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Directions: For each item, select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

Use capital
letters or large letters. Fill out your answer sheet with your response.

According to him the Earth is not flat, who was he?

A. Anaxagoras C. Pythagoras
B. Aristotle D. None of the above
Aristotle said that if you travel near the equator, which of the following becomes closer to the
A. Moon C. South Star
B. North Star D. Sun
Another term for universe?
A. Alpha C. Cosmos
B. Beta D. Gamma
The shape of the Earth is?
A. Perfect circle C. Oblate spheroid
B. Oblong D. Round
Which of the following statements show the difference between dispersion and scattering of
A. There is no difference between the two
B. Dispersion is when white light splits into its color composition while
scattering is the change in the direction of light rays from their straight
line motion.
C. Dispersion is the combination of two or more waves producing light while
scattering is the splitting of light to produce another light.
D. Dispersion is the splitting of light into two while scattering of light occurs
when a light passes through a slit which is smaller the wavelength of
Which of the following are sources of light?
A. 1 & III C. I, II & III
B. III & IV D. I, II & IV
Which of the following statements shows the difference between interference and diffraction?
A. There is no difference between the two
B. Interference is when the two waves from two different sources split
together while diffraction occurs when light passes through a medium.
C. Interference is the interaction of two lights which interfere with each
other forming light while diffraction is the splitting of spectrum to form
D. Interference is when the two waves from two different sources meet
together while diffraction occurs when light passes through an opening
which is smaller than the wavelength of light.
Which of the following are examples of scattering of light?
I. Tyndall effect
II. blue color of the sky
III. oil floating on water
IV. sky appears reddish in the evening
A. I and II only C. I, II & III
B. II & III only D. I, II & IV
Which of the following was observed by Anaxagoras to make his proposal about the Earth?
A. Disappearing of ships from the horizon
B. Lunar eclipse that shows the Earth’s shadow
C. The differences in length of shadows casted by sticks
D. The position of the North Star from the equator
Ancient people have observed that the moon changes its path and its appearance within a
period of how many days? W1-L1
A. 27.5 B. 29.5 C. 30 D. 31
Which of the following is the basis of the ancient calendars? W2-L1
A. Constellations B.Lunar Eclipse C. Phases of the moon D.Solar Eclipse

Which of the following pertains to the pattern of the stars?

A. Andromeda C. Galaxy
D. Constellations D. Milky way
Which of the following pertains to the apparent daily motion of stars and other celestial bodies
across the sky caused by Earth’s rotations about its axis?
A. Annual motion C. Eccentric motion
B. Diurnal motion D. Sundial motion

Inertia is the resistance an object has to a change in __________.

A. Density C. MotionB. Direction
What does Newton’s first law state?
A. A body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to
remain in motion at a constant acceleration unless acted on by a net
external force.
B. A body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to
remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted on by a net external
C. The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the
external force applied to the body.
D. The rate of change of momentum of a body is inversely proportional to
the external force applied to the body.
Photons are bundles of what kind of energy?
A. Electric C. Hydropower
B. Electromagnetic D. Nuclear
An object at _________ will stay at ________ unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
A. Top speed B. Home C. Peak D. Rest
An object that has more mass has _______ inertia.
A. Less B. More C. the same D. No
Objects in motion stay in motion in a straight line at a constant ______ unless acted
upon by an unbalanced force.
Why should you always wear your seat belt?
A. Inertia kills C. Speed kills
B. Mass kills D. Velocity kills
Which of the following phenomenon occurs when two waves from different sources
meet together?
A. Diffraction C. Interference
B. Dispersion D. Scattering
Which of the following pertains to the band of colors obtained from the dispersion of
A. Prism C. Spectrum
B. Rainbow D. Tyndall Effect
Which properties of light best describe the picture below?
A. Diffraction B. Dispersion C. Interference D.
Light behaves like both a particle and a _______.
A. Current B. Mass C. Wave D. Voltag
Hertz is a famous physicist mostly known for his discovery of what?
A. Electromagnetic Radiation C. Magnetism
B. Gravity D. Photons
What type of electromagnetic waves did Heinrich Hertz produce in his laboratory that would
shock the physics and communication world?
A. Gamma rays C. Ultraviolet rays
B. Radio Waves D. X – rays
Which of the following is NOT an example of an electromagnetic waves?
A. Infrared C. Microwave
B. Magnet D. Visible light
If something is accelerating, it means that it is _________.
A. Changing speed C. Not moving at a constant
B. Changing direction D. All of the above
Charlie is sitting inside a large truck that is moving at a constant velocity. If there is no way for
Rom to see or hear what is happening outside, would he know that the container van is
moving at all?
A. Yes, because he will feel the van moving
B. No, because he can’t see or hear
C. Yes, because he has been on a moving vehicle before and he knows how
it feels.
D. No, because the van is not changing speed and direction, therefore,
there is no acceleration.
She saw Jan standing inside a truck that is moving at a constant speed of 10m/s going to the
east. Jan took a ball and threw it 5m/s towards the east. What would be the speed of
the ball as perceived by Jan?
A. 5 m/s B. 10m/s C. 15m/s D. 20m/s
Which of the following pertains to the amount by which the measured time interval is greater
than the corresponding proper time interval?
A. time dilation C. time limitation
B. d. time parameter D. time interval
According to Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, laws of physics can be formulated based on
A. quantum state C. inertial frame of reference
B. non-inertial frame of reference D. all of the above
According to the Theory of Relativity, the speed of light in a vacuum is ______ for all observers?
A. different
B. the same
C. dependent on the motion of the source of light
D. dependent on the relative motion of the observer
The faster an object is moving in relation to an observer, the ______ it will appear to an
A. longer C. slower
B. shorter D. the same regardless of speed
Length contraction occurs because __________.
A. The laws of physics are dependent on their frame of reference.
B. Velocities are not the same in different frames of references.
C. Two events simultaneous in one frame of reference will always be
simultaneous in another frame.
D. Two events simultaneous in one frame of reference will not necessarily be
simultaneous in another frame.
What can you say about the total energy when the body is in motion compared to its rest
energy and its total mass?
A. The total energy of the body is lesser than its rest energy, and lesser than
its total mass.
B. The total energy of the body is equivalent to its rest energy, and lesser
than its total mass.
C. The total energy of the body is greater than its rest energy, and greater
than its total mass.
D. The total energy of the body is greater than its rest energy, and
equivalent its total mass.
What implication existed from the idea of mass-energy equivalence?
A. Mass can be out of energy.
B. Mass is not related to energy.
C. Mass is a different entity from energy.
D. Mass and energy are different variables.
Which is faster: the speed of created sound or the speed of light?
A. Light B. Sound C. Both A & B D.
None of these
It pertains to the distance the light travels in the course of a year which is also a measure of
both time and distance.A. Axis B. Celestial equator C. Light year D.
Which of the following is used in measuring of distances, positions, and motions of celestial
A. Astrometry C. Stoichometry
B. Spirometry D. Standard Candela
Which of the following pertains to the measure of its intrinsic brightness and is defined as the
amount of energy the object emits in a fixed time.
A. Gamma Rays B. Luminosity C. Photons D. Opacity
Why do scientists measure distance in light-years? Because…
A. it is convenient unit to measure large distance.
B. light year is shorter than other measurements.
C. it has been phased out by other units.
D. it is used for traveling purposes.
Which of the following best describes the universe?
A. It is the whole cosmic system of matter and energy of which earth is a
B. It is made up of the sun and all of the smaller objects that move around
C. Any large heavenly body that orbits a star
D. The planet in which we live
Approximately, how old is the universe?
A. 4.5 billion y/o C. C. 14 billion y/o
B. 5.5 billion y/o D. 15 billion y/o
What does Hubble’s law state?
A. It states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays
in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted
upon by an unbalanced force.
B. It states that there is a direct relationship between the speed of distant
galaxies and their distance from earth.
C. It states that every mass exerts a force of attraction on every other mass.
D. It states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
He argued that if the universe is finite, it should be collapsing on itself due to the
attractive force between objects within the universe.
A. Albert Einstein C. Heinrich Olbers
B. Edwin Hubble D. Isaac Newton
What did Edwin Hubble study in order to describe the universe?
A. Acceleration C. Relativity
B. Doppler Shift D. Law of Gravity
The equation that shows how fast bodies are moving away from earth.
A. Calculus C. General Relativity
B. Euler’s Equation D. Hubble’s Equation
If the earth is considered as moon, the Sun is ______ .
A. Planet B. Star C. Moon D. Comet
According to Newton’s first law, a body in motion tends to remain in motion at a constant
velocity. However, when you slide an object across a surface, the object eventually slows
down and stops. Why?
A. The object experiences a frictional force exerted by the surface, which
opposes its motion.
B. The object experiences the gravitational force exerted by Earth, which
opposes its motion.
C. The object experiences a pseudo-force from the body in motion, which
opposes its motion.
D. The object experiences an internal force exerted by the body itself, which
.According to him the Earth is not flat, who was he?
A. Anaxagoras C. Pythagoras
B. Aristotle D. None of the above
Aristotle said that if you travel near the equator, which of the following becomes closer to the
A. Moon C. South Star
B. North Star D. Sun
Another term for universe?
A. Alpha C. Cosmos
B. Beta D. Gamma
The shape of the Earth is?
A. Perfect circle C. Oblate spheroid
B. Oblong D. Round

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