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School ________ National Grade 7

High School
Teacher Ethyl Rose A Tagarao Learning Mathematics
Date/Time Quarter 1st

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sets.
B. Performance The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets.
C. Learning The learner illustrates well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, null
Competencies set, cardinality of sets, union and intersection of sets and the
different of two sets.

Lesson Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Define a well-defined set;
b. Illustrate a subset, universal set, null set, cardinality of set;
c. Analyze union, intersection, and the difference of two sets

II. CONTENT Quarter I. Module 1

Topic: Sets
Q2). Retrieved from
1. Teacher’s Guides 1-5
2. Learner’s Materials 3-20
3. Textbook Pages 3-20
4. Additional
References from
Learning Resources
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Class, who can recall what we
lesson or presenting discuss last meeting? (Students raise their hands.)
the new lesson
(ELICIT) Yes, Ms./Mr. ___ Last meeting, we just discuss
about our subject and also the
requirements that we need to
comply to pass the quarter 1. And
also, we introduced ourselves to
our classmate ma’am.

Okay, thank you Ms./Mr. ___.

B. Establishing a At the end of our discussion this
purpose for the morning/afternoon you will be
lesson able to:
 Define a well-defined
(ENGAGE)  Illustrate a subset,
universal set, null set,
cardinality of set; and
 Analyze union,
intersection, and the
difference of two sets

C. Presenting example/ Class, do you like an activity? Yes, teacher!

instances of the new Okay I have this game called, “3
lesson Pic 1 Group”. But first, I will
divide the class into two groups.
(ENGAGE) Each group must have 4
representative and also think of
their group name that will be
shouted if the group finished

Okay, who are your

representatives? Please come (The four representatives of each
here in front. group come in front)

Now may I hear your group


Group 1? (Group 1 members shouted)

Mighty One!

Wow, Group 1 the mighty one.

How about Group 2? (Group 2 members shouted)


Group 2 really is fantastic, wow!

Thank you to the two groups.

Now let us begin our game, I

have two envelops here in my
hand which has 9 random
pictures inside.

All you
have to do is to group the
picture according to their
characteristic. Three of the
pictures belongs in one group.
The group who will finished first
will be the winner!

Is everything clear class?

Okay, let’s begin in 3,2,1, GO! Yes, teacher!

(The two groups taking their

leads on the activity)

(Group 1 members shouted,


(Group 2
shouted, FANTASTICA!!)

Okay, I guess it is clear to

everyone that the group 1
shouted first, but let us check
first if you all did it right.

Wow! I see that the two groups

did it correctly but since the
group 1 did it first, they will be
the winner. Congratulations to
the group 1! And, also to the
other group.

D. Discussing concepts Okay class, in this collection of

and practicing new objects, which do you think does
skills #1 not belong to the group? (Students raised their hands)


This teacher because it
is in different shape.

Correct! Thank you Ms./Mr.____

It is a group of triangles except
the one which is a pentagon.

Now class, that group is also

called a set. Sets maybe
thought as a collection of

For example:

A set of mountains

A set of books

A set of clothes


In mathematics, sets is a well-

defines group or collection of
objects that share common
characteristics. The objects
contained in the set are called

A set can be names using

capital letters like A,B,C,D,…Z
and we use braces { } to group
the elements of set separated
by commas.

If a set contains many elements,

we often use three dots, …,
called ellipsis.

Example of well-defined sets

1. The set of primary colors
M = {red, yellow, blue}
2. The set of all even
E = {2, 4, 6,…}

Example of not well-defined

1. The set of famous
2. The set of honest people.

Now class, I have here a set of

numbers from 0 to 10.

A = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}

1. The set of odd
2. The set of multiples of
3. The set of negative

Who can try to find?

(Students raised their hands)
Yes, Ms./Mr. ___ for number 1
and label the set with letter O, Student 1: O = {1,3,5,7,9}
Ms./Mr. ___ for number 2 and Student 2: S = {4,8}
label the set with S, Ms./Mr. ___ Student 3: D = none
for number 3 and label the set
with letter D.

Okay, Thank you students. Later

on we will know if your answers
are correct.


The universal set U is the set

that contains all objects under

In our example, set A is our

universal set.
Given any two sets A and B, if
every element in A is also an
element in B, then A is a proper
subset of B. The symbol
“A B” is read A is a subset of

***Note: Every set is a subset

of itself and empty set is also a
subset of every set.


U = {1,2}
Possible subsets are:
{1,2},{1},{2},{ } or

In our example set O,S, and D is

a subset or proper subset of A.


A set with no element is an

empty set or null set. The
symbol for empty set is { } or


Set E is the set of crying

E = { } or E =

Looking back in our example D

is a null or empty set.


The cardinal number of set A,

denoted by n(A), is the number
of elements in set A. Thus, in A
= { 1,3,5,7 }, n(A) = 4 because
set A contains 4 elements.


D = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8} , n(D)= 8
E = { a,e,i,o,u } , n(E)=5

E. Discussing concepts Class, are you still alive?! (Students answered chorus)
and practicing new Yes teacher!
skills #2
Okay, that’s good to hear. But I
(EXPLORE) have here another activity to
keep you awake. I have here
names of animals.

dog cat fish

frog milk fish
cow turtle

Now, who can name the animal

that can:

1. Live on land?
2. Live on water?
3. Live both in land and
water? (Students raised their hands)

Yes, Ms./Mr._____ Dog and cow

Another! Yes, Ms./Mr._____ Cat fish and milk fish
For #3. Yes, Ms./Mr._____ Frog and turtle

Okay, thank you. Let us check.

Alright, I see that all of them got

the correct answer. So, give (Students clap their hands)
them 5 claps.

Now, class our next topic this

morning/afternoon is about
union and intersection of sets.


The union of sets A and B,

written as A U B, is the set of all
elements that are members of A,
or members of B, or members of
both A and B.


If A= { 1,2,3 } and
B= { 1,2,4,5,6}, then
A U B= { 1,2,3,4,5,6 }

If A= { a,b,c,d,e } and
B= { a,e,i,o,u }
A U B= { a,b,c,d,e,i,o,u }

The intersection of two sets A

and B, written as A B , is the
set of all elements common to
both sets A and B.


If A= { 1,2,3 } and
B= { 1,2,4,5,6}, then
A B= { 1,2 }

If A= { a,b,c,d,e } and
B= { a,e,i,o,u }
A B= { a,e }


The difference of set A and B,

written as A – B, is a set of
elements in A that are not in B.


If A= { 1,2,3 } and
B= { 1,2,4,5,6}, then
A – B= { 3 }
B – A= { 4,5,6 }

If A= { a,b,c,d,e } and
B= { a,e,i,o,u }
A - B = { b,c,d }
B – A = { i,o,u }

F. Developing mastery Okay class, I guess all the topic

(leads to Formative is already clear to everyone.
Assessment) Then we will have a seat work.
Kindly get your notebook for our
(EXPLAIN) activity. I will give you 10
minutes. And we will check your
work. Is it clear class? Yes, teacher!


U= { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,9,10 }


a. The set of even numbers.

Label set as A.
b. The set of prime numbers.
Label set as B.
c. The set of all factors of 10.
Label set as C.
d. The set of numbers between
5 and 10. Label the set as D.

2.Given: Universal set, U.

U= { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,9,10 }
A= { 1,2,4,5,7,10 }
B= { 3,6,9}
C= { 1,3,5,6,9}


a. AUB
b. BUC
c. A B
d. A C
e. U–A
f. B–C

Time is up! Exchange your

answer with your seatmate.

Now who will answer number 1 (Students raised their hands)

a? Yes, Ms./Mr._____, A= {2,4,6,8,10}

For letter b? Yes, Ms./Mr._____, B= {2,3,5,7}

How about c? Yes,

Ms./Mr._____ C= {1,2,5,10}

For d? Yes, Ms./Mr._____

D= {6,7,8,9}

How about for number 2 a?

Yes, Ms./Mr._____
a. A U B= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10}
B? Yes, Ms./Mr._____
b. B U C= {1,3,5,6,9}
For letter C? Yes, Ms./Mr._____
c. A B= { }
d? Yes, Ms./Mr._____
d. A C= {1,5}
e? Yes, Ms./Mr._____
e. U – A= {0,3,6,8,9}
Last, for letter f? Yes,
f. B – C= { }
Okay, let’s us check.

Wow, very good! All of your

answers are correct. So, I guess
all of you really understand our
topic this morning/afternoon.

G. Finding practical Okay class, do you like another

application of activity? Yes, teacher!
concepts and skills in
daily living Alright! That’s good to hear. This
activity is called “Tech Gadgets
(ELABORATE) Classification. The chosen
player is the one that has
technology under their chair.
You may look now and see if
you are a lucky player in this

The 6 lucky players will stand

and can only sit if they got a
correct answer.

Players be ready.

Imagine that you are working at

a tech store, and your task is to
organize a display that
showcases various tech
gadgets. Your goal is to
categorize the devices based on
their features and functionalities.

You have your available tech

gadgets such as Smartphones,
Laptops, Tablets, Smartwatches,
Headphones, Cameras, Fitness
Trackers, Gaming Consoles in
your store.

Now, what is the Universal Set

(U) of your available tech
gadgets in your store?
(Players raised their hands)
Yes, Ms./Mr._____
U = {Smartphones, Laptops,
Tablets, Smartwatches,
Headphones, Cameras, Fitness
Trackers, Gaming Consoles}
Yes, you are correct
Ms./Mr._____. Very good! You
can take your seats now.

Now who can tell which of the

following are sets of mobile
devices? (Players raised their hands)

Yes, Ms./Mr._____ A = {Smartphones, Tablets}

Very good! Ms./Mr._____, you

are correct. Please take your
seats now.

Now, how about sets of

computing devices? (Players raised their hands)

Yes, Ms./Mr._____ B = {Laptops}

Correct! Ms./Mr._____, you can

take your seats.

How about sets of wearable

technologies? (Players raised their hands)

Yes, Ms./Mr._____ C = {Smartwatches, Fitness


Very good! Ms./Mr._____.

Now based of the subsets

answered by the previous
players who can find A B?
(Players raised their hands)
Yes, Ms./Mr._____.
A∩C={ }

Very good! Ms./Mr._____ it is an

empty set.

Now for our last player. What is

A ∪ B?

Yes, Ms./Mr._____.
A ∪ B = {Smartphones, Tablets,
Very good! Ms./Mr._____.
H. Making Alright class, what was again
generalizations and our topic this
abstractions about morning/afternoon? (Students raised their hands)
the class
Yes, Ms./Mr._____. We discussed sets.

What is a set? Sets is a group or collection of

objects. It is commonly
represented by capital letters of
the Alphabet. It contains an
elements or member written
inside the bracket and separated
by commas.

Very good! Ms./Mr._____.

I guess all of you had already

deep understanding on the
concepts of sets and how we
apply them in real life. In our
activity today, you also learned
the skills of categorizing and
organizing some objects in the
real world, which is very
important for you as you go out
to the reality of life.
I. Evaluating Learning A. Complete Me!

(EVALUATION) Complete the statements below

using the words or phrases
found the in the box.

universal set subset

null set { } or
cardinality of set union of set

1.A set with no element is an

empty set or ______.
2.The number of elements in the
set refers to ______.
3. The ______ U is the set that
contains all objects under
4. If every element in A is also
an element in B, then A is a
______ of B.
5. The symbol for empty set or
null set is ______.
B. Perform the following
operations on sets.

A= {1,2,3,4,5}
B= {2,4,6}
C= {1,3,5,7,9}

1. A ∩ B
2. B ∩ C
3. A U B
4. A – B
5. C – B

J. Additional Activities Activity: Give what is asked.

for application or
remediation I.Tell whether each of the
following sets is well-defined or
(EXTEND) not.

____1. The set of admiring

____2. The set of all counting
____3. The set of workaholic
____4. The set of letters in the
word “mother”.
____5. The set of all factors of

II.Give the cardinality of the

following sets.
____1. The set of counting
numbers from 5 to 25.
____2. The set of letters in the
word “seven”
____3. D = {1,2,3,4,5}
____4. A = {o,n,l,i,n,e}
____5. Y = {4,8,12,…,36}

III.Let B = {1,2}. List all the

possible subsets of B.


A. No. of learners 35/35
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners 0
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No, of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovations
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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