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Womb Blessing Meditations from Miranda Gray

The Womb Tree meditation

Close your eyes and bring your awareness into your body.

Feel your weight on the cushion, the weight of your arms in your lap. Take a deep breath
and feel centred within.

Bring your awareness to your womb; see, know, feel or imagine that your womb is like a tree
with two main branches, and beautiful leaves and red jewel-like fruits on the end.

Feel or imagine that the roots of the tree grow down deep within the darkness of the earth,
connecting you and anchoring you, allowing you to receive golden energy into your womb.

Feel grounded and balanced.


Now allow the image of your Womb Tree to grow until the tree branches separate at the
level of your heart. As you connect with this image, see or feel your heart centre open and
energy flow down your arms into your hands and fingers.

Feel the connection of love between the earth, your womb and your heart.


Still in awareness of your heart, look up and see or feel that the tree’s branches continue to
reach upwards to cradle a Full Moon above your head.

The beauty of the Full Moon bathes you in a pure silver-white light that washes through your
aura and over your skin.

Open to receive the light of the Moon. Allow it to enter through your crown and fill your
brain with light. Relax further, and receive this light into your heart.

Relax even further, open your womb and allow this energy into your womb in blessing.

When to use the Womb Tree meditation

You can use the Womb Tree meditation whenever you feel drawn to using it; however, try to do it
on every Full Moon.

Always have a drink of water and something to eat after your meditation.

©2012 Miranda Gray

Womb Blessing Meditations from Miranda Gray

Self-blessing meditation
This quick and easy self-blessing can be done every day. You don’t need to do anything special; you
can do the meditation at work, in bed, on the sofa, on the train etc!

Try spending five minutes every morning doing the Self-blessing and see how it feels. If it feels good,
then do it for longer or more often during the day. The Self-blessing is particularly helpful for pre-
menstrual tension, and using it throughout your cycle can help bring balance and harmony to the
whole of your cycle.

Sit or lie comfortably with your hands over your womb.

Imagine a large Full Moon filling your womb with beautiful silvery white light. As you do this
the energy will naturally flow, and you may feel it in your hands and womb as a physical
sensation. Not everyone senses the energy as it flows – every individual has their own
unique experience of the energy. Relax and enjoy!

At the end, thank your goddess for her blessing.

Worldwide Womb Blessing with Miranda Gray

In February 2012 Miranda Gray offered the first worldwide Womb Blessing. Over 6,000 women
joined from 80 countries, and the number joining the regular three-monthly Blessing event is still
increasing. The worldwide Womb Blessing is a gift of healing from the Divine Feminine, for all
women who wish to receive it, to awaken her energies in women and in the Earth.

For more information about the Womb Blessing and how to register see

Miranda Gray

Miranda Gray is an author, artist, healer and teacher. She is the author of ‘Red Moon: Understanding
and using the creative, sexual and spiritual gifts of the menstrual cycle’ and ‘The Optimized Woman:
Using your menstrual cycle to achieve success and fulfilment’. Miranda teaches women’s workshops
and offers a number of online courses.

©2012 Miranda Gray

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