M. Rules of The Game - 15. I Luv Suits

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Date Submitted to the Indiana Gaming Commission (“IGC”): March 22, 2021
Date Approved by the Commission:

Title: I Luv Suits Poker

IAC Reference(s): 68 IAC 14-3


I Luv Suits Poker is a seven (7) card poker game that lets players play against the dealer using
seven (7) cards per player. The goal is to get a higher ranking flush with more flush cards than
the dealer. There is a qualifier of a three (3) card nine-high flush for the dealer. If the player’s
hand beats the dealer’s hand, the player wins.


1. Except as provided in (2) below, I Luv Suits Poker will be played with one (1) deck of
cards with backs of the same color and design and one (1) cover card. The cover card
will be opaque and in a solid color readily distinguishable from the color of the backs and
edges of the playing cards, as approved by the Indiana Gaming Commission. The deck
of cards will meet the requirements of 68 IAC 14-3-2.
2. If an automated shuffling device is used, the casino will be permitted to use a second
deck of cards to play the game, provided that:
a. Each deck of cards complies with the requirements of (1) above;
b. The backs of the cards of the two (2) decks are of different colors;
c. One (1) deck may be shuffled by the automated shuffling device while the other
deck is being dealt or used to play the game;
d. Both decks are continuously alternated in and out of play, with each deck being
used for every other round of play (with exceptions when there is a machine
malfunction or other issues which may momentarily prevent use of the second
deck); and
e. The cards from only one (1) deck will be placed in the discard rack at any given

I Luv Suits Poker Hand Rankings:

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Date Submitted to the Indiana Gaming Commission (“IGC”): March 22, 2021
Date Approved by the Commission:

1. The rank of the cards used in I Luv Suits Poker, for the determination of winning hands,
in order of highest to lowest rank, will be: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and
2. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an ace may be used to complete a straight flush or
straight formed with a 2, 3, 4 and 5. All suits will be considered equal in rank.
2. The permissible poker hands at the game of I Luv Suits Poker, in order of highest to
lowest rank, will be:
a. “Royal Flush” is a hand consisting of an ace, king, queen, jack and 10 of the same
b. “Straight Flush” is a hand consisting of five (5) cards of the same suit in
consecutive ranking;
c. “Flush” is a hand consisting of five (5) cards of the same suit;
d. Since the objective of the game is to make flush hands, all hand rankings are
viewed from that perspective: hands which contain pairs, three of a kind,
straights, full houses or four of a kind are not recognized. The number of flush
cards and how high each of those flush cards rank are determinant for the
outcome of the contest between dealer and player.

Inspection of Cards, Presentation of Decks, Shuffle of Cards:

1. When playing cards are accepted for play at a live gaming device, the occupational
licensee accepting the playing cards shall inspect the playing cards to ensure the playing
cards comply with 68 IAC 14-3.
2. The cards shall be turned face down on the gaming layout and randomly intermixed.
This is also known as “washing the cards” so they are no longer in sequential order. The
cards will then be stacked.
3. Once the cards have been stacked, they will be shuffled to create a further random mix.
Upon the completion of the shuffle, the dealer or device will place the cards in a single
4. A player may request to visually inspect the cards before the start of the game or during
the changing of the cards.
5. If the casino uses an automated shuffling device to play the game, two (2) decks of cards
with backs of different colors may be used. This process will be completed for each deck
of cards.
6. After the cards have been shuffled and stacked, the dealer will:
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Date Submitted to the Indiana Gaming Commission (“IGC”): March 22, 2021
Date Approved by the Commission:

a. If the cards were shuffled using an automated shuffling device, deal or deliver the
cards in accordance with the procedures set forth below; or
b. If the cards were shuffled manually, cut the cards in accordance with the
procedures set forth in (7) below.
7. If a cut of the cards is required, the dealer will:
a. Cut the deck, using one hand, by:
i. Placing the cover card on the table in front of the deck of cards;
ii. Taking a stack of at least ten (10) cards from the top of the deck and
placing them on top of the cover card;
iii. Placing the cards remaining in the deck on top of the stack of cards that
were cut and placed on top of the cover card; and
iv. Removing the cover card and placing it in the discard rack.
b. A supervisor may require the cards to be re-cut if they determine that the cut was
performed improperly or in any way that might affect the integrity or fairness of
the game.
c. Whenever there is no gaming activity at a I Luv Suits Poker table which is open
for gaming and has previously had play, the cards may be shuffled and stacked or
spread and remain on the table in front of the dealer or be stored in an automated
shuffling device as approved by the Indiana Gaming Commission.

Dealing the Cards, Automated Shuffling Device:

1. The casino may, at its discretion, choose to have the cards dealt from an automated
shuffling device. The automated shuffling device shall dispense cards in stacks of seven
(7) cards for each player and the dealer.
2. If the casino chooses to have the cards dealt from an automated shuffling device, these
procedures will be followed:
a. Once the procedures required above have been completed, the cards will be
placed in the automated shuffling device.
b. The dealer will then close the action prior to delivering any stacks of cards.
c. The dealer will deliver the first stack of seven (7) cards starting with the player
farthest to their left who has placed a wager. As the remaining stacks are
dispensed to the dealer by the automated shuffling device, the dealer will, moving

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Date Submitted to the Indiana Gaming Commission (“IGC”): March 22, 2021
Date Approved by the Commission:

clockwise around the table, deliver a stack face down to each of the other players
who has placed a wager.
d. After each player who has placed a wager has received their seven (7) cards, the
dealer will take a stack of seven (7) cards for their hand.
e. After each player and the dealer has received their seven (7) card stack, the dealer
will remove the stub from the automated shuffling device and place the cards in
the discard rack without exposing the cards.

Dealing the Cards, Dealing from the Hand:

1. The casino, at its discretion, may permit a dealer to deal the cards from their hand.
2. If the casino chooses to have the cards dealt from the dealer’s hand, these procedures
shall be followed:
a. The casino shall use an automated shuffling device to shuffle the cards;
b. Once the shuffle has been completed, the dealer shall place the stacked deck of
cards in either hand.
i. Once the dealer has chosen the hand in which they will hold the cards, the
dealer shall use that hand whenever holding the cards during that round of
ii. The cards held by the dealer shall at all times be kept in front of the dealer
and over the table.
iii. The dealer shall then close the action prior to dealing any cards. The
dealer shall deal each card by holding the deck of cards in the chosen hand
and using the other hand to remove the top card of the deck and place it
face down on the appropriate area of the layout.
3. The dealer shall deal seven (7) cards face down starting with the player farthest to their
left and continuing around the table in a clockwise manner, deal seven (7) cards to each
player and the dealer.
4. After seven (7) cards have been dealt to the dealer and each player, the dealer shall place
the stub in the discard rack without exposing the cards.

Placing Wagers:

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Date Submitted to the Indiana Gaming Commission (“IGC”): March 22, 2021
Date Approved by the Commission:

1. Before any cards are dealt for a round of play, a player must make a main wager to meet
the posted table minimum and no more than the posted table maximum. Players may also
make any side bets by placing gaming chips or an approved promotion voucher in the
appropriate area of the layout.
2. Only players who are seated at an I Luv Suits Poker table may wager at the game. Once
a player has placed their wagers and received cards, that player must remain seated until
the completion of the round of play.
3. Before dealing any cards the dealer shall close the action to indicate no more bets are
allowed. Except as provided in (4) below, no wager will be made, increased, or
withdrawn after the dealer has closed the action.
4. Players must make an Ante bet in the designated area. The players may make optional
“Flush Rush” and/or a “Super Flush Rush” bonus bets.
5. A player may play more than one (1) box at the discretion of casino management. A
player may be limited to playing one (1) box only at the discretion of casino

Minimum and Maximum Wagers:

1. The minimum wager on the base game of I Luv Suits Poker shall not be less than five
dollars ($5.00) and the maximum wager shall not exceed five thousand dollars
($5,000.00). The Flush Rush Bonus bets shall not be less than one dollar ($1.00) and the
maximum wager shall not exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). The Super Flush
Rush Bonus bets shall not be less than one dollar ($1.00) and the maximum wager shall
not exceed fifty dollars ($50.00).
2. Higher limits may be offered at the discretion of the VP of Casino Operations or above.

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Date Submitted to the Indiana Gaming Commission (“IGC”): March 22, 2021
Date Approved by the Commission:

Pay Tables:

Flush Rush Bonus Pay Tables:

I Luv Suits: Flush Rush Bonus Pays

Player Hand Pay Table 1 Pay Table 2 Pay Table 3 Pay Table 4 Pay Table 5
7 card flush 300 to 1 100 to 1 250 to 1 200 to 1 300 to 1
6 card flush 100 to 1 20 to 1 25 to 1 60 to 1 75 to 1
5 card flush 10 to 1 10 to 1 7 to 1 12 to 1 5 to 1
4 card flush 1 to 1 2 to 1 2 to 1 1 to 1 2 to 1

Super Flush Rush Bonus Pay Tables:

I Luv Suits: Super Flush Rush Bonus Pays
Player Hand Pay Table 1 Pay Table 2 Pay Table 3 Pay Table 4 Pay Table 5
7 Card Straight Flush 8,000 to 1 500 to 1 500 to 1 300 to 1 250 to 1
6 Card Straight Flush 1,000 to 1 200 to 1 200 to 1 150 to 1 100 to 1
5 Card Straight Flush 100 to 1 100 to 1 100 to 1 100 to 1 75 to 1
4 Card Straight Flush 60 to 1 50 to 1 75 to 1 50 to 1 50 to 1
3 Card Straight Flush 7 to 1 9 to 1 7 to 1 8 to 1 8 to 1

Playing the Game:

1. Players must make equal bets in the designated area for the “Ante” bet. The players may
make optional “Flush Rush Bonus” and/or a “Super Flush Rush Bonus” bets.
2. The dealer shall close the action. Then, working from left to right, the dealer gives each
player and themselves seven (7) cards face-down. The remainder of the deck will be put
into the discard rack.
3. Players now have a choice:
a. Fold (surrender their Ante wager and cards); or
b. Make a Play bet of:
i. One (1) times their Ante bet if the player has a four (4) card flush or less;
ii. Up to two (2) times their Ante bet if the player has a five (5) card flush;
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Date Submitted to the Indiana Gaming Commission (“IGC”): March 22, 2021
Date Approved by the Commission:

iii. Up to three (3) times their Ante bet if the player has a six (6) card flush or
c. The Flush Rush Bonus and Super Flush Rush Bonus bets are always in action. If
the player folds, the dealer will pick up the player’s Ante wager and tuck the cards
face down under the player’s bonus wager that is closest to the dealer. All folded
hand bonus wagers will be resolved at the end of each hand along with the
remaining active hands.
4. The player must make a visual hand signal for “check.”
5. The dealer then turns up their cards and sets their longest flush hand. The dealer’s seven
(7) card hand must contain at least a three (3) card flush ranked a 9 high or better to
6. If the dealer does not qualify, the Play bets are immediately refunded and the Ante bets
are paid one to one (1 to 1).
7. If the dealer does qualify, the dealer shall compare each player’s hand against the dealer,
working counter-clockwise from the dealer’s right.
a. If the player’s hand beats the dealer’s hand, the Ante and the Play bets will be
paid even money.
b. If the player’s hand ranks less than the dealer’s hand, the Ante and Play bets will
c. If the player’s and dealer’s hands result in a tie, then both the Ante and Play bets
will result in a push.
8. Players shall win the Flush Rush Bonus bet if they can make a four (4) card flush or
better, independent of the win or loss to the dealer hand.
9. Players shall win the Super Flush Rush Bonus bet if they can make a three (3) card
straight flush or better, independent of the win or loss to the dealer hand.
10. All bets should be acted on from back to front (play, ante, Flush Rush Bonus, Super
Flush Rush Bonus).
11. Players will be allowed to touch and hold the seven (7) cards dealt to them. Only the
dealer and the player to whom the cards were dealt may touch that player’s cards. The
player may only use one (1) hand when handling the cards. Spectators shall never touch
the cards.
12. A player may not touch the cards with their person or any instrument in any manner that
would alter, mark, bend or otherwise allow any card to be distinguished from any other

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Date Submitted to the Indiana Gaming Commission (“IGC”): March 22, 2021
Date Approved by the Commission:

card. All cards possessed by a player must remain in clear view of staff at all times.
Management reserves the right to void any hand that is removed from the sight of staff.
Player wagers may be forfeited if the house voids a hand for cards being taken out of
sight by a player.

Progressive Wager:

1. I Luv Suits Progressive is an optional one dollar ($1.00) progressive side bet. This
progressive jackpot may be an independent jackpot or linked with other games using the
Nexus Progressive System.
2. The bet considers the best hand possible amongst each individual player’s seven (7)
3. To begin each round, players must make their regular game’s wager. They may
optionally place any side bet wagers and the progressive wager.
4. The dealer then follows house procedures for dealing the regular game.
5. Folded hands by the players still qualify for payouts on the progressive wager.
6. Players win with at least three of a kind or better. See pay table for odds.
7. For progressive payout procedures, please refer to internal controls for the Nexus
Progressive System.

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Date Submitted to the Indiana Gaming Commission (“IGC”): March 22, 2021
Date Approved by the Commission:

I Luv Suits Progressive Pay Tables:

I Luv Suits: Progressive Jackpot Pay Tables 1, 4 and ML 1

Player Hand Pay Table 1 Pay Table 4 Pay Table ML 1
Royal Flush - Hearts 100%* 100%* 100%* Major
Royal Flush - Other 10%* 100%* 100%* Minor
Straight Flush 250 for 1* 10%* 250 for 1*
Four of a Kind 75 for 1* 50 for 1* 75 for 1*
Full House 5 for 1* 5 for 1* 5 for 1*
Flush 4 for 1* 3 for 1* 4 for 1*
Straight 2 for 1* 2 for 1* 2 for 1*
*Original wager is NOT returned.
Wager Amount $5.00 $1.00 $1.00
Major Seed Amount $25,000.00 $1,000.00 $25,000.00
Minor Seed Amount N/A N/A $0.00
Increment Rate Major 21.00% 18.00% 16.00% Major
Increment Rate Minor N/A N/A 5.00% Minor

I Luv Suits: Progressive Jackpot Pay Tables 2 and 3

Player Hand Pay Table 2 Pay Table 3
7-card Straight Flush 100%* 100%*
6-card Straight Flush-Ace High 100%* 100%*
6-card Straight Flush-Other 10%* 10%*
5-card Straight Flush 300 for 1* 200 for 1*
4-card Straight Flush 50 for 1* 50 for 1*
3-card Straight Flush 3 for 1* 3 for 1*
*Original wager is NOT returned.
Wager Amount $1.00 $1.00
Seed Amount $1,000.00 $1,000.00
Increment Rate 22.00% 22.00%

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Date Submitted to the Indiana Gaming Commission (“IGC”): March 22, 2021
Date Approved by the Commission:


1. A card that is found face up in the shoe or the deck while the cards are being dealt will
not be used in game and will result in a misdeal for that round of play.
2. If any player or the area designated for the placement of the community cards is dealt an
incorrect number of cards, all hands will be void and the cards will be reshuffled.
3. If an automated card shuffling device is being used and the device jams, stops shuffling
during a shuffle, or fails to complete a shuffle cycle, the cards will be reshuffled in
accordance with procedures approved by the Indiana Gaming Commission.
4. Upon an incorrect card count being discovered, all hands shall be void.
5. The decision of casino management shall be considered final. All decisions will be made
with the concepts of fairness and the rules and regulations of the Indiana Gaming
Commission as well as policy and procedure of the casino in mind.

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