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fom PSM rie * > KIIT INTE NTERNATIONAL SCHOOL PHYSICS INVESTIGATORY PROJECT ON STUDY OF VARIOUS ACTORS ON WHICH THE MF OF A CELL DEPENDS” a. oe SUBMITTED BY:PRAYASH PATE GRADE 12-£1 SCHOOL NO 5564 n< CERTIFICATE Nts ts certify thet S raya Sted of bass 12 Mees succesfully condileted the project works on STUDY OF VARIOUS FACTORS ON WHICH EMF A CELL DEPENDS fer class XV SCIENCE pradical examination of the central beard f Seendary education in the year Q023° 2024 IT IS FURTHER CERTIFIED THAT THIS PROJECT IS INDIVIDUAL WORK OF THE CANDIDATE. INTERNAL’S SIGNATURE EXTERNAL’S SIGNATUR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | would lke to thank my physics teacher, Mr. Amiya Mohanty and lab-teacher Bijaykumar Rout for giving me this opportunity to make this project and guiding me throughout the project, which also helped me in a lot of research and 1 came to know about so many new things. Without his help, cooperation and guidance, this project wouldn’t have been what it evolved to be. Twould also like to extend my sincere gratitude to my parents and. throughout this project. The suggestions and criticism on the improvement of this project will be highly appreciated. EXTERNAUS SIGNATURE ~ ae | . - Wkerrig Rex 2 wionce Practical Analysic * Objective * Apparatus ® Theory © Circuit Diagram = Procedur e © Result & \Mlerences * Precautions * SOUITES Of Error Flowchart (Avril clad INTRODUCTION There is a great need of batteries in our daily use electronic appliances and the use is increasing every day Thus . the baneries need to be made more powerfitt SO that their potential can be increased greatly . Thus . this project report is based on practical analysis jor the factorsaffecting the internal resistance of a cell. | When the internal resistance of the cell is decreased we can increase the potential difference across it, and hence make it more reliable [NI pm ue , jy define das tlt sistance mer . of the cell 10 the flow [yte ¢ electron nit is Ohm (2) e is SLU For acell of em. (E) andinternal resistance (r), connected to v an external resistance (RV such that (is the erwin Meiiuee : yee . . A potentiometer, a battery (or batter) eliminator), one way keys, a rheostat, a galvanometer, a resistance box, an ammeter, a cell (Leclanche cell), a jockey, a setsquare, connecting wires and sand paper. The internal resistance of a cell is the resistance offered by its electrolyte to the flow ofions . The internal resistance of a cell e fe divecth: nranartianal toa the dictaneo hate. eater retreat ae ene eet electrodes in electrolyte. e decreases with increase in temperature of electrolyte. e is inversely proportional to concentration of electrolyte. The internal resistance of a cell is given by: r=(E-VyVi CIRCUIT DIAGRAM NPC THe CHES OF THO: COMET LIT ~ . 7 cording sand paper and make tight connections according to the circuit diagram Tighten the plugs of the resistance box . Check the em. of the batiery and of the cell and make sure that emf. of the battery is more than that of the cell, otherwise null or balance point will not he obtained. idy variation of internal resistance with distance of iration ¢ Keep both the electrodes-at a distance of 16 cm. . Take maximum current from the battery, making rheostat resistance small. Without inserting a plug in kev Ko, adjust the rheostat so that a null point is obtained on the last wire of the potentiometer. . Determine the position of the null point accurately using a set square and measure the balancing length (1) between the null point and the end P. Next introduce plugs in both kevs Ky and K». At the same time take outa small resistance (1 § Ws bn peo see Secs q ea in paraiiet Wun jhe & ell he jockey slid! the JOcrey along 4 potentiometer wire and pratt?! she null point ae 0 7 \Veasure the balancing length (1) from end P. . < 7G - pecorl these observations vow keep the electrodes 12 cm apart Then remove the plugs of keys K; and K>. Wait rime and repeal Steps 7 to 10. 2 jor some 3. Next. keep the electrodes 9 cm apart to obtain another Set of observations. study variation of internal resistance with area of ctrodes 14. Keeping all other factors constant, increase Jectrodes in the electrolyte by dipping the area of @ at different depths for each them into the elec trolyte observation. 1s. Obtain three such 0} 7 to 10. Record your readings. servations by repeating Steps study variation of internal resistance with toncentratinn of electrolyte we PUR TT ee Te terre pean enn Kner nr eee concentration of electrolyte by adding dist! for different observations led water “ steg? 17 Obtain three such observations by rey ating, StF 70 10 Record your readings OBSERVATIONS vue | a Persatiem oof mall parintiom) - a ; oo 1a Wath Withee RRL vethe ts ig 1) o8 Pass 1 7 oom >) 68 } m2 2 17? ee sons 3 2s Taole for effect of separation between eiectrodes me Wepre rman Prsigas img | Rakes sng fererma! red Bete penne power Reownane thay wevndet of lags fas wee iy hemes 1° oe mm am te ro gs amr) es) | om oe tO a tats roe” jam” at gESULT & INFERENCES Roe e The Electromotive Force of the cell is constant and is equal to E = 0.98 Vojh. e The internal resistance fa cell is directly proportional to theseparation between the electrodes. nal resistance of a cell is inversely proportional to the area of the electrodes dipped in electrolyte. ® The internal resistance of a cell is inversely proportional to the temperature of electrolytes. * The internal resistance of a cell is inversely Dronortinnal tr the epanrontention at the electraly-te Lae es Se eee ee ER FEO LEE , CEC MEE tree . The plugs should be introduced in the kevs onl when the observations are to he taken. _The positive polls of the battery FE and cells Ey an E> should , all be connected to the terminal at the zero of the wires. _ The jockey key should not he rubbed along the wire It should touch the wire gently. . The ammeter reading should remain constant for a particular set of observation. If necessary , adjust the rheostat for this purpose. URCES OF ERROR }. The auxiliary battery may not be fully charged. .. The potentiometer wire may not be of uniform cross- ection and material density throughout its length. nd resistances mav nat he -ern Conc. ¢ Area of - FHlectroly! BIBLIOGRAPI) _ " , ,

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