Revising Course Material, Part 2.

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Revising course material, part 2.

Task 1
Choose the correct form of the verb - Present Simple or Present Continuous tense.
Proszę wybrać poprawną formę czasownika - Present Simple lub Present Continuous.
1) Every Sunday, I (play/playing) football with my friends.
2) Look! The children (are playing/play) in the park right now.
3) She usually (watches/watching) movies on Fridays.
4) Sorry, I can't talk right now. I (am studying/study) for a test.
5) My parents often (go/going) for a walk in the evenings.
6) We (are visiting/visit) our grandparents next week.
7) He usually (wears/wearing) a hat when it's sunny outside.
8) Look at that dog! It (is chasing/chases) its tail.
9) They (are having/have) dinner at a restaurant tonight.
10) I (am not understanding/do not understand) this math problem. Can you help me?

Task 2
Translate the sentences.
Proszę przetłumaczyć zdania.

1. Can I get a receipt, please?

2. I'd like to return this item for a refund.
3. Where is the changing room?
4. I have an appointment with the dentist tomorrow.
5. I am on a strict diet to lose weight.
6. The nurse will take your blood pressure and temperature.
7. I need to get a prescription filled at the pharmacy.

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