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PE Grade 6 Unit 1C Handball Date:________________

Lesson no. 1 Learning outcomes Equipment

Ball handling/
Lesson topic Dribbling with the By the end of this lesson:
dominant hand ● all students will be able to dribble a handball with some consistency. ● handballs
Class group ● most of the students will be able to dribble a handball while changing ● cones
speed with consistency. ● bibs
Introduces students to ● some of the students will be able to dribble a handball while changing
ball handling and speed and direction with consistency.
dribbling in handball
Introduction Time: 5 minutes Main activities Time: 30 minutes
Activity 1: Ball familiarisation Time: 10 minutes
● Introduction to the PE class ● Each student must complete the action once and then pass to the ball to their partner.
● Ask students about their previous ● The partner completes the action and returns the ball (one ball per student if equipment allows)
knowledge/experience of handball. ● Actions that can be used include;
● Give the students a brief outline of - 1. Around the head, waist, ankles 2. Figure eight 3. Through the legs 4. Around one leg
today’s lesson (lesson objective). Support: Make actions easier, e.g. students to roll the ball through the legs rather than carry it.
Stretch: Make actions more difficult, e.g. students to dribble/bounce the ball between their legs instead of
Warm-up Time: 5 minutes
carrying it.
Human statues:
● Different movements, e.g. run, skip,
Activity 2: Dribbling technique Time: 10 minutes
sidestep, etc.
● Students to move around the hall and perform the correct dribbling technique with their dominant hand
● The student must freeze whenever
(one ball per student if equipment allows)
freeze is called.
- Loose wrists, use fingertips, keep head up, bounce at hip height
● Dynamic stretches
● Hold up a number of fingers and get students to call out how many while dribbling (cue: ‘head up!’)
Plenary Time: 5 minutes ● Students without the ball stand like a statue and act as an obstacle
● Assess the learning objectives of the Support: Provide more teaching cues. Allow students more time to practice dribbling on the spot.
lesson using questioning and Stretch: Create a boundary. Students to use non-dominant hand. Students without the ball can apply slight
discussions. pressure.

Support: Give more prompts to the Activity 3: Relays Time: 10 minutes

students to help them get to the answer. ● Students are in groups of four or five.
Stretch: Give fewer prompts to students ● The first student dribbles the ball around the cone. Then, dribbles back and hands it to the next player.
to let them discover the answer Support: Non-competitive students can catch the ball instead of dribbling around the cone.
independently. Stretch: Make competitive. Set a time limit. Students use non-dominant hand.
PE Grade 6 Unit 1C Handball Date:________________
Lesson no. 2 Learning outcomes Equipment
Lesson topic Passing By the end of this lesson:
● all students will be able to perform a chest pass and bounce pass with
Class group ● handballs
some consistency.
● cones
● most of the students will be able to perform a chest and bounce pass
● bibs
Learning Introduces students to over a short distance with consistency.
objective passing in handball ● some of the students will be able to perform a chest and bounce pass
over varied distances with consistency.
Introduction Time: 5 minutes Main activities Time: 30 minutes
Activity 1: Chest pass Time: 10 minutes
● Introduction to the PE class ● Students get into pairs - a ball between two.
● Recap on the learning from the ● Students stand a short distance apart in space and practice the chest pass by continuously passing to each
previous lesson other.
● Give the students a brief outline of ● Students count how many passes they completed without dropping the ball.
today’s lesson (lesson objective). ● Students then practice passing to a moving partner - switch roles and repeat.
● Students can both move horizontally (sliding feet) while chest passing to each other.
Warm-up Time: 5 minutes
Support: Stand closer together. Use a bigger and/or softer ball.
● Different movements are performed
Stretch: Increase the distance between students. Both students move in different directions while passing.
in an area such as running, hopping,
skipping, sidesteps, etc.
Activity 2: Bounce pass Time: 10 minutes
● When freeze is shouted, students
● Students get into pairs - a ball between two.
must freeze in a creative way, such as
● Students stand a short distance apart in space and practice the bounce pass by continuously passing to
standing like a superhero, making a
each other.
shape or letter, etc.
● Students count how many passes they completed without dropping the ball.
● Most creative ones get one point.
● Students then practice passing to a moving partner - switch roles and repeat.
Plenary Time: 5 minutes ● Students can both move horizontally (sliding feet) while bounce passing to each other.
● Assess the learning objectives of the Support: Stand closer together. Use a bigger and/or softer ball.
lesson using questioning and Stretch: Increase the distance between students. Both students move in different directions while passing.
Activity 3: Islands Time: 10 minutes
Support: Give more prompts to the ● Students will be put into 2/3 teams - set three ‘islands’ in the area (square grids using cones).
students to help them get to the answer. ● Students must pass the ball in their team, moving the ball towards one of the islands.
Stretch: Give fewer prompts to students ● When a member of the team catches the ball on the island, they score one point.
to let them discover the answer ● A team must pass the ball five times in a row before they can score a point on the island.
independently. ● Students cannot move when they have the ball (the focus is on passing).
PE Grade 6 Unit 1C Handball Date:________________
Lesson no. 3 Learning outcomes Equipment
Lesson topic Passing – Leading Passes By the end of this lesson:
● all students will be able to perform an overhead pass with some
Class group ● handballs
● cones
● most of the students will be able to perform an overhead pass over
● bibs
Learning Develop students’ varied distances with consistency.
objective passing skills in handball ● some of the students will be able to perform a leading pass to a moving
receiver consistently.
Introduction Time: 5 minutes Main activities Time: 30 minutes
Activity 1: Overhead pass Time: 10 minutes
● Introduction to the PE class ● Students get into pairs - a ball between two.
● Recap on the learning from the ● Students stand a short distance apart in space and practice the overhead pass by continuously passing to
previous lesson each other.
● Give the students a brief outline of ● Students count how many passes they completed without dropping the ball.
today’s lesson (lesson objective). ● Students then practice passing to a moving partner - switch roles and repeat.
● Students can both move horizontally (sliding feet) while chest passing to each other.
Warm-up Time: 5 minutes
Support: Stand closer together. Use a bigger and/or softer ball.
● Different movements are performed
Stretch: Increase the distance between students. Both students move in different directions while passing.
in an area, such as running, hopping,
skipping, sidesteps, etc.
Activity 2: Leading pass Time: 10 minutes
● When freeze is shouted, students
● Students get into pairs - a ball between two.
must freeze in a creative way, such as
● The student without the ball stands between two cones about 10-metres apart.
standing like a superhero, making a
● One student points to the cone he will run to, and the student with the ball will attempt to play a leading
shape or letter, etc.
● Most creative ones get one point.
● Switch roles after five attempts.
Plenary Time: 5 minutes Support: Stand closer together. Use a bigger and/or softer ball.
● Assess the learning objectives of the Stretch: Increase the distance between students. Both students move in different directions while passing.
lesson using questioning and
discussions. Activity 3: Islands Time: 10 minutes
● Students will be put into 2/3 teams - set three ‘islands’ in the area (square grids using cones).
Support: Give more prompts to the ● Students pass the ball in their team, moving the ball towards one of the islands.
students to help them get to the answer. ● When a member of the team catches the ball on the island, they score one point.
Stretch: Give fewer prompts to students ● A team must pass the ball five times in a row before they can score a point on the island.
to let them discover the answer ● Students cannot move when they have the ball (the focus is on passing).
PE Grade 6 Unit 1C Handball Date:________________
Lesson no. 4 Learning outcomes Equipment
Lesson topic Shooting By the end of this lesson:
● all students will be able to shoot the ball accurately at a goal some of the
Class group ● handballs
● cones
● most of the students will be able to shoot accurately from different
● bibs
Learning Introduces students to areas of the court some of the time.
objective shooting in handball ● some of the students will be able to shoot accurately from different
areas of the court most of the time.
Introduction Time: 5 minutes Main activities Time: 30 minutes
● Introduction to the PE class Activity 1: Shooting practice (standing shot) Time: 15 minutes
● Recap on the learning from the ● Split the class in half - one half shooting towards one goal and the other half shooting towards the other
previous lesson goal.
● Give the students a brief outline of ● Set a start cone, a course of cones to dribble through and another cone at an angle at the end.
today’s lesson (lesson objective). ● Students must dribble in and out of the cones, make a pass with whoever is standing on the angle cone
Warm-up Time: 5 minutes who will pass the ball back. Then, they have to dribble around a defender and try and shoot in the goal.
Stuck in the mud: ● The student who shoots returns to the back of the line
● Select three catchers and two ● Rotate the student who is passing the ball.
releasers - the two releasers will be Support: Allow students to shoot from closer. Remove the dribble.
dribbling a handball. Stretch: Increase distance to the goal for the shot. Change the angle of the shot. Defender to put slight
● If you have been tagged, you must pressure on the shot.
stand with your legs apart and arms
out. Activity 2: Dribble and shoot Time: 15 minutes
● The releasers will dribble the ball ● Split the class in half - one half shooting towards one goal and the other half shooting towards the other
over, bounce or chest pass to the goal.
person who is stuck, who will bounce, ● Set a start cone, a course of cones to dribble through and another cone at an angle at the end.
or chest pass the ball back and is then ● Students must dribble in and out of the cones, make a pass with whoever is standing on the angle cone
free. who will pass the ball back. Then they have to dribble around a defender and try and shoot in the goal.
● Change the catchers and releasers ● The student who shoots returns to the back of the line.
Plenary Time: 5 minutes ● Rotate the student who is passing the ball.
● Assess the learning objectives of the Support: Allow students to shoot from closer. Remove the dribble.
lesson using questioning and Stretch: Increase distance to the basket for the shot. Change the angle of the shot. Defender to put slight
discussions. pressure on the shot. Encourage students to attempt a jump shot.
Support: Give more prompts to the
Stretch: Give fewer prompts to students.
PE Grade 6 Unit 1C Handball Date:________________
Lesson no. 5 Learning outcomes Equipment
Lesson topic Attacking By the end of this lesson:
● all students will be able to perform one evasive movement to create
Class group ● handballs
● cones
Develops students’ ● most of the students will be able to perform at least two evasive
● bibs
Learning evasive movement skills movements to get past a defender and create space.
objective and ability to create ● some of the students will be able to perform at least two evasive
space movements to get past a defender and create space in a game situation.
Introduction Time: 5 minutes Main activities Time: 30 minutes
● Introduction to the PE class Activity 1: 2v1 possession Time: 10 minutes
● Recap on the learning from the ● Students are put into groups of three - set up a square, using cones, for each group.
previous lesson ● Students one and two will try and keep the ball, and student three will try and steal the ball.
● Give the students a brief outline of ● The student with the ball can only take three steps before having to pass the ball again.
today’s lesson (lesson objective). ● The person with the ball can only keep hold of the ball for a maximum of three seconds.
Warm-up Time: 5 minutes ● The game ends when one person loses the ball.
Cars and caravans: Support: Make the square larger. Allow the student with the ball to dribble.
● Students are in pairs and numbered Stretch: Make the square smaller. Add in a second defender (2v2).
one and two.
● Number ones begin with dribbling Activity 2: Fake step Time: 5 minutes
with the ball. ● Students are put into pairs and stand opposite each other (one at one end of the hall and one at the other).
● Wherever number one goes, number ● Student A will dribble half way where there will be a pole, pretend to move one way (fake) and then go
two has to follow. around the pole the other way. They then dribble the rest of the sports hall and pass the ball to Student B.
● When change is shouted, number Support: Students to perform the fake while walking.
one must pass to number two, and Stretch: Place a defender instead of a pole.
the process is repeated the other
way. Activity 3: Capture the handball Time: 15 minutes
Plenary Time: 5 minutes ● Divide the playing area into two halves and divide the class into two teams.
● Each team will have 1-5 handballs (same number for each team) placed near the back of their half.
● Assess the learning objectives of the ● The goal is to retrieve the other team’s handballs and bring them back to their team’s area.
lesson using questioning and ● Once a handball is retrieved, the student must dribble the ball back to their team’s half.
discussions. ● Once a team member crosses into the opposing team’s half, they can be tagged by any opposing team
member - if tagged they must return to their team’s side at home base and touch the base before they can
Stretch: Give fewer prompts to students. enter the game again.
Support: Give more prompts to the ● If in possession of an opponents’ handball, they must return it to the opposing team’s area before going to
students. home base.
PE Grade 6 Unit 1C Handball Date:________________
Lesson no. 6 Learning outcomes Equipment
Defending – reducing By the end of this lesson:
Lesson topic
space ● all students will be able to reduce open space on defence by making
Class group their body larger. ● handballs
● most of the students will be able to reduce open space on defence by ● cones
Develops students’ making their body larger and reducing the passing angles. ● bibs
Learning ● some of the students will be able to reduce open space on defence by
defensive skills and
objective making their body larger and reducing the passing angles in a game
ability to create space
Introduction Time: 5 minutes Main activities Time: 30 minutes
● Introduction to the PE class
● Recap on the learning from the
Activity 1: 2v1 possession Time: 10 minutes
previous lesson
● Students are in groups of three.
● Give the students a brief outline of
● There are three rectangle grids, one student in each – the students must stay in their own rectangular grid.
today’s lesson (lesson objective).
● The two students on the outside grids will attempt to pass the ball to each other using a chest pass or a
Warm-up Time: 5 minutes
bounce pass.
Stuck in the mud:
● The student in the middle is the defender. He/she is trying to intercept/deny the pass – you should
● Select three catchers and two
encourage the student to make his/her body larger and reduce passing angles.
releasers - the two releasers will be
● Students swap roles once the ball is intercepted, leaves the grid, or the students reach 10 successful
dribbling a handball.
● If you have been tagged, you must
Support: Make the rectangular grid smaller. Introduce a second defender (2v2).
stand with your legs apart and arms
Stretch: Make the rectangular grid larger. Reduce the number of successful passes required.
● The releasers will dribble the ball
Activity 2: Knock the cone Time: 20 minutes
over, bounce or chest pass to the
● Divide the class into 4/6 equal teams and divide the sports hall in two.
person who is stuck, who will bounce,
● Two teams will play in one area.
or chest pass the ball back and is then
● At both ends of the playing area, there is a tall cone instead of a basket. There will also be an area marked
out around the tall cone that students are not allowed to enter.
● Change the catchers and releasers.
● All normal handball rules apply such as out of bounds, travelling, double dribble, etc.
Plenary Time: 5 minutes ● To score a point, students must hit the cone from outside the area that students cannot enter.
● Assess the learning objectives of the
lesson using questioning and Support: Modify the rules. Use a bigger cone or two cones as a goal.
discussions. Stretch: Five successful passes before shooting. Use one student as an extra defender for the team on defence
Support: Give more prompts to the each time.
Stretch: Give fewer prompts to students.
PE Grade 6 Unit 1C Handball Date:________________
Lesson no. 7 Learning outcomes Equipment
Gameplay – transitioning
Lesson topic from attack-defence/ By the end of this lesson:
defence-attack ● some of the students will be able to transition from attack-defence and
● handballs
Class group ● cones
● most of the students will be able to transition from attack-defence and
Develops students’ ● bibs
defence-attack at speed.
Learning ability to transition from ● some of the students will be able to transition from attack-defence and
objective attack-defence/defence- defence-attack at speed and set up an appropriate formation.
attack during gameplay
Introduction Time: 5 minutes Main activities Time: 30 minutes
● Introduction to the PE class Activity 1: Handball tennis Time: 10 minutes
● Recap on the learning from the ● Can be played 1v1 or 2v2
previous lesson ● Students must roll the ball across the designated area to the opposing team.
● Give the students a brief outline of ● The opposing team must shuffle with knees bent and arms out in a defensive stance to the ball and tap the
today’s lesson (lesson objective). ball back to the other team.
Warm-up Time: 5 minutes ● The ball must remain on the ground for the entirety of the game.
Dribble tag: ● A point is scored when the ball is rolled past the opposing team and out of the designated area.
● Two students will be given a handball Support: Decrease playing space. The ball can be changed for a larger or slower ball.
to dribble and attempt to tag the Stretch: Increase the playing space. Add an extra opponent and make it 1v2.
other players (with no handball).
● If the tag is successful, the student Activity 1: Gameplay Time: 20 minutes
must stand still until another player ● Use a full handball court or divide the playing area into two halves.
(not caught) can give them a high ● Divide the class into teams of five (teams can have six or seven members, with the extras as substitutes
five. that cycle in after a few minutes of gameplay).
● Change the ‘chasers’ after a set ● Two teams playing at a time on the court (the others are watching and can do peer analysis, help referee,
amount of time. run the scoreboard, etc.).
Plenary Time: 5 minutes ● Play match with full rules for 5-10 minutes then rotate teams (time for matches dependant on the number
● Assess the learning objectives of the of teams).
lesson using questioning and ● The goal for each team is to score more points than the other team within the allotted time frame.
discussions. Support: Modify the rules. More students on the team with less ability.
Stretch: Give fewer prompts to students. Stretch: Modify the rules. More students on the team with less ability
Support: Give more prompts to the
PE Grade 6 Unit 1C Handball Date:________________
Lesson no. 8 Learning outcomes Equipment
Lesson topic Gameplay By the end of this lesson:
● all students will be able to demonstrate at least one attacking and one
Class group ● handballs
defending skill during gameplay.
● cones
Develop students’ ability ● most students will be able to demonstrate multiple attacking and
● bibs
Learning to perform handball skills defending skills during gameplay.
objective in a team setting during ● some students will be able to demonstrate advanced attacking and
gameplay defending skills during gameplay.
Introduction Time: 5 minutes Main activities Time: 30 minutes
● Introduction to the PE class
● Recap on the learning from the
previous lesson
● Give the students a brief outline of
today’s lesson (lesson objective).
Warm-up Time: 5 minutes
Activity 1: Gameplay Time: 30 minutes
● Students are in groups of three, one
● Use a full handball court or divide the playing area into two halves.
ball in each group.
● Divide the class into teams of five (teams can have six or seven members with the extras as substitutes that
● One student is in the middle.
cycle in after a few minutes of gameplay).
● The two students will pass the ball
● Two teams playing at a time on the court (the others are watching and can do peer analysis, help referee,
between each other, avoiding the
run the scoreboard, etc.).
student in the middle.
● Play match with full rules for 5-10 minutes then rotate teams (time for matches dependant on the number
● If the student in the middle
of teams).
intercepts the ball, they switch places
● The goal for each team is to score more points than the other team within the allotted time frame.
with whoever sent the pass.
Support: Modify the rules. More students on the team with less ability.
● Blow the whistle/call for a change of
Stretch: Modify the rules. More students on the team with less ability.
student in the middle.
Plenary Time: 5 minutes
● Assess the learning objectives of the
lesson using questioning and
Support: Give more prompts to the
Stretch: Give fewer prompts to students.

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