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Exercise 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. breakfast B. brief C. bright D. climb
2. A. practice B. cupboard C. pray D. plan
3. A. express B. precious C. present D. celebrate
4. A. greet B. weave C. each D. head
5. A. simple B. practice C. tribal D. bridge
Exercise 2. Find the word which has different stress from the others.
1. A. famous B. common C. staple D. avoid
2. A. occasion B. disagree C. tradition D. expensive
3. A. harmful B. maintain C. lifestyle D. freedom
4. A. healthy B. hurry C. online D. modern
5. A. improve B. habit C. native D. famous
Exercise 1. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.
street food dogsled making crafts weaving tribal dance
online learning dim sum bamboo baskets native art greeting

1. _________________________________ 2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________ 4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________ 6. _________________________________

7. _________________________________ 8. _________________________________

9. _________________________________ 10. _________________________________

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
native practice well-known tribal modern
craft greet adopt kilts online
1. It was so interesting to meet the ____________ groups and talk about their culture.
2. - What is the traditional ____________ of this village? - It’s weaving bamboo baskets.
3. I think I will take part in an ____________ course, but I’m not sure about its benefits.
4. Going out for breakfast has become a common ____________ in our city.
5. Many people are trying to ____________ a healthy lifestyle these days.
6. We may see ____________ art in galleries and museums around the city.
7. Which country is ____________ for fish and chips?
8. Do Scottish men wear ____________?
9. Students prefer ____________ technology as it can help them learn in a more convenient
and comfortable way.
10. Handshaking, bowing, and hugging are some of the ways in which people ____________
one another.
Exercise 1. Turn the following sentences into affirmative, negative, or interrogative forms.
1. (+) We will set off early.
 (-)…………………………………………………………………………………………
 (?)………………………………………………………………………………………........
2. (+)………………………………_______________________________________________
 (-) She won’t attend the festival next Friday.
 (?)………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. (+)………………………………..______________________________________________
 (?) Will you come over for dinner tonight?
 (-) Alex won’t have to take the course again.
5. (+) I will choose online learning in the second semester.
 (-)……………………………………………………………………………………………
 (?)………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. (+) ……………………………………………………………………………………………
 (-) He won’t go to the countryside this summer holiday.
 (?)………………………………………………………………………………………………
7. (+) ……………………………………………………………………………………………
 (-)………………………………………………………………………………………………
 (?) Will you help me with my project?
8. (+) Rita will visit her grandmother tomorrow morning.
 (-)………………………………………………………………………………………………
 (?)………………………………………………………………………………………………
9. (+)…….………………………..______________________________________________
 (-) ……………………………………………………………………………………………
 (?) Will we be late for school?
10. (+)………………………..__________________________________________________
 (-) They won't buy a new car this weekend.
 (?)………………………………………………………………………………………………
Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using the Simple Future tense form of the verbs and
underline the time expression.
1. Tom (go) ___________ to the museum with his friends tomorrow.
2. They (not travel) ___________ to Phu Quoc next weekend.
3. The students (take) ___________ a 15-minute test next week.
4. There is little tomato sauce. I (buy) ___________ some.
5. We (become ___________)famous singers in the future.
6. I promise I (be) ___________ there on time.
7. (your daughter / come) ___________ back home in two days?
8. I (submit) ___________ my assignment soon.
9. In 2030. there (be) ___________ more robots that do the housework.
10. I don’t think she (pass) ___________ the driving test.

Exercise 4. Matching the first halves in column A with the others in column B to make
conditional sentences.
1. If she has free time, A. he will go to Sa Pa to learn more about the
daily activities of ethnic people.
2. If the students feel interested, B. my parents will be very proud of me.
3. My parents will buy me a new guitar C. you will experience different types of food
and entertainment.
4. If James gets his parents’ permission, D. if I get good marks.
5. Phong won’t go to school E. if he goes to Ha Giang Province.
6. If I get a scholarship, F. she will take her children out to play folk
7. If you join this fair, G. if he is still sick.
8. Peter will buy some home-grown food H. I will teach them how to make crafts.
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Exercise 5. Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets using the first conditional.
1. If you (go) ___________ on a business trip, please inform me.
2. If he (eat) ___________ another cake, he (be) ___________ sick.
3. I (tell) ___________ you more about the Ban Flower Festival if I (meet) ___________ you.
4. If I (be) ___________ allowed to choose a topic, I (give) ___________ a presentation on Bat
Trang Village.
5. If I (not have) ___________ to go to school this summer vacation, I (travel) ___________ to
Mongolia to learn more about nomadic life.
6. What (you I do) ___________ if she refuses your invitation?
7. If the sun (shine) ___________, we (walk) ___________ into town.
8. Unless they (pass) ___________ their examinations, they (have) ___________ to join the
9. You (have) ___________ a stomachache if you drink that contaminated water.
10. If we (have) ___________ several days off, we (learn) ___________ how to cook some
kinds of street food.
Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with “if’ or “unless”.
1. ___________ it’s raining heavily, we won’t go for a dogsled.
2. ___________ he tries hard, he won’t pass the examination.
3. I will try “curry” ___________ I have an opportunity to travel to India.
4. ___________ I finish the work in time, I will go to the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
5. ___________ you see Mary today, please ask her to call me.
6. I will cook some pasta for my ___________ children they are hungry.
7. ___________ Jane gets to Taiwan, she will eat dim sum.
8. ___________ you can eat chillies, you won’t like Thai cuisine.
9. ___________ you have free time this weekend, I will show you around Chau An Village.
10. You will put on weight ___________ you do morning exercises.
Exercise 7. Underline the best answers.
1. If / Unless you don’t study hard, you won’t pass the final exam.
2. Unless she returns / doesn’t return my comic books to me, I will never lend her again.
3. They will lose their jobs if they don’t work / work hard.
4. Unless / If you eat enough vegetables and fruit, you will have health problems.
5. If Lucia doesn’t change her studying habit, she will / won’t be able to improve her
performance at school.
6. We can’t find the way out unless we look / don’t look at the map.
7. Anna won’t finish her work unless / if they help her.
8. I won’t go out tonight if my parents don’t allow / allow me to.
9. Unless you practice speaking English, you can’t / will communicate with foreigners.
10. If Jack isn’t / is sick, he will go skiing with us.
Exercise 9. Choose the best answers.
1. - ‘"Here’s my phone number”.
- “Thanks. I’ll give you a call if I ___________ some help tomorrow”
A. will need B. need C. would need D. needed
2. The patient will not recover unless he ___________ an operation.
A. had undergone B. would undergo C. undergoes D. was undergoing
3. If it ___________ convenient, let’s go out for dinner tonight.
A. be B. is C. was D. were
4. If we meet at 9:00, we ___________ plenty of time to talk.
A. have B. is having C. will have D. had
5. If you learn online, you will find it difficult ___________.
A. concentrated B. concentrating C. concentrate D. to concentrate
6. Linh and Quan have similar ___________ about online learning.
A. problem B. ideas C. idea D. ideal
7. What do people do to ___________ traditional lifestyles?
A. maintain B. stay C. carry D. serve
8. Thais greet other people by ___________ “sawadee”.
A. bowing B. saying C. practicing D. telling
9. What is the ___________ food in your area? - It’s rice.
A. core B. basic C. staple D. key
10. Many students like studying online because it’s ___________.
A. harmful B. dependent C. convenient D. time-consuming
11. India has a ___________ range of cuisines.
A. deep B. large C. big D. vast
12. Sushi comes from ___________.
A. The U.S. B. Japan C. Viet Nam D. Australia
13. The dogsled is still used as a ___________ of transport in Alaska today.
A. mean B. way C. means D. method
14. The traditional craft of the villagers is ___________ bamboo baskets.
A. weaving B. knitting C. carving D. moulding
15. Sticking out one’s ___________ was a way of greeting in traditional Tibetan culture.
A. lips B. throat C. mouth D. tongue
16. Song Hye Kyo comes from South Korea, so her ___________ language is Korean.
A. native B. practical C. modern D. local
17. ___________ hands is probably the most common way of greeting around the world.
A. Shook B. Shakes C. Shaking D. Shake
18. Buying street food is a common ___________ in our country.
A. kind B. practice C. mode D. type
19. Are there any ___________ of modem technology on lifestyles?
A. ways B. sides C. impact D. impacts
20. Will online learning ___________ our IT skills? - Yes, it will.
A. improve B. improves C. improving D. improved
Exercise 10. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. Will he goes camping tomorrow? ___________
2. The phone’s ringing. - OK, I’m going to answer it. ___________
3. I’m sure she is going to lend you her car. ___________
4. I won’t probably be home tonight. ___________
5. I promise I’m not going to be late again. ___________
6. I’ll call you when I’ll arrive in Spain. ___________
7. We don’t will have an English exam next Thursday. ___________
8. If you don’t be careful, you will fall off your bike. ___________
9. You don’t pass the exam if you don’t study hard. ___________
10. If you will help me, I can finish my report. ___________
Exercise 2. Read then decide whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F).
Technology has attracted the attention of many people in the world especially the young
generation and this has affected their lifestyle. They use electronic devices such as phones,
laptops, iPods, tablets, computers and many others. Electronic devices are so addictive that
people would rather use them for enjoyment than their necessity. Due to this addictiveness, it
has resulted in negative effects on people’s life and their mental health.
Technology has both negative and positive impacts on people’s lives; it just depends on
how the person uses the electronic gadget. Technology has made it easier to access information
which is very helpful for businesses or even a student. But not all technology was made for
positive purposes as due to technology, there was a development of weapons which is a threat
to the society.
We can say that addiction refers to a situation when you like a particular thing so much
that you lose control over your mind, and this is what is happening to today’s world especially
the young generation. They became so addicted to the technology gadgets that all they think
about is that it has control over their mind. They spend most of their time on electronic devices
that they don’t even realise.
Adapted from:
Statements True (T) False (F)
1. Technology has captured the attention of people of all
ages in the world.
2. Electronic devices are not so addictive.
3. Technology has negative effects on people’s life and their
mental health.
4. People find it easier to access information thanks to
5. The young generation spend little time on electronic
Exercise 3. Read the passage then answer the questions.
Students today are already comfortable with online platforms and online learning. This is
why these classes are becoming more widely used. They can be accessed anytime and
anywhere as long as there’s an Internet connection and a gadget to use. Online learning makes
it easier for students to access courses they can benefit from. However, students also have to
deal with disadvantages that can affect the quality of these classes.
First, online learning has more distractions. Students who take online courses are more
prone to distractions and procrastination in the same landscape. This is because these courses
don’t have a physical classroom that can help them focus on their studies. Moreover, other
students cannot afford Internet access 24/7, which means that online classes are not always
convenient for students.
Second, online classes are easily disrupted. Lack of a stable Internet connection and good
gadgets can disrupt online classes. Without these two things, students cannot access their
courses, which can affect their grades and performance. Unlike traditional courses, these
classes are dependent on factors like the student’s and the teacher’s Internet connections, the
gadgets being used, and the environment where the classes are held. With so many factors
affecting the classes' quality, many students would say that traditional learning is better than
online learning.
In conclusion, online learning has been around for a while now. With online education
growing, its advantages and disadvantages are worth considering. Online courses offer many
benefits, such as reduced costs and increased flexibility. But there are also some disadvantages
to online learning that need to be considered if you want to try them.
Adapted from:
1. Are students today comfortable with online platforms and online learning?
2. Why can’t students focus on their studies?
3. Can lack of a stable Internet connection and a good gadget disrupt online classes?
4. What are the main factors affecting the classes’ quality?
5. What are the benefits that online courses offer?
Exercise 1. Reorder the words to make correct sentences.
1. is / famous / Which / spaghetti? I for / country
2. the / traditional / find / You / in / lifestyle / interesting. / Alaska / might
3. I / weak / points. / online / think / has / some I learning
4. changing / and / way / working? / learning / our / Is / technology / of
5. go / will / sledding / tomorrow. / We / dog
6. camping / They / rain. / go / doesn’t / it / if / will
7. not / lessons / offline / are / as / interesting / Online / ones. / as
8. It’s / maintain / traditional / their / lifestyles. / villages / for / to / difficult / some
9. well-known / fish / and / for / is / England / chips.
10. you / don’t / late / you / will / up, / meeting. / be / If / the / hurry / for
Exercise 2. Rewrite these following sentences using the first conditional.
1. We’ll have pizza for lunch. We’ll be hungry.

2. I won't know her phone number. I won’t be able to call her.

3. John will be at work. He won’t go with US to Chau An Village.

4. He won’t like the decorations. He can send them back to the shop.

5. We won’t wait for you. We won’t have enough time.

6. I will attend an online class. I won’t have to spend time commuting.
 If………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. Take up this course. You will like it.
 If …………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Don’t tell your parents. They will be very disappointed.
 Unless……………………………………………………………………………………
9. Don’t overthink, and you will feel more relaxed.
 You…………………………………………………………………………………………
10. We’ll set off early tomorrow. The weather will be good.
 We…………………………………………………………………………………….
Exercise 3. Rewrite these following sentences based on the given words.
1. Eat an apple every day, and you will be healthier. (If)
2. Don’t spend too much time on the computer, or you will have sore eyes. (Unless)
3. Unless you study harder, you will fail the upcoming exam. (if)
4. If you don’t go to bed early, you will be tired tomorrow. (Unless)
5. Italy is famous for pasta and pizza. (popular)
6. My friends want to go to offline class because online learning doesn’t work for them. (so)
7. James finds it hard to concentrate when learning online. (thinks)
8. Modern technology has negative effects on our lifestyles. (affects)
9. My mother always keeps the house neat and tidy. (habit)
10. People in Japan usually greet each other by bowing. (when)

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