ESLConversation OpinionsRandom01

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Conveying Opinions (Random set 01)

1. What is your favorite traditional food from your home country?

2. What are you the most impatient with?
3. What quality is the easiest to lie about in a job interview?
4. What do you consider to be the most important qualities of a good friend?
5. How would you describe your last visit to the dentist?
6. How do you know if a hair stylist is good before getting your hair cut by them?
7. What are your favorite topics to discuss with your friends?
8. What about your family are you most proud of?
9. Describe your favorite holiday.
10.Do you think corporal punishment should be brought back into schools as a
method for discipline?
11.Which sport gets the most attention at the Olympics? Why do you think it
12.The number of working mothers has doubled in the past decade, how do you
feel about this?
13.How do you feel about paying taxes?
14.Describe some ways that the internet has made life easier for you.
15.What is the happiest holiday for kids?
16.Which movie has had the biggest impact on your life?
17.What subjects are the most interesting to talk with your coworkers about?
18.What possession do you value the most?


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