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FIELD OF SPECIALIZATION SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY (SOCIO-CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY) 2 Explain factors and conditions thot influence cultural and behavioral differences of different groups and societies Determine the relationships between culture and biological traits Manifest understanding of basic sociological end anthropological concepts ond theories d. Trace the origin and development of human beings, societies ond cultures Analyze how socicl phenomenon relates fo class, ethnicity, gender, ideology ‘and power, and social actions £. Determine elements of Filipino culture that are supportive/ contrary to nation _ NV building SN 1. Which theory states that human society develops gradually from lower to higher forms? ‘A. Survival ofthe fitest, C. Functionalism B. Social evolution D. Biological evolution 2. Homo erectus developed from the : ‘A. Homo Habilis| ©. Homo sapiens B. Homo Sapiens Sapiens D. Austrolopithecine '3._Which term refers to the period of transition from the use of human and animal power to the use of machine in producing and distributing goods? ‘A. Nuclear Revolution, C. Industria! Revolution B. Agricultural Revolution . Information Revolution 4. Emile Durkheim believed that a major cause of suicide in industrializing nations was the situation where the norms of society are unclear or no longer applicable to current conditions, He called this situation A tecnioway. ©. taboo. B. anomie. D. deviance. 5. Which explains Spencer's theory of progressive evolution of human societies? ‘A. Societies have to compote to survive. B. Societies inevitably progresses, C. Human individuals adapt but NOT human societies. D. Societies have to adapt to survive or else perish 6. When you judge by results, regardless of your relation to the people mvolved, which Filipino trait do you counteract? A. Particulariom ©. Non - rationalism 8. Personalism D. Supematucalism 7. The family into which one is bora is called the A. family of orientation nuclear family B. family of procreation D. extended family ef USAR Cores nemd2Uc Hox. ks OSTMIDTONS ATELEEW TT AMG HOLE Oe THE PSS ESN Lae 87 FIELD OF sPectaLizaTion 8. To prevent ethnocentrism, anthropologists and sociologists advocate cross- cultural undertaking through a concept known as. ‘A. global solidarity . cultural relativism. B. ethical relativism. . acculturation, 8. The time orientation of the Filipino is rather than mathematical. A. situatiogal C. psychological 8. personal D. Natural 10, Meritocracy is not yet fully operative in our systems. Which is a possible consequence? ‘A. "Kami mentality’ . Adherence to “pwede na” mentality B. Pursuit of excellence D. Talangka mentaity 11. Anew invention replaces many workers. It takes time for these workers to learn new skills and find ‘other jobs. This is referred to as ‘A. Cultural deprivation ©. Cultural revolution 8. Cultural lag B. Diffusion 12, Which type of famuy is claimed to tend to encourage the development of overdependence on others? ‘A. Consanguinial ©. Conjugal B. Nuclear D. Extended 419. The function by which schools help children to participate effectively a larger sociely is called, + socialization , enculturation B. education 1D. acculturation 14. The Chinese minorily group in the Philippines adopts the language, history, and manners of main stream Filipino culture as its own. What pattern of interaction occurs? ‘A. Acculturation ‘©. Amalgamation B. Alienation 1D. Accommodation 15. Which may have contributed to the Filipino "kami-mentality"?: A. Indolence B. Our colonial history . Ourrich natural resources D. Island character of our geography 16. "We are a society of lawyers but not of law" claims one author. Which Filipino trait is referred to? ‘A. Small — group centeredness C. Extreme personalism B. Colonial mentality D. UTANG -NA-LOOB 17, Which among the following are examples of material culture? ‘A. Mores ©. Sentiments B. Ciothings: ©. Folkways 48. The process by which dominant societies can shape the culture of less powerful societias is called A. acculturation ©. Cultural hegemony B. enculturation D. Multiculturalism SEAS LE GS ASR ENS EE eee Roan BB ne. or srecauanion RESORIRUSTUBIES: | EL 19. In the construct of "smooth interpersonal relations” (SIR) proposed by Lynch how is SIR acquired? |. Pakikisama 1. Euphemism Ail, Use of a go- between All cin Bo 1=n—a ©. 20. Which one best describes social interaction? ‘A. Ability to join groups easily and mingle with peers. ‘8. Acting in relation to others and attuning responses to their responses. €. The ability to confront. . Interpersonal relations in an institutional setting. 21. Let us assume that society is characterized by social class conflict. During a period of national crisis brought about by war, Class diminishes. What process is at work? 7 A. Integration ©. Cooperation B. Assimilation D. Accommodation 22. "Going alony’ with the behavior, attitude and belief of a group is ‘A. Integration C. Transference B. Assimilation D. Conformity 23. By definition, in kinship-based societies, the members of a lineage, clan, or other kin group are usually descendants of a ‘A. dominant female 8. dominant male C. common ancestor D. dominant community leader 24. Which is/are characteristics of a primary group? ‘A. Members with the same sex and same developmental stages. B. Frequent conflict and competition among members. C. Members with the same place and residence. D. Smail group size and face-to-face relationships, 25. Which of the following best defines internal migration? ‘A. The movement of any large group of people as in the Mongol Invasion of Europe. 8. The movement of people within a specific country, C. Movement necessitated by naturai disaster D. The voluntary movement of any group of peoples such as the emigration of English colonies to New England in the 17" century. 26. The concept that different cultural patiems constitute different solutions to problems and that these patterns should be interpreted in terms of their total context is called ‘A. assimilation . cultural shock 8. cultural relativism D. cultural tag 27. Cases where infants were subjected to prolonged isolation show that ‘A. people are born with most of the traits they exhibit as adults. B. human beings can acquire culture without human contact. . human beings can noi be socialized unless they are brought up among human beings. ©. mental ~ physical development does not depend upon human contact. Fea eee eee aa eerie eee tl Hun CONRIGHY LAW. 89 riety or srecruiewnon pisierAuisrupies,: EX 28. Traditional Chinese society was characterized by all ofthe following EXCEPT ‘A. Civil service examinations. B. Practice of Shinto. C. Patrifineal famities. D. Confucian beliefs. 29. The following are results of the Filipino's deep faith in God EXCEPT ‘A. Courage . Bitterness in times of tragedy 8. Optimism D. Daring 30. “Trabaho lang, walang personalan” is an advice to counteract the Filipino trait of| ‘A. *kanya-kenya’ mentality . extreme personalism B. ambivalence D. sakop-orientedness 31. To which Filipino trait does the German word "gemeincshaft” correspond? ‘A. Bayanihan spirit ©. Pakikisama . B. Utang-na-loob D. Pakikipagkapwa-tao 82. Haziny rites in schools persist despite their being outlawed. The purpose of such rites is to A. increase awareness or religious traditions B. celebrate national holidays and foster patriotism CC. minimize culture shock 1D. mark changes in an individual's status 33. Pro-poor programs of the Philippine government are meant to ‘A. make everyone live in affluence B. reduce the disparity between the ich and the poor C. make everyone equal D. eliminate poverty 34. Philippine sociely is characterized as “islands of affluence amidst a sea of poverty". What social ‘concer is implied? A. Coercing the rich to share. 8. Reducing the gap between the rich and the poor. ©. Penalizing the poor. . Working for the economic equality ofall 25, Which are characteristics of humans which other primates do nat have? |. Adorn themselves with clothing li, Adorn themselves with body markings lll. Have spare beliefs about the supernatural ‘A. Lend ©. fang tl B. lend It D. I. land it 36, Which tenet of evolution states that the fittest members of species survive to pass on their genetic information while the weakest are eliminated because they are unable to survive? ‘A. Mutation ©. Natural selection B. Microevolution D. Adaptation 37. Which technique helps anthropologists understand why people in different cultures live as they do? ‘A. Ethnographic study C. Ethnocentrism B. Ethical relativism D. Cultural relativism gf FoR excLUSIVE USE oF ssiNoGyH 2018 INTENSIVE LET COACHING TRAINEES, ALL RIGHTS aeseRYED. {GHAUT#OMESD COPYING MROOUCHON, aND ISTRIDUTION INTELLECTUAL THES AND YONEABLEDY THE MALIN COPMRIGHT LAW 90 TUCIESSS E 38. Which technique should an anthropologist use to get an insider's view on how and why other people do what they do? ‘A. Participant observation C. Unstructured observation B. Genealogies D. Survey questionnaires 39. Which is NOT supportive of the Filpino pursuit of excellence? ‘A. "Make-do" mentality B. Intolerance for opposing views C. Meritocracy D. Continuing education 40. Which, according to research, is related to increased aggression in children? ~ "A. Eating junk foods . Playing with toy guns at an early age B. Viewing violence D. Coming from single parent homes 41..Which is a characteristic of a secondary group? ‘A. Impersonal relationships ‘C, Small size and intimacy B. Strong emotional ties, D. Permanence over time 42. Hazing rights in school persist despite their being outlawed. Which is the purpose of such rites? A. To mark changes in an individual's status \_B. Topreserve tradition ©. To foster patriotism D. To minimize culture shock 43., How is the term acculturation defined? ‘A. Occurrence of similarities between cultures that have had neither contact nor history of “cultural borrowing”. B. Cultural exchange that cocurs when unlike cultures experience contact over an extended period of time. ©. Ethnocentric grouping of traditions among diverse cultures, D. Abandonment of a social custom, behavior pattern, or belief that has long been a part of a culture. 44, To which is stratifcation most closely related? ‘A. Social differentiation C. Social disorganization B. Assimilation 1. Social identitication 45. Which illustrates conformity? ‘A. Daring to speak out one's mind B. Getting along with the behavior, attitude, and belief of a group C. Sensing another person's feating and responding appropriately D. Putting oneself into the shoes of the other 48. Which trail mentality goos with the Filipino sakop ~ orientation? A, Pagmalasakit C. Pakikisama B. Kanya — kanya mentality D. Extreme personalism 47. What is the inner source of strength of the Filipino destitute to keep going? A. Alhletie body build C. Physical stamina 8. Faith in God . Bounty of natural resources Co ee ee eee eee eee eta 91 U 48. Left with no choice, a number of Filipinos make a living from garbage dumps. This points to which Filipino trait (6). ‘A. Indolence ©. Extravagance 8. Basic optimism, ability to survive. Indolence and extravagance 49. Which Filipino trait comes into play when one gives premium to personal contacts and relationships while relegating impersonal rules of conduct to the background? A. Utang — na —toob C. Small ~ group centeredness B. Extreme personalism D. Colonial mentality 50. Bahala na is a daring attitude out of concern for others. What is (was) strong demonstration of this trait in our history? ‘A. Abuse of our natural resources B. EDSAI C. The Filipino submission to Spain's colonial rule for 4 centuries D. The division among the Filipino propagandists in Spain 51. Sometimes we Filipinos are perceived to be playful and cynical when we laugh off our miseries. Which positive Filipino trails is/are described? ‘A. Faith in God C. doy and humor B. Adaptability and adjustment D. Creativity 62. In the Philippines, it seems that the best candidates to a position or a job do not always get hired. Which practice prevents the "best and the brightest” from being hired for positions? ‘A. Meritocracy C. Networking B. Merit system D. Nepotism 53. Which may have contributed to the kami ~ mentality? A. Indolence C. Island character of our geography B. Our favorable climate . Our rich natural resources ‘54. Which of the following correctly describes the practice of polyandry? ‘A. A family has two or more sons. B. Two cousins are married to each ather. C. A woman has two or more husbands. 1. Ahousehold is composed of a group of unmarried persons. ‘55. What should be the anthropologist's action on ethnocentrism? ‘A. Advocate it C. Eliminate and prevent B. Be lukewarm about it DB. Encourage it 56..From which do archeologists reconstruct pre- history ‘A. Ethnic customs C. Tibal folklore B. Written records D. Excavates tools 57. Which biological characteristics do humans share with most primates? |. Acute vision and depths perception Il. Relatively large brains ill. Grasping hands A. Vand It ©. 1, andm B. Nand i D. Vang i 58. Which of the following was known to man before the Neolithic period? A. Practice of agriculture (C. Making pottery B. Use of fire D. Domestication of animals ‘Reta Cove neous me NTE LEETUAL MEST ARO POSHAGE BY Ine PLP RE COROT LAW 92 rieuo oF sreciaLtzation RASORVALSTUDIES ‘59. What does the dependency theory state about modernization? Traditional cultures. ‘A, are meant to be dependent on rich societies. 8. cannot help but depend on rich societies for survival ©. and moder cultures depend on each other for development . cannot modernize because they are caught in a dependency relationship with rich societies 60. Which isa proof thatthe Phitpgines was inhabited as early as 21,000 years ago? ‘A. Mummies found in Timbac Cave in Benguet 8. Chinaware unearthed in Celotagen, Batangas ©. Boat fragments excavated in Butuan river banks B.S cpdssovredn Ton Can, Paoven 61. A community — oriented education goe® with our government philosophy of {improvisation ©. decentealizaion 8. modernization 0. centralization 62. Which supports the Filipino desire to pursue excellence? ‘A. Meritocracy B. “Looking good” not “being good” mentality . Intolerance for opposing views D. "Make ~ do” mentality 63. To which is the concept of multiculturalism best compared? ‘A. Toa mixture of flour and baking powder B. Toa melting pat C. Toa mixture of coffee and milk D. Toa salad bowl 64, Which Filipino trait do the organization and success of cooperatives manifest? ‘A. Pagsasati C. Pakikiramdam B. Joy D. Flexibility 65. When you as 4 Filipino makes use of spoon and fork in Canada instead of the knife as the Canadians do, the Canadians call you ‘pig’. What feeling do the Canadians express? A. Ethnocentrism . Antagonism B. Strangeness D. Xenocentrism 66. One's position in society is always inherited from one's parents and cannot be altered. What does this situation describe? ‘A. The caste system ©. The class system B. The slave system D. The estate system 67, On which Filipino trait does Gawad Kalinga capitalize and at the same time perpetuates? A. Adaptability ©. Bayaninan spirit 8. Personalise D. Joy and humor 68. Which one best describes social interaction? ‘A. Joining groups and mingling with peers B. Relating interpersonally in an institutional setting . Acting in relation to others and attuning one's response to other's responses D. Acting in conformity with the majority 63. Mormons once practiced the act of having multiple wives. What level of social behavior would such acl violate in today’s society? ‘A. Custom ©. Folkway 8. Mores ©. Law OF SRLARSRAS EA EEA USSU EE SSIS SL ERO NU ONES MEMOS ESO 93 FleUD oF sPEctaLizaTion 70. A person feels extremely hostile to others, although he contends that he is friendly and affable. He also insists that all people whom he encounters are hostile to him. What defense mechanism does he apply? A. Projection . Identification B. Rationalization D. Displacement 71. The Chinese have borrowed from the cultural patterns and values of the Filipinos and the Filipinos have also adopted some Chinese cultural and values. What is this process called? ‘A. Amalgamation ©. Assimilation B. Reciprocity D. Acculturation 72. A Filipino Home Economics class mede beautiful and functional bags out of used illustration board. Which Filipino trait is demonstrated? A, Adaptability ©. Flexibility B. Creativity D. Optimism 73. Which does NOT belong to the group as an effect of the Fillpino’s faith in God? ‘A. Bittoriess in times of tragedy ©. Daring attitude B. Courage D. Optimism 74, To counteract the Filipino trait of extreme personalism, which advice/piaces of advice isfare appropriate? |. Trabaho lang, walang personalan. |I.__Respect all people not because you know them but because every person is worthy of respect Ill,” Hate the evil act, not the doer of the evil act. A Lett ©. Lonly 8. il D. itt only 75. Which is one effect of extreme personalism in Philippine politics? The base of political support and fotlowership is ‘A. gratitude and personal favors 8. loyalty to ideas, government principles and policies CC. identification with the truth D. loyalty to one's political platform 76. What do the phrases “brown Spaniards” and “litle brown Americans” point to? The Filigino's ‘A. lack of patriotiem . lack of national integration 8, mania for things foreign D. adaptability to foreign ways 78. What do research findings in anthropology point to? |. Genetically the differences among ali people is very litle, II,__ Physical variation such as skin color are only a small portion of the endless variation of persons. HL Ait human population contains variability A. Wand it ©. Land il 8. I, Nang D. land i 79, The development in the technology of food production changed over the past 15,000 years from hunting and foraging to A. industrial factory production C. plow agriculture 8. herding D. gardening BB Wetec MOA SSON SUR ESN GAEL eRe a Tana cr meena 94 eto or sreciauzarion (miseetatestupiess = EL 80. In the context of cultural relativism, how should | evaluate the practice of polygamy among the Muslims? Against the. ‘A. Muslim's views and beliefs C. Christian beliefs B. beliefs of scholars D. laws of the tand 81. Which is the immediate predecessor of modem man? ‘A. Homo Habilis C. Homo erectus B. Homo sapiens ©. Austratopiths 82. How should an anthropologist understand other people's culture. From thi ‘A. perspective of the anthropologist conducting the study to be truly scientific B, point of view of authorities in anthropology €. perspective of an insider D. paint of view of an outsider for objectivity 83. Which does the principle of cultural relativism enhance? ‘A. Xenocentric feeling . Respect for cultural differences B. Ethnocentric atitude D. Prejudice towards primitive culture 84. In which order did the evolution of man take place? 1.” Homo sapiens. Homo habilis Ml, Homo erectus IV. Homo sapiens sapiens A hl, Fand 1V ©. Mill, band iv B.A IVylland I DoW iland t 85. As human evolution progressed, how did the human skull evolve? ‘A. Size of cenine increased C. Chin receded B. Cranium decreased in size D. Face became more curved ‘86. Meritocracy seems to be not yet fully operative in our systems. Which fs a possible consequence? ‘A. Adherence to “pwede na” mentality 8. Pursuit of excellence C. "Kami" mentality D. “Talangka” mentality 87. ‘The Filipino tends to joke about the most serious matters. What does this reveal about the Filipino ‘character? A. Tends to leave everything to Gad B. Tends to be indifferent C. Tends to be superficial D. Tends to be lazy 88. In one barangay, when anyone of the families loses a carabao, everyone gets out to look for it even as far as the other barangays. But when one of them steals a carabao fron another barangay, nobody is Concered to report it to the barangay concemed. Which Filipino trait is shown? ‘A, Impersonalism ©. Personalism B. Non = rationalism D. Particularism 89. The concept of the “tyranny of the majority" was introduced in political thought by ‘A James Monroe ©. Alexander de Tocqueville B, James MacGregor Burns D. James Otis WG TRE NSGSSCOEAMT RA SUNREN a Sa en NOS ON EN cy 95 om nino or sreciaucarion Ssoerausrubies®: EL 90. In what way does group-centeredness contribute to the Filipino double ~ standard morality? ‘A. Our group may present two opposite standards and we are caught between these two. 8. Our fear of authority makes us submit to what the boss wants. . In our desire to please the group, we do what they do even if itis against our conscience. D. For as long as you are not caught cheating, itis al right 91. Which supports the Filipino desire to pursue excellence? ‘A. "Make — do” mentality C. Intolerance for opposing views 8. Merttocracy D. “Looking good” not "being good” mentality 92. Historian Leon Ma, Guerrero wrote: “When Corregidor fell Filipino war prisoners almost died of thirst because they didn't get organized. In contrast, the American prisoners created a delegation to the Japanese authorities and volunteered to fetch waler for their comrades. Which goes this point out? The Filipino's lack of ‘A. team work ©. foresight B. concern D. courage 98, Father Reuter wrote: “in a survey in Asia, they discovered that the happiest people in Asia are the Filipinos. The most miserable are the Japanese. The Japanese have money. We don't have money, but ‘we have smile, the warm embrace, the song, the laughter, the joy of living.” What does this prove? ‘A. That the Filipinos are rich in the treasure of the spirit. B. That the Filipinos are a healthy and happy people, C. That the Filipinos don't care about material wealth, D. That the Filipinos are happy-go-lucky people, 94. Napoleon Rama once wrote of Filipinos overstaying in Taipei charged and deported. It was fellow Filipinos who kept reporting to the Chinese police. To what Filipino trait does this behavior point? ‘A. Lack of unity ©. Heroism B. Apathy 0. Pride 95. Which one demonstrates that there is interconnectedness between social and environmental injustices? A. EF 8 from fossil fuels have increased almost 400% since 1950. B. Atmospheric warming increases the temperature of the ocean. Its change will lead to rise in the sea level, C. The release of CFCs into the atmosphere is thinning the ozone layer. 1D. Industry continues to produce 2 % billion tons of toxic waste each year and dispose of it in the poorer countries. 96. Which describes the phenomenon of “hurried children’ A. Relaining kids in kindergarten who are not ready to advance to first grade B. Raising the age for enrolling in kindergarten ©. Too much pressure to excel al an early age D. Enrolling children at Day Care Centers, 97. Historian Leon Ma. Guerrero wrote: "When Corregidor fell, Filigino war prisoners almost died of thirst because they didn't get organized. In contrast, the American prisoners created a delegation to the Japanese authorities and volunteered to fetch water for their comrades. Which goes this point out? The Filipino's tack of, A. team work ©. foresight B. concern D. courage OS RGEC Se cneREN toe NeaRS NaS aS RO NE SU MAES EMTS BREESE 96 Fieuo oF sreciauization {58 ‘98, Which of the following represents ethnocentric behavior? ‘A.A tourist who lectures his foreign hosts on the “uncivilized” nature of their marriage customs B.A student who tutors an immigrant in English CC. Alispanic community group demands that public aid forms be published in English and Spanish DA peace Corps volunteer who helps dig wells in Central Africa 99. Our close family kinship as Filipinos has both a positive and negative influence. Which adjective describes our Filipino values? ‘A. Subjective ©. Situational B. Ambivalent D. Objective 100. OF the following changes in the socio-economic, political cultural and physical that have occurred in the Filipino family, which one remains to be TRUE? ‘A. The loss of the traditional evening prayer and the ritual of blessing (mano) 8. The unity of the family despite competing demands . The continued parental influence over children’s language dress and other behavior . The continued support for parents and siblings 101. Sociat institutions are enduring social structures that provide ready-made arrangements to meet basic human problems. Which of these basic social institutions provides community coordination, law and order, and defense? ‘A.the family B. the economy C. religion D. government 102. Which are the shared rules of conduct that specify how people ought to think and act called? ‘A.Norms, C. Sanctions. B. Values. D. Subcultures 103. Which when violated may cause the violator to be regarded as eccentric, weird. or crazy? A. Folkways, C. Laws B. More S D. Institutions 104. Which ofthe following does NOT accurately describe the true nature of culture? ‘A. Culture is learned from interaction with other people. B. Culture tells us how we ought to act and believe: C. Culture is transmitted through biological inheritance. 1D. Culture helps us solve problems and adapt to our environment, 105. Which element of social structure refers to a set of norms specifying the rights and obligations associated with a status? A value B. culture trait C.r0le D. dysfunction 108. What social process occurs when people work together to achieve shared goals? ‘A. Exchange B. Conflict ©. Competition D. Cooperation ‘OeautonieD Corrine, erRODSCTON AND OSTNEUTI SINTELLSERUAG MOT AND MN A TE SIRS COPING “97 caustuorse El 107. Filipinos tend to look at the world and nature as peopled by supernatural being and governed by forces above him. They manifest A particulerism . nonrationatism B. personalism D. rationalism 108. hich refers to the total way of life shared by members of a society? ‘A. Sociology ©, Race B. Bio sociology B. Culture 109. Punishment is a form of social control. If death penalty is imposed to scare offenders and the rest of society into following the rules, the purpose of punishment is A. retribution C. reformation B. deterrence D. prevention 1103€mile Duricheim believed that a major cause of suicide in industrialized nations was the situation where the norms of society are unclear or no longer applicable to current conditions. He called this situation taboo ©. teenie way B. anomie D. deviance 1111. Wealth, prestige and power much unequally distributed in third world countries like the Philippines are the bases of divisions into social classes. This patterned inequality is called ‘A social movement . social problem B. social stratification D. social mobility 112. Philippine social development efforts include anti-poverty and pro-poor programs. In determining who are the poor and how poor are the poor, the government fixes the amount of money a family would ‘need to meet minimum requirements of a decent standard of living. What do you call this amount so fixed? ‘A. Relative poverty ©. Poverty level B.Per capital income/ Per cagit% —_D. Culture of poverty 118. Legislations granting special privileges to senior citizens help to neutralize prejudice and

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