Exam TLSB3123 2022

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According to Susan Brown, Xiufang Chen, Faten Baroudi, Esra Sevinc (2021),
reader response criticism can be related to the reader's crucial role in establishing
textual meaning Reader reaction differs from early text-based approaches seen in
New Criticism, as well as brain-based psychological viewpoints on reading, in
recognising the reader's crucial role. The theory holds that textual meaning is
created in the reader's mind in response to the text, and that each reader is
positioned in a unique way based on criteria such as ability, culture, gender, and
general experiences. Reader response, according to Tomkins' 1980 edited volume
Reader-Response Criticism: From Formalism to Post-structuralism, is not a term
associated with theorists whose work addresses the reader, the reading process,
and textual response, but rather a term associated with theorists whose work
addresses the reader, the reading process, and textual response.

This process is related to the role that is played by the reader when they are
reading the text. Each audience will have their own reaction when they are trying to
figuring out the meaning. This statement is related to the types of readers which are
implied and actual readers. According to abduddayaanfirfirey (2017), implied reader
is related to the hypothetical character who is likely to understand the majority of
what the author meant." (2017, Iser) When an author writes a book or an article, they
do so with the expectation that specific readers, referred to as the implied reader, will
comprehend or enjoy the metaphors and ironies used by the author. (2017, Iser)
While, actual reader is about how one finds it difficult to enjoy it since the book is
either too complex or the author's metaphors and ironies are beyond them. (2017,

Therefore, there are other essential roles that can be played by the readers which
are the role of an active audience. This role will be played by the readers when they
are writing the response as they are reading the literary text by the author. There are
several components that are related to the topic which are how the readers identify
meaning of texts, explaining as well as defending opinion. This can be seen as I am
reading the literary text made by Susan Glaspell, “A Jury of Her Peers”.

Through the text, it can be seen that the women that are portrayed by the author
are the victims of the men. It is because in most of the paragraph, the women have
been in the tough and tight situation for them to deals with it. It is because this is the
response that I can get within the earlier phase of the story. The statement is made
through the above statements that show the struggle that the women experience.
For example, according to Susan Glaspell Cook (1918), Martha Hale hate to see
things left untidy in the kitchen but she has to see her husband as her husband
shouts her name loudly which left her to stop everything she is doing at the moment.
She does not have the chance to finish her work since her husband shouted her
name. This makes her struggle in other things as well.


There are several components when the author is writing a poem and some of
them are repetition, symbolism and personification. Repetition, according to Sean
Glatch (2021), is a word or phrase that appears several times in a writing to
emphasise an emotion or idea. It may seem contradictory to repeat, repeat, repeat,
but repetition of words and phrases has significant effects in writing when used
effectively. Symbolism is a literary device that uses symbols, such as words,
persons, marks, locations, or abstract ideas, to signify something other than the
literal meaning, according to Masterclass Staff (2021). Personification, according to
Kyle Deguzman (2021), can be used to a wide range of topics and literary forms,
including poetry and screenwriting. However, all definitions of personification are the
same. This writing method can enrich description and inject emotions in unexpected
ways, as well as being a brilliant way to bring inanimate objects to life. The writer
have used these three components in the writing to arouse the readers’ sympathy
towards the mother and son.

In the second and third stanzas, for example, the author uses repetition. The
author's urgency to portray the state of the situation may be seen in the lyric "There's
nothing in the house." Anaphora is a term used to describe the repetition of words in
a verse. The repeating line demonstrates the true deplorable state of the home in
which both mother and daughter resided. In the fourth stanza, there's some more
repetition. "Fall" is a word that keeps coming up. The author uses the word several
times since it is linked to the family's situation, which is akin to how nature itself is
After that, there's symbolism. The sixteenth stanza demonstrates this. The "harp
with a woman's head" is the symbolism. The statement becomes a significant
symbolism in the text since it refers to a woman's nature as a caring mother and a
skilled musician. In the conclusion, the harp takes on a new role as a sustenance
instrument. The mother didn't have anything to weave with before she got the harp,
but it allowed her to make garments for her son. Furthermore, the phrase "A light
falling on her" in the eighth verse is a symbolic, since the "light" gleaming around the
mother's head is a symbol of heavenly grace. The author aims to emphasise that
God is always available for those who seek him via the use of the light.

Finally, there's personification. The fourth stanza, "Makes your mother's blood
crawl," exemplifies this. The word "blood" might be viewed as a personification
because it is personified by the author, as well as a representation of the mother's
helplessness in supporting her son. The phrase "a wind with a wolf's head, howled at
our door" in the fourteenth stanza is also a personification because the wind has a
feature like a wolf to produce a sound in front of the family's door house since the
wind would not make a sound otherwise.


According to Frederick C. Crews (2014), literary criticism is defined as the

application of reasoning to a literary text, which might be specific or general. Literary
criticism is frequently seen as a method of determining meaning and evaluating
quality. Feminism criticism, reader-response criticism, and post-colonial criticism are
the four distinct ideas of literary criticism. The criticism of feminism will be the topic of
this text. Feminist critique, according to Linda Napikoski (2020), is literary criticism
informed by feminism, feminist philosophy, and feminist politics. Susan Glaspell's "A
Jury of Her Peers" will be the text I'll be evaluating.

A murder inquiry in rural Dickson County is the subject of "A Jury of Her Peers."
Glaspell delves into early twentieth-century gender norms, the implications of
isolation on people's emotional and mental health, and neighbours' obligations to aid
one another. Glaspell dives into early twentieth-century gender standards, the
influence of isolation on people's emotional and mental health, and neighbours'
responsibilities to help one another. Glaspell also addresses the misogyny of the
time, as well as the prejudices that come with the belief that women's proper and
only place is in the kitchen. The story also highlights a number of difficulties, which
are female enslavement and women social oppression.

Enslavement of women is the first issue. Female writers commonly meet the issue
of enslavement in literary texts, thus it's a popular theme among them. Slavery is not
something any woman wants to go through, yet it is a cruel reality that persists
around the world. There are various historical examples of female enslavement, the
most of which have been chronicled in texts. According to Shreya Deora (2014),
women's status in China is exceedingly low, and some are forced to follow Chinese
rituals like foot-binding to achieve lotus feet, which may leave them partially
paralysed because their feet are abnormal in comparison to others.

The fifth paragraph of the short narrative contains an illustration of this. Mrs Hale
was struck by Mrs Peters' portrayal of herself as a sheriff's wife in the paragraph.
Mrs Peters, she claims, is a frail, frail-looking woman with a weak voice. Being out of
place in society has become a major problem, particularly for women. They are
entitled to their own identity. Because they are not designed to be managed
according to human standards, their physical appearance and attributes must not be
a concern. Meghan Ott (2017) claims that a woman's freedom to freely join the
community without fear of violence is one of the things that has to be improved in
order to improve women's reputation and standing.

Women's social oppression, in my opinion, is related to the problem of female

subjection outlined above. Women are subjected to social oppression in a variety of
ways. Their freedom, voice, and rights are only a few examples. Women have
several obstacles as a result of their inability to express themselves in an
appropriate media, according to Politico Magazine (2019). Gender inequality and
sexism are two key obstacles to oppression. According to the Institute for Intergroup
Understanding, women are frequently abused throughout the country (2017).
Women regularly lost their rights to work in positions that allowed them to earn both
their freedom and money. The bulk of the time, it's because the guys at the top of a
hierarchy are exhibiting their power.

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