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Summative Review
Mark Scheme

2E 2E
SCIENCE ….. October 2021

Section A, Section B & C

Section A [30 marks]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Section B [40 marks]

N Answer Mark
1 (a) Maltase, A1
Amino acids A1

(b) Butter is broken up by bile and B1

digested by lipase into fatty acids and glycerol. B1

T: 4

2 (a) Bile is being produced. B1

(b) Hydrochloric acid is secreted. B1

It is to kill bacteria. B1
(c) It is to produce enzymes for digestion. B1

(d) It is to complete the digestion of food nutrients into simpler B1

It is to absorb the soluble digested food nutrients. B1

T: 6

3 (a) Diffusion is movement of particles from a region of higher B1

concentration into a region of lower concentration.
When perfume is sprayed, the particles are carried by the air B1
molecules down the concentration gradient.

(b)(i) Water has moved across the water potential difference between the B1
distilled water and the vacuole of the cell.
Water has entered into the onion cell through the cell partially B1
permeable membrane and cause the turgidity.

(b)(ii) Shrinking cytoplasm B1

T: 5
4 (a) M is the plasma. A1

(b) Red blood cells has the affinity for oxygen/ link well with oxygen at B1
the lungs and transport to the cells.
Oxygen then diffuses into tissue due to concentration gradient. B1

(c) Digested food nutrients B2

Waste products from cells/ carbon dioxide/ urea For 3
Hormones or
T: 5

5 (a) GPE = mgh

= (60 kg)(10 N/kg)(3.5 m) B1
= 2100 J A1

(b) KE = mv2 ECF

2100 J = (60 kg)v2 B1
v = 8.37 m/s A1

T: 4

6 (a) Crawler board has a larger area and the pressure due to the weight B1
of the men will be lower.

(b)(i) w = mg
= (40 + 160 kg)(10 N/kg) B1
= 2000 N A1

(b)(ii) p= ECF
= 2500 N/m2
T: 5

7 (a) The air bubbles in the whipped egg white/ sponge cake is a poor B1
conductor of heat.
The silvery dish is a poor absorber of radiation. B1

(b) The heated element emit thermal energy in the form of infrared B1
radiation/ wave/ light to reach the pudding
There is also poor conduction through the air to the pudding. B1

T: 4
8 (a) number of protons 8 B1

number of neutrons 8

number of electrons 8

(b) B1

(c) The two atoms are chemically/ bonded. B1

T: 3

9 (a)(i) Any similar wave with higher amplitude. B1

pressure /Pa

pressure 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 time /ms

(ii) The number of cycles of complete waves in the 4.0 ms will be more./ B1
The period/ time for 1 cycle witll be shorter.

(b) The speed of sound depends on medium that it is transmitting. B1

Changes the frequency of the sound only changes the characteristic B1
of sound, pitch.
The speed of the sound will not be changed by the pitch in sound.

T: 4
Section C [30 marks]

10 (a)(i) It is effervescence. B1

(ii) A carbonate. B1

(iii) A compound is formed as lime water combines with carbon dioxide B1

to form the white precipitate, a new product that is difference to
lime water and carbon dioxide.

(b)(i) Hydrogen is the gas. B1

Lighted splint is extinguished with a ‘pop’ sound of the gas. B1

(ii) Sulfuric acid + zinc  zinc sulfate + hydrogen. A1

(c) Neutralisation has taken place. B1

Hydrochloric acid is neutralised by sodium hydroxide to form
sodium chloride and water. B1

(d)(i) Making of fertiliser B1

(ii) Making of soap or detergent B1

T: 10

11 (a) Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine linings and being B1

discharged with an unfertilised ovum and blood. B1

(b) It is the fertile phase, in which ovulation takes place/ an ovum is B1

release from the ovary.
The uterine linings is thick and ready for implantation. B1

(c)(i) Fertilization is the fusion/ union of the nuclei of the sperm and ovum B1
to form a cell with complete 23 pairs of chromosomes.

(ii) It is known as zygote. A1

(iii) X A1

(iv) It is the placenta. A1

(d) After fertilisation, the zygote/ first cell divides repeatedly/ divides and B1
multiples into an embryo.
The embryo then implantats onto the uterus and placenta forms and B1
it grows into a foetus.

T: 10
12 (a)(i) Cell and rheostat (correct symbol and connection) B1
A Parallel light bulb (correct symbol and connection) B1

(ii) Correct connection of voltmeter. B1

(iii) The rheostat is to vary the current through the circuit. B1

(b)(i) Current /A 0.15 A A1

Potential difference /V 4.5 V

(ii) R// =
= I for each bulb = = 0.075 A B1
= 30 Ω Rl =
= 60 Ω
R// = ( + )−1 A1
= 30 Ω

(c)(i) ET = PT
= kW x 150 h B1
= 0.10 kWh
(ii) Cost = 0.1 x 25 cents ECF
= 2.5 cents A1

T: 10
12 (a) Possible hazard is loose connection. B1
B The cable holder is not holding the cable but the wires. Due to B1
tension on the wires, they can come out of the pins.

(b)(i) Kettle B, it has a metal casing which can conduct electricity. B1

(ii) Earth wire is to prevent a person from electrocution when the kettle B1
has a short circuit on the casing.
The earth wire being at a low electric potential will allow leaking
current to conduct to the ground. B1

(c) Eu = PT
= (1.8 kW)(4 h)
= 7.2 kWh B1

Cost = 7.2 x $0.22

= $1.58 A1

(d) The heating element at the bottom of the kettle warm the water near it
and the water at the region expand in volume and become less B1
It rises and cool denser water takes over its place. B1
A convection current is set and thermal energy is transported. B1

T: 10

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