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Name: Lhexin Xander Moran Nov 15, 2022

Grade 12 - St. Joseph

Munting tinig is all about in a young kind and idealistic teacher that helps
Elementary students to learn, despites on how poor they are, it is produced
and directed by a great director who is Mr. Gil M Portes, It is also
performed by Filipino Actresses: Alessandra de Rossi, Amy Austria, Dexter
Doria and Gina Alajar and It was an award winning Philippines Movie that is
all about in a hard work, passion and problems that we are facing until

Alessandra de Rossi or Melinda have come to Malawig Elementary School

that is located to a poor remote place, to become a new substitute teacher,
her mother have high expectation to her to come in abroad and look for a
job there, but since that she doesn’t know what she’ll going to do in her life
and want to have challenges she becomes a teacher in a province
elementary school that is full of danger because of NPA, lack of books,
things, and people there’s facing poverty

Melinda starts teaching children to remote school that has lack of

resources of books, no paint in the outside wall, and sometimes they do
their classes in outside because of the lack of a classroom, there is no
electric fan and budget to help them to learn easier.

The children are so poor that sometimes they cannot afford to went at
school since they help their parents on every day’s works or chores in their
houses, but those cheerful children’s have dreams that they want, with the
help of their teachers and Melinda, Melinda tries them to help and motivate
them to go to school, join to competition and experience what they really

Melinda and the children’s try to join to a music competition that have a
price that will helps them, they encounter problems from the schools and
the parents of the children, they also have one classmate member that
died, but Melinda and the children make a way and manage to surpass
those tons of problems.

I really love the concept here that everyone has right to dream, that
everyone can seek what they wanted in their life, that everyone is have a
right to make a goal in their life, that even you started small as long as you
have perseverance you can success in the future, that everyone can win if
they have a teamwork, that no soldiers can win in a war without teamwork,
that teachers is not just a teachers, they can become your own parents,
your brother or sister, because they can become a friend of every students,
and we can surpass those problems that we encounter in our life, then
make us more stronger.

I recommend this screenplay to every families, teachers in this world or in

other words to all. Since it is a wholesome movie, that really open our eyes
in every aspects of life, in every problem we have in our life and how tough
the bond of a teachers and a student.

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