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Performance Task in Personal Development

1. These activities are all performance tasks in Personal Development. It is expected that you will
comply everything in order to gain high scores.
2. Your performance tasks activities will be placed in a long folder, white. Use long bond paper. You
can print your outputs or write it neatly and legibly.
3. Put the name of the subject, your name and section at the front of the folder.
4. Apply creativity on your outputs showing your own style and personality on it.
5. Those who will submit their outputs on Jan.19 or earlier will have extra points on their
performance. The final submission is on Jan. 26 only.
6. Please make sure that upon submission, your name is check that you have already forwarded your

Module 1 Dynamics of Attraction and Love

Portfolio Outputs: Reflections on Personal Relationships

A. Reflection Activity: Write a reflection paper on your relationships, why they are important,
and how you intend to keep the good relationships strong and healthy.
B. Activity: Letter from Mom
o Read page 64-66 in Personal Development Reader and answer the 6 questions in
page 66
C. Activity: Response to Mom
o Put yourself in the shoes of Shane and write a letter in response to Mom. Explain
your thoughts, feelings, and actions as a child who is now almost an adult.
D. Activity: My Family, Friends, and Significant Other’s Portrait
o Directions: Find a place to work in silence. Think about your family, friends, and
significant other (if there's any). Assess the quality of your relationships with them.
On a blank sheet of paper, draw the figure below. Illustrate the portrait of your
family, friends, and significant other (if there's any) in the designated box. Remember
that there is no right or wrong illustration. Your illustration should reflect how you
perceive your relationship with them right now. At the back of your paper, answer
the guide questions.

Guide Questions:
o 1. How did you feel when you were creating the portrait of your family, friends, and
partner (if there’s any)?
o 2. What made it easy or difficult for you to illustrate it?
o 3. What are the new things you realized or discovered about your personal
o 4. From your responses in this activity, how will you improve your personal
relationships with your family and friends?
o 5. How will you set boundaries with your friends and significant other (if you have)
so that you will have a healthy relationship?

Module 2 Dynamics of Commitment

Portfolio Outputs: Becoming Responsible in a Relationship

A . Activity: Becoming Responsible in a Relationship
Directions: Divide your paper into two columns and identify healthy and unhealthy
relationships. Consider your choices as someone being responsible in a relationship.
1. You feel good about yourself when you’re around the other person.
2. You do not try to control each other. There is an equal amount of giving and take.
3. You feel sad, angry, scared, or worried.
4. There are communication, sharing, and trust. You feel safe to share secrets.
5. You feel that you give more attention to them than they give to you. You feel controlled.
6. You don’t communicate, share or trust.
7. You like to spend time together but also enjoy doing things apart.
8. You feel pressured to spend time together and you feel guilty when you’re both apart from
each other.
9. You feel the need to be someone that you are not.
10. It’s easy to be yourself when you are with them.
11. You respect each other's opinions. You listen and try to understand their point of view
even if you don't always agree with them.
12. You feel the need to be someone that you are not.
13. There is no fear in your relationship.
14. You feel there’s no respect for you or your opinion. You are not able to disagree.
15. You feel fear in your relationship.

B. Activity: Journal Reflection

Directions: Knowing the ways to nurture your relationship with others, reflect and write in
your journal the following:
1. Write possible ways on how you will change your unhealthy relationship with them into a
healthy relationship (if there's any).
2. What are the things you can do or promise to yourself to become responsible for
maintaining the healthy relationship you have with other people?

Module 3 Different Individuals and their Roles in the Society

A. Activity: Influences, Scenarios, and My Actions

Directions: Review how you think and act considering some of these influencing factors (parents,
peers, culture, and society). Provide a course of action or decision with a short explanation relevant
to your own experience on the corresponding box in the table. Use a separate sheet of paper to do
this activity. Refer to the given scenarios.

1. Choosing your SHS strand/track to take in studying.
2. Joining a club or organization inside and outside school.
3. The way you dress or your clothing style.
 Please elaborate your answers.

B. Activity: Description of My Social Group

o Write about one of your social groups, it’s nature, activities, and benefits.
o Include a photo of yourself with the group.

C. Activity: The Person I Am

Directions: After learning all about self-perception, self-esteem, and self-efficacy apply
them to your own life. Try to present yourself by supplying the blanks with
appropriate descriptions of yourself. You can be creative in writing these
into your paper.

1. My name is _____________________ and I am a future ________________.

2. Someday I would like to _______________________ by ________________.
3. Most people describe me as ____________________, but I describe me as
4. I was born in _____________________ and raised in __________________.
5. I have a fear in ___________________ but I think ____________________.
6. My favorite quote/saying/motto of all time is
because it ____________________________________________________.

Module 4 The Filipino Relationships

A. Activity: Watch Out the Values

Directions: Review five TV or Radio or Social Media advertisements and tell what Filipino
values are shown in each advertisement. In the case you do not have access to these
advertisements, you may ask an adult near you. You can write as many values as you can
identify from the advertisements. Copy the table on a separate sheet of paper for you to
write your answer.
B. Activity : Spot that Weakness
Recall or research some weak characteristics of Filipinos in a relationship. And then, think of
what you can do to make it better when similar situations come your way. Copy the table on
a separate sheet of paper and fill out with your answers.

 Elaborate your answers.

Module 5 Impacts of Family on Adolescence Personal Development


o Copy and answer the activity in the Personal Development Reader, page 91-93.
o After rating the emotional, social and spiritual legacy evaluations, answer the
 1. What were your scores in the emotional, social and spiritual legacy
 2. How do these scores reflect you home atmosphere?
 3. What is the legacy you have received from your parents and siblings?
 4. How do you plan to give a legacy when you start your own family in the

B. Activity: My Genogram
o Make your genogram using the symbols and samples given. Be sure to write your
name and the date on your paper. After drawing it,
o Explain the genogram in paragraph form- the characteristics and relationships in the
genogram, and answer the guide questions.
1. What are the physical attributes you have gotten from your mother's side? How about
your father's side?
2. What are the personality attributes you have gotten from your mother's side? How about
your father's side?
3. What are the behavioural attributes you have gotten from your mother's side? How about
your father's side?

Module 7 Career Development

A. Activity : Setting up My Goals in Life

o You are tasked to draw your life map. Illustrate how do you see yourself after 10
years of your graduation from Senior High School and 5 years after your college
graduation. Be sure to specify your target goals after every graduation.
B. Activity : My Chosen Career in the Future
Write a letter to yourself entitled "Dear Future Me". State and express everything
that you want to say about your future self and identify your developed strengths
which overcome your weaknesses to have an established future and become the
best person you can be today. Use a separate paper to write your letter.

C. Activity: SMART Goals in Life

Directions: Give a thought about how important a goal that you want to achieve in
life. And declare it through a motivational statement. Write your declaration is a separate
sheet of paper.
a. My SMART Goals in Life.
My SMART Goals – What do I want? (Write down the goal you want to achieve. Use positive
(“I hereby declare…”) words.
I hereby declare ________________________________________________

b. My Personality Development Challenges – Why do you need/want it?

Identify the desires or challenges you are facing right now as an SHS

c. My Two (2) Concrete Action Steps- How will I Get it? (Give two specific
actions/steps that once completed will move you closer to your dreams.
Write your answer on the space provided.)
1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

d. My Target Dates: - When do I want it? (The Completion date to reach

your goal. Write a specific Month and Year of your targeted completion?
Specific Month and Year: ______________________________

C. Activity: Ten Years from Now

o Make a photo collage on how you see yourself 10 years from now.
o Be creative by using available materials in your surroundings.
o Place in a long bond paper

Module 8 Importance of Personal Development in Career and Life Goals

A. Activity. My Personal Mission Statement

Directions: Finalize your Personal Mission Statement in your journal notebook. Make
sure to include the following information:
✓ Your name
✓ Your overall statement
✓ Who inspires you and why?
✓ What qualities you want to obtain
✓ What roles you play and how you want to be known in those roles
✓ Specific goals you have Beliefs that you hold
✓ Anything else you want to focus on.

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