Quizizz: Facing The Future - Adapting To The Changing Climate

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Quiz started on: Sat 16, Jan 10:35 AM Total Attendance: 38 Average Score: 3000

Class Level
# Correct

Which of the following is not a cause of climate change?


When volcanoes erupt what do they throw out?


Which of these is not an adaptation to the climate change?


We should make corridors between landscapes to enable

which of the following? 8

Which of these is not an effect of climate of human health?


Which of these is not an effect of climate change?


As an adaptation to climate change, we should prevent or limit

underground extraction from ______ aquifers

Sea level will rise 1-8 feet by ______


Ice in Glaciers and polar regions is melting because of

___________ 18

As a solution to climate change, we should reduce ________

down of trees 23

As a solution to climate change, we should reduce ________

down of trees 21

Total 130
Player level data in next Sheet!!

Time is represented in GMT+0530

38 Average Score: 3000

Class Level

Shaurya K ( Shaurya
# Incorrect # Unattempted Navya jain ( navya J )

Tilt in earth's axis None of these

33 2

All of these All of these

15 2

More use of cars More use of cars

20 2

Pollution Denudation
28 2

More frequent heavy rain Causes breathing problems

27 2

More pollution Heavy precipitation

28 1

Mine Dont know

36 2

2050 Sea waves

34 2

Climate change Global warming

19 1

Cutting Cutting
13 2

Cutting Cutting
15 2

268 20 5250 5200


44.Shubh Gupta* Divye Gupta ( Divye

Nimit J ( Nimit )
( Shubh Gupta + ) Gupta )

Tilt in earth's axis None of these Tilt in earth's axis

All of these All of these All of these

More use of cars More use of cars More use of cars

Migration Pollution Denudation

None of these More frequent heavy rain None of these

None of these Rising maximum None of these


Coal water afdsgh

Melting of ice day waves

Global warming global warming global warming

Cutting cutting cutting

Cutting cutting cutting

5180 4670 4630

Lakshita Koul 29 Mitul Gupta ( vinay
Kunjal Jain ( Kunjal J )
( Lakshita K ) gupta )

Tilt in earth's axis Tilt in earth's axis Tilt in earth's axis

All of these All of these All of these

Design estiries with dynamic Design estiries with dynamic Design estiries with dynamic
boundaries and buffers boundaries and buffers boundaries and buffers

Migration Pollution Migration

More frequent heavy rain Causes breathing problems More frequent heavy rain

Heavy precipitation Rising maximum Heavy precipitation


water Air SEA

2030 Global warming 2025

global warming Global warming GLOBAL WARMING

cutting Cutting CUTTING

cutting Cutting CUTTING

4560 4540 4510

Bhavya ( Nonu Alisha Agrawal #Naitik Jain# ( navdha
Virmani ) ( Alisha A ) jain )

Volcanoes Tilt in earth's axis Tilt in earth's axis

All of these All of these Ash

More use of cars More use of cars More use of cars

Pollution Denudation Denudation

None of these None of these More frequent heavy rain

More pollution None of these More pollution

Water W I don’t know

Ice 2040 raining

Low temperature Global warming global warming

Cutting Cutting cutting

Cutting Cutting cutting

4470 4380 4380

Avani Aggarwal Prakhar Luthra
( Avani Aggarwal ) ( Prakhar Luthra )

Volcanoes None of these Earthquakes

All of these Ash All of these

More use of cars More use of cars Retreating from and

abandomenting of coastal
Migration Photosynthesis Photosynthesis

More frequent heavy rain Causes breathing problems Causes breathing problems

None of these More pollution None of these

water Soil Sj

2050 Day melting of ice

rise in temprature Humidity global warming

cutting Cutting cutti

cutting Cutting Cutting

4370 4290 4270

02.Aarav Batra Gaurvi Bhatia ( Gaurvi
Devanshi* ( Sarika G )
( Aarav Batra a ) )

Tilt in earth's axis Tilt in earth's axis Tilt in earth's axis

Ash Ash Ash

More use of cars Retreating from and More use of cars

abandomenting of coastal
Denudation Pollution Denudation

Causes breathing problems Causes breathing problems More frequent heavy rain

None of these None of these More pollution

Water Wsyer Ground

Dd Wind Raining

Global warming Global warming Pollution

Cutting Cutting Cutting

Cutting Cutting Cutting

4120 3470 3440

Player Level

10. Daksh Nayyar RUDRAKSHI S*

Govind G ( Govind G )
( Daksh Nayyar ) ( RUDRAKSHI S )

None of these Tilt in earth's axis Tilt in earth's axis

All of these All of these Ash

More use of cars More use of cars Retreating from and

abandomenting of coastal
Migration Denudation Denudation

None of these More frequent heavy rain Causes breathing problems

None of these More pollution Rising maximum


aqua Water groundwater

2 J 2100

global warming Global warming calving off

deforestation Fall cutting

cut Fall cutting

3420 3340 3320

Vaishhnavi Tripathi
Devika S. ( Vinam L ) Aditi ( Aditi . )
( Vaishnavi Tripathi )

Tilt in earth's axis None of these Volcanoes

All of these All of these All of these

More use of cars Design estiries with dynamic Retreating from and
boundaries and buffers abandomenting of coastal
Photosynthesis Migration Denudation

Causes breathing problems None of these More frequent heavy rain

Heavy precipitation None of these Heavy precipitation

Wind A Deforestation

Wind Rain Ice

Sun Climate Global Warming

Temperature Cutting Cutting

Tree X Cut

2880 2710 2690

MILAN DEV* ( MILAN shivansh gaur
Ishika ( Seema C )
DEV ) ( shivansh gaur )

Earthquakes Tilt in earth's axis Tilt in earth's axis

Ash Ash All of these

Design estiries with dynamic Retreating from and Retreating from and
boundaries and buffers abandomenting of coastal abandomenting of coastal
barriers barriers
Pollution Pollution Denudation

None of these Causes breathing problems None of these

Heavy precipitation None of these None of these

Reduce pure volcanoes

Day 18 erosion

Temperature global warming global wamiing'

Cutting deforestation cutting

Cutting cutting cutting

2690 2650 2620

Daksh Sachdeva ( Dia Lavanya Anand Aarav Baliyan ( Aarav
Sachdeva ) ( Lavanya A ) Baliyan )

Earthquakes Volcanoes Tilt in earth's axis

Ash All of these Water vapour

Design estiries with dynamic Design estiries with dynamic Design estiries with dynamic
boundaries and buffers boundaries and buffers boundaries and buffers

Denudation Migration Migration

More frequent heavy rain Increases the risk of illness Increases the risk of illness

None of these Heavy precipitation More pollution

Snow Djhgkg Dggdvj

Earthquake Xidyhdg if gaga Gfhjfbngffjfxvb

Global warming Sjhcjvkvvjv Cdfhfcbi

Cutting Ijxjh hmm nbbvb hmm Cdfgdfj

Cut Duyehef Couor

2360 1950 1880

Tanmay pal ( Tanmay
krishan 7-G ( amit X ) Ritika G ( Ritika G )

Tilt in earth's axis None of these Volcanoes

All of these All of these Sulphur dioxide

Design estiries with dynamic More use of cars Retreating from and
boundaries and buffers abandomenting of coastal
Pollution Pollution Photosynthesis

More frequent heavy rain Increases the risk of illness Increases the risk of illness

Heavy precipitation None of these More pollution

water Climate H2hj3

Tsunami Floods 2

poplotion So Hnn

cutting Good 5

broken Yt Yyy

1780 1640 970

Mahi Gupta ( Mahi Akshat Dua ( Akshat Anshul Yadav
Gupta ) Dua ) ( Anshul Yadav 7 )

Tilt in earth's axis Volcanoes No response

Ash Sulphur dioxide No response

Retreating from and Retreating from and No response

abandomenting of coastal abandomenting of coastal
barriers barriers
Pollution Photosynthesis No response

More frequent heavy rain Increases the risk of illness No response

Heavy precipitation More pollution Heavy precipitation

Landscape Yg No response

2100 Sea No response

Raised temperature Repraction No response

Cut emmision Detue No response

Deforestation Fhh No response

800 600
Lakshay Sagar Daksh Singh ( Daksh Parth kumar Jha 😎
( Lakshay Sagar ) S) 🏆🇮🇳 ( Parth kumar J )

No response None of these Tilt in earth's axis

No response Ash Sulphur dioxide

No response Retreating from and Design estiries with dynamic

abandomenting of coastal boundaries and buffers
No response Denudation Photosynthesis

No response More frequent heavy rain Increases the risk of illness

No response Heavy precipitation Rising maximum


No response 6g Pata nahi

No response gh Tsunami

glaciours jn Sunrats

No response vcdcddc Pata nahi

No response b Pata nahi

Quiz started on: Sat 16, Jan 10:35 AM Total Attendance: 38 Average Score: 3000

Players Score Accuracy Started At

Shaurya K ( Shaurya
5250 55% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM

Navya jain ( navya J ) 5200 55% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM

Nimit J ( Nimit ) 5180 55% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM

44.Shubh Gupta*
4670 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:10 AM
( Shubh Gupta + )
Divye Gupta ( Divye
4630 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
Gupta )
Kunjal Jain ( Kunjal
4560 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
Lakshita Koul
4540 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( Lakshita K )
29 Mitul Gupta
4510 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( vinay gupta )
Bhavya ( Nonu
4470 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:10 AM
Virmani )
Alisha Agrawal
4380 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( Alisha A )
#Naitik Jain#
4380 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( navdha jain )
Avani Aggarwal
4370 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( Avani Aggarwal )
Prakhar Luthra
4290 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( Prakhar Luthra )
4270 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
02.Aarav Batra
4120 45% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( Aarav Batra a )
Devanshi* ( Sarika G
3470 36% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
Gaurvi Bhatia
3440 36% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( Gaurvi )
10. Daksh Nayyar
3420 36% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( Daksh Nayyar )
Govind G ( Govind G
3340 36% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
3320 36% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM

Devika S. ( Vinam L ) 2880 27% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM

Vaishhnavi Tripathi (
2710 27% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
Vaishnavi Tripathi )

Aditi ( Aditi . ) 2690 27% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM

Ishika ( Seema C ) 2690 27% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM

2650 27% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
shivansh gaur
2620 27% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( shivansh gaur )
Daksh Sachdeva
2360 27% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( Dia Sachdeva )
Lavanya Anand
1950 18% Sat 16, Jan 05:10 AM
( Lavanya A )
Aarav Baliyan
1880 18% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( Aarav Baliyan )
krishan 7-G ( amit
1780 18% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
Tanmay pal
1640 18% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
( Tanmay P )

Ritika G ( Ritika G ) 970 9% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM

Mahi Gupta ( Mahi

800 9% Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
Gupta )
Akshat Dua ( Akshat
600 9% Sat 16, Jan 05:10 AM
Dua )
Anshul Yadav
0 Sat 16, Jan 05:18 AM
( Anshul Yadav 7 )
Lakshay Sagar
0 Sat 16, Jan 05:10 AM
( Lakshay Sagar )
Daksh Singh ( Daksh
0 Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
Parth kumar Jha 😎
0 Sat 16, Jan 05:09 AM
🏆🇮🇳 ( Parth kumar J )

Time is represented in GMT+0530

Average Score: 3000


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