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Name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Year & Section: _______________________________ Score_________/50_________

Laboratory Exercise 3
Use of Dietary Guides: The Food Composition Tables (FCT) and the Recommended Energy and Nutrient
Intake (REI/RNI)

Quantitative dietary guides include the Food Composition Tables (FCT) and the Recommended Energy
and Nutrient Intake (REI/RNI) of the Philippine Dietary Reference Intakes (PDRI). The FCT indicate the
amount of nutrients per 100 grams of a food. Thus, it may be used to estimate the nutrient intake of
individuals. The estimated intake may then be compared with the REI/RNI of the Philippine Dietary
Reference Intakes to determine it is adequate based on age, sex and physiological condition. The REI/RNI
is a set of levels of intake of essential nutrients judged to be adequate to meet the needs of healthy

1. To learn the basic computations using the FCT and the REI/RNI.
2. To evaluate the adequacy of one’s diet using the FCT and REI/RNI.


1. Recall the foods you ate during the previous day. Fill in the table below. (15 pts.)

Table 1. Diet Recall Form

Meal Pattern Food Item Method of Preparation Amount in grams
(e.g. boiled, fried,
sauteed, baked,

Morning snack


Afternoon snack

Bedtime snack

2. A. Calculation of Energy and Nutrient Intake (20 pts.)

Calculate your previous day’s energy and nutrient content by using the Food Composition Tables.
Fill in Table 2. Sum up total amount of similar foods eaten within the day e.g. rice you ate in
breakfast, lunch and supper before calculating the energy and nutrient contents. To calculate the
energy and nutrient contents of the food items you have eaten, use this formula:

Energy Content = Energy Content (FCT Value) x Edible Portion Weight (grams) of Food Item
100 grams
Nutrient Content = Nutrient Content (FCT Value x Edible Portion Weight (grams) of Food Item
100 grams

Your divisor is 100 grams since all energy and nutrient values of the food items in the FCT is based
on a 100 gram-food item.

For example: 1 piece chicken egg =60 grams Edible Portion ( E.P.) weight

Energy (kcal) = 170 kcal x 60 grams

100 grams
= 102 kcal.
Protein = 13.9 grams x 60 grams
100 grams
= 8.3 grams

Proceed calculating the other nutrients. (Use separate sheets to show your calculations on the
foods you have eaten for one day)

B. Determination % Recommended Energy Intake (REI) and % Recommended Nutrient

Intake (RNI) for the different nutrients (10 pts.)

After summing up the energy and nutrient intakes for one day, determine the % REI for energy
intake and % RNI for the different nutrients except for carbohydrates and fats appropriate for your
age and sex from the Philippine Dietary Reference Intake (2015) to evaluate your diet for one day
following the formula as follows:

% REI = Energy intake x 100


% RNI = Nutrient Intake x 100

RNI (for a specific nutrient)

Fill in Table 2 for % REI/RNI after you have calculated.

(Refer to attached table)

C. Questions to Answer: (5 pts.)

1. Which of the nutrients in your diet were higher, within, or lower than the REI/RNI?

2.Cite ways of improving your nutrient intake.

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