Position Paper

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Jose Manuel E.



Topic: Is Nationalism an asset or hindrance in today’s globalized world?

Nationalism is based on a premise of someone’s loyalty, devotion and love for the
country over other things. It is based on the ideology that as a citizen of our country we
must put our loyalty and devotion for our country’s best interest. We are living in a world
divided by nations and is forced to deal with the impact of nationalism and its
imperfections. While globalization, according to the National Geographic Society, refers to
the effects of technological and trade advancement in our world and how it shapes the
relation between nations. It describes how good relationship between countries changes
the way nations, trades and people interact. Improvements of trades, markets and
technology have been evident thanks to globalization however Nationalism is not good for
globalization. Nationalism hinders globalization since it can sever relationship between
nations. This paper aims to present and identify why nationalism has a negative impact on
globalization and how it affects our globalized world.

Nationalism strengthens and unites citizens of a nation. It helps the people identify
with their culture. It promotes solidarity and peace within its communities. According to M.
Hjerm, Nationalism has existed for the last two centuries, and has continued its existence
among people and nations all around the globe. It exists mainly as an ideology, movement
and sentiment that draw its power to adapt and camouflage itself to different historical and
cultural aspects. Nationalism also fueled nations to fight back to its colonizers. These events
are well-known throughout history just like how nationalism influenced our countrymen to
stand against our colonizers.

Today, the effect of globalization minimizes the idea of nationalism. It is noticeable

especially in how the global crisis (COVID19) affected us in a global level and how the
nations addressed this crisis. The crisis has been considered as a wake-up call for
multilateralism. It shows how important is global cooperation and unity in fighting this
pandemic. The containment and counter to this pandemic requires cooperative, scientific,
transparent and coordinated response. The pandemic has shown how crucial multilateral
organizations such as World Health Organization, United Nations, and World Bank Group
are to our collective health, safety and wealth. The coordinated response made by the
countries and multilateral institutions shows how the absence of nationalism unites nations.

While Nationalism teaches us to put our country first, it has caused several
worldwide conflicts throughout our history. According to the book of James G. Kellas
entitled “The politics of nationalism and its ethnicity”, The importance of nationalism on
international relationship is recognized in the received wisdom that it has caused both
World War I and II. Much of the histories internationally are influenced by nationalism. It is
evident in Europe and how it forced break-ups between multinational empires like Russian,
Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires. Separation and declaration of independent
countries like how Norway was separated from Sweden and Ireland from Britain is also an
example of nationalism that has been documented throughout history. Nationalism has
greatly influenced formations of several states around the world. This is shown when third
world countries from Europe paved their way to freedom. Due to the formation, a new
European state system was created and after the collapse of communism. With eighteen
new states has been formed and added to the United Nations.

The effects of Nationalism in our own history, has also been evident and has caused
us to be colonized by Spain, Japan and America. Nationalism has influenced first-world
countries the idea to expand by taking over smaller third world nations. This aggressive style
nationalism influenced first-world countries with the mission to colonized smaller countries
making them their colonized state. These invasions have been well documented throughout
history not just in our country but also in our neighboring countries. The exploitation that
has been done to smaller countries was ignited by the sense of nationalism. It promotes
confidence within a nation that may lead to arrogance and inhumane behavior.

In conclusion, Nationalism hinders development between the relationships of

nations. Its existence may only instigate international conflicts that may cause resentment
between countries involved. As a globalized world, we must prioritize peace and unity
towards any country in the world for development globally will reach further grounds as we
tend to prioritize the stability of the international relations over own interest. Collaboration
of countries in adhering to global crisis is the first important step in fixing conflicts that has
been done by the incitement of nationalism. A notable historian Howard Zinn once said
“There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.” This quote
aims to teach us that there is no glory in choosing to indulge in our own interest with having
to exploit others just to gain it. As long as the nations in our globalized world aim to
prioritize the stability of their relationship with one another, further development of our
globalization will be evident making our globalized world peaceful and united.

James G. Kellas (1991). “Politics of Nationalism and Ethnicity”. Red Globe Press London, Chapter 10
pp. 189-208

Erin McDonald (2018). “International Relations on the Rise of Nationalism: Domestic Politics”
Retrieved from February 9, 2018 from https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-349-

Mikhail Hjerm (1998). “Reconstructing “Positive” Nationalism: Evidence from Norway and Sweden”.
Sociological Research Online. Chapter 4 pp. 23-27

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