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Intermediate Grammar Test 14

1. Take an umbrella ________ it rains. 9. He’s ________ to know the answer.

A) in any case A) likely

B) in case B) probable
C) because C) maybe
D) for D) probably
2. I ________ have coffee than tea. 10. She came ________ because her car has broken down.

A) like more to
B) prefer A) walking
C) would rather B) by foot
D) had better C) with foot
D) on foot
3. He didn’t thank me for the present. That is ________
annoyed me. 11. That’s the man ________ yesterday.

A) the which A) which I was talking to

B) that which B) what I was talking to
C) the thing what C) I was talking to
D) what D) with who I was talking
4. I’ll have to buy ________ trousers. 12. I’ve been looking for you ________ .

A) a A) everywhere
B) two B) anywhere
C) a pair of C) for all places
D) a couple of D) in all places
5. She looks ________ . 13. ________ he was tired he went on working.

A) pleasant A) Even
B) to be pleasant B) Yet
C) that she’s pleasant C) Although
D) pleasantly D) In spite
6. When you ________ the furniture, please tell me. 14. Send him to the baker’s ________ the bread.

A) will finish to move A) to buy

B) finish to move B) in order he buys
C) will finish moving C) for to buy
D) have finished moving D) for buying
7. The reason ________ I’m writing is to tell you about a 15. Wanda is ________ Jane.
party on Saturday.
A) a lot pretty than
A) because B) a lot prettier that
B) why C) much more pretty that
C) for D) much prettier than
D) as
16. He didn’t know ________ or go home.
8. Don’t make him ________ it if he doesn’t want to.
A) to wait
A) do B) if that he should wait
B) to do C) if to wait
C) doing D) whether to wait
D) that he do

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Intermediate Grammar Test 14

17. ________ me ________ .

A) Tell / what is this

B) Tell / what this is
C) Say / what is this
D) Say / what this is

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Intermediate Grammar Test 14

Answer Key:

1: B 10: D
2: C 11: C
3: D 12: A
4: C 13: C
5: A 14: A
6: D 15: D
7: B 16: D
8: A 17: B
9: A

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