of batteries connected in series or parallel This allows more power Voltages and
current increases
 It is configured as series, parallel and series & parallel
 This pack includes 1. Individual batteries 2. Interconnects 3. Temperature sensor
 Applications: 1. Cordless tools 2. Radio controlled toys 3. Temperature sensor

23. What is charging? What is contains?

 A battery charger is a device used to put energy into a cell or battery by applying current.
 Charger is connected to AC supply and converted to DC using rectifier
 Batteries uses DC for charging
It consists of 1. Alternator 2. Battery 3. Wiring 4. Electronic control unit

24. Brief notes on battery swapping technique with its advantages

 It is a technique to refuel the energy of EV s by changing the discharged batteries with fully charged
 Swamping means exchange of two or more things
 The two types of battery swapping stations are 1. Manual 2. Autonomous
 Types of battery swapping technique
1. Sideways swapping: it is used in vans where sideways position is convenient
2. Rear swapping: it is used in vehicles which battery is placed backwards
3. Bottom swapping: It is used for the vehicles whose battery placed at the bottom
Advantages: 1. Reducing the time
3.battery life increased
Disadvantage: 1. More complex
3. More number of batteries needed


1. Explain with a neat sketch of lead acid battery systems. Nov-22

2. Explain with a neat sketch of lithium-based battery systems Nov-22.
3. Explain with a neat sketch of nickel-based battery systems.
4. Explain in detail about role of battery management Oct23
5. Explain the cell series and parallel connection to develop battery pack
6. Explain the impacts on A) environment B) economy C) power grid.
7. Explain the Nickel cadmium battery. Apr-22
8. Describe in brief about different methods used for changing the battery. Or battery charging techniques?
Apr-22, Oct23



To appreciate the Electric Mobility Policy Frame work India

4.1 Government of India Electric mobility policy frame work

 The Government of India has formed a policy for Electric mobility.
 The union government policies and schemes like FAME 1 and FAME 2, the PLI scheme, scrap page policy
encourage the use of EV's and incentivize manufactures.
• The polices formed for electric mobility are,
• To promote the use of EV's
• Conscessions to users
• Subsidy on purchase
• exemption from road tax
• exemption from registration charges
• low interest rates on loans Initiatives for bulk purchasing of EV's for public sector, personal, public
transport utilizes last mile delivery operations.
• Infrastructure
• development for battery and vehicle manufacturing, charging infrastructure and scrapping centers,
The various Government Polices for EV promotion are,
 FAME - I (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and EV)
 PLI (Production Linked Incentive)
 Vehicle scarp page policy
 Make in India
 Enhancement of e-charging infrastructure
 Reduction of Goods of Service Tax (GST) on EV purchase
 NEMMP 2020 (National Electric mobility mission plan)
 Automotive mission plan (AMP) 2006-2016
 A State Government EV promotion polices (14 states)
 Extended PLI scheme Nov 2020, etc.,

4.1.1Global Scenario of EV adoption

 According to the various reports, if the governments will range up their efforts to meet international climate
goals, then the number of global electric vehicles will increase to 230 million by 2030.


 Currently, there are 10 million electric cars on road. The financing challenges, for EV customers are,
• Limited financing options
• A High interest
• High insurance cost
• Limited loan opportunities
 If the EV's gain widespread adoption the above financing challenges can hinder EV's widespread adoption
in the country. As many as 13 countries managed to path EV's past 10% of new light vehicle in 2020.
 Electric vehicles usage worldwide, as the adoption of plug-in EV is attached by
• Consumer demand
• Market prices
• Availability of charging infrastructure
• Government policies, etc.,

4.1.2 Electric mobility in India

 The major policy initiatives by the Indian Government, is listed already (Electric mobility policy frame work)
 Electric mobility started getting importance in India, but less an expected as people were expecting more
improvement from it.
 Indian scientists are doing research to improve factors that makes electric vehicle (EV) compatible for daily
 The electric vehicle running with more efficiency is expensive which cannot be afforded by common people.
 If government takes initiatives as mentioned earlier, it will be compatible for all.
 The national electric mobility mission plan (NEMMP) 2020 was launched by the government of India in
2013 to achieve national fuel security by promoting electric and hybrid vehicles.

4.1.3 National Electric Mobility Mission Plan (NEMMP) 2020

 The NEMMP, 2020 lays down vision and roadmap for Ev penetration in India.
 The plan was adopted by the Government of India in 2013.
 The plan aims at national energy security, mitigation of adverse impacts of vehicular growth on environment
and growth of domestic manufacturing capabilities.
 The plan focuses on providing upfront and continued support for promoting electric vehicle technologies in
the country and targets 6-7 million EV penetration by 2020.
 The NEMMP (National electric mobility mission plan) 2020 aims to achieve national fuel security by
promoting hybrid and electric vehicles in the country.
 The government of India seeks to realize the electric dream of 400 million customers by the year 2030.
Government aims to provide fiscal and monetary incentives to kick start this latest technology.
 The objectives of NEMMP 2020 are,
• To provide vision for EV of HEV'S
• Roadmap for faster adoption of EV of HEV's To encourage reliable, affordable, efficient EV's
• To meet consumer performance of price expectations
• To contribute national fuel security, etc.,

4.1.4 Action led by Original Equipment Manufacturers

 An Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), traditionally defined as a company whose goods are used as
components in the products of another company, which then be the finished item to users.
 Several OEM's have announced targets for the production and sales of EV's.
 The table shows the details of EV production and sales targets set by some of the leading OEM's globally.
 It is defined as a company whose goods are used as components in the products of another company which
then sells the finished item to the user.
 Several OEMs have announced targets for the production and sales of EVs


SL OEM EV Production of sale target
1 BMW 0.1 million electric car sales in 2017 15.25% of sales by 2025
2 Chevrolet 30,000 annual electric car sales by 2017
3 Chinese 4.52 million annual electric car sales by 2020
4 Daimler 0.1 million annual electric car sales by 2020
5 Ford 13 new EV models by 2020
6 Honda 2/3 of 2030 sales to be electrified vehicles
7 Renault miss an 1.5 million cumulative sales of electric cars by 2020
8 Tesla 0.5 million annual electric sales by 2018 & 1 million annual electric sales by 2020
9 Volkswagen 2-3 million annual electric car sales by 2025
10 Volvo 1 million cumulative electric car sales by 2025

4.1.5 Need of EV policy

 To improve air quality
 To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
 For low cost
 To reduce overall negative environmental impact
 To enhance energy security
 To reduce air pollution
 To improve driving experience, etc.,

4.1.6 Introduction to EV Eco system

 The electric vehicle eco system is composed of electric vehicle and charging station.
 The electric vehicles are classified by how electricity is used to power the vehicle.

(a) Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs)

 These are powered by an internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric power.
 Batteries are charged via regenerative braking and optionally by a generator connected to the ICE.

(b) Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs)

 These are hybrid electric vehicles. So they have an ICE, and they have an on-board charger (OBC).
 That allows the batteries to be charged from an external electric power source.

(c) Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs)

 These vehicles use 100% of electric power.
 Batteries charged from external electric power source and regenerative braking.
 The charging infrastructure includes all the hardware and software that ensures energy is transferred
from the electric grid to the vehicle.
 Based on type of voltage, the charging stations are classified as AC charging station and DC charging
station. The DC charging stations are used for fast charging. EV ecosystem in India – Oct23

The electric mobility ecosystem includes
• Government: Formulates the guiding policies and regulations.
• OEMs and suppliers: They design and manufacture vehicles.
• Power and electricity suppliers: They are responsible for electricity generation, transmission and
• City - level bodies: Support setting up of charging infrastructure by energy operators / charging solution
• End consumers: The end user can be a public, commercial vehicle operator, owners of personal vehicle.
The state that has good EV mobility eco system has the advantage of rapid adoption of technology. The
following are the advantages of EV ecosystem for Tamil Nadu.


Tamil Nadu government orders implementation of the ‘Tamil Nadu Electric Vehicle Policy 2019’.The first EV
SUV made in India was manufactured in Tamil Nadu by Hyundai. The Government of Tamil Nadu supported
this project with a very innovative model of financial incentives and facilitations through MoU (Memorandum
of Understanding) signed with Hyundai during the Global Investors Meet, 2019.
OEMs and Suppliers
Chennai is home to major automobile manufacturing companies in India, such as Hyundai, Ford, Nissan, TVS,
Mahindra, and Daimler etc. It has a huge scope for up gradation and expansion for producing Electric Vehicles
within the existing manufacturing facilities. The state has many technical institutions that provide a pool of
skilled workforce for the industry.
Power and Electricity Suppliers
Tamil Nadu is one of the power surplus states with two nuclear plants and many thermal and hydro - electrical
power stations in the State offering a steady source of electricity required for the EV ecosystem.
In particular, the State has one of the highest installed Capacity for renewable energy such as wind energy and
solar energy. This offers a reduction in overall pollution in addition to reduction in local air pollution.
City - Level Bodies
Supports setting up of charging infrastructure by energy operators / charging solution providers by giving
incentives. It was discussed in detail in unit V under demand side incentives.
End Consumers
The end user can be a public, commercial vehicle operator, owners of personal vehicle. Advantages of EV ECO system

The various advantages of EV ECO systems are,
 Eco-friendly
 No emission of toxic gases
 No smoke in environment
 Clean energy source
 Contributes healthy conditions
 Contributes green climate, etc., / Reduced air pollution
 No Co₂ emissions

4.1.7 Scope and applicability of EV policy

 Vehicles, companies and charging infrastructure firms need to fulfil the FAMEII guidelines issued by
Ministry of Heavy Industry, Government of India as mandated and in order to be eligible for demand side
incentives from the state government.
 Charging infrastructure and its components should fulfil the guidelines and norms issued by Ministry of
Power, Government of India.
 In case of supply side incentives to promote EV manufacturing within Tamil Nadu, the manufactured
products must conform to either national standard or international standard.
 The term EVs as used in the policy refers to Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVS), Plug-in Hybrid Electric
Vehicles (PHEVS) and Strong Hybrid Electric Vehicles (SHEVS).

4.1.8. ARAI standards for Electric Vehicles

 Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI) is set up by the Automotive Industry with the Government
of India.
 ARAI is an autonomous body affiliated to the Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India.
 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
has recognized ARAI as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO).
 Fur their ARAI is a prime Testing and Certification Agency notified by Government of India.
 ARAI approval is done on the basis of components tests, engine tests, vehicle tests and other requirements.
 Vehicle type approval is the confirmation that production samples of a type of vehicle, vehicle system,
component or separate technical will meet specified performance standards.
 ARAI is an authorized agency for testing and certifying the vehicles and engines used for both automotive
and non-automotive application


4.2 Automotive Industry Standard (AIS)
 AIS stands for Automotive Industry Standards.
 It is a technical automotive standard for India.
 The Automotive Industry standards are issued by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH),
which is the ministry regulating the automotive sector in India.
 AIS certification was introduced in 1989 with the adoptation of the India General Motor Vehicles Rules
 In the CMVR, rules and regulations are published, is relation to the approval of vehicles, traffic controls or
the production and maintenance of the motor vehicles.
 TAC is the abbreviation for "Type Approval certificate". TAC is issued for products that needs to meet
special technical and safety requirements.
 AIS certification is required for automotive components. These products all have in common that they are
subject to safety or electromagnetic compatibility requirements. Some example products are Automotive
electronics, Tyres, Brake hoses, Lights, Seat belts, Door locks, Fuel tanks etc..
 The following steps should be taken for getting certificate.
• Comprehensive application with required document
• Product testing in India
• On-site production inspection
• Granting of AIS certification upon successful application
• Marking with the AIS certification mark

4.2.1 Different AIS Standards

 The Electric vehicle manufactures in india have to follow the set of Automotive industry standards (AIS)
published by Automotive Research Association of india (APAI), Pune.
 Some of the standards are,
1. AIS 038
2. AIS 039
3. AIS 123 AIS 038

 This standard prescribes the requirements for the construction and functional safety of battery-operated
 The vehicle construction requirements and test procedures of AIS 038 standard is organized as,
• Traction battery
• Protection against Electric Shock
• Functional safety requirements
• Onboard indicators
• Protection against water effect

a. AIS-038 (Rev-1)
 This standard specifies the construction and functional safety requirements for L, M and N
categories of electric power drain vehicles.

AIS 038 (Revision 1)

Name AIS 038 (Revision 1)
Description Electrical Power Train Vehicles - Construction and
Functional Safety Requirements
Vehicle Types Bus, Car, Heavy Truck, Light Truck.
Subject Categories Electrical and Electronics

b. AIS – 038 (Rev-2)

 Part I: This standard specifies the safety requirements with respect to the electric power train of
motor vehicles of categories M and N.


 Part II: This standard specifies the safety requirements with respect to the Rechargeable
Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) of motor vehicles of categories M and N.

AIS 038 (Revision 2)

Name AIS 038 (Revision 2)
Description Electrical Power Train Vehicles - Specific
Vehicle Types Bus, Car, Component, Heavy Truck, Light Truck
Subject Categories Drafts and Proposals (Current) AIS 039

 This standard specifies the method for measurement of electrical energy consumption of Battery - operated
Vehicles (BoVs).
 This is also used to verify the performance of the vehicle with that declared by the manufacturer.
 The significant clauses under AIS 039 standard are organized below.
 Vehicle preparation
 Battery Test condition
 Battery Test procedure
AIS- 039 (Rec-1)
 This standard specifies the measurement of electrical energy consumption expressed in Wh / Km for L,
M and N categories of Electric power train vehicles.
AIS 039 (Revision 1)
Name AIS 039 (Revision 1)
Description Electrical Power Train Vehicles Measurement of
Electrical Energy Consumption
Vehicle Types Bus, Car, Heavy Truck, Light Truck.
Subject Categories Electrical and Electronics, Emissions and Fuel
Consumption AIS 123

 Standards AIS-038 and AIS-039 are specified for fully battery-operated vehicle, whereas AIS-123 is for IC
Engine retrofitted with hybrid electric system.
 So, getting approval for retrofitted vehicle with hybrid electric system, tests and measurements are carried
with hybrid and without hybrid electric system.

a. AIS-123 (Part 1)
This standard lays down the requirements specific to vehicles retrofitted with Hybrid Electric system (HES)
of M1, M2 and N1 category of vehicles, which
 Comply to BS 11 or subsequent emission norms
 Operate on either petrol or diesel only
 Have GVW not exceeding 3500kg
 Have not been retrofitted earlier or not operating on any other alternate fuel.

AIS 123 (Part 1)

Name AIS 123 (Part 1)
Description Electrical Power Train Vehicles Measurement of
Electrical Energy Consumption
Vehicle Types Bus, Car, Heavy Truck, Light Truck.
Subject Categories Electrical and Electronics, Emissions and Fuel


b. AIS – 123 (Part 2)
 This standard lays down the requirements specific to Hybrid Electric system (HES) intended for
retro - fitment on vehicles of M and N category having GVW > 3500kg, which
• comply - to BS - II or subsequent emission norms
• have not been retrofitted earlier (e.g. CNG / LPG/
• Electric kits etc.)
• are not provided with permits for carrying dangerous or hazardous goods, as defined in CMVR.
(CMVR - Central Motor Vehicle Rules)

AIS 123 (Part 2)

Name AIS 123 (Part 2)
Description CMVR Type Approval of Hybrid Electric System
for Retro fitment - Part-2.
Vehicle Types Car, Component, Light Truck.
Subject Categories Type Approval and Certification

c. AIS – 123 (Part 3)

 This standard lays down the requirements specific to Electric propulsion kit intended for conversion of
vehicles of LS, M, N1 and N2 category for pure electric operation, which
 are manufactured on and 1st January 1990.
 are not provided with permits for carrying dangerous or hazardous goods, as defined in CMVR.

AIS 123 (Part 3)

Name AIS 123 (Part 3)
Description CMVR Type Approval of Electric Propulsion Kit
of Vehicles for Pure Electric Operation
Vehicle Types Car, Component, Light Truck.
Subject Categories Electrical and Electronics, Type Approval and

4.2.2 Different Types of Vehicles.

Category Vehicle Types

L Mopeds, Motor cycles, Motor Tricyles and
Quadric cycles.
M Motor vehicles having atleast 4 wheels and for the
carriage of passengers
N Power driven vehicles having atleast 4 wheels and
for the carriage of goods.
O Trailers (including semitrailers)
The details of some vehicles, are given below.
1. M1 vehicles Passenger Cars
2. M2 and M3 vehicles - Buses and Coaches.
3. N1 vehicles - Light goods vehicles (upto 3500 kg)
4. N2 and N3 vehicles Heavy goods vehicles (Over 3500 kg) - 5. 01, 02, 03 and 04 vehicles Light
and Heavy trailers.

4.2.3 Key performance Indicator

 KPIs can be a useful tool to enable cities to measure their progress. The key indicators will help to understand
how the city is performing in a holistic manner in terms of EV update.
 The document" evaluation Metrics" will provide a detailed discussion on the following KPIs and ways to
measure and utilize them.
 Fleet:- Fleet is defined as a group of vehicles that operate together or that are control by one person.


 The various KPI's, to measure and utilize there are, Number of EV's in the city
(A) Number of EVs in the city, Number of Electric fleet operators
Parameters : Buses, Mini buses
Measure : Actual numbers/Estimated numbers/ Qualitative indicators
Data sources : RTO, fleet operators, fleet operator unions. (RTO Regional Transport Office)

(B) Number of EVs in the city, Number of Electric fleet operators

Parameters : Rail
Measure : Actual numbers/Estimated numbers/ Qualitative indicators
Data Sources : RTO, fleet operators, fleet operator unions.

(C) Number of EVs in the city, Number of Electric fleet operators.

Parameters : IPT (Intermediate Public Transport), E-autorickshaw, E-rickshaw, E-taxis
Measure : Actual numbers/Estimated numbers/ Qualitative indicators
Data sources : RTO, fleet operators, fleet operator unions.

(D) Number of EVs in the city, Number of Electric fleet operators

Parameters : Personal Vehicles, E-cars, LCVs (Light Commercial Vehicles), E-2 Wheelers
Measure : Actual numbers/Estimated numbers/ Qualitative indicators
Data sources : RTO, fleet operators, fleet operator unions.

(E) Investment made on promoting EVs

Parameters : a) Investment on deploying charging infrastructure.
b) Purchase of EVs.
c) Deploying monitoring infrastructure such as sensors. (Deployment - Moving an
object to a place where some action can be performed)
Measure : Investment made
Data sources : Municipal body, Urban development agency, Department of transport, of Finance,
Traffic police department.

4.2.4 Global Impacts

 Electric vehicles have fewer moving parts then a conventional vehicle and fewer parts means less labor.
Conventional vehicles require thousands of workers to make combustion power trains and their parts.
 The analysis shows that the move towards EV's creates a benefit over and above the reductions in greenhouse
gas emissions. Sales of plug-in HEV's are up by 4.1% in that time, white HEV sales have skyrocketed by
 The global EV outlook is an annual publication that identities and discusses recent developments in
electric mobility across the globe.
 It is developed with the support of the members of EVI (Electric vehicles Initiative). The various global
impacts an electric mobility are,
 The global EV fleet expanded significantly over the last decade
 Global sales were sluggish.
 Public accessible charging points are outpacing
 Leads in electrifying all vehicles
 Electrifying of heavy-duty trucks, air and seaport operations
 Environmental and sustainability objectives
 Policies are being tailored to support market transition
 Government response to covid 19 will influences the pace of transition to EV's
 Adoption of electric drive trains accelerates Cost reductions, boosts deployment across all vehicle
 EV's increases electricity demand
 EV's reduce oil demand and well-to-wheel greenhouse gas emissions
 Battery capacity increases


4.2.5 Trends and future developments – Oct23
In technology wise EV trends and future developments will be like this.

The various trends and future developments in electric mobility are,

 Increases in EV's
 Increases in registration of electric cars
 Sale of EV's makes a reward
 Consumer spending on EV's continues to rise
 Stability in government support
 More models are available Automakers entice customers with wide menu
 Largest OEM's have committed to increase the offer and sales of EV's
 Manufacture's electrification targets align with the IEA’s sustainable development scenario
 Heavy EV's registrations are expanded
 Electric heavy duty vehicle models are broadening
 Types of zero emission HDV's expand, of driving range lengthens
 Climate groups EV100 initiative update on private sector commitments
 Battery demand logged EV sales Spreading of popularity of electric micro mobility
 A lead in deploying fuel cell EV's
 Publicity accessible show and fast chargers increased
 Planning needs to start now for mega chargers to enable long distance trucking.

Expound the Electric Mobility Policy Frame Work.



1. EXPAND: (i) NEMMP (ii) FAME (iii) OEM (iv) CMVR (v) IDC (vi) PT?
1. NEMMP: National Electric Mobility Mission Plan
2. FAME: Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric vehicles
3. OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturers
4. CMVR: Central Motor Vehicle Rules
5. IDC: Indian Driving Cycle
6. IPT: Informal Public Transport

2. Define Electric mobility policy frame work.

 The Government policies include targeting the number of electric vehicles. Road tax and registration
charge exemptions.
 The term electric mobility stands for forms of movement using electric motors.


 Cars, buses, commercial vehicles, trains, bicycles, ships and smaller aircrafts can be powered by
electrical energy

3. Write briefly about the electric mobility in India? Oct23

 India is also turning to EVs as a solution to its transport problems such as fossil fuel
dependence, urban air pollution and carbon emissions.
 India has already mapped its electrification program through adopting the National Electric
Mobility Mission Plan 2020 (NEMMP 2020).

4. Specify the estimated numbers of global passenger electric vehicles sale for 2018.
 In terms of total EV stock, IEA (2018) estimates more than 30 lakhs cars, 3.7 lakh buses and around
25 cored
 two wheelers to be existing globally.
 The estimated numbers of global passenger electric vehicles sales for 2018.

5. Define key performance indicator.

 KPLs can be a useful tool to enable cities to measure their progress.
 The key indicators will help to understand how the city is performing in a holistic manner in terms
of EV update.
 The document "Evaluation Metrics" will provide a detailed discussion on the following
 KPIs and ways to measure and utilize them

6. Define global impact. Or What is the global impact of EV policy? Oct23

 The electric vehicles are better for environment. They emit fewer greenhouse gases and air pollutants
 petrol or diesel vehicles.
 Emissions are having a serious impact on the climate and environment. More and more CO2 is
entering the
 atmosphere, with the result that the earth is becoming warmer.

7. Define intelligent transportation system.

 Intelligent transportation system (ITS) is a combination of information and communication
 It is applied in transportation networks and infrastructure to facilitate vehicle to vehicle, vehicle to
charging station communication.
 This helps in enhancing safety, traffic managements and environmental performance.

8. Specify the important trends that will impact fleet electrification.

 Electric vehicles will grow from 0.7% of the global light duty vehicle (LDV) fleet in 2020 to
31% in 2050, reaching 672 million EVs, predicts the us Energy Information Administration

9. What is the need of EV policy?

 To improve air quality
 To reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
 For low cost
 To reduce overall negative environmental impact
 To enhance energy security
 To reduce air pollution
 To improve driving experience, etc.

10. What is the scope of AIS 039?

 This standard specifies the method for measurement of electrical energy consumption of Battery -
operated Vehicles (BoVs).


 This is also used to verify the performance of the vehicle with that declared by the manufacturer.
 The significant clauses under AIS 039 standard are organized below.
 Vehicle preparation
 Battery Test condition
 Battery Test procedure

11. What is EV eco system and its advantages

 They offering a steady source of electricity required for the EV eco system.
 It has a huge scope for upgradation and expansion for producing electric vehicles.
 It reduces overall pollution in addition in local air pollution.
The various advantages of EV ECO systems are,
 Eco-friendly
 No emission of toxic gases
 No smoke in environment
 Clean energy source
 Contributes healthy conditions
 Contributes green climate, etc., / Reduced air pollution
 No Co₂ emissions

12. Write about the protection against the electric shock

 In the event of an unexpected electric shock to anyone, the bystanders should immediately disconnect
the electricity supply from the place where he was struck.
 Appropriate safety procedures and first aid training should be provided to persons working in high
voltage plants
13. List the scope and applicability of EV policy.
 Vehicles, companies an charging infrastructure firms need to fulfil the FAME II guidelines issued
by ministry of heavy industry.
 Government of India as mandated and in order to be eligible for demand side incentives from the
state government.
 Charing infrastructure and its components should fulfil the guidelines and norms issued by ministry
power, government of india.

14. List the scope of AIS 038, AIS 039 & AIS 123.
 AIS – 038 = this standard specifies the requirements for the construction and functional safety of
battery operate vehicles for the purpose of establishing compliance to statutory requirements.
 AIS – 039 = this standard specifies the method of measurement of electrical energy consumption of
battery-operated vehicles. This also use to verify the performance of the vehicle will that declare by
the manufacturer.
 AIS – 123 = this standard lays own the requirements specific to vehicles retrofitted with hybrid
electric system of M1, M2 and N1 category of vehicles.


1. Explain the global scenario of EV adoption? Nov-22
2. Explain government of India electric mobility police frame work. Apr-22
3. Explain the need of EV policy.
4. Explain electric mobility in India.
5. Explain the of EV eco system with advantages. Apr-22, Oct23
6. Explain ARAI standards for electric vehicles.
7. Explain the trends and future development of electric vehicles.
8. Describe in brief about AIS- 038, 039 standards. Or explain different AIS standards?
9. Explain national electric mobility mission plan 2020.
10. Explain about AIS standards
11. Explain the trends and future development in Electric mobility? Oct23



Course Objective
To appreciate EV Policy Tamil Nadu 2019

5.1 T Tamil Nadu E-Vehicle Policy 2019

 The Tamil Nadu Government introduced to first-ever EV policy. "Tamil Nadu E-Vehicle Policy 2019, a
vision to attract Rs.50,000/- crores in investments and create 1.5 lakhs new jobs.
 The support measures announced includes 100% road tax exemption for
1. All type of EV's
2. Capital subsidies and
3. Reimbursement of state GST.
 The Tamil Nadu E- Vehicle policy 2019 aims for the following through faster adoption and manufacturing
of (Hybrid) electric vehicles in India (FAME India) phase II for the period of 3 years from 2019.
1. To encourage start-ups in EV sector.
2. Incubation services.
3. Mentoring support.
4. Common facilities.
5. To create EV venture capital fund.
6. Charging infrastructure.
7. 100% Exemption on electricity tax till December 2025, for manufacturing units.
8. 100% exemption on stamp duty for obtaining lend by sales or lease, up to December 2022.
9. Subsidy of 15% on cost to obtain land from SIPCOT, SIDCO, etc.
10. 50% subsidy for investments is southern districts.
11. 20% higher capital subsidy for EV battery manufacturing.
12. Amendment to building and construction laws for charging infrastructure etc.

5.1.1 Vehicle Population in Tamil Nadu

 Sustained economic development and expanding road network have led to rapid increase in the number of
motorized vehicles in Tamil Nadu.
 The total number of registered motor vehicles in Tamil Nadu has increased from about 3.21 lakhs in 1981 to
over 2.77 crores in 2019 recording a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.4%
 As on 31.3.2019 there were 12.7 lakhs transport vehicles and 2.64 crores non-transport vehicles flying in
Tamil Nadu
 As of 31.7.2019, Tamil Nadu accounts for 6.4% EV's fold in India. The projected total vehicle population
for the year 2030 is 9.8 crores of vehicles.

5.1.2 Objectives of EV Policy

The Broad objectives of EV policy are
1. To create robust infrastructure.
2. To promote innovation.
3. To create a pool of skilled workforce.
4. To make Tamil Nadu the preferred destination for EV's.
5. To create conductive environment for industry and research institutions to focus on EV technologies and
reap the benefit from the outcome.
6. To recycle and reuse used batteries.
7. To dispose the rejected batteries in environmentally friendly manner without pollution.

5.1.3 Policy Measures taken by Government of Tamil Nadu to encourage manufacturing and marketing EV –
 The government of Tamil Nadu focus on policy interventions intended to encourage EV manufacturing as
well as EV marketing in the state.


 The government of Tamil Nadu will focus on policy interventions intended to encourage EV manufacturing
as well as Ev marketing in the state.
Policy measures for cars & two-wheeler:
 Nearly 25 lakhs personal cars have been registered in Tamil Nadu so for nearly 85% of vehicle population
is two-wheeler.
 It enables fast charging through standard charging infrastructure.
 Policy measures of electric vehicles in share mobility.
 Within a span of 10 years the state will promote conversion of all auto rickshaws in six major cities of
Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Madurai, Salem and Tirunelveli to electric vehicles.

Policy measures for goods carrier:

 Small commercial vehicles used for delivering light loads will be encouraged to converted EVs.
 E-commerce and delivery components in Tamil Nadu will be encouraged to transition their vehicles to
EVs gradually.

Policy measures in educational institution

 There are nearly 32,000 buses, mini buses and vans run by educational institutions such as schools and
colleges in the state.
 These institutional vehicles will be encouraged to transition all their vehicles to EVs gradually.

Policy measures in public transport

 Around 21,000 public transport buses are operated by state transport undertakings in the state
 It will strive to replace 5% of buses as EV every year and around 1000 EV buses may be introduced
every year
 The various concessions will be offered for EV vehicle manufacturers including the manufacturers of
related items of EV vehicle.
1. Demand side incentives to promote EV manufacturing.
2. Supply side incentives to promote EV manufacturing. Demand side incentives to promote EV manufacturing.

a) Incentives for Purchase of Electric Two Wheelers
 100% road tax exemption will 30.12.2022. be provided till 30.12.2022
 Waiver on Registration charges/fees will be done as per Government of India's notification.

b) Incentives for Three-Seater Auto-Rickshaws

An Open Permit System will apply to approved e-Auto Per- mits to be issued. The list of approved e-autos will
be notified by the Department of Transport. The following further incentives will be offered
 Auto Rickshaw permit fees will be waived for e-autos till 30.12.2022.
 100% Road Tax exemption for e-autos till 30.12.2022
 Waiver on Registration charges/fees will be done as per Government of India's notification.

c) Incentives for Transport Vehicles such as Taxi, Tourist Cars, etc.

 Taxi permit fees will be waived for Electric Transport Vehicles till 30.12.2022. 100% Road Tax
exemption for all Electric Transport Vehicles till 30.12.2022.
 Waiver on Registration charges/ fees will be done as per Government of India's notification.
 State Transport Undertaking (STU's) will be provided with subsidy to enable purchase of EV buses.

d) Incentives for Light Goods Carriers (including Three Wheelers)

 There will be no requirement of permit for the three- wheeler goods, e-carriers as well as electric Light
Goods carrier.
 100% Road Tax exemption for all e-carriers registered till 30.12.2022.
 Waiver on Registration charges/fees will be done as per Government of India's notification.

e) Incentives for Private Cars

 Private car owners shall be encouraged to switch over to electric cars.


 Waiver on Registration charges/fees will be done as per Government of India's notification.
 Road tax exemption will be enhanced from 50% to 100% till 30.12.2022.

f) Incentives and Support for Charging Stations

 Adequate policy support will be provided for the development of charging infrastructure in cities and
other places.
 The State will invest in setting up charging stations, with the active participation of public sector units
including TANGEDCO and private players.
 The Government will develop schemes with appropriate capital subsidy to enable private operators to set
up public stations.
 Provision for charging stations will be made in commercial buildings such as hotels, shopping malls,
cinema halls, apartments, etc.
 The Government will take effort to set up 3*3 Grid charging stations in Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy,
Madurai, Salem and Tirunelveli.
 One charging station will be set up at 25 km intervals on both sides of NHAI and State Highways. Supply side incentives to promote EV manufacturing.

 The Government of Tamil Nadu offers attractive incentives to promote new industrial investments in the
state under the Tamil Nadu industrial policy.
 The manufacturer of electric vehicles, their auto components, particularly EV batteries will be provided a
special package of incentives.
 The condition of eligibility for availing incentives shall be that the units engaged in EV, their component or
charging infrastructure manufacture shall make investments above Rs.50 crore.
 The incentives will include the following:
a) Reimbursement of SGST
 100% of the SGST (State Goods and Service Tax) paid on the sale of EV's manufactured, sold and
registered for use in the state will be reimbursed to the manufacturing companies.
 The reimbursement will be given for sales by manufacturers effective till 31.12.2030.

b) Capital subsidy
 If the SGST reimbursement is not applicable, a capital subsidy of 15% will be given on eligible
investments over 10 years.
 The capital subsidy will be payable on eligible investments made in the state till 31.12.2025

c) Electricity tax exemption

 EV related and charging infrastructure manufacturing industries in the state will be provided 100%
exemption on electricity tax till 31.10.2025.

d) Stamp duty exemption

 EV related and charging infrastructure manufacturing industries in the state that obtain land by sale
or lease shall be entitled to 100% exemption on stamp duty for transaction till 31.12.2022.

e) Subsidy on cost of land

 EV related and charging infrastructure manufacturing industries in the state that obtain land from
SIPCOT, SIDCO or other Government agencies will be provided a 15% subsidy on the cost of land.
 If the investment is in southern districts 50% subsidy will be provided. This subsidy will be available
on allotments made till 31.12.2022. (SIPCOT - State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil
Nadu Ltd. SIDCO Small Industries Development Corporations)

f) Employment incentive
 EV related and charging infrastructure manufacturing units will be provided an employment
incentive in the form of the reimbursement of employer's contribution to the EPF for all new jobs
created till 31.12.2025.
 The incentive shall be paid for a period of one year shall not exceed Rs.48000 per employee.


g) Special package for EV battery manufacturing
 If the manufacturing units are engaged in EV battery manufacturing, the Government will provide
higher capital subsidy of 20% of the eligible investment over 20 years.
 The special package will be applicable for investments made till 31.12.2025.

h) Creation of EV parks and vendor ECO system

 The Government will develop exclusive EV parks in major auto manufacturing hubs and also in
areas which have potential to attract EV investments.
 These EV parks will be the creation of a vendor eco system that will serve OEMS. The Government
also promote logistic parks and free trade warehousing zone for better inventory management.
(OEMS Original Equipment Manufacturer) i) Special incentives for the MSME (Micro Small and
Medium Enterprises) sector
 An additional capital subsidy of 20% will be offered for capital subsidy under existing capital
subsidy scheme to MSME units that are engaged in E-vehicle component or charging infrastructure
 This incentive will be applicable for units that are set up till 31.12.2025.

j) Transition Support
 The existing automobile manufacturing companies will be provided a one-time re-skilling allowance
for every existing employee in the production line.

k) Institutional mechanism
 The incentives mentioned in clauses (a) - (f) above shall contribute the" EV special manufacturing
 It will be sanctioned to eligible industries by the Government based on the recommendation of the
Tamil Nadu Industrial Guidance and Export Promotion Bureau.
 All investment proposals under the EV sector will be provided the necessary facilitation through the
single window clearance facility.

5.2 Revision of Transport regulation of EV

 To distinguish the Electric vehicles (battery operated vehicles) from other vehicles, Registration mark
(vehicle number plate) shall be exhibited in
 Yellow color on a green background for transport vehicles
 White color on green background for all other EV's
 All the vehicles should fulfill conditions stipulated to register under central motor vehicle rule (CMVR)

5.3 City building codes

The various city building codes are,
 Amendment to building and construction laws will be made to ensure that charging infrastructure is
integrated at the planning stage itself for all new construction and apartments in cities.
 All existing apartment associations with 50+ families will be encouraged to provide charging points in
parking lots.
 Existing residential townships with 500+ families will be encouraged to install charging stations.
 At least 10% of parking space will be earmarked for EVs in commercial buildings such as hotels, shopping
malls, cinema halls, apartments etc. and charging stations will be set up in the earmarked space.

5.4 Capacity Building and Skilling

 Tamil Nadu has a good young demographic and skilled manpower in all trades which is critical to support
any industrial operations.
 The state will identify the nature and level of skills required by the EV industry to develop and execute
training programmes on EV design, development, & manufacturing through various channels.
 Higher education development will redesign the curriculum in engineering as well as polytechnic colleges
in electrical and electronics, ECE, ICE, mechanical and automobile courses to suit to the EV industry


requirements, including setting up of centres of excellence. Similarly, ITI curriculum will also be updated
 The TNSDC (Tamil Nadu skill Development Corporation), in- Ine with NSDC (National Skill Development
Corporation), provides skill training to required industries (EVs).
 It provides 1.Finishing skilling 2.Short term skilling, programmes to the existing technical person on EV,
based on the skill qualification.
 Here, this subject "E-vehicle technology and policy" is desired for ECE, EEE, mechanical, automobile and
ICE branches.

5.5 Charging structure

The charging structure is designed and implemented with the formation of high level committee, (steering committee)
to monitor the implementation of E vehicle.
1. The chief secretary, govt, of Tamil Nadu (chairman)
2. Committee members are,
 Additional chief secretary, Home dept
 Principal secretary, Transport dept Principal secretary, Finance dept
 Principal secretary, Energy dept
 Principal secretary, Highways dept
 Principal secretary, Industries dept Principal secretary, MA&WS dept
 The chairman, TANGEDCO
 The chairman, Transport dept
 MD & CEO, TN Industrial guidance Bureau
 Five experts from various fields pertaining to E-vehicles manufacturing, battery charging, etc.

5.5.1 Implementing Agencies: (Charging structure)

The various implementing agencies,
1) Industries Department - Nodal dept to implement manufacturing related incentives under EV policy of TN
2) Energy Department - To ensure that public and private charging stations are provided with all necessary
facilitations and incentives
3) Transport Department - Nodal dept for issuing guidelines to achieve other objectives of the policy.

5.6 R&D and Business Incubation in EV policy 2019 – Oct23

The various R&D and business incubation details are as follows,
A) Working group
B) Centre of excellence
C) Incubation centres
D) EV venture capital fund

A. Working group
 The Government of Tamil Nadu will constitute working groups for development of necessary
technologies from concept to market in the areas of drive technologies, Battery Charging Infrastructure
and Network Technologies, Charging Integration, standards and certification, Materials and Recycling,
Quality and Training, etc.

B. Centre of Excellence
 The State Government will partner with premier Technical Institutes and research establishments across
the state for establishing centres of excellence for conducting market focussed research on Battery
Technologies, Battery Management, EV motors and controllers.
 The State Government will seek industry participation and leverage with Government of India to provide
grant to these centres.
 Research programs in collaboration with EV industry with a focus on battery innovation will be
introduced in Engineering Colleges/Universities.


C. Incubation Centres
 The Government of Tamil Nadu will encourage start-ups in the E-Vehicle sector and will offer incubation
services to them in the form of office space, common facilities and mentoring support.

D. EV Venture Capital Fund:

 An EV Venture Capital fund will be created by the Government to offer financial support to EV start-
ups to enable them to scale up their business.

5.7 Re-cycling Eco system (Batteries and EV's):

 The Government will encourage the re-use of EV batteries that have reached the end of life and is setting up
recycling business in collaboration with battery and EV manufactures that focus on "Urban Mining" of rare
materials within the battery for re-use by battery manufactures.
 Charging Station Operators will be encouraged to operate as end-of life battery recycling agencies. Electrical
Vehicle owners can deposit their vehicle batteries that have reached their end of life.
 The Government of Tamil Nadu will invite battery recycling business to establish their presence in Tamil
 Appropriate protocols and investment subsides for setting up such a business shall be notified by the
Government of Tamil Nadu after consultation with stakeholders.
 OMES should take responsibility of recycling of old batteries and its components.

Explicate the Tamil Nādu E-Vehicle Policy 2019.


1. List the objectives of Tamil Nadu EV policy.

 Create a pool of skilled workforce for the EV industry through the technical institutions available in
Tamil Nadu and create new jobs in the EV industry.
 Create a conductive environment for industry and research institutions.
 Recycle and recuse the used batteries and dispose the rejected batteries in an environment friendly
manner to avoid pollution.

2. Explain the recycling eco-system of battery. Oct23

 The government will encourage the reuse of EV batteries that have reached its end of life.
 The recycling business is setup in collaboration with battery and EV manufacturers.
 It Focus on urban mining of rare materials within the battery for reuse by battery manufacturers.
Charging stations operations will be encourage to operate as end of life battery recycling agencies

3. Mention the demand side incentives for private cars.

 Private car owners shall encourage to switch over to electric cars
 Waiver on registration charges/fees will be done as per government of india’s notifications
 Road tax exemption will be enhance from 50% to 100% till 30.12.2022

4. Explain the recycling eco-system of EV’s. Nov-22, Apr-22

 The government will encourage the reuse of EV batteries that have reached its end oflife.
 The recycling business is setup in collaboration with battery and EV manufacturers.
 It Focus on urban mining of rare materials within the battery for reuse by batterymanufacturers.

5. Explain the city building codes.

 All existing apartments associations with more than 50 families will be encouraged toprovide
charging points in parking lots.
 Existing residentials townships with more than 500 families will be encourage to installcharging


6. Write a short note on charging structure.
 A high-level committee shall be formed to monitor the implementation of E-vehicle with Chief secretary,
government of Tamil Nadu as the chairman with the below mentioned committee members.
o Additional chief secretary, home department
o Principal secretary, transport department
o Principal secretary, finance department
7. Define policy measures of electric cars & two wheelers.
 Nearly 25 lakhs personal cars have been registered in Tamil Nadu so for nearly 85% of vehicle
population is two-wheeler. It enables fast charging through standard charging infrastructure.
8. What is the impact of the policy measures in the area of electric cars? Oct23
 Nearly 25 lakhs personal cars have been registered in Tamil Nadu so for nearly 85% of vehicle
population is two wheeler.
 There is a great potential for cars and two wheelers in the EV segment. The battery charging
requirements tor two wheeler segment is relatively low.
 It enables fast charging through standard charging infrastructure.
 The conversion to E-V will be encouraged through fiscal concessions and creation of charging
9. Define policy measures of electric vehicles in share mobility & goods carries.
 Shared mobility - Within a span of 10 years the state will promote conversion of all auto rickshaws in
six major cities of Chennai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Madurai, Salem and Tirunelveli to electric vehicles.
 Goods carrier: Small commercial vehicles use for delivering light loads will be encouraged to EVs. E-
commerce and delivery components in Tamil Nadu will be encouraged to transition their vehicles to
EVs gradually.
10. Define supply side incentives to promote EV manufacturing
 The condition of eligibility for availing incentives shall be that the units manage in EV, their components
or charging infrastructure manufacture shall make investments above 5 crores.
 The incentives will include the following
a) Reimbursement of SGST
b) Capital subsidy
c) Electricity tax exemption
d) Stamp duty exemption
11. Define business incubation.
 The government of Tamil Nadu will encourage start-ups E-vehicle sector.
 It will offer incubation services to them in the form of office spaces, common facilitiesand
monitoring support.
12. Mention the demand side Incentives for Private Cars
 Private car owners shall be encouraged to switch over to electric cars.
 Waiver on Registration charges/fees will be done as per Government of India's notification.
 Road tax exemption will be enhanced from 50% to 100% till 30.12.2022.


1. Explain the recycling eco-system of battery & EV’s Nov-22
2. Explain the need and objectives of EV policy. Apr-22
3. Explain the EV charging structure and its monitoring system? Apr-22
4. Explain the policy measures of Electric vehicle? Oct23.
5. Write a short note on demand side incentives.
6. Explain supply side incentives to promote EV manufacturing
7. Explain about EV in India and FAME India guidelines? Nov-22
8. Explain the initiative of research and development and business incubation in EV policy 2019? Oct23


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