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UNIT 7 You have 10 minutes.

UNIT 7 You have 10 minutes.
Name ______________________________________________________________________ Date ____________
Vocabulary 1: Choose the correct options to complete the text.

I’d never really had any problems managing my money. My mother works for a bank and she taught
me that it’s important to have a healthy (1) debt / bank account / fee. She said, “You should never
borrow money that you can’t (2) withdraw / inherit / pay back easily.” She opened an account for me
when I was five, and when I was 10 I got my own ATM card! When I was older I deposited any extra
(3) fees / income / profit that I made from my part-time job in the account. Then, a few years ago, my
great aunt died and I (4) owed / inherited / raised some money. My mother encouraged me to save
most of it, but she also suggested I (5) donate / raise / withdraw some of it to my favorite charity.
After I did that, I really felt good about myself.

Vocabulary 2: Complete the text with the words in the box.

careful grateful hopeless pointless stressful
I’m very (6) ______________ for my mother’s help and advice. I know a lot of other teenagers who
don’t have any idea about finances. They’re (7) _____________ at managing their money! However,
when I think about my childhood, I sometimes think that it wasn’t healthy to be so interested in money.
For one thing, it can be quite (8) _____________ if you have to manage different bank accounts and
investments. There were endless trips to the bank, sometimes two or three times a week! In the last
couple of years, I’ve realized that it’s (9) _____________ having a lot of money in the bank if you
never have a good time. So now I go out a lot more with my friends, and I’m a lot less
(10) _____________ with my money, but I think I’m a happier person!

Grammar 1: Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

A friend asked me yesterday what I (11) _____________ (do) if I won the lottery. It's a really difficult
question to answer. I think if that (12) _____________ (happen), I’d be careful not to let it affect me
too much. I (13) _____________ (not want) my personality to change if I suddenly had a lot of money.
A friend of mine told me that if I won the lottery, I would never know whether my friends were with me
for my money or because they really liked me. I don't think that's true. I think that if someone is a good
person, their friends (14) _____________ (always / be) true friends. Just in case my friend is right,
I've decided that if I ever do win the lottery, I (15) _____________ (donate) all the money to the

Grammar 2: Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

It's true that money’s not always a good thing. I've heard many stories of people who
(16) _____________ (be) happier over the years if they’d never won the lottery. It's not just lottery
winners either. I've heard stories about famous people who got injured when their private planes
crashed. If they (17) _____________ (not buy) a private plane, they wouldn't have crashed. Maybe if
they hadn't had money, something bad (18) _____________ (might / still / happen) to them. Who
knows! Would I have been happier if I (19) _____________ (inherit) a fortune? I don't think I would,
but it’s always interesting to think how life (20) _____________ (could / be) different!

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