91 (100) Revised Moga Enhancement

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Projects for Beneficiary led Construction (Enhancement) 7D

1 Name of the State Punjab

2 Name of the City Moga
Beneficiary-Led Individual House Enhancement under
3 Project Name Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana for 91 Dwelling Units
MC Moga @ 91 Locations in MC Moga.
4 Project Code* 03837060024N0
5 State Level Nodal Agency Department of Local Govt. Punjab
6 Implementing Agency / ULB Municipal Corporation Moga
Date of approval by State Level
7 Sanctioning & Monitoring Committee
If slum,
If Y, 1 if
whether it
notified, 2
No. of Whether gets
Name of if
benefic Slum completel
Location recognise
8 No. of locations covered in the project iaries (Y/N) y
d and 3 if
ed Y/N
91 N NA NA
9 Project Cost (Rs. In Lakhs)
No. of beneficiaries covered in the Gen SC ST OBC Total nor
10 Disa
project ity
14 52 12 13 91 0 0
No. of Houses constructed/acquired, Male( Transgend
Joint(1) Female(2)
11 please specify ownership of the land? 3) er(4)
(Yes/No) 0 33 58 0
Male(01) Female(02) Transgender(03)
12 No. of Beneficiaries covered in project
58 33 0
One One
One One
One Room Room+
13 No. of beneficiaries covered in project Room
Kitchen + Bath
Toilet Kitchen
i) Number of Beneficiaries 7 64 1 8 11 91
ii)GoI Grant required(Rs. in lakhs) 4.970 66.560 0.880 7.280 11.880 91.57
iii)State grant,if any(Rs. In Lakhs) 0 0 0 0 0 0
iv) ULB grant,if any(Rs. In Lakhs) 0 0 0 0 0 0
v)Beneficiaries share, if any (Rs. In 0 0 0 0 0 0
vi) Total (Rs. In Lakhs) 4.970 66.560 0.880 7.280 11.880 91.57
Whether it has been ensured that
14 selected beneficiaries have rightful Yes
ownership of the land
Whether Beneficiaries have been
15 selected as per PMAY guidelines ? Yes
Whether building plan for all houses
16 Yes
have been approved
Whether technical specification/
design for housing have been ensured
17 Yes
as per Indian Standards /NBC / State
Whether the structural safety of the
18 exiting house ensured by the ULB? Yes
Whether trunk and line infrastructure
is existing or being provisioned
i) Water Supply (Yes/No) Yes
ii) Sewerage (Yes/No) In Progress
iii) Road (Yes/No) Yes

19 iv) Storm Water Drain (Yes/No) No

v) External Electrification (Yes/No) Yes
vi) Solid Waste Management
In Progress
vii) Any Other, Specify -
viii) In case, any infrastructure has not
been proposed, reasons thereof
Whether disaster (Earthquake, Flood,
Cyclone, Landslide, etc.) resistant
20 Yes
features have been adopted in concept,
design and implementation?
Whether Demand Survey completed
21 Yes
for entire city?
Whether city-wide integrated project
22 have been formulated? If not, reasons Yes
Whether validation with SECC data
23 In Progress
for housing conditions conducted?
Whether Direct Benefit Transfer
(DBT) of fund to individual bank
24 Yes
account of beneficiary ensured in the
25 Whether there is provision in DPR for Yes
tracking/monitoring the progress of
individual houses through geo-tagged
Whether any innovative/ cost effective
26 /Green technology adopted in the No
Comments of SLAC after techno
27 Yes
economic appraisal of DPR
The project is Beneficiary-Led Individual House
Brief of project, including any other
Enhancement under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. The
28 information ULB/State would like to
project consists of construction of 91 Dwelling Units @
91 Locations in MC Moga.
Whether the enhancement proposed
29 for each house is more than 9 sqmt Yes
area ?( Yes/No)
Whether total carpet area of each
house after enhancement is not less Yes
than 21 sqmt and not more than 30
sqmt ?(Yes/No)

*State will give code number to each project sanctioned under HFA as ‘ABCDEFGHIJKLM’
(Where, ‘AB’ is State Code as per census, ‘CDEFGH’ is City Code as per census, ‘IJ’ is running
number of project of the city and ‘K’ is project component code i.e. ‘K’ will be 1 – for In-situ
slum development, 2 – for Relocation, 3 – for AHP and 4 – for Beneficiary Led Construction or
enhancement, ‘L’ will be N – for new, R – for Revised, ‘M’ will be running number which will 0
for new and 1 and so on for revisions.
It is herby confirmed that State/UT and ULB have checked all the beneficiaries as per guidelines
of HFA. It is also submitted that no beneficiary has been selected for more than one benefit under
the Mission including Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) component of the Mission.

Signature Signature
(State Level Nodal Officer) (Principal Secretary)

(EO/Commissioner of ULB)

It is certified that this DPR has been prepared after verifying the credentials of each and every
beneficiary after the initial verification done by ULB.

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