Remedial Plan

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan

STUDENTS’ ATTAINMENT, PROGRESS AND LEARNING SKILLS (PS1) (1.1 and 1.2 Attainment & Progress, 1.3 Learning Skills)
- Maintain Outstanding Attainment and Progress in Phase 1 for English Primary. English Department
- Maintain Very Good Attainment and raise Progress to Outstanding in Phase 2 for English Primary.
- Promote creativity and critical thinking by increasing opportunities for students to conduct research and lead learning.
- Develop in-depth learning skills and the ability of students to communicate their learning effectively. The Targeted Students: 9G1, 10G1, 10G2, 10G3,
- Enhance reading skills of students across Primary.
10G4. This plan targets all the students who

scored F, D, or C.

Prioritised Objectives Actions Time Frame Resources Success Criteria Monitoring & Comments

 Increase opportunities for independent research Ongoing and  A large majority of students achieve stanine 6 English HOD/ SID, End of year data is
through enquiry based learning and evaluated and above in PTE across school. HOKS and SLT secure, ongoing
 To raise English
communication of learning by the students. monthly Time for PD/  Most students in Phase 2 make better than monitor and review lesson observation
attainment and Modelling by expected progress from their starting point in provision (lesson data is being
progress in outstanding English lessons and overtime. observation, Book evaluated.
Phase 2 to  Increase opportunities for creativity. practitioners as look, SOW, lesson
Outstanding. needed by  Most students will effectively conduct and plans, data) with
department /year present research across curriculum with prompt action
 Build rigour in verbal reasoning and critical group. understanding of real life application making  Student led
thinking in English. connections between areas of learning. learning lessons
 Project based
Six weekly Reviewed SOW,  Most students will develop characters, settings research tasks in
 Develop reading skills and celebration of reading Review Rubrics, Student and descriptions across genres of story writing AIM HIGH
IEP, ILP sheet, using varied language features and figurative  Opportunities for
Data Analysis. language. creative writing
via competitions
 A large majority of students will confidently be for eg. Collins
Time for lesson able to identify the difference in a wide range of Big Cat, Emirates
observations and texts, locate information and draw inferences from Literature
feedback. the text, using independent strategies to ensure Festival and in
full understanding. lessons
 Verbal reasoning
and rigor
through in class
Team teaching
and FLN and HL
Moderation time  Most students perform according to their tasks.
and networking potential in both internal and external
across phases in assessments.
data, Internal
 Embed robust AFL strategies with teachers school and other
data and  Readers
rigorously monitoring all students’ progress schools.
monitoring recognized and
while assessing the depth of their understanding sheets. celebrated in class
and students becoming responsible and ▪ Most students achieve above curriculum and in the library
independent learners. standards in English and most students make has led to positive
better than expected progress from their impact on student

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan
starting points.

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan

Foundation Stage
 To further enhance reading with comprehension
(FS1 and FS2): for both independent reading and guided reading. Ongoing and Time for
 To maintain six weekly PD/Modelling by
English  To further enhance speaking skills and ability to evaluation. outstanding
attainment and communicate fluently to develop mastery in practitioners as
progress in needed by the dept.  Most students perform according to their
Phase 2 to Gaps identified:
potential in both internal and external
assessments. Internal Attainment
Outstanding. Reviewed SOW, and External
 Show and tell to encourage speaking skills Rubrics, Student examination data
incorporated into the TT with a daily focus IEPs, ILP sheet, trends are improving
 Modified SOW Data Analysis for all year groups.
 Guided reading with PD for teachers
 Creative writing tasks
Samples of
student-work and  Most students perform according to their
self- and peer- potential in both internal and external
KS 1 : Year 9 and 10 Year 9: marked rubrics.
Consistent and regular
 To raise English Show and tell
attainment and Gaps identified: Personalized conducted in FS1 and
progress to  Daily reading with a set focus. lesson plans FS2 to promote
 Phonic knowledge and skills, spelling. speaking skills.
 Modified SOWs to accommodate phonic skills
Lesson ▪ Most students achieve above curriculum
 Dedicated phonics lessons to enhance students’ Reading PD conducted
Year 9: To effectively observation logs, standards in English and most students make for teachers with
ability to identify and blend phonic sounds and lesson observation,
analyse and use better than expected progress from their starting resources shared for
decode words. and feedback points. creative guided reading
internal data to  Spelling review conducted on a weekly basis.
with positive impact on
identify strengths and  Read books both silently and aloud – guided as outcomes.
gaps to inform well as independently. Internal
planning.  Attractive reading zones in the class. assessments  Most students perform according to their
potential in both internal and external
Learning walks assessments.
To further enhance phonic skills and
Year 10: spelling with in class and HL activities:
Home learning
To effectively analyse  Early intervention involving all stakeholders
and use internal data  Spelling lists
to identify strengths  A dedicated volume on Phonics published with
phonics exercises and vocabulary words and
and gaps to inform
sample tests
planning.  Reading and comprehension based tasks/
 Project based activities
 Links to real life learning Incorporated in Home
learning and in lessons
leading to improved
student outcomes.

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan

Year 10:

Gaps identified:
 Daily reading with a set focus.
 Phonic knowledge and skills, spelling.
 Modified SOWs to accommodate phonic skills
 Dedicated phonics lessons to enhance students’
 Internal ability to identify and blend phonic Internal Attainment
Assessments: sounds and decode words. and External
https://www.tes  A large majority of students will confidently be examination data
To use external  Spelling review conducted on a weekly basis.
able to identify the difference in a wide range of trends are improving
benchmark (CAT4,  Read books both silently and aloud – guided .com/teaching-
texts, locate information and draw inferences from for all year groups.
PTE) data to inform as well as independently. resource/year-3- the text, and identify language features.
planning and  Attractive reading zones in the class. reading-
implementation to comprehension-
maximise potential. To further enhance phonic skills and spelling 6445126
with in‐class and HL activities:
To further enhance phonic skills and spelling:
 Early intervention involving all stakeholders Special phonics classes
 Spelling lists included with good
Benchmark  Phonics exercises and vocabulary words impact. HL tasks
assessments: (PTE/  Reading and comprehension based tasks/ aligned with phonics
CAT4/ PIRLS) questions and spellings leading to
improved student
 Project based activities
 Links to real life learning

Year 9:
We are very pleased that :
 To analyse and  Student performance has improved in all
use PTE data parameters.
 Student performance exceeds the
effectively to standardization average.
identify strengths  The previous year's gap in reading
and gaps for comprehension was catered to successfully
planning. leading to improvement in this year.

Gaps identified based on PTE results:

To continue to develop and reinforce the skills of
SPAG, reading and inference.

 Modified SOW to include both narrative and

non-narrative reading passages.
 Daily reading with a set focus.
 In lessons, strategies included to develop better SOW modified to
comprehension of reading passages. include a range of
 Weekly spelling review. narrative and non
 Revision plans narrative passages.

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan

NAP focused Home Learning (HL)

To further enhance research and communication
skills, critical analysis of texts, verbal reasoning and
 Spelling lists
 Reading and comprehension based tasks/
 Individualised/ modified HL for SEND and
Talented students https://www.eve
Year 10:  Project based activities
 To analyse and  Links to real life learning nglish-key-
use PTE data
 Public speaking topics with students stage-2-
presenting in class comprehension-
effectively to  Research led tasks with students presenting to
3.html  A large majority of students will be able to
identify strengths their cohort in a variety of ways.
https://www.tes.c derive and infer information independently and
and gaps for accurately from the text, summarising to decode
We are very pleased that : om/teaching‐
planning. main ideas.
 Student performance exceeds the resource/reading‐
standardization average. comprehension‐
 The previous year's gap in reading
comprehension was catered to successfully
leading to improvement in this year. 6440542
 Student performance has improved in
retrieval and inference. https://www.tes.c
Gaps identified based on PTE results:
SPAG and authorial technique
 Revision plans catering to SPAG and authorial comprehension‐
technique. english‐11917829
 Modified SOW to include both narrative and
non-narrative reading passages.
 Daily reading with a set focus.
 In lessons, strategies included to develop better https://kemsley.k
Revision plans
comprehension of reading passages. catering to gaps
 Weekly spelling lists and reviews ress/wp‐ identified have led to
 In lessons, questioning during mid-plenary and content/uploads/ better student
plenary to enhance inferential thinking. Reading‐ outcomes in the
 In lessons, strategies included to develop better formative
inferencing from the given passage or books read Retrieval.docx
 Book clubs, author visits and reading ambassadors
to promote the love for reading.
 Guided reading in library sessions.
 Encourage participation in book fairs, story
writing competitions, for eg, the Emirates Lit Fest.


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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan
NAP focused Home Learning (HL) ing‐structures‐for‐
To further enhance research and communication reading.html
skills, critical analysis of texts, verbal reasoning and
 Spelling lists and grammar focus
 Reading and comprehension based tasks/
 Individualised/ modified HL for SEND and
Talented students  A large majority of students will be able to
 Project based activities retrieve and collate ideas and information from a
 Links to real life learning range of texts. They will be able to discuss the
 Public speaking topics with students difference between literal and figurative
presenting in class https://www.erea language. They will be able to read longer texts,
 Research led tasks with students presenting to dingworksheets.c using independent strategies to ensure full
their cohort. understanding.
Year 9: om/free‐reading‐
 To analyse and worksheets/readi
use PTE data ng‐
effectively to comprehension‐
identify We are very pleased that : worksheets/
strengths and  Student performance exceeds the
gaps for standardization average.
 The previous year's gap in reading
planning. comprehension - narrative was catered to
successfully leading to improvement in this
 Student performance has improved in
 Student performance has improved in
Gaps identified based on PTE results: comprehension‐
Gap in grammar and punctuation and complex year‐5‐year‐6‐
inference – authorial techniques.
 Revision plans catering to SPAG,
comprehension and authorial techniques. Revision plans
 In lessons, explore the meaning of words in catering to gaps
context and idiomatic and figurative language identified have led to
 In home assignments and in lessons, retrieve, better student
record and present information from non- fiction. outcomes in the
 Discussion on books read. formative
 Encourage participation in Debate and MUN assessments.
 Vocabulary building

NAP focused Home Learning (HL)

To further enhance research and communication
skills, critical analysis of texts, verbal reasoning and
 Spelling lists and grammar focus

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan
 Reading and comprehension based tasks/ https://www.briti
 Individualised/ modified HL for SEND and
Talented students ish/courses‐
 Project based activities children/resource
 Links to real life learning s/critical‐thinking
 Public speaking topics with students HOD, SID, subject
presenting in class https://www.tes.c planners, all
Research led tasks with students presenting to teachers
their cohort in a variety of ways.
 resource/higher‐
We are very pleased that :
 Student performance exceeds the 6429467
standardization average.
Year 10:  The previous year's gap in reading
 To analyse and use comprehension was catered to successfully  A large majority of students will be able to
PTE data effectively leading to improvement in this year. strengthen inferential understanding of events,
to identify strengths  The previous year's gap in simple and complex ideas and themes in a wide range of texts. They
and gaps for inference was catered to successfully leading to will be able to make inferences to explain
planning. improvement in this year. relationships between intentions, actions, events,
feelings, and give text-based evidences to
explain their inferences.
Gaps identified based on PTE results:
Gap in spelling, grammar and punctuation.
 Revision plans catering to SPAG.
 In lessons, explore the meaning of words in
context and idiomatic and figurative language
 In home assignments and in lessons, retrieve,
record and present information from non- fiction.
 Discussion on books read. Revision plans
 Encourage participation in Debate and MUN catering to gaps
clubs. English HOD/ SID, identified have led to
 Vocabulary building. HOKS and better student
SLT, monitor and outcomes in the
NAP focused Home Learning (HL) review provision formative
To further enhance research and communication assessments.
skills, critical analysis of texts, verbal reasoning and
 Spelling lists and grammar focus
 Reading and comprehension based tasks/
 Individualised/ modified HL for SEND and
Talented students
 Project based activities
 Links to real life learning
 Public speaking topics with students
presenting in class.
 Research led tasks with students presenting to
their cohort.

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan
 Use the analysis to identify and provide
appropriate challenge to support high achievers
and Gifted (CAT4 score of >125) and Talented
with a TLP; supporting parents with strategies to
be worked on at home.
 Vocabulary and spelling lists in home learning
and spelling tests.
 Challenge questions in lessons to hone critical  Most students across all phases have secure
thinking skills and use of AFL strategies. knowledge of their starting points through
CAT4: Increase  Questions posing a higher challenge to regular self-marking using rubrics and reflection
Verbal reasoning identified talented students and gifted of their own PTE and CAT4 results along with
achievers. internal school assessments.
 Provide support to identified SEND students.
 Involving parents to support the intervention
 To analyse and groups, daily reading during registration time.
continue to  Bridge the performance gap between girls and
effectively use the boys with early intervention and follow-up.
CAT4 data to identify  To use the battery (verbal, quantitative, non-
groups and provide verbal and spatial) scores to plan appropriate
early intervention. activities in line with the implications suggested,
for eg, use graphic organizers or mindmaps for
students with an extreme spatial bias, using
images and videos for students who are visual
learners, catering to verbal deficit.

Gaps identified based on PIRLS results:  A large majority of students develop strong
PIRLS:  Reading relatively complex literary and reading skills through focussed, independent daily Low achievers wiil
informative texts. reading in a range of situations and a variety of make increased
text. They will be able to find information, make progress, narrowing
 Reading a range of fiction and non-fiction texts plausible predictions and establish meaning gaps in the
 To enhance using a variety of resources such as novels, during lessons as per their age and abilities. They assessments.
learning skills fictional books, newspapers, journals biographies, will be able to identify, interpret, justify and
consistently in autobiographies, brochures, leaflets and elaborate on opinions. They will be able to High achievers and
English magazines. critically think, explain and enhance analytical gifted and talented
skills. students to show
better progress.
 Improve effective communication skills of  A large majority of students demonstrate strong
students by giving them an opportunity to lead independent learning skills with sustained
learning. responsibility to apply their learning to real life In process of ensuring,
and make connections between areas of learning all teachers have one to
 Strengthen students’ learning skills through: for deeper meaningful learning. one counselling with
independent research and enquiry based learning each child of end of
with sustained responsibility and ensure most  Some students will express their learning by year PTE scores and
students have secure knowledge of their starting speaking confidently and fluently through use of new CAT4 scores.
points and diligently work to ensure better than powerful vocabulary through lessons they lead.
expected progress.

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan
Improve the QUALITY OF TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT (PS3) (3.1 Teaching for effective learning, 3.2 Assessment) Leader: Head of Department - English
- Ensure lessons flow at a pace that allows all activities to be concluded and students’ understanding to be
fully assessed and consolidated.
- Improve the accuracy of assessments of higher levels of learning especially in FS.
Prioritised Objectives Actions Time Frame Resources Success Criteria Monitoring & Comments
Improve the consistency of  Ensure FS teachers skilfully look for learning, Ongoing and IPPs and termly reviews.  Most teachers in Phase 1 HODS and HOKS  Rigorous PD for all staff
teaching and assessments question and challenge to build and assess depth of evaluated monthly Modelling, Peer and and large majority in SLT, LAB members by VP and MLs on
across school through: observation, team phase 2 effectively monitor and review effective use of data for
students’ understanding and provide appropriate next personalisation.
 Effective use of time and step and targets. teaching, lesson consolidate learning provision (lesson
 Impact to be monitored
resources in lesson to  Ensure teachers adjust teaching strategies and pace of observations, Book look. through time bound observation, Book rigorously on an ongoing
maximise learning. lessons to skilfully elicit, consolidate depth of activities and highly look, SOW, lesson basis right from in lesson
 Impactful AFL and use of students understanding and maximise learning for all effective AfL. plans, data) termly progress for all learners to
data for personalisation groups of students within the appropriate time frame Regular and rigorous  Most teachers in Phase 1 with prompt action. progress made overtime
and a large majority of from baseline.
leading to adjustment of in lessons. data analysis.
them in Phase 2 confidently SENDCo, HODs,  Learning outcomes
teaching strategies to ensure  Ensure most lessons are planned and resourced expectation reviewed to
students of all abilities make Six weekly PD and sharing best and consistently deliver HOKS and SLT
appropriately based on accurate use of data and as lessons with enhanced
ensure greater and
the best possible progress. Review practices on effective monitor the provision differentiated challenge
well as AFL opportunities to identify and seek personalisation and
 Embed students’ mastery personalisation and through lesson for all learners by HODs.
learning and extend it from their starting points. challenge based on
skills to enable them to appropriate challenge. observations, Book  All NAP sheets in
securely attain above
 In a large majority of lessons, teachers skilfully effective use of all data looks, personalised notebooks completed by
question and challenge to build and assess depth of Student notebook work enabling excellent progress lesson plans, IEPs - 10th October 2019 with
curriculum standards. students identifying their
students’ understanding and provide appropriate next samples, peer- and self- for all groups of students with prompt action.
 Accurately assess the strengths and areas of
step and targets along with checks to see that this marked rubric samples. from their starting point.
depth of students development and strategies
guidance is acted upon.  All teachers made progress
learning. to achieve set target.
 Embed students’ mastery skills through scaffolded IEPs, ALPs, TLPs, ILPs. and achieved their targets HODs, HOKS, DHOS  Expectation shared of all
reflection and discussion time in identified in IPP and rigorous and VP to accurately PMs and SMs to be
Lesson observations, support in place. identify and accompanied by targets
lessons with varied opportunities for students to learning walks.  All groups of students make monitor the aligned to rubrics.
visible learning gains in a provision for G&T Monitoring ongoing.
effectively communicate their learning with  Greater frequency and
large majority of lessons through lesson
reasoned arguments. Annotated personalised rigour in observations by
due to personalised support observations, Book
 Further embed consistency of higher standards of lessons plans and MLs and specific
and stretched challenge to looks, personalised outstanding practices
teaching across all phases by sharing of best practices differentiated resources maximise their potential lesson plans, ALPs, observed and shared with
across subjects and phases through rigorous and evaluation of across all phases. TLPs- with prompt all staff.
monitoring and ensuring accurate judgements of trackers/class stories.  All Talented and Gifted action.  IPPs in place for
teaching proficiency. Ensure effective and students identified with identified teachers and
personalised PD for identified teachers from FS to rigorous and effective use rigorous monitoring
Monthly review of Monitoring and review ongoing.
Year 6 including on reading assessment and rigorous Attainment and of data and lesson of data six weekly by  EOY data on progress and
tracking of their progress to raise teaching standards. progress. observations.
Ensure consistency in provision for all groups of HOKS AND HODS attainment is triangulated
 Almost all Talented and with all assessment data
students Gifted students are and termly by SLT.
available and pleased with
including SEND, Talented and Gifted students across effectively engaged and the high value addition in
Dedicated PD for FS
subjects and phases in lessons. challenged in lessons and most subjects in
team with identified comparison to CAT4, PT
 Ensure accuracy of assessments of higher levels of focus. and internal assessment.
learning for FS.
 Embed systems to share outstanding high
quality teaching of English to build consistency in
high standards of T&L. Regular practices across
all subjects to share outstanding learning in

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan
lessons (videos, work samples, peer make progress from their  Whole staff departmental
observations). PD on GL data including starting points. as well as individually
personalised PD support for
 Team teaching and moderation practices for FS1 understanding the
Afl in place. Impact
and FS2. implications of a verbal reviewed on an ongoing
 Share outstanding practices from Year 1 and 2 deficit or surfeit. basis.
teachers.  Clarity on expectations and
 Peer observations and team teaching in Year 9 PD on Reading based on rigour in quality assurance
the Balanced Reader and differentiated
and Year 10. challenge in all
 High challenge, innovation and ICT tools in assessments established.
Year 9 and 10. Impact to be monitored on
 All teachers across the school to have at least an ongoing basis.
one paired English observation with a senior or  Expectations on all PM/SM
to be accompanied by
middle leader to establish clarity on good or better reflective targets aligned to
learning in lessons. rubrics shared with all.
 Ensure that most teachers have secure Monitoring ongoing.
understanding and effectively use all internal and
benchmark data to personalise support and PD on Reading conducted
appropriate challenge for all students from their with a clear impact
starting points to meet their specific needs and make including very positive
better than expected progress. feedback by teachers on:
 How to develop balanced
 One to one meetings with LSAs and ACE readers with better
teachers and differentiated rubrics for SEND students. understanding of fluency,
 All identified acceptable and good teachers decoding, comprehension
have IPP and timetabled support to raise T&L and and reading
effective personalisation based on data in their  How to guage the reading
level of the child through
use of the running record
 To further embed the use of CAT4 data to maximise  How to personalise the
task for each child based
on this.
the potential for each student, for eg, students with
PD on GL training had a
high spatial scores are catered to in English
clear impact on improving
lessons. Embed outstanding AFL strategies and teachers’ data intelligence
Global Futures
build rigour in moderation of assessments and and understanding of :
Curriculum lesson  Personalisation based on
measuring progress in lessons through effective plans and resources. data/
use of rubrics by students for self and peer  Effective analysis and use
evaluation and high quality diagnostic feedback. of data to maximise
 Ensure all assessment data and lesson learning
observation is used most effectively to identify all  Understanding verbal
deficit and surfeit and
students who are academically G and T. how to cater to it
Ensure high levels of personalised challenge,
enrichment, extension and acceleration opportunities
for G and T students in all lessons. In English, to
review the list for Gifted and Talented students, for
eg., to assess the verbal deficit of students and use the
knowledge of its implications to support students
For eg, to plan to offer an enrichment opportunity to
Talented and Gifted students of providing the Global
Futures Curriculum in conjunction with Silicon
Valley based Singularity University
endorsed by KHDA.

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan
To raise effectiveness of LEADERSHIP AND SELF EVALUATION (PS6) Leader: Head of Department - English
- Improve the effectiveness of leadership through clear communication of expectations, monitoring,
and moderation in Primary English.
Prioritised Actions Time Frame Resources Success Criteria Monitoring & Comments
Objectives Evaluation

To improve • Ensure rigour in monitoring Monthly Monitoring logs  Rigorous Monitoring – Monthly review  PD done for all MLs
leaders’ procedures and consistency in paired observations and by leaders at all by Principal and Vice
strategic whole effective implementation of PD sessions on internal impact evaluation by leaders Principal to reiterate
assessments moderation
levels clarity of expectations
school evaluation procedures by at all levels enabling
overview by improved student outcomes and ensure quality of
leaders at all levels to achieve Monthly review recording for lesson
MOMs of meetings for
increasing the school priorities. across all phases.
internal assessment by ML observations.
effectiveness • Ensure triangulation and quality Monthly moderation  Reviewed lesson
of monitoring assure all monitoring documents.  Outstanding exam results for observation form with
Pop ins and
in the self- Lesson observation June 2019 and continued clear conditions on
evaluation improvement over time and formal
• Build further clarity in forms judgement criteria to
process improving trends of PTE observations by enable better accuracy,
expectations of standards for all
Book look forms results. SLT  Recording and
leaders through triangulation and tracking of progress
quality assurance of all monitoring Monthly Paired Observation, made by teachers in
 Leaders at all levels are Termly reviews
documents. Paired book cross phase their teaching
looks and highly effective in by
observations, Peer pedagogy and impact.
lesson implementing school
• Ensuring the accuracy of self- observations, and  One to one meeting
observation s priorities. LAB with specific
evaluation and lesson LAB review with
observation judgements with to build members and feedback reiterating
parent observations,  Consistency in lesson expectations and
meaningful recording giving accuracy and learners champs
GEMS review with observations, book looks, accountability.
specific details needed for consistency.
paired observations. learning walks recording.  Paired observations
improvement and ensure Annual GEMS and book looks are
leaders follow up to achieve PD support for review more consistent.
 School evaluation of
success. identified leaders  Appreciative enquiry
quality of provision is
sharing outstanding
consistent, secure well
practices each week
• Ensure internal assessment recorded. by Senior and Middle
systems are standardised, Leaders having
Triangulation of
moderated and accurately positive impact.
monitoring data ,
analysed within phase, cross Work Samples and
phases and triangulated with other lesson observations
external assessment data.

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan

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English Primary Action/Remedial Plan

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